4 research outputs found

    Examples of GEPCI <i>S</i><sub>0</sub> (T1w) images and R2t* maps selected from a healthy control (HC: 58 yr old, female) and MS patient (MS: 60 yr old, female).

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    <p>Hippocampus and amygdala regions are marked by yellow and green contours, respectively. Despite no dramatic volumetric changes between HC and MS in these two structures, the MS patient showed significant lower R2t* in the anterior hippocampus region.</p

    Correlations of R2t* and NV with clinical cognitive scores in hippocampus and amygdala of MS patients.

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    <p>Correlations of R2t* are shown on the left panels. Correlations of NV are shown on the right panels. Correlations with three clinical cognitive tests (3s PASAT, 2s PASAT and SDMT) are presented in 3 rows, respectively. The r-values and p-values (with FDR correction) are provided in each panel. LH = Left Hemisphere; RH = Right Hemisphere.</p

    HC versus different MS sub-groups comparisons of R2t* (top) and NV (bottom) of hippocampus and amygdala for each hemisphere.

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    <p>Significant p-values (with FDR correction) are listed in each panel. LH = Left Hemisphere; RH = Right Hemisphere.</p