136 research outputs found

    The Financial and Professional Impact of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in National Football League Athletes.

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    BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries can have negative consequences on the careers of National Football League (NFL) players, however no study has ever analyzed the financial impact of these injuries in this population. PURPOSE: To quantify the impact of ACL injuries on salary and career length in NFL athletes. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. METHODS: Any player in the NFL suffering an ACL injury from 2010 to 2013 was identified using a comprehensive online search. A database of NFL player salaries was used to conduct a matched cohort analysis comparing ACL-injured players with the rest of the NFL. The main outcomes were the percentage of players remaining in the NFL and mean salary at 1, 2, 3, and 4 years after injury. Cohorts were subdivided based on initial salary: group A,2,000,000.Meancumulativeearningswerecalculatedbymultiplyingthepercentageofplayersremainingintheleaguebytheirmeansalariesandcompoundingthiseachseason.RESULTS:NFLathletessuffered219ACLinjuriesfrom2010to2013.The7504otherplayerseasonsintheNFLduringthistimewereusedascontrols.SignificantlyfewerACL−injuredplayersthancontrolsremainedintheNFLateachtimepoint(P3˘c.05).IngroupA,significantlylessACL−injuredplayersremainedintheNFLat1to3seasonsafterinjury(P3˘c.05),andingroupB,significantlylessACL−injuredplayersremainedintheNFLat1and2seasonsafterinjury(P3˘c.05).TherewasnosignificantdecreaseingroupC.PlayersingroupsAandBremainingintheNFLalsohadalowermeansalarythancontrols(P3˘c.05inseason1).Themeancumulativeearningsover4yearsforACL−injuredplayerswas2,000,000. Mean cumulative earnings were calculated by multiplying the percentage of players remaining in the league by their mean salaries and compounding this each season. RESULTS: NFL athletes suffered 219 ACL injuries from 2010 to 2013. The 7504 other player seasons in the NFL during this time were used as controls. Significantly fewer ACL-injured players than controls remained in the NFL at each time point (P \u3c .05). In group A, significantly less ACL-injured players remained in the NFL at 1 to 3 seasons after injury (P \u3c .05), and in group B, significantly less ACL-injured players remained in the NFL at 1 and 2 seasons after injury (P \u3c .05). There was no significant decrease in group C. Players in groups A and B remaining in the NFL also had a lower mean salary than controls (P \u3c .05 in season 1). The mean cumulative earnings over 4 years for ACL-injured players was 2,070,521 less per player than uninjured controls. CONCLUSION: On average, ACL-injured players earned 2,070,521lessthansalary−matchedcontrolsoverthe4yearsafterinjury.Playersinitiallyearninglessthan2,070,521 less than salary-matched controls over the 4 years after injury. Players initially earning less than 2 million per year have lower mean salaries and are less likely to remain in the league than uninjured controls. The careers of players initially earning over $2 million per year, meanwhile, are not negatively affected. This demonstrates the degree of negative impact these injuries have on the careers of NFL players. It also indicates that a player\u27s standing within the league before injury strongly influences how much an ACL injury will affect his career

    Stress Fractures of the Elbow in the Throwing Athlete: A Systematic Review.

