45 research outputs found


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    This paper is focused on investment planning in the enterprise economic security management. The actuality of the research is determined by the need for the identification and usage of the adaptation enterprise system in Russia in the current circumstances of the domestic problems and changes in the world economic relations. In work was formed the mechanism of realization the current investing planning (CIP). Besides, authors have highlighted the stages that provide factors of economic security of an enterprise in a short- and medium-term perspective. The research aim is in the development of the mechanism of the practical realization of the current investment planning on the base of its logical structure and the investment program of the business entity. The methodological base of the research was: the dialectical materialistic method, the method of the unity of logical and historical, the methods of the induction and deduction, analytical groups and also such scientific methods as the analysis and synthesis, the logic, the graphic method of the information interpretation


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    Objective: The study aims to determine the features of the consumption of political news by student youth and youth preferences in political news sources and media terminals. Methods: A sociological study was conducted in the form of a survey of young people aged between 15 and 29 (N=1,102). The results of the fall 2022 survey were compared to those of a similar 2017 study. Results: Survey participants name online resources, including social media and news portals, as the leading source of information (62.43%). Telegram channels and television rank second and third with 21.69 and 14%, respectively. Trust in Internet news sources rose by 13% since 2017 (from 57 to 70.5%), while traditional media, such as television and radio, rank last by the level of trust (12.95%). Conclusion: The study confirms the ongoing trend of decreasing trust in traditional media, especially concerning news. Despite declining trust, television continues to be popular among young people as a source of entertainment. The study shows a clear shift in preference toward digital media

    Visual shape and position sensing algorithm for a continuum robot

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    Continuum robots represent an actively developing and fast-growing technology in robotics. To successfully implement control and path planning of continuum robots it is important to develop an accurate three-dimensional shape and position sensing algorithm. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the three-dimensional reconstruction of the continuum robot shape. The algorithm is performed during several steps. Initially, images from two cameras are processed by applying pre-processing and segmentation techniques. Then, the gradient descent method is applied to compare twodimensional skeleton points of both masks. Having compared these points, it finds a skeleton of the robot in a threedimensional form. Additionally, the proposed algorithm is able to define key points using the distance from the robot base along the center line. The latter allows controlling the position of points of interest defined by a user. As a result, the developed algorithm achieved a relatively high level of accuracy and speed

    Visual shape and position sensing algorithm for a continuum robot

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    Continuum robots represent an actively developing and fast-growing technology in robotics. To successfully implement control and path planning of continuum robots it is important to develop an accurate three-dimensional shape and position sensing algorithm. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for the three-dimensional reconstruction of the continuum robot shape. The algorithm is performed during several steps. Initially, images from two cameras are processed by applying pre-processing and segmentation techniques. Then, the gradient descent method is applied to compare two-dimensional skeleton points of both masks. Having compared these points, it finds a skeleton of the robot in a threedimensional form. Additionally, the proposed algorithm is able to define key points using the distance from the robot base along the center line. The latter allows controlling the position of points of interest defined by a user. As a result, the developed algorithm achieved a relatively high level of accuracy and speed

    Effect of Proton Irradiation on the Defect Evolution of Zr/Nb Nanoscale Multilayers

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    Nanoscale multilayer coatings (NMCs) with different crystal structures are considered as capable of self-healing after radiation damage due to the recombination of vacancies and interstitials. This work is focused on a defect distribution study of NMCs based on Zr/Nb layers (25/25 nm and 100/100 nm) after proton irradiation. Coatings with a total thickness of 1.05 ± 0.05 µm were irradiated by 900-keV protons using a pelletron-type electrostatic accelerator with an ion current of 2 µA for durations of 60 min to 120 min. The influence of the irradiation effect was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD–OES), and Doppler broadening spectroscopy using a variable energy positron beam. The results obtained by these methods are compatible and indicate that defect concentration of Zr/Nb NMCs remains unchanged or slightly decreases with increasing irradiation time

    Effect of Proton Irradiation on the Defect Evolution of Zr/Nb Nanoscale Multilayers

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    Nanoscale multilayer coatings (NMCs) with different crystal structures are considered as capable of self-healing after radiation damage due to the recombination of vacancies and interstitials. This work is focused on a defect distribution study of NMCs based on Zr/Nb layers (25/25 nm and 100/100 nm) after proton irradiation. Coatings with a total thickness of 1.05 ± 0.05 µm were irradiated by 900-keV protons using a pelletron-type electrostatic accelerator with an ion current of 2 µA for durations of 60 min to 120 min. The influence of the irradiation effect was studied by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD–OES), and Doppler broadening spectroscopy using a variable energy positron beam. The results obtained by these methods are compatible and indicate that defect concentration of Zr/Nb NMCs remains unchanged or slightly decreases with increasing irradiation time

    First-Principles Calculations and Experimental Study of H+-Irradiated Zr/Nb Nanoscale Multilayer System

