274 research outputs found

    Active Teaching Techniques for Engineering Students to Ensure The Learning Outcomes of Training Programs by CDIO Approach

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    Recent research results show that students' ability to absorb and apply lessons increases when they are actively learning. In the innovative teaching method, learners - objects of teaching activities as well as subjects of learning activities - are attracted to active learning activities organized and instructed by teachers. By this way, learners are self-reliant to discover what they do not know, not passively absorb the knowledge arranged by the teacher. Placed in situations of real life, learners experience, directly observe, discuss, experiment, solve problems posed by their thinking, both working in groups, thereby gaining new knowledge, new skills, promoting creative potential. Depending on the objectives of the specific subject, which level of knowledge or skill needs to be achieved according to the CDIO approach, the lecturer will organize appropriate activities to help students actively learn to achieve the goals. The paper explores and evaluates innovative teaching methods to help students actively learn and experience to achieve the subject’s goals and training program following the CDIO approach, as well as meet the requirements of society

    Effects of palladium on the optical and hydrogen sensing characteristics of Pd-doped ZnO nanoparticles

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    Abstract The effect of palladium doping of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the photoluminescence (PL) properties and hydrogen sensing characteristics of gas sensors is investigated. The PL intensity shows that the carrier dynamics coincides with the buildup of the Pd-related green emission. The comparison between the deep level emission and the gas sensing response characteristics allows us to suggest that the dissociation of hydrogen takes place at Pd Zn -vacancies ([Pd 2+ (4d 9 )]). The design of this sensor allows for a continuous monitoring in the range of 0-100% LEL H 2 concentration with high sensitivity and selectivity. 126

    Theoretical Framework on the Role of Knowledge Management for Students on Academic Performance

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    Knowledge management is a developing sector that has received lots of consideration and support from the community which is industrial. Knowledge management is a young academic field which has not been built up a systematized and unified framework. This paper reviews the role of knowledge management for students on academic performance by using the structural equation modeling. Through applying knowledge management in the study process can help students to gain better results. As a result, it can be expected to shed light on the relative importance of knowledge management on students’ academic performance. Keywords: Knowledge management, Academic performance, digital economy DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-2-05 Publication date:March 31st 202

    The Impact of Supporting Industries on Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: A Case Study in Vinh Phuc Province, Vietnam

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     Summary: This study focuses on explaining the theoretical basis of the impact of supporting industries (SI) on attracting foreign direct investment (FDI); assessing the state of the impact of SI on FDI attraction into Vietnam in general and Vinh Phuc province in particular. Quantitative analysis results show that, in the field of SI in Vietnam, import suppliers are dominating domestic suppliers, the factor that most affects FDI enterprises' satisfaction level is labor, especially hard-work and progressiveness, followed by quality and attitude of discipline compliance of labor resources. The domestic SI still face difficulties in approaching customers, quality assurance, with outdated technology, lack of high-tech manpower, poor innovative research capabilities... In the coming time, to contribute to FDI attraction into Vietnam, to become a supplier for FDI enterprises, domestic enterprises working in supporting industries (SI enterprises) need to increase the rate of capital investment on technology, improve the quality of human resources, and promote information exchange with FDI enterprises

    Digital Marketing in Banking Activities – Suggestions for Vietnam Banks from International Experiences

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    Based on the innovation of science and technology in a fierce competitive environment, digital marketing has emerged as an inevitable trend for businesses with no exception from banking areas. With the target of reaching out and providing services to progressively demanding customers, current marketing tools need to be further improved to create the best interaction. Hence, the authors aim at clarifying the concept of digital marketing, which is a new trend in banking development globally, followed by experiences as well as proposing suggestions for banks in transitional countries such as Vietnam

    Anxiety symptoms and coping strategies among high school students in Vietnam after COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-method evaluation