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    Background: Stress fractures of the elbow are rare in throwing athletes and present a challenge from both a management and rehabilitation perspective. Although the incidence of stress fractures of the elbow is increasing, there is a lack of data in the literature focused on throwers. Purpose: To evaluate studies regarding the management and outcomes of stress fractures of the elbow in throwing athletes. Study Design: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 4. Methods: A systematic review was conducted by searching the Scopus, PubMed, and Cochrane Library electronic databases to identify studies reporting on the management and outcomes of stress fractures in overhead-throwing athletes. Management data included nonoperative and operative modalities, and outcome data included return to play, encompassing the timing and level of activity. Studies were excluded if the stress fracture of the elbow was not a result of a sport injury attributed to throwing or if the study failed to report whether an athlete returned to play. Results: Fourteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this analysis. There were 52 patients in total (50 male, 2 female) with a mean age of 19.7 years (range, 13-29.1 years). The olecranon was the most common location of the stress fracture (51 patients; 98.1%), followed by the distal humerus (1 patient; 1.9%). The majority of patients (n = 40; 76.9%) were treated operatively. Of the 40 patients who were treated surgically, 14 (35.0%) underwent a period of conservative treatment preoperatively that ultimately failed because of persistent nonunion or continued elbow pain. A total of 50 patients (96.2%) returned to sport either at or above their preinjury level. Of the 2 patients (3.8%) who did not return to sport, 1 did not return because of continued elbow pain postoperatively, and the other was lost to follow-up. Complications occurred in 9 patients (17.3%), all of whom were treated surgically. Conclusion: On the basis of this systematic review, the majority of elbow stress fractures were treated operatively and approximately one-third after a period of failed nonoperative management. The return-to-sport rate was high. Further, higher level studies are needed to optimize management and return-to-sport rates in this population

    Sequential Sectioning of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament of the Elbow in Cadaveric Arms with Ulnohumeral Laxity Assessed by Dynamic Ultrasonography

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    Objectives: Injury of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), whether acute or chronic, is potentially career-threatening for elite overhead throwing athletes. Dynamic ultrasound (DUS) allows for rapid, cost-effective, non-invasive, and non-radiating evaluation of the UCL and elbow joint both at rest and with applied stress. The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of cadaveric elbow valgus laxity with sequential UCL sectioning using DUS. Our objective was to quantify which portions of the UCL must be injured to cause the varying levels of laxity seen clinically on DUS testing. No prior study has used DUS to quantify valgus joint laxity with sequential cadaveric UCL sectioning. It was hypothesized that the change in laxity due to release of the anterior band of the UCL would be greater than that seen when the posterior and transverse bands were cut. Methods: Twelve cadaveric elbows were dissected free of skin and subcutaneous tissue by an experienced orthopaedic surgeon. Baseline DUS at rest and with applied valgus stress was then performed by an experienced ultrasonographer. Sequential sectioning of the medial elbow soft-tissue stabilizing structures was then carried out with valgus stress applied to the joint at each sectioning interval utilizing a standardized device (Telos, Marburg, Germany). First the transverse band of the UCL was released, followed by the posterior band, then the anterior bundle of the anterior band, the remaining posterior bundle of the anterior band, and finally the complete flexor pronator mass. Results: Mean ulnohumeral laxity in millimeters with 95% CIs was calculated for each step of the sequence. The deltas between each step of the dissection were also calculated with means and 95% CIs. Mean baseline laxity of the unstressed ulnohumeral joint at rest was 3.2 mm (CI, 2.2-4.2); with the addition of valgus stress, mean laxity was 4.7 mm (CI, 3.5-6.0). When the transverse band was cut, ulnohumeral laxity increased to a mean of 5.5 mm (CI, 4.0-7.0). With release of the posterior band, mean laxity was 6.4 mm (CI, 4.3-8.5). When the anterior bundle of the anterior band of the UCL was cut, mean ulnohumeral laxity was 8.4 mm (CI, 5.7-11.0) and when the entire anterior band was released, mean laxity was 10.9 mm (CI, 7.8-14.0). Complete release of the flexor pronator muscle mass resulted in mean ulnohumeral laxity of 15.5 mm (CI, 12.9-18.1). The largest deltas were observed with release of the anterior bundle of the anterior band (2.0 mm; CI, 1.0-3.0), the entire anterior band (2.6 mm; CI, 1.3-3.8), and flexor pronator mass (4.6 mm; CI, 1.3-3.8). Release of the transverse and posterior bands of the UCL resulted in deltas of 0.74 mm (CI, 0.1-1.3) and 0.9 mm (CI, 0.3-1.5) respectively. Conclusion: DUS allows for rapid, cost-effective, non-invasive, non-radiating evaluation of the elbow joint and UCL both at rest and with applied valgus stress. Previous studies have indicated that DUS can identify abnormalities of the UCL associated with chronic degeneration and ligamentous injury including thickening of the anterior band of the UCL as well as hypoechoic foci/calcifications. The results of the current cadaveric study suggest that different changes in clinical laxity are seen on DUS with injury of particular bands of the UCL. Early identification and localization of injury to a particular band of the UCL may allow more appropriate selection of patients who will benefit from operative treatment. © The Author(s) 2013

    Management of Elbow Dislocations in the National Football League.

