5 research outputs found

    Полемологічна парадигма осмислення суті гібридної війни

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    The article is devoted to the methodological problems and manipulative mechanisms of hybrid warfare, analyzed in the collective monograph "Hybrid War: in verbo et in praxi". Due to the appeal to the polemical approach, its authors have managed to systematize and generalize the theory of war and peace, analyze the modern Western concepts of war, to indicate the specifics of the Russian viewpoint on the concept of hybrid war, to evaluate the importance of information and manipulation technologies for hybrid wars, to analyze a number of geopolitical and socio-cultural aspects of modern hybrid wars. Polemology examines the universal features of armed conflicts, their role in time and space, cycles, and classification. Hybrid warfare involves the use of existing military assets, regular and irregular, including weapons of mass destruction, as well as information, psychological and advocacy wars with the use of emerging communications and media technologies. According to the classical approach, the state is the sole subject of hostilities, but today its role has changed dramatically under the influence of other political and economic, supranational and transboundary factors. To study wars and armed conflicts from a polemical point of view, this means the need to focus on social changes in all areas of human life, including political, economic, and technological factors that influence war as a social phenomenon.Стаття присвячена методологічним проблемам і маніпулятивним механізмам гібридної війни, проаналізованих у колективній монографії «Гібридна війна: in verbo et in praxi». Завдяки зверненню до полемологічного підходу її авторам вдалося систематизувати та узагальнити теорії війни і миру, проаналізувати сучасні західні концепції війни, позначити специфіку російського погляду на концепцію гібридної війни, оцінити значимість інформаційних і маніпуляційних технологій для гібридних воєн, проаналізувати низку геополітичних і соціокультурних аспектів сучасних гібридних воєн. Полемологія вивчає універсальні риси збройних конфліктів, їх роль у часі і просторі, цикли, інтенсивність, масштаб і причинно-наслідкові зв'язки та їхню класифікацію. Гібридні війни припускають використання наявних військових засобів, регулярних та нерегулярних, включаючи зброю масового знищення, а також інформацію, психологічну та пропагандистську війну з використанням новітніх комунікаційних і медійних технологій. Відповідно до класичного підходу, держава є єдиним суб’єктом військових дій, але сьогодні її роль різко змінилася під впливом інших політичних і економічних наднаціональних і транскордонних факторів. Для вивчення війн і збройних конфліктів з полемологічної точки зору необхідно зосередитися на соціальних змінах у всіх сферах людського життя, включаючи політичні, економічні, технологічні чинники, які впливають на війну як соціальний феномен

    Polemological Paradigm of Hybrid War Research

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    This article is devoted to the methodological problems and manipulative mechanisms of hybrid warfare. Owing to the polemological (from πολέμιος — war and λόγος — study) approach the authors managed to systematize and summarize the theories of war and peace, clarify contemporary western concepts of warfare, outline the specifi cs of the Russian view on the hybrid war concept, assess the signifi cance of information and manipulation technologies for hybrid wars, analyze a number of geopolitical and socio-cultural dimensions of modern hybrid wars. The polemology is a branch of science, which studies the nature of armed confl icts and wars, their role in time and space, cycles, intensity, scope, scale, and causative relations and their classifi cation. Polemology deals with the wars and armed confl icts of the past, present and future. Novel hybrid wars take a respective place among them. They involve using all available warfare, regular and irregular, cyber and those allowing for the use of weapons of mass destruction, and also information, psychological and propaganda war using the latest information and media technologies. According to the classical approach, the state is the only subject of military actions, but today its role has changed dramatically under the infl uence of other political and economic supranational and trans-border factors. For the purpose of studying wars and armed confl icts from the polemological perspective it means the need to focus on social changes in all the areas of human life, on considering various elements of the political, economic or even technological context, which infl uence the war as a social phenomenon

    Strategy and Tactics of Behaviour of Subjects and Objects of Historical Trauma

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    The aim of this article is a socio-philosophical generalisation of the leading strategies of behaviour of actors of historical trauma to achieve tolerant relations between social groups, societies and states. The basic methodological premise of the research is the thesis of the discursive nature of historical trauma, thus, the main method is the method of discourse analysis. These theoretical generalisations were made on the basis of comparative analysis of socio-political discourse of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Ukraine. A tangible place in this discourse belongs to the thematisation of the Holocaust, the Holodomor, Stalin’s repression and the like. The authors came to the conclusion that it was necessary to differentiate the behaviour of subjects and objects of a historical trauma. If the first (subjects) choose denial of guilt, self-justification, awareness of responsibility, repentance as the main strategies of their behavior, the latter (objects) can choose strategies of oblivion (silence), manifestation, forgiveness. At the same time, the strategy of manifestation is divided into several tactics, among which the tactics of “telling the truth”, “restoring justice”, “revenge” and “justifying by the victims of the actions of their offenders” are described. The strategies of overcoming the historical trauma should contribute to the restoration of social and spiritual health of the society. The most effective strategies in this regard are repentance and forgiveness. At the same time, forgiveness is the prerogative of the victims just like repentance is the prerogative of the guilty

    The Baptism Of Relics Of Oleg And Yaropolk: Ethical, Theological And Political Aspects

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    A stereoscopic view on a particular historical event, in which contemporary assessments are combined with mental stereotypes of a medieval man, allows a slightly different assessment of the chronicle plot about the posthumous “baptism of bones” of Oleg and Yaropolk, Princes of Kyivan Rus, in 1044. While from theological positions it is perceived as an absurdity and a direct violation of the rules of the church, in the Middle Ages this act did not contradict the mass religious beliefs. From an ethical point of view, the action of Yaroslav the Wise was regarded as concern for the souls of the ancestors who died pagans and therefore did not claim for the salvation. The soteriological optimism that prevailed in the eleventh century in countries of the late Christianization, including Kyivan Rus, gave hope that living people were able to influence the fate of the souls of the dead. From a political point of view, the baptism of the ashes of the ancestors and their reburial in the family tomb of the Princes of Kyiv in the Church of the Tithes was aimed at expanding the circle of heavenly patrons and protectors of the princely dynasty, expanding the period of the Christian history of Kyivan Rus, and, as a result, legitimizing the power of Yaroslav the Wise

    The right to philosophical education: The democratic model of implementation for Ukraine

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    The article reveals the Ukrainian experience of the transition from an exclusive to a democratic model of the implementation of the right to philosophical education. While the first model provides limited access to philosophy in the interests of the ruling state-party groups, in the second one, citizens are guaranteed an equal right to study philosophy as potential subjects of philosophizing. The coverage of this transition is conducted in the light of research and recommendations of UNESCO and relevant international experience. The current state of Ukrainian philosophical education is analyzed and evaluated. Existing obstacles in ensuring equal access to philosophy are identified and, accordingly, conceptual guidelines for the formation of a democratic model of the implementation of the right to philosophical education in contemporary Ukraine are determined