17,694 research outputs found

    Instruções para a criação do besouro africano Onthophagus gazella em laboratório.

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    Onthophagus gazella; Besouro africano; Criação; Laboratório; Inseto; Entomologia.bitstream/item/138761/1/COT-33.pdfCNPGC

    TimeMachine: Timeline Generation for Knowledge-Base Entities

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    We present a method called TIMEMACHINE to generate a timeline of events and relations for entities in a knowledge base. For example for an actor, such a timeline should show the most important professional and personal milestones and relationships such as works, awards, collaborations, and family relationships. We develop three orthogonal timeline quality criteria that an ideal timeline should satisfy: (1) it shows events that are relevant to the entity; (2) it shows events that are temporally diverse, so they distribute along the time axis, avoiding visual crowding and allowing for easy user interaction, such as zooming in and out; and (3) it shows events that are content diverse, so they contain many different types of events (e.g., for an actor, it should show movies and marriages and awards, not just movies). We present an algorithm to generate such timelines for a given time period and screen size, based on submodular optimization and web-co-occurrence statistics with provable performance guarantees. A series of user studies using Mechanical Turk shows that all three quality criteria are crucial to produce quality timelines and that our algorithm significantly outperforms various baseline and state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To appear at ACM SIGKDD KDD'15. 12pp, 7 fig. With appendix. Demo and other info available at http://cs.stanford.edu/~althoff/timemachine

    Gauge Invariance in Chern-Simons Systems

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    We show explicitly that the question of gauge invariance of the effective potential in standard scalar electrodynamics remains unchanged despite the introduction of the Chern-Simons term. The result does not depend on the presence of the Maxwell term in the Chern-Simons territory.Comment: 10 pages, Plain Tex, DF/UFPB-14/9

    Super-resolution, Extremal Functions and the Condition Number of Vandermonde Matrices

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    Super-resolution is a fundamental task in imaging, where the goal is to extract fine-grained structure from coarse-grained measurements. Here we are interested in a popular mathematical abstraction of this problem that has been widely studied in the statistics, signal processing and machine learning communities. We exactly resolve the threshold at which noisy super-resolution is possible. In particular, we establish a sharp phase transition for the relationship between the cutoff frequency (mm) and the separation (Δ\Delta). If m>1/Δ+1m > 1/\Delta + 1, our estimator converges to the true values at an inverse polynomial rate in terms of the magnitude of the noise. And when m<(1ϵ)/Δm < (1-\epsilon) /\Delta no estimator can distinguish between a particular pair of Δ\Delta-separated signals even if the magnitude of the noise is exponentially small. Our results involve making novel connections between {\em extremal functions} and the spectral properties of Vandermonde matrices. We establish a sharp phase transition for their condition number which in turn allows us to give the first noise tolerance bounds for the matrix pencil method. Moreover we show that our methods can be interpreted as giving preconditioners for Vandermonde matrices, and we use this observation to design faster algorithms for super-resolution. We believe that these ideas may have other applications in designing faster algorithms for other basic tasks in signal processing.Comment: 19 page

    Gauge coupling renormalization in orbifold field theories

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    We investigate the gauge coupling renormalization in orbifold field theories preserving 4-dimensional N=1 supersymmetry in the framework of 4-dimensional effective supergravity. As a concrete example, we consider the 5-dimensional Super-Yang-Mills theory on a slice of AdS_5. In our approach, one-loop gauge couplings can be determined by the loop-induced axion couplings and the tree level properties of 4-dimensional effective supergravity which are much easier to be computed.Comment: 18 pages, JHEP style; 1-loop corrections to gauge kinetic functions are fully computed, references are adde

    Deep Discrete Hashing with Self-supervised Pairwise Labels

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    Hashing methods have been widely used for applications of large-scale image retrieval and classification. Non-deep hashing methods using handcrafted features have been significantly outperformed by deep hashing methods due to their better feature representation and end-to-end learning framework. However, the most striking successes in deep hashing have mostly involved discriminative models, which require labels. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised deep hashing method, named Deep Discrete Hashing (DDH), for large-scale image retrieval and classification. In the proposed framework, we address two main problems: 1) how to directly learn discrete binary codes? 2) how to equip the binary representation with the ability of accurate image retrieval and classification in an unsupervised way? We resolve these problems by introducing an intermediate variable and a loss function steering the learning process, which is based on the neighborhood structure in the original space. Experimental results on standard datasets (CIFAR-10, NUS-WIDE, and Oxford-17) demonstrate that our DDH significantly outperforms existing hashing methods by large margin in terms of~mAP for image retrieval and object recognition. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/htconquer/ddh}

    Spatially homogeneous Lifshitz black holes in five dimensional higher derivative gravity

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    We consider spatially homogeneous Lifshitz black hole solutions in five dimensional higher derivative gravity theories, which can be possible near horizon geometries of some systems that are interesting in the framework of gauge/gravity duality. We show the solutions belonging to the nine Bianchi classes in the pure R^2 gravity. We find that these black holes have zero entropy at non-zero temperatures and this property is the same as the case of BTZ black holes in new massive gravity at the critical point. In the most general quadratic curvature gravity theories, we find new solutions in Bianchi Type I and Type IX cases.Comment: 15 pages, no figure; v2, refs added, version to appear in JHE

    Gauge Invariant Effective Potential for Abelian Maxwell-Chern-Simons Systems

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    We investigate the effective potential for Abelian Maxwell--Chern--Simons systems. The calculations follow an alternate approach, recently proposed as a gauge invariant formulation of the effective potential, constructed in terms of a gauge invariant order parameter. We compare the results with another investigation, obtained within a standard route of calculating the effective potential.Comment: 10 pages. Revtex. To appear in Phys. Rev.