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    Background: Although much literature exists regarding the treatment and management of elbow dislocations in the general population, little information is available regarding management in the athletic population. Furthermore, no literature is available regarding the postinjury treatment and timing of return to play in the contact or professional athlete. Purpose: To review the clinical course of elbow dislocations in professional football players and determine the timing of return to full participation. Study Design: Case series; Level of evidence, 4. Methods: All National Football League (NFL) athletes with elbow dislocations from 2000 through 2011 who returned to play during the season were identified from the NFL Injury Surveillance System (NFL ISS). Roster position, player activity, use of external bracing, and clinical course were reviewed. Mean number of days lost until full return to play was determined for players with elbow dislocations who returned in the same season. Results: From 2000 to 2011, a total of 62 elbow dislocations out of 35,324 injuries were recorded (0.17%); 40 (64.5%) dislocations occurred in defensive players, 12 (19.4%) were in offensive players; and 10 (16.1%) were during special teams play. Over half of the injuries (33/62, 53.2%) were sustained while tackling, and 4 (6.5%) patients required surgery. A total of 47 (75.8%) players who sustained this injury were able to return in the same season. For this group, the mean number of days lost in players treated conservatively (45/47) was 25.1 days (median, 23.0 days; range, 0.0-118 days), while that for players treated operatively (2/47) was 46.5 days (median, 46.5 days; range, 29-64 days). Mean return to play based on player position was 25.8 days for defensive players (n = 28; median, 21.5 days; range, 3.0-118 days), 24.1 days for offensive players (n = 11; median, 19 days; range, 2.0-59 days), and 25.6 days for special teams players (n = 8; median, 25.5 days; range, 0-44 days). Conclusion: Elbow dislocations comprise less than a half of a percent of all injuries sustained in the NFL. Most injuries occur during the act of tackling, with the majority of injured athletes playing a defensive position. Players treated nonoperatively missed a mean of 25.1 days, whereas those managed operatively missed a mean of 46.5 days

    National Football League Skilled and Unskilled Positions Vary in Opportunity and Yield in Return to Play After an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury.

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    BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries pose a significant risk to the careers of players in the National Football League (NFL). The relationships between draft round and position on return to play (RTP) among NFL players are not well understood, and the ability to return to preinjury performance levels remains unknown for most positions. PURPOSE: To test for differences in RTP rates and changes in performance after an ACL injury by position and draft round. We hypothesized that skilled positions would return at a lower rate compared to unskilled positions. We further hypothesized that early draft-round status would relate to a greater rate of RTP and that skilled positions and a lower draft round would correlate with decreased performance for players who return to sport. STUDY DESIGN: Case-control study; Level of evidence, 3. METHODS: Utilizing a previously established database of publicly available information regarding ACL tears among NFL players, athletes with ACL tears occurring between the 2010 and 2013 seasons were identified. Generalized linear models and Kaplan-Meier time-to-event models were used to test the study hypotheses. RESULTS: The overall RTP rate was 61.7%, with skilled players and unskilled players returning at rates of 64.1% and 60.4%, respectively (P = .74). Early draft-round players and unskilled late draft-round players had greater rates of RTP compared to skilled late draft-round players and both unskilled and skilled undrafted free agents (UDFAs). Skilled early draft-round players constituted the only cohort that played significantly fewer games after an injury. Unskilled UDFAs constituted the only cohort to show a significant increase in the number of games started and ratio of games started to games played, starting more games in which they played, after an injury. CONCLUSION: Early draft-round and unskilled players were more likely to return compared to their later draft-round and skilled peers. Skilled early draft-round players, who displayed relatively high rates of RTP, constituted the only cohort to show a decline in performance. Unskilled UDFAs, who exhibited relatively low rates of RTP, constituted the only cohort to show an increase in performance. The significant effect of draft round and position type on RTP may be caused by a combination of differences in talent levels and in opportunities given to returning to play

    Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in National Football League Athletes From 2010 to 2013: A Descriptive Epidemiology Study.