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    IntroductionThe objective of the current study was to examine the rate of high school students at risk of anxiety disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam, as well as the coping strategies utilized within this demographic.MethodsAn evaluation was conducted through the utilization of mixed methods, consisting of a combination of a cross-sectional study and in-depth interviews. In this study, a sample of 3,910 students from 13 high schools in Hanoi, Vietnam were selected for participation. The measurement of symptoms of anxiety disorder was conducted through the application of the seven-item General Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) scale. To comprehend the underlying causes of anxiety and the various coping mechanisms employed, in-depth interviews were conducted.ResultsThe findings indicate a prevalence rate of anxiety disorder symptoms among students at 40.6% The prevalence rates of mild, moderate, and severe anxiety symptoms were found to be 23.9%, 10.9%, and 5.8%, respectively. In-depth interviews uncovered multiple sources of anxiety experienced by high school students, namely their academic performance, social interactions, prejudicial attitudes from their social circle, and familial expectations. Numerous coping strategies were then documented.DiscussionThe current investigation ascertained that there exists a moderate level of anxiety amongst high school students in Hanoi, Vietnam during the COVID-19 outbreak. Furthermore, this study configured potential indicators to identify vulnerable individuals and further suggests the development of targeted interventions

    The Status of Educational Sciences In Vietnam: A Bibliometric Analysis From Clarivate Web Of Science Database Between 1991 And 2018

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    Since 2013, Vietnam has implemented a plan to reform the whole education sector. However, there is little understanding on the status of educational research in Vietnam, which may lay the foundation for such plan. Thus, this research aims to analyze the whole picture of educational research from Vietnam, as seen from the Clarivate Web of Science (WOS) database: 215 publications were recorded, ranging from 1991 to 2018. These 215 publications were further analyzed from five perspectives: 1) number of publications by year; 2) research fields and levels of education; 3) top institutions with the highest number of publications; 4) international collaboration; and 5) quality. Some of the most notable results are: 1) the educational sciences in Vietnam have been still under-developed until recently; 2) among different research topics research among educational sciences, some (e.g., Vocational Education and Training or Early Childhood Education) seemed to be overlooked whereas others (e.g., Higher Education and Teaching and Learning) seemed to receive more attention from educational scholars; 3) all the most major education – specialized universities did not appear among the top five institutions with highest number of publications; 4) Australia, Thailand, the USA, New Zealand and China were the countries with the highest number of co-publications with Vietnamese researchers; and 5) The majority of publications belonged to low-ranked journals. Implications would be withdrawn for Vietnamese policymakers, education leaders, educational researchers and teachers in order to adjust their policies and/or action plans; thus, enhancing the performance and impacts of educational research in the future

    Impact of Vocational Education and Training On Decent Job Opportunities Regarding Information and Communication Technology

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    Vocational education and training plays a crucial part in the creation of decent job. The fast growth of information and communication technology (ICT) during the past ten years has increased work opportunities for laborers. This research uses the yearly labor force survey data to study the impact of vocational education and training on decent job opportunities for employees in the context of Vietnam's information and communication technology development. The logit model results indicate that the 2020 rate of decent jobs is still low, at approximately 25.6 percent. However, vocational education and training and the advancement of ICT positively affect decent job opportunities. This long-lasting impact affects laborers in various areas, regions, and industries. These findings suggest that vocational education and training and ICT must play a significant role in transitioning from precarious to more secure employment, so laborers must acquire professional knowledge and information technology skills

    An Analytical Framework Considering the Effects of Online Teaching Quality on Student Satisfaction

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    COVID-19 spreads across the world in late 2019 has affected to several aspects of social life. One of the most important sectors, which face difficulties was education, thus most universities have transferred from traditional education to online education through the internet to make their academic year going. This study aims to review the effects of online teaching quality on student satisfaction, a positive attitude resulting from an evaluation of students’ online teaching experience in higher education. Through applying the SERVQUAL model to measure the effects of online teaching quality on students’ satisfaction, it can be expected to get better the online teaching quality of higher education institutions in Vietnam. Keywords: Online teaching, student satisfaction, higher education, COVID-19, educational institution. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-6-08 Publication date:March 31st 202
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