66 research outputs found

    On the formation of TeV radiation in LS 5039

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    The recent detections of TeV gamma-rays from compact binary systems show that relativistic outflows (jets or winds) are sites of effective acceleration of particles up to multi-TeV energies. In this paper, we discuss the conditions of acceleration and radiation of ultra-relativistic electrons in LS 5039, the gamma-ray emitting binary system for which the highest quality TeV data are available. Assuming that the gamma-ray emitter is a jet-like structure, we performed detailed numerical calculations of the energy spectrum and lightcurves accounting for the acceleration efficiency, the location of the accelerator, the speed of the emitting flow, the inclination angle of the system, as well as specific features related to anisotropic inverse Compton scattering and pair production. We conclude that the accelerator should not be deep inside the binary system unless we assume a very efficient acceleration rate. We show that within the IC scenario both the gamma-ray spectrum and flux are strongly orbital phase dependent. Formally, our model can reproduce, for specific sets of parameter values, the energy spectrum of gamma-rays reported by HESS for wide orbital phase intervals. However, the physical properties of the source can be constrained only by observations capable of providing detailed energy spectra for narrow orbital phase intervals (Δϕ0.1\Delta\phi\ll 0.1).Comment: 14 pages, 26 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, submitted on July 11, 200

    Gamma-Ray Emission in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151: Investigating the Role of Jet and Coronal Activities

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    NGC 4151, a nearby Seyfert galaxy, has recently been reported to emit gamma rays in the GeV range, posing an intriguing astrophysical mystery. The star formation rate of NGC 4151 is too low to explain the observed GeV flux, but the galaxy is known for its coronal activity in X-ray and jet activity in radio. We propose that either the combination of these two activities or the jet activity alone can account for the gamma-ray spectrum. An energy-dependent variability search would allow us to distinguish between the two scenarios, as the coronal component can only contribute at energies of 1\lesssim1 GeV. Our analysis also indicates that the expected neutrino flux from the coronal component is likely to be undetectable by IceCube.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Simple analytical approximations for treatment of inverse Compton scattering of relativistic electrons in the black-body radiation field

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    The inverse Compton (IC) scattering of relativistic electrons is one of the major gamma-ray production mechanisms in different environments. Often the target photons for the IC scattering are dominated by black (or grey) body radiation. In this case, the precise treatment of the characteristics of IC radiation requires numerical integrations over the Planckian distribution. Formally, analytical integrations are also possible but they result in series of several special functions; this limits the efficiency of usage of these expressions. The aim of this work is the derivation of approximate analytical presentations which would provide adequate accuracy for the calculations of the energy spectra of up-scattered radiation, the rate of electron energy losses, and the mean energy of emitted photons. Such formulae have been obtained by merging the analytical asymptotic limits. The coefficients in these expressions are calculated via the least square fitting of the results of numerical integrations. The simple analytical presentations, obtained for both the isotropic and anisotropic target radiation fields, provide adequate (as good as 1%1\%) accuracy for broad astrophysical applications.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Unraveling the high-energy emission components of gamma-ray binaries

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    The high and very-high energy spectrum of gamma-ray binaries has become a challenge for all theoretical explanations since the detection of powerful, persistent GeV emission from LS 5039 and LS I +61 303 by Fermi/LAT. The spectral cutoff at a few GeV indicates that the GeV component and the fainter, hard TeV emission above 100 GeV are not directly related. We explore the possible origins of these two emission components in the framework of a young, non-accreting pulsar orbiting the massive star, and initiating the non-thermal emission through the interaction of the stellar and pulsar winds. The pulsar/stellar wind interaction in a compact orbit binary gives rise to two potential locations for particle acceleration: the shocks at the head-on collision of the winds and the termination shock caused by Coriolis forces on scales larger than the binary separation. We explore the suitability of these two locations to host the GeV and TeV emitters, respectively, through the study of their non-thermal emission along the orbit. We focus on the application of this model to LS 5039 given its well determined stellar wind with respect to other gamma-ray binaries. The application of the proposed model to LS 5039 indicates that these two potential emitter locations provide the necessary conditions for reproduction of the two-component high-energy gamma-ray spectrum of LS 5039. In addition, the ambient postshock conditions required at each of the locations are consistent with recent hydrodynamical simulations. The scenario based on the interaction of the stellar and pulsar winds is compatible with the GeV and TeV emission observed from gamma-ray binaries with unknown compact objects, such as LS 5039 and LS I +61 303.Comment: Version as published in A&