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    BACKGROUND: There is a high incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries among National Football League (NFL) athletes; however, the incidence of reinjury in this population is unknown. PURPOSE: This retrospective epidemiological study analyzed all publicly disclosed ACL tears occurring in NFL players between 2010 and 2013 to characterize injury trends and determine the incidence of reinjury. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive epidemiological study. METHODS: A comprehensive online search identified any NFL player who had suffered an ACL injury from 2010 to 2013. Position, playing surface, activity, and date were recorded. Each player was researched for any history of previous ACL injury. The NFL games database from USA Today was used to determine the incidence of ACL injuries on artificial turf and grass fields. Databases from Pro Football Focus and Pro Football Reference were used to determine the injury rate for each position. RESULTS: NFL players suffered 219 ACL injuries between 2010 and 2013. Forty players (18.3%) had a history of previous ACL injury, with 27 (12.3%) retears and 16 (7.3%) tears contralateral to a previous ACL injury. Five players (2.28%) suffered their third ACL tear. Receivers (wide receivers and tight ends) and backs (linebackers, fullbacks, and halfbacks) had significantly greater injury risk than the rest of the NFL players, while perimeter linemen (defensive ends and offensive tackles) had significantly lower injury risk than the rest of the players. Interior linemen (offensive guards, centers, and defensive tackles) had significantly greater injury risk compared with perimeter linemen. ACL injury rates per team games played were 0.050 for grass and 0.053 for turf fields (P \u3e .05). CONCLUSION: In this retrospective epidemiological study of ACL tears in NFL players, retears and ACL tears contralateral to a previously torn ACL constituted a substantial portion (18.3%) of total ACL injuries. The significant majority of ACL injuries in players with a history of previous ACL injury were retears. Skilled offensive players and linebackers had the greatest injury risk, and significantly more ACL tears occurred among interior linemen than perimeter linemen. The month of August had the highest incidence of ACL injuries, probably because of expanded roster sizes at that point in the NFL season

    Fluorescence-detected magnetic field effects on radical pair reactions from femtolitre volumes

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    We show that the effects of applied magnetic fields on radical pair reactions can be sensitively measured from sample volumes as low as ~100 femtolitres using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Development of a fluorescence-based microscope method is likely to be a key step in further miniaturisation that will allow detection of magnetic field effects on single molecules

    Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic overhead athlete scores in asymptomatic professional baseball pitchers.

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    BACKGROUND: The Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic (KJOC) Shoulder and Elbow score is a subjective questionnaire that has been validated and been shown to be more specific in overhead athletes than the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons scale. The purpose of this study was to determine a mean KJOC score and reasonable range of KJOC scores within which a healthy asymptomatic professional baseball pitcher will fall. It was hypothesized that healthy professional baseball pitchers would have very high KJOC scores. MATERIALS AND METHODS: KJOC questionnaires were given to all healthy pitchers before the start of the season at all levels in 1 professional Minor League system. Pitchers were asked to complete the questionnaire upon reporting to their AAA, AA, or A affiliate team. Any pitcher starting the season on the disabled list was excluded from the study. RESULTS: KJOC scores were returned by 44 pitchers. The mean score for all pitchers was 94.82 (95% confidence interval, 92.94-96.70). The mean score for each question was greater than 9 of 10. The mean score for the AAA affiliate was significantly higher than that for the AA affiliate (P = .015). No other significant differences in scores were found between class levels or groups based on professional playing experience. CONCLUSION: Only 7 of 44 healthy asymptomatic pitchers (16%) had a KJOC score below 90. Therefore, we believe that the KJOC score is an accurate assessment for overhead athletes and normal values should be greater than 90. Anything below this value could be a potential cause for concern for team physicians. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Basic Science, Survey Study, Healthy Subjects
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