19 research outputs found


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    This paper presents and analysis of the highest wind speed values recorded at the Meteorological Observatory of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. The study uses values recorded data (3 times a day) for the period 1981–2005. During the 25 years of the study period there were 19 occasions of wind speed ≥ 10 m·s-1 and 14 cases of winds gusting at or over 20 m·s-1. Both kinds of situation were noticed most often in January and did not occur in May, June, July or August.

    IQOS - new heat-not-burn tobacco products and its impact on health

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    Introduction: Iqos and other heat-not-burn products according to tobacco companies are a safer alternative to cigarettes. The aim of this article is to objectively review the potential impact of iQOS® on human health by searching for and integrating published research findings. This article provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the scientific research conducted on the effects of Iqos use on human health, distinguishing between specific medical fields. Materials and methods: This study is based on medical articles collected from the PubMed database spanning the years 2016-2023. The research was conducted through the analysis of keywords such as "Iqos", "Heat not burn", and "Iqos health impact".  Results: Tobacco heaters are seen as potentially less harmful. However, emerging research on their harmfulness clearly shows that despite reduced concentrations of compounds hazardous to health, the aerosol produced by heaters still contains the same harmful substances. Further studies show that the toxic impact of the aerosol is at a similar level to that of smoke from traditional cigarettes

    Do emotions organize or disorganize action?

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    INTRODUCTION  Emotions companions us in our everyday life and are still difficult to define. Among many functions, such as inducing physiological changes, availability to specific behaviors, the organizing or disorganizing influence of emotions is also distinguished.  OBJECTIVE  The aim of the article is to show the theory of emotions and answer the question whether they organize our actions or, on the contrary, promote disorganization.  STATE OF THE ART. DESCRIPTION  Among the many functions attributed to emotions are that they can direct our actions towards a given goal and sustain it, or vice versa. Emotion is, among other things, an expression of the action of instincts, it mobilizes the body, organizes action and performs an energizing function. Nowadays, attention is paid to the mobilizing aspects of emotions - weak or moderate emotions organize our functioning. Only a strong emotional state ceases to motivate, makes our actions disoriented. On the other hand, it is necessary to distinguish between emotional states and motivation. Watson shows emotions as a disorder of homeostasis along with numerous disorders of mental regulation. Clore, Clark, and Watson argue that dysfunctional are persistent, troublesome states that may be manifestations of affective or temperamental disorders rather than transient emotions. Speaking of emotion and its impact on action, it is worth mentioning and stopping at the issue of inhibition and expressing emotional states.    CONCLUSION  It is not possible to unequivocally determine that emotions either organize or disorganize our behavior, because a lot depends on the intensity of the experienced emotion and its directio

    Venous malformations in children - a literature review

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    Introduction: Venous malformations are congenital, the most occurring subtype of vascular malformations. They are characterized by slow flow, tortuosity and lack of macular layer within the vessel. Venous malformations can be highly problematic to diagnose and treat, thus differentiation the venous malformations with other diseases in pediatric population is important.   Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to summarize the available knowledge about venous malformation in pediatric population. The options in diagnosis, treatment and potential new methods were summarized and described. Materials and methods The literature available in the PubMed database was reviewed using the following keywords: “Vascular malformations”, “Venous Malformations”, “Venous malformations treatment, “Children”. Conclusions: Venous malformations are an important problem in pediatric population, as a seldom affliction they can be easily misdiagnosed as other diseases and treated inadequately. Widening of awareness of venous malformations and possible methods of diagnosing and treating them is very important to raise quality of health care in children

    New technologies in the surgical treatment of wounds

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    Introduction: Many wounds are treated surgically. For many years the method itself consisted mainly in cleaning the wounds and bringing its edges closer together, either by  strips for closing the wounds or by suturing the wound with classic sutures or staples. Recently, new methods have emerged to support wound healing, which are discussed in this article. Materials and methods: The basis of the work were medical articles collected in the PubMed database. The research was conducted by analyzing key words such as: "surgical treatment of wounds", "new technologies in wounds", "wound healing and new technologies", "dressings in wound treatment", "new methods of accelerating wound healing". Results: In the process of surgical wound treatment the basis is still the closure and connection of the edges of the wounds, which prevents infections, accelerates healing and improves the cosmetic effect. However this is not the final stage of wound healing. Equally important is the subsequent appropriate selection of the dressing - appropriate in terms of its composition of active substances and absorption properties. The choice of the right dressing has a large impact on the final effect and the avoidance of infections or the subsequent appearance of the scar. Now we also have many new technologies to help heal wounds. They help not only to reduce the risk of infection, but also accelerate the healing process and shorten the treatment time

