7 research outputs found

    Polyphenolic Compounds from <i>Lespedeza bicolor</i> Protect Neuronal Cells from Oxidative Stress

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    Pterocarpans and related polyphenolics are known as promising neuroprotective agents. We used models of rotenone-, paraquat-, and 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurotoxicity to study the neuroprotective activity of polyphenolic compounds from Lespedeza bicolor and their effects on mitochondrial membrane potential. We isolated 11 polyphenolic compounds: a novel coumestan lespebicoumestan A (10) and a novel stilbenoid 5’-isoprenylbicoloketon (11) as well as three previously known pterocarpans, two pterocarpens, one coumestan, one stilbenoid, and a dimeric flavonoid. Pterocarpans 3 and 6, stilbenoid 5, and dimeric flavonoid 8 significantly increased the percentage of living cells after treatment with paraquat (PQ), but only pterocarpan 6 slightly decreased the ROS level in PQ-treated cells. Pterocarpan 3 and stilbenoid 5 were shown to effectively increase mitochondrial membrane potential in PQ-treated cells. We showed that pterocarpans 2 and 3, containing a 3’-methyl-3’-isohexenylpyran ring; pterocarpens 4 and 9, with a double bond between C-6a and C-11a; and coumestan 10 significantly increased the percentage of living cells by decreasing ROS levels in 6-OHDA-treated cells, which is in accordance with their rather high activity in DPPH• and FRAP tests. Compounds 9 and 10 effectively increased the percentage of living cells after treatment with rotenone but did not significantly decrease ROS levels

    Polyphenols from <i>Maackia amurensis</i> Heartwood Protect Neuronal Cells from Oxidative Stress and Prevent Herpetic Infection

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    Here, we continued the investigation of anti-HSV-1 activity and neuroprotective potential of 14 polyphenolic compounds isolated from Maackia amurensis heartwood. We determined the absolute configurations of asymmetric centers in scirpusin A (13) and maackiazin (10) as 7R,8R and 1″S,2″S, respectively. We showed that dimeric stilbens maackin (9) and scirpusin A (13) possessed the highest anti-HSV-1 activity among polyphenols 1–14. We also studied the effect of polyphenols 9 and 13 on the early stages of HSV-1 infection. Direct interaction with the virus (virucidal activity) was the main mechanism of the antiviral activity of these compounds. The neuroprotective potential of polyphenolic compounds from M. amurensis was studied using models of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-and paraquat (PQ)-induced neurotoxicity. A dimeric stilbene scirpusin A (13) and a flavonoid liquiritigenin (6) were shown to be the most active compounds among the tested polyphenols. These compounds significantly increased the viability of 6-OHDA-and PQ-treated Neuro-2a cells, elevated mitochondrial membrane potential and reduced the intracellular ROS level. We also found that scirpusin A (13), liquiritigenin (6) and retusin (3) considerably increased the percentage of live Neuro-2a cells and decreased the number of early apoptotic cells. Scirpusin A (13) was the most promising compound possessing both anti-HSV-1 activity and neuroprotective potential

    NMR structure of emfourin, a novel protein metalloprotease inhibitor: Insights into the mechanism of action

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    Emfourin (M4in) is a protein metalloprotease inhibitor recently discovered in the bacterium Serratia proteamaculans and the prototype of a new family of protein protease inhibitors with an unknown mechanism of action. Protealysin-like proteases (PLPs) of the thermolysin family are natural targets of emfourin-like inhibitors widespread in bacteria and known in archaea. The available data indicate the involvement of PLPs in interbacterial interaction as well as bacterial interaction with other organisms and likely in pathogenesis. Arguably, emfourin-like inhibitors participate in the regulation of bacterial pathogenesis by controlling PLP activity. Here, we determined the 3D structure of M4in using solution NMR spectroscopy. The obtained structure demonstrated no significant similarity to known protein structures. This structure was used to model the M4in–enzyme complex and the complex model was verified by small-angle X-ray scattering. Based on the model analysis, we propose a molecular mechanism for the inhibitor, which was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. We show that two spatially close flexible loop regions are critical for the inhibitor–protease interaction. One region includes aspartic acid forming a coordination bond with catalytic Zn2+ of the enzyme and the second region carries hydrophobic amino acids interacting with protease substrate binding sites. Such an active site structure corresponds to the noncanonical inhibition mechanism. This is the first demonstration of such a mechanism for protein inhibitors of thermolysin family metalloproteases, which puts forward M4in as a new basis for the development of antibacterial agents relying on selective inhibition of prominent factors of bacterial pathogenesis belonging to this family

    Absolute Stereochemistry and Cytotoxic Effects of Vismione E from Marine Sponge-Derived Fungus <i>Aspergillus</i> sp. 1901NT-1.2.2

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    The metabolic profile of the Aspergillus sp. 1901NT-1.2.2 sponge-associated fungal strain was investigated using the HPLC MS technique, and more than 23 peaks in the HPLC MS chromatogram were detected. Only two minor peaks were identified as endocrocin and terpene derivative MS data from the GNPS database. The main compound was isolated and identified as known anthraquinone derivative vismione E. The absolute stereochemistry of vismione E was established for the first time using ECD and quantum chemical methods. Vismione E showed high cytotoxic activity against human breast cancer MCF-7 cells, with an IC50 of 9.0 µM, in comparison with low toxicity for normal human breast MCF-10A cells, with an IC50 of 65.3 µM. It was found that vismione E inhibits MCF-7 cell proliferation and arrests the cell cycle in the G1 phase. Moreover, the negative influence of vismione E on MCF-7 cell migration was detected. Molecular docking of vismione E suggested the IMPDH2 enzyme as one of the molecular targets for this anthraquinone derivative

    New Cyclopiane Diterpenes and Polyketide Derivatives from Marine Sediment-Derived Fungus <i>Penicillium antarcticum</i> KMM 4670 and Their Biological Activities

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    Two new cyclopiane diterpenes and a new cladosporin precursor, together with four known related compounds, were isolated from the marine sediment-derived fungus Penicillium antarcticum KMM 4670, which was re-identified based on phylogenetic inference from ITS, BenA, CaM, and RPB2 gene regions. The absolute stereostructures of the isolated cyclopianes were determined using modified Mosher’s method and quantum chemical calculations of the ECD spectra. The isolation from the natural source of two biosynthetic precursors of cladosporin from a natural source has been reported for the first time. The antimicrobial activities of the isolated compounds against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans as well as the inhibition of staphylococcal sortase A activity were investigated. Moreover, the cytotoxicity of the compounds to mammalian cardiomyocytes H9c2 was studied. As a result, new cyclopiane diterpene 13-epi-conidiogenone F was found to be a sortase A inhibitor and a promising anti-staphylococcal agent