51 research outputs found

    Table ronde III-IV

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    On trouvera ici la suite des discussions entre les contributeurs qui ont suivi leurs communications au colloque « De la Turquie à l’Europe : l’immigration au féminin » organisé par l’association ELEL

    Blending Problem Based Learning and History of Science Approaches to Enhance Views about Scientific Inquiry: New Wine in an Old Bottle

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    In 2016, the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) showed that approximately 44.4% of students in Turkey obtained very low grades when their scientific knowledge was evaluated. In addition, the vast majority of students were shown to have no knowledge of basic scientific terms or concepts. Science teachers play a significant role in facilitating students’ understanding of science, conceptions of scientific inquiry (SI) and the nature of science (NOS), and the transfer of those conceptions into classroom practice. Therefore, in this paper, I present my experiences of blending problem-based learning (PBL) and the history of science (HOS) with technological approaches. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of this innovative approach in improving pre-service science teachers’ SI views. The Views about Scientific Inquiry (VASI) questionnaire was used as a data collection tool (Lederman et al., 2014). The findings showed that most of the views of pre-service science teachers improved for all SI items except “Consistent with data collected.” The results also indicated that the teachers that used these approaches were able to overcome initial barriers in preparing lesson plans for teaching science and SI

    Note sur les femmes turques dans la vie associative aux Pays-Bas

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    A eux seuls, les Turcs représentent 40% de la totalité des émigrés aux Pays-Bas. Le gouvernement néerlandais, qui a une politique volontariste à l'égard de l'émancipation des femmes s'est penché sur le cas des femmes de l'immigration turque. Dans le plan cadre de l'émancipation des femmes émanant du gouvernement, qui s'intitule Perspective 1995, on peut lire : "La population turque en âge de participer au travail se compose pour un peu plus d'un quart de femmes [...]. Il est dommage que ces f..

    Introductory Chapter: Roundworms from Past to Present

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    L’immigration féminine turque en Europe et en France

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    On trouvera ici la suite des discussions entre les contributeurs qui ont suivi leurs communications au colloque « De la Turquie à l'Europe : l'immigration au féminin » organisé par l'association ELELE

    Design and Development of a Lorentz Force-Based MRI-Driven Neuroendoscope

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    The introduction of neuroendoscopy, microneurosurgery, neuronavigation, and intraoperative imaging for surgical operations has made significant improvements over other traditionally invasive surgical techniques. The integration of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-driven surgical devices with intraoperative imaging and endoscopy can enable further advancements in surgical treatments and outcomes. This work proposes the design and development of an MRI-driven endoscope leveraging the high (3-7 T), external magnetic field of an MR scanner for heat-mitigated steering within the ventricular system of the brain. It also demonstrates the effectiveness of a Lorentz force-based grasper for diseased tissue manipulation and ablation. Feasibility studies show the neuroendoscope can be steered precisely within the lateral ventricle to locate a tumor using both MRI and endoscopic guidance. Results also indicate grasping forces as high as 31 mN are possible and power inputs as low as 0.69 mW can cause cancerous tissue ablation. These findings enable further developments of steerable devices using MR imaging integrated with endoscopic guidance for improved outcomes

    Pensamento criativo em professores de ciência na formação inicial: efeitos da aprendizagem baseada em problemas e na história da ciência