    Ocena opłacalności przekształcenia prawa użytkowania wieczystego w prawo własności nieruchomości

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    This article presents the analysis of profitability of the transformation of the perpetual usufruct right into the property right, at various moments of binding of this right, on the basis of the empirical formula presented in the respective act of law - the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers, concerning real estate appraisal and the estimate statement. It has been analysed how the fee for the transformation method of the perpetual usufruct right to the property is modified depending on the adopted rate of capitalization, the interest rate on the annual fee, and the number of remaining years of the unused perpetual usufruct right.W artykule poddano analizie ocenę opłacalności przekształcenia prawa użytkowania wieczystego w prawo własności, w różnych momentach trwania tego prawa, w oparciu o wzór empiryczny podany w akcie prawnym - Rozporządzeniu Rady Ministrów w sprawie wyceny nieruchomości i sporządzenia operatu szacunkowego. Zbadano, jak opłata za przekształcenie prawa użytkowania wieczystego w prawo własności kształtuje się w zależności od przyjętej stopy kapitalizacji, stawki procentowej opłaty rocznej, liczby lat niewykorzystanego okresu użytkowania. W pracy rozpatrzono 492 przypadki, kiedy ten wzór ma zastosowanie. Opłata za przekształcenie prawa użytkowania wieczystego zmniejsza się wraz ze zwiększeniem się stopy kapitalizacji, a zwiększa się wraz ze zmniejszeniem się niewykorzystanego okresu użytkowania wieczystego. Z kolei wzrost stawki procentowej opłaty rocznej za użytkowanie wieczyste wpływa na zwiększenie się opłaty za wykup prawa własności. W pracy rozpatrzono ekonomiczne korzyści i straty, które ponosi użytkownik wieczysty czy właściciel nieruchomości, którym jest Skarb Państwa bądź jednostka samorządu terytorialnego, z tytułu przekształcenia prawa użytkowania wieczystego w prawo własności

    The effect of mono- and divalent cations on Tetrahymena thermophila telomeric repeat fragment. A photon correlation spectroscopy study.

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    The structure of the Tetrahymena thermophila telomeric sequence d(TGGGGT)4 was studied by photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) in aqueous solution in the presence of NaCl, KCl and SrCl2. The sample studied was polydisperse in all conditions studied. Translational diffusion coefficients DT describing the diffusion modes observed were determined. On the basis of a comparison between the experimental DT values with those calculated assuming the bead model, two forms were identified as telomeric quadruplex structures: monomer and tetramer. In the presence of SrCl2 formation of aggregates was observed, with a size that reached several micrometres. The relative weighted concentrations of the structures observed for different concentrations of a salt and DNA were determined. The results obtained in the presence of monovalent ions were qualitatively similar and could be presented in a coherent plot in which the concentration of salt was expressed by the number of ions per DNA molecule. A large number of ions per DNA molecule favoured tetramer formation while a small number favoured the monomer form. A structural phase transition from the monomer to the tetramer induced by a change in the number of ions per DNA molecule was observed. The main difference between the results for Na+ and K+ was a greater effectiveness of the K+ ions in formation of tetramers. The effect of Sr2+ ions on the structures formed was different than that of the monovalent ions. The results obtained in the presence of Sr2+ could not be described as a function of the number of ions per DNA molecule

    Usefulness of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in the Differentiation between Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Benign Liver Lesions

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    A differentiation between hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and benign liver lesions is required. The aim of the study was to perform an analysis of the time of enhancement of focal liver lesions in a contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) examination. The curves of enhancement and the homogeneity of the tumor enhancement were assessed. The study included 52 patients with diagnoses of hepatocellular adenoma (18), focal nodular hyperplasia (11) and HCC (28). The study included magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography and a comparison of the obtained information with CEUS. In the benign lesions groups after 20–30 s, the enhancement was similar to the liver parenchyma. In the HCC group, the enhancement was slightly less intense compared to the liver parenchyma and the benign lesions. The difference of the enhancement in the arterial phase (benign lesions vs. HCC) was p = 0.0452, and the difference of enhancement in the late venous phase (benign lesions vs. HCC) was p = 0.000003. The homogeneity of the enhancement (benign lesions vs. HCC), respectively, was p = 0.001 in the arterial phase, p = 0.0003 in the portal venous phase and p = 0.00000007 in the late venous phase. Liver tumors can be classified as benign when they are homogenous in the arterial phase and don’t present washout. HCC in the arterial phase is inhomogeneous and washout is observed in the venous phases. When radiological symptoms suggest malignant lesion, CEUS can be used to select the best biopsy access