3 research outputs found

    Compressive Strength of Fiber Reinforced Fly- Ash Concrete using Regression Model

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    In construction industry, strength is a primary criterion in selecting a concrete for a particular application. Concrete used for construction gains strength over a long period of time after pouring the concrete. The characteristic strength of concrete is defined as the compressive strength of a sample that has been aged for 28 days. Neither waiting 28 days for such a test would not serve the rapidity of construction, nor would neglecting it serve the quality control process on concrete in large construction sites. Therefore, rapid and reliable prediction of the strength of concrete would be of great significance. On this backdrop, the method is proposed to establish a predictive relationship between properties and proportions of ingredients of concrete, compaction factor, weight of concrete cubes and strength of concrete whereby the strength of concrete can be predicted at early age. A mathematical model for the prediction of compressive strength of fiber reinforced concrete containing fly ash was performed using statistical analysis for the concrete data obtained from the experimental work done in this study. The multiple linear regression model yielded fairly good correlation coefficient for the prediction of compressive strength for 3 days curing

    Puberdade em touros Nelore criados em pasto no Brasil: características corporais, testiculares e seminais e de índice de capacidade andrológica por pontos Puberty in Nellore bulls raised at pasture in Brazil: body, testicular and seminal characteristics and breeding soundness evaluation

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    Foram utilizados 23 touros da raça Nelore entre os 10 e 20 meses de idade, para caracterizar o desenvolvimento puberal. Os animais foram criados em condições extensivas com alimentação em pasto e suplementação mineral. A cada duas ou quatro semanas foram realizadas colheitas de dados que incluíram medidas de peso corporal, circunferência torácica, comprimento e largura testicular e circunferência escrotal. Foram, também, colhidos ejaculados pela eletroejaculação e avaliados os aspectos físicos e morfológicos. No momento da colheita de sêmen foram aferidas as porcentagens de desprendimento entre pênis e prepúcio e determinadas as idades médias ao desprendimento total (IDPPRE). Foram determinadas as idades médias ao aparecimento dos primeiros espermatozóides (ISEM1) e dos primeiros espermatozóides móveis (ISEM2) no ejaculado, e a puberdade seminal (IDPUB). Estabeleceram-se os índices de capacidade andrológica por pontos (ICAP). Os touros Nelore apresentaram idades médias ISEM1, ISEM2 e IDPUB de 13,1&plusmn;2,2, 13,6&plusmn;2,3 e 14,8&plusmn;1,8 meses, respectivamente, e IDPPRE de 18,1&plusmn;1,9. Aos 16 meses de idade, o grupo apresentou 91,4%, 82,6% e 73,9% dos animais com ISEM1, ISEM2 e IDPUB manifestada, respectivamente. Observou-se correlação positiva entre idade dos touros e as características de crescimento corporal, testicular, aspectos físicos dos ejaculados e correlação negativa entre a idade dos touros e os defeitos espermáticos. Observou-se correlação negativa entre a idade dos touros e a pontuação para circunferência escrotal no ICAP à puberdade (-0,77; P<0,001). Touros da raça Nelore, criados a pastos, manifestaram a puberdade precocemente antes dos 15 meses de idade. Houve um período de 51 dias desde o aparecimento dos espermatozóides no ejaculado, até a puberdade seminal. A puberdade foi mais precoce nos touros jovens com maiores testículos.<br>Twenty three 10-months-old Nellore bulls, raised under pasture conditions in Brazil, were used to study puberty. Monthly measurement of scrotal circumference and testicular width and length were recorded. Semen was collected by eletroejaculation and evaluated according to physical and morphological aspects. Penile and prepuce detachment percentages were also evaluated. The ages of the presence of first spermatozoa in the ejaculate (ISEM1), first motile spermatozoa in the ejaculate (ISEM2), seminal puberty (IDPUB) and detachment between penile and prepuce (IDPPRE) were calculated. Scores of breeding soundness were measured. ISEM1, ISEM2, IDPUB and IDPPRE were 13.1&plusmn;2.2, 13.6&plusmn;2.3, 14.8&plusmn;1.8 and 18.1&plusmn;1.9 months, respectively. At 16 months of age, the animals presented 91.4%, 82.6% and 73.9% with ISEM1, ISEM2 and IDPUB reached, respectively. High positive correlation were observed between age and corporal and testicular growth or seminal physical aspects. Negative correlation was verified between age and spermatic defects. High negative correlation was observed between age and score of scrotal circumference at puberty (-0.7;7 P<0.001). Precocious puberty was observed before 15 months of age. From ISEM1 to IDPUB, 51 days were elapsed. Young bulls with larger testicles reached puberty earlier