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    Nanoscale multilayer coating (NMC) based on Zr/Nb layers (100/100 nm) before and after H+ irradiation was investigated by combining experimental techniques with first-principles calculations. Detailed studies of structural and phase state and defect structure of Zr/Nb NMC were performed using methods of transmission electron microscopy, X-ray structural analysis, glow discharge optical emission spectrometry, and the Doppler broadening spectroscopy using variable energy positron beam. The first-principles calculations of binding energies for hydrogen in metal Zr/Nb layers was carried out by the pseudopotential method within the density functional theory framework. First-principles calculations and experimental data indicate the presence of macro- and microstrains predominantly in the zirconium layers of Zr/Nb NMC. The main feature of the studied Zr/Nb NMC is the predominant hydrogen localization in Zr layers near the interfaces. The annihilation of positrons is shown to occur mainly in the Zr layers in the vicinity of the interface

    Free-living use of artificial pancreas for children with type 1 diabetes: systematic review

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    BACKGRAUND: A closed-loop glucose control system or artificial pancreas consists of three components a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), infusion pumps to deliver hormone(s) and a sophisticated dosing algorithm to control hormone delivery. In the past years, numerous studies with closed-loop system devices were conducted with gradual shift to out-of-hospital environment and with lengthening study duration. AIMS: To compare efficacy and safety of closed-loop insulin pump use in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus in compare with conventional insulin treatment (continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) with our without CGM) based on randomized control trials data (RCT). METHODS: In the systematic review we have include 28 randomized controlled trials results indexed in PubMed, Medline databases published till 15 June 2017. The efficacy on metabolic control in this study evaluated by the proportion of time within target range (preferably 70 to 180 mg/dl if reported) and mean (median) glucose based on sensor measurements, and the safety evaluated by time in hypoglycemia (below 70 mg/dl if reported). RESULTS: Increased time in range in the night period was observed in all RCT. Only 3 RCT showed decrease of the time in range within 24 h evaluation period. In one RCT the significant positive differences have been shown in the time in range for dual hormone closed-loop glucose control system in compare with insulin-only artificial pancreas. Mean glycaemia and glucose variability changes were not in the same manner in different RCT, both in the night only and in 24 h estimation period. Night hypoglycemia duration decreased in most RCT with closed-loop control in compare with CSII, and increased only in 2 RCT. When all-day estimation period the time in hypoglycemia changed not in the same manner in different RCT. Valuable methodology differences of the glycaemic control estimation within observed RCT brought significant complications in the data analysis and made impossible the results quantitative estimation to prepare a metaanalysis. CONCLUSIONS: Much work has been done to develop effective and safe artificial pancreas, but not all RCTs confirmed advantages of closed-loop glucose control in compare with CSII in children and adolescents in real life. More research with prospective randomized control design required to prove benefits of closed-loop glucose control. Further RCTs should have an uniform methodology for glycemic control assessment and long duration that will allow to use cumulative measures in a closed-loop efficacy estimation (HbA1c)

    Resolution on the results of the first working meeting of the scientific advisory board «Actual problems of glycemic variability as a new criterion of glycemic control and safety of diabetes therapy»

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    The Scientific Advisory Board, chaired by Professor G. R. Galstyan (cochair - A.V. Zilov), met in Moscow on 19 June 2018 to discuss the possibilities of improving the results of diabetes mellitus (DM) treatment by considering glycaemic variability (GV) as an additional criterion for effective glycaemic control (especially in patients receiving insulin therapy) and as one of the goals of treatment in patients with unstable glycaemia. The purpose of the working meeting was to develop a strategy for the introduction of GV as a predictor and as an additional criterion for assessing the effectiveness and safety of hypoglycaemic therapy to improve the pharmacotherapy of diabetes and reduce cardiovascular and total mortality. The aims of the working meeting were to conduct a comprehensive data analysis of the relationship between GV and hypoglycaemia; to gather and analyse published data and the experience of decrease in GV and improved outcomes of diabetes against the background of different types of insulin therapy; to compare existing methods of glycaemia monitoring and GV assessment and examine their validity and availability in real practice in the context of limited budget and to analyse the informativeness and clinical and prognostic significance of various parameters of GV assessment and to determine their reasonable ‘minimum’ for a comprehensive assessment of GV as a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of DM treatment and the predictors of negative diabetes outcomes. The following reports were presented during the discussion: ‘Glycemic variability: clinical and prognostic value. Types of glycemic variability’ (Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant Professor Zilov A.V.); ‘Methods of assessment of variability of glycemia in clinical trials and routine practice’ (PhD, Professor Markova T. N.); ‘Current international and national recommendations on glycemic monitoring’ (PhD, Professor Galstyan G. R.) and ‘Peculiarities of glycemic variability and its evaluation among children and adolescents’ (Candidate of Medical Sciences Vitebskaya A.V.)