11 research outputs found

    Algorithmic presentation of the independent work of the students of the vocational pedagogical university in the conditions of the synchronous pedagogical control

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    The topicality of the investigated problem is stipulated by the demand for specialists able to develop algorithmic preparedness to perform professional activities, the level of which corresponds to modern level of technological production. The purpose of the article is to diagnose the influence of the synchronous pedagogical control on the development of preparedness for the algorithmic presentation of the independent work of the students of professional and pedagogical university. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the method of algorithmic presentation of the synchronous pedagogical control of the process of assimilation by the students of the professional knowledge and skills, enabling them to develop in algorithmic preparedness corresponding to the level of complexity of the implemented educational and professional activities. The article deals with the psychological and pedagogical approaches in the study of algorithmic preparedness to work independently as well as with the arrangements for the synchronous type of the pedagogical control in the discipline of profile preparation of students of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University and with the results achieved during experimental search of work indicating the effectiveness and efficiency of this type of control. The materials of the article may be useful to teachers of vocational training in the organization of practical training in the disciplines of profile preparation containing procedural knowledge and skills and, consequently, an algorithmic nature. © 2016 Dneprov et al

    The economic efficiency of european football clubs - Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach

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    The relevance of this paper lies in the fact that football business has grown significantly in the past 20 years and football clubs have become large companies, which in an effort to be profitable and successful on the field need to improve the efficiency of their business. The aim of this article is to measure economic efficiency of 48 big European football clubs and assess the relationship between efficiency and different financial and sportive indicators (variables). To measure efficiency, we used both widely used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and its extensions: DEA Super-efficiency and DEA Cross-efficiency models. The results showed that these methods can successively be applied to football clubs’ efficiency measurement and the analysis of the them can help to explain why some clubs are efficient or inefficient and which factors affects the efficiency. This paper will be interesting football clubs’ managers, football analytics, economists and other people interested in football business because we combine in it the most interesting ideas and methods about football clubs’ efficiency measurement. © 2016 Pyatunin et al

    Pedagogical Heritage of Motional Activities Development as the Basis of Preserving the Indigenous Minority Nations of West Siberia

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    Статья является результатом концептуального обобщения материалов десяти этнопедагогических экспедиций (1990–2006) в места постоянного проживания коренных малочисленных народов Западной Сибири (хантов, манси, лесных ненцев). Установлены основные компоненты педагогического наследия и достояния в сфере развития двигательной активности этих народов. Названы традиционные игры и состязания, использование которых в современном образовательном процессе позволит значительно обогатить духовную и телесную жизнь не только коренных, но и других народов Западной Сибири и России в целом, а также будет способствовать реэтногенезу ханты, манси и лесных ненцев в составе российского суперэтноса.The article is based on the materials collected in ten ethno-pedagogical expeditions (1990-2006) to the indigenous minority nations of West Siberia. The basic means of their pedagogical heritage of developing motional activities are described. The usage of traditional games and competitions in the educational process will enrich the life of both the minority and other nations of West Siberia, as well as the whole country. It will also lead to the re-ethnogeny of the Khanty, Mansi and Nenets peoples into the structure of Russians