    Monte-Carlo Simulations of Radio Emitting Secondaries in Gamma-Ray Binaries

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    Several binary systems that contain a massive star have been detected in both the radio band and at very high energies. In the dense stellar photon field of these sources, gamma-ray absorption and pair creation are expected to occur, and the radiation from these pairs may contribute significantly to the observed radio emission. We aim at going deeper in the study of the properties, and in particular the morphology, of the pair radio emission in gamma-ray binaries. We apply a Monte-Carlo code that computes the creation location, the spatial trajectory and the energy evolution of the pairs produced in the binary system and its surroundings. The radio emission produced by these pairs, with its spectral, variability and spatial characteristics, is calculated as it would be seen from a certain direction. A generic case is studied first, and then the specific case of LS 5039 is also considered. We find that, confirming previous results, the secondary radio emission should appear as an extended radio structure of a few milliarcseconds size. This radiation would be relatively hard, with fluxes up to ~ 10 mJy. Modulation is expected depending on the gamma-ray production luminosity, system eccentricity, and wind ionization fraction, and to a lesser extent on the magnetic field structure. In gamma-ray binaries in general, the pairs created due to photon-photon interactions can contribute significantly to the core, and generate an extended structure. In the case of LS 5039, the secondary radio emission is likely to be a significant fraction of the detected core flux, with a marginal extension.Comment: 13 pages, 12 Figures, 2 Tables, to be published in PASJ (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan), in pres

    Fast moving pulsars as probes of interstellar medium

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    Pulsars moving through ISM produce bow shocks detected in hydrogen Hα\alpha line emission. The morphology of the bow shock nebulae allows one to probe the properties of ISM on scales 0.01\sim 0.01 pc and smaller. We performed 2D RMHD modeling of the pulsar bow shock and simulated the corresponding Hα\alpha emission morphology. We find that even a mild spatial inhomogeneity of ISM density, δρ/ρ1\delta\rho/\rho \sim 1, leads to significant variations of the shape of the shock seen in Hα\alpha line emission. We successfully reproduce the morphology of the Guitar Nebula. We infer quasi-periodic density variations in the warm component of ISM with a characteristic length of 0.1\sim0.1~pc. Structures of this scale might be also responsible for the formation of the fine features seen at the forward shock of Tycho SNR in X-rays. Formation of such short periodic density structures in the warm component of ISM is puzzling, and bow-shock nebulae provide unique probes to study this phenomenon.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted MNRA

    On the properties of inverse Compton spectra generated by up-scattering a power-law distribution of target photons

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    Relativistic electrons are an essential component in many astrophysical sources, and their radiation may dominate the high-energy bands. Inverse Compton (IC) emission is the radiation mechanism that plays the most important role in these bands. The basic properties of IC, such as the total and differential cross sections, have long been studied; the properties of the IC emission depend strongly not only on the emitting electron distribution but also on the properties of the target photons. This complicates the phenomenological studies of sources, where target photons are supplied from a broad radiation component. We study the spectral properties of IC emission generated by a power-law distribution of electrons on a power-law distribution of target photons. We approximate the resulting spectrum by a broken-power-law distribution and show that there can be up to three physically motivated spectral breaks. If the target photon spectrum extends to sufficiently low energies, εmin<me2c4/Emax\varepsilon_{\mathrm{min}}< m_e^2c^4/E_{\mathrm{max}} (mem_e and cc are electron mass and speed of light, respectively; εmin\varepsilon_{\mathrm{min}} and EmaxE_{\mathrm{max}} are the minimum/maximum energies of target photons and electrons, respectively), then the high energy part of the IC component has a spectral slope typical for the Thomson regime with an abrupt cutoff close to EmaxE_{\mathrm{max}}. The spectra typical for the Klein-Nishina regime are formed above me2c4/εminm_e^2c^4/\varepsilon_{\mathrm{min}}. If the spectrum of target photons features a cooling break, i.e., a change of the photon index by 0.50.5 at εbr\varepsilon_{\mathrm{br}}, then the transition to the Klein-Nishina regime proceeds through an intermediate change of the photon index by 0.50.5 at me2c4/εbrm_e^2c^4/\varepsilon_{\mathrm{br}}.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure