5 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The article presents the results of socio-economic research of factorsaffecting the economic behavior of economic entities of rural areas, performed on the basis ofthe theory of super long economic waves. During a large-scale sociological survey in threemain age categories of the population, which is represented by different regions, it wasrevealed, that economic behavior is influenced by the following groups of factors depending ontheir degree of importance: the moral-religious, political, social, cultural, economic. The resultsof the research should be taken into account while creating and implementing themacroeconomic policy, including agricultural policy of the state, as well as in themicroeconomic policies of firms.Keywords: factors of economic activity, classification of factors, long economic wave,the theory of super-long waves, economic entities of rural areas, economic policy, and socio-economic research

    Distinctive features of classification of factors determining the economic behavior of economic entities predominantly rural areas from the standpoint of the theory of long waves

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    The article presents the results of socio-economic research of factors affecting the economic behavior of economic entities of rural areas, performed on the basis of the theory of super long economic waves. During a large-scale sociological survey in three main age categories of the population, which is represented by different regions, it was revealed, that economic behavior is influenced by the following groups of factors depending on their degree of importance: the moral-religious, political, social, cultural, economic. The results of the research should be taken into account while creating and implementing the macroeconomic policy, including agricultural policy of the state, as well as in the microeconomic policies of firms


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    The article discusses the development of grain production in Belgorod region, which is closely related to the concentration of its production, both in agro-industrial formations and in independent agricultural organizations. As a result of the analytical grouping, information on 143 agricultural organizations of Belgorod Region was processed (of which 84 agricultural organizations are independent and 59 are part of the agro-industrial formations). The results of the research show that with an increase in the size of acreage, there is a decrease in the average cost of 1 ton of grain sold, an increase in yield, indicators of the volumes of grain production and profitability. The main problem remains not only the low purchase price for grain, which is indicated by the majority of the heads of agricultural organizations, but also the insufficiently effective management of costs in the production of grain. The increase in the scale of grain production makes it possible to compensate for even a decrease in the selling price, that is, it confirms the existence of significant reserves for increasing efficiency at the expense of production concentration. Agro-industrial formations are engaged in the production of mainly feed grains (about 85%), for domestic use, since they specialize in the production of pig and poultry meat. The concentration of grain production, especially in agribusiness, which owns most of the agricultural land in the region (65%), has a number of negative aspects associated with the inability to ensure sustainable development of rural areas. The formation of agricultural consumer cooperatives or its clustering may become a promising direction for the development of grain production. This will contribute to the growth of economic efficiency of production, the creation of new jobs, the harmonization of the interests of all commodity producers and the development of rural infrastructure.В статье рассматривается развитие зернового производства в Белгородской области, тесно связанное с концентрацией его производства, как в агропромышленных формированиях, так и в самостоятельных сельскохозяйственных организациях. В результате проведения аналитической группировки была обработана информация о 143 сельскохозяйственных организациях Белгородской области (из них независимыми являются 84 сельскохозяйственные организации и 59 входят в состав агропромышленных формирований). Результаты исследования показывают, что с увеличением размеров посевных площадей отмечается снижение средней себестоимости 1 тонны реализованного зерна, увеличение урожайности и уровня рентабельности. Главным проблемным вопросом остается не только низкая закупочная цена на зерно, о которой говорит большинство руководителей сельскохозяйственных организаций, но и недостаточно эффективное управление затратами при производстве зерна. Увеличение масштабов производства зерна позволяет компенсировать даже снижение отпускной цены, то есть подтверждается существование значительных резервов повышения эффективности за счет концентрации производства. Агропромышленные формирования занимаются производством в основном фуражного зерна (около 85%), для внутреннего использования, поскольку специализируются на производстве мяса свиней и птицы. Концентрация зернового производства, особенно в агропромышленных формированиях, которым принадлежит большая часть сельскохозяйственных угодий в регионе (65%), имеет ряд негативных моментов, связанных с невозможностью обеспечить устойчивое развитие сельских территорий. Перспективным направлением развития зернового производства может стать формирование сельскохозяйственных потребительских кооперативов или его кластеризация. Это будет способствовать росту экономической эффективности производства, созданию новых рабочих мест, согласованию интересов всех товаропроизводителей и развитию инфраструктуры сельской местности

    Large discrete systems evolutionary synthesis procedure

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    The article discusses the problems of structural synthesis of large discrete systems with predefined behavior, which assumes transition of a given input signal into required reference output signal. A combined method for building the procedure of synthesis based on evolutionary methods and mathematical analysis of Petri nets has been proposed. An evolutionary procedure of structural synthesis of large discrete systems with static inter-component links has been developed. Computational experiments performed with the use of the built model give evidence to the efficiency of the proposed synthesis proceduryesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Fuzzy linguistic forecasting of the results of the implementation of regional socio-economic projects

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    The article is devoted to the problem of improving the intellectual digital support for managing the implementation of regional socio-economic projects, which are an effective mechanism for the development of regions. Given the high level of uncertainty in the description of the subject area, it is proposed to use expert technologies to assess the degree of achievement of the intermediate and target indicators of the project. L. Zadeh's linguistic modeling apparatus was used as the basis for intellectual tools for representing and processing expert judgments. A linguistic indicative-temporal-territorial model of the project has been built in the form of a set of linguistic variables and a system of fuzzy production rules linking these variables. At the same time, temporal and territorial linguistic variables reflect the time and place of measurement of project indicators, the incomplete correspondence of which determines the degree of reliability of the measured values of indicators. The use of the constructed system of indicative-temporal-territorial fuzzy production rules makes it possible to link the intermediate values of the indicators with the target values of the project indicators and thereby predict the possible outcomes of its implementation. For this, a fuzzy logic inference procedure based on the use of the Mamdani algorithm has been developed. Preliminary results of using a research prototype of an intelligent expert system for analyzing the intermediate results of the project stages and predicting its results may indicate the effectiveness of the proposed approach