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    Creative thinking is a human ability that can be developed through education with appropriate materials for learning and teaching. Creative thinking is key to adapting to rapidly changing living conditions and to producing creative solutions to any kind of problems, and especially in the field of science and technology. The objective of this study is to improve the creative thinking of Turkish students in initial training as science teachers through Problem Based Learning (ABP) and the History of Science (HDC) approaches. The quasi-experimental design has two experimental groups, one in the abp learning condition and the other group in the hdc learning, both explicitly and reflectively. The interventions lasted two semesters and participated 72 third-year students to be teachers (8 men and 64 women) in the two condition groups, who completed the Torrance creative thinking questionnaire as a data collection instrument and whose performances were evaluated. The results indicate that the ABP approach was more effective than the HDC approach in increasing creative thinking and student interest for teachers in creativity. Finally, the implications of these results to improve the creativity of teachers in initial training are discussed.El pensamiento creativo es una habilidad de los seres humanos que se puede desarrollar a través de la educación con material de aprendizaje y enseñanza apropiados. El pensamiento creativo es clave para adaptarse a unas condiciones de vida que cambian rápidamente y para producir soluciones creativas a todo tipo de los problemas de toda clase, y especialmente en el campo de la ciencia y la tecnología. El objetivo de este estudio es mejorar el pensamiento creativo de los estudiantes maestros turcos de ciencias en formación turcos para ser docentes de ciencias a través del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) y el enfoque de la historia de la ciencia (HDC). El diseño cuasi-experimental tiene dos grupos experimentales, uno en la condición de aprendizaje abp y el otro grupo en el aprendizaje hdc, ambos de manera explícita y reflexiva con intervenciones que duraron dos semestres con un total de 72 maestros en formación estudiantes de tercer año  para ser maestros (8 hombres y 64 mujeres), que completaron el cuestionario de pensamiento creativo de Torrance como instrumento de recolección de datos y después se evaluaron las actuaciones de los dos grupos. Los resultados indican que el enfoque ABP fue más efectivo que el enfoque HDC para aumentar el pensamiento creativo y el interés de los estudiantes para maestros en la creatividad. Finalmente, se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para mejorar la creatividad de los maestros en formación inicial.O pensamento criativo é uma habilidade humana que pode ser desenvolvida através da educação com materiais apropriados para a aprendizagem e o ensino. O pensamento criativo é a chave para se adaptar às mudanças rápidas das condições de vida e produzir soluções criativas para problemas de todos os tipos, especialmente no campo da ciência e da tecnologia. O objetivo deste estudo é melhorar o pensamento criativo de estudantes turcos no treinamento inicial como professores de ciências, por meio da ABP (Problem Based Learning) e da História da Ciência (HDC). O desenho quase-experimental possui dois grupos experimentais, um na condição de aprendizagem abp e outro na aprendizagem HDC, explícita e reflexivamente, com intervenções que duraram dois semestres, com um total de 72 alunos do terceiro ano a serem professores (8 homens e 64 mulheres), que preencheram o questionário de pensamento criativo de Torrance como instrumento de coleta de dados e avaliaram o desempenho dos dois grupos. Os resultados indicam que a abordagem ABP foi mais eficaz do que a abordagem HDC no aumento do pensamento criativo e do interesse dos alunos pelos professores em criatividade. Finalmente, são discutidas as implicações desses resultados para melhorar a criatividade dos professores na formação inicial

    Comparison of CT and integrated PET-CT based radiation therapy planning in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>When combined with adequate tumoricidal doses, accurate target volume delineation remains to be the one of the most important predictive factors for radiotherapy (RT) success in locally advanced or medically inoperable malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) patients. Recently, 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) has demonstrated significant improvements in diagnosis and accurate staging of MPM. However, role of additional PET data has not been studied in RT planning (RTP) of patients with inoperable MPM or in those who refuse surgery. Therefore, we planned to compare CT with co-registered PET-CT as the basis for delineating target volumes in these patients group.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospectively, the CT and co-registered PET-CT data of 13 patients with histologically proven MPM were utilized to delineate target volumes separately. For each patient, target volumes (gross tumor volume [GTV], clinical target volume [CTV], and planning target volume [PTV]) were defined using the CT and PET-CT fusion data sets. The PTV was measured in two ways: PTV1 was CTV plus a 1-cm margin, and PTV2 was GTV plus a 1-cm margin. We analyzed differences in target volumes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 12 of 13 patients, compared to CT-based delineation, PET-CT-based delineation resulted in a statistically significant decrease in the mean GTV, CTV, PTV1, and PTV2. In these 12 patients, mean GTV decreased by 47.1% ± 28.4%, mean CTV decreased by 38.7% ± 24.7%, mean PTV1 decreased by 31.1% ± 23.1%, and mean PTV2 decreased by 40.0% ± 24.0%. In 4 of 13 patients, hilar lymph nodes were identified by PET-CT that was not identified by CT alone, changing the nodal status of tumor staging in those patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrated the usefulness of PET-CT-based target volume delineation in patients with MPM. Co-registration of PET and CT information reduces the likelihood of geographic misses, and additionally, significant reductions observed in target volumes may potentially allow escalation of RT dose beyond conventional limits potential clinical benefits in tumor control rates, which needs to be tested in future studies.</p

    Designer Teacher Project: A Program Proposal and Sample Lesson Plans for the Professional Development of Teachers

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    “Designer Teacher Project” is a teacher professional development project that aims to inform teachers about new trends regarding the teaching profession and roles and to raise awareness of their “Designer Teacher” identity. Within the scope of the project, it is aimed for teachers to acquire the knowledge and skills required to develop designs that focus on permanent understanding, are connected to real life and increase student success, using national curriculum, through active learning experiences and online activities. “Tasarımcı Öğretmen Projesi” öğretmenleri, öğretmenlik mesleği ve rollerine ilişkin yeni eğilimler hakkında bilgilendirmeyi ve onlara “Tasarımcı Öğretmen” kimliği konusunda farkındalık kazandırmayı amaçlayan bir öğretmen mesleki gelişim projesidir. Proje kapsamında öğretmenlerin, ulusal öğretim programlarını kullanarak, kalıcı anlamaya odaklı, gerçek yaşamla bağlantılı ve öğrenci başarısını artıran tasarımlar geliştirmesi için gerekli olan bilgi ve becerileri, aktif öğrenme yaşantıları ve çevrim içi etkinlikler yoluyla kazanmaları amaçlanmıştır.https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/teach-elementary-facbookshelf/1000/thumbnail.jp