486 research outputs found

    19. Pourquoi la tournée des gentilhommières par Tchitchikov finit-elle en Sibérie ?

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    La littérature russe compte un roman des plus mystérieux, qui échappe à toute interprétation un tant soit peu fondée (de nombreuses interprétations en ont été proposées, chacune semblant contredire en tout point les précédentes !) Ce roman, de fait, ne se présente pas comme un roman, mais comme un « poème ». Il s’agit des Âmes mortes de Nicolas Gogol. Il faut d’ailleurs reconnaître que le caractère mystérieux des Âmes mortes ne tient pas seulement à leur poétique, qui crée une herméneutique t..

    Digitalization of the housing and communal services: development prospects

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    The subject of the research is to study the impact of modern digital technologies on the organization and management of public utilities within the framework of the concept of “smart HCS”, which ensures optimization of municipal budgets, reducing the costs of homeowners for the maintenance of real estate, and, as a result, improving the quality of life of citizens. The purpose of the study is to identify promising areas of digitalization of the housing and communal services sector (hereinafter referred to as HCS), creating comfortable and safe living conditions for citizens using smart technologies adapted to the “smart city” concept. In the course of the study, the methods of scientific analysis were used, including methods of analogies for generalization and comparative analysis of the digitalization of such areas as the “smart” housing sector and the “smart” utility sector. The result of the study is to highlight the most promising areas of digital transformation of the public utilities sector and the positive effect that can be obtained for each participant in this business process. As a conclusion, it should be noted that the active implementation of the concept of “smart HCS” will help in solving such problems as increasing the readiness of management companies and resource supplying organizations to use digital technologies for high-quality provision of public services to the population, intensifying work on the formation of a unified information environment for control and supervision in the field of HCS through the further development of SIS HCS, etc

    Heinrich Wölfflin en Russie

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    RésuméL’article montre comment la recherche que Wölfflin effectua dans le domaine de l’histoire de l’art, et notamment de l’art italien, avait mené en Russie à la découverte du baroque spécifiquement russe et contribua également à l’élaboration de la méthode formaliste dans l’étude littéraire. L’autre enjeu de l’article est d’étudier comment, dans la période soviétique, on a su approprier les idées de l’historien suisse à l’idéologie marxiste.AbstractThe article shows how Wolfflin’s research in the fields of history and art, and more particularly Italian art, led to the discovery in Russia of the specifically Russian Baroque and contributed to the elaboration of the formalist method in the study of literature. The article also studies how the Swiss historian’s ideas were successfully appropriated by Marxist ideology during the Soviet period

    Городская усадьба Пьера Лоти в Рошфоре: экзотизм в литературе и повседневности

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    This article deals with the history of the urban estate of Pierre Loti in Rochefort, a writer whose name is inseparably linked to the history of exoticism in French literature. Its creation is an example of the fusion of architectural and literary intentions, like Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill, Walter Scott's Abbotsford and Alexandre Dumas' Le Château de Monte-Cristo. Unlike these authors, for Loti, the estate was a sublimation of what he felt he was unable to express in his work. The exotic decoration of the villa contributed to Loti's passion for life-making, turning his own life into a theatrical scaffolding. But also the fear of death, which had haunted Loti since his youth, the writer tried to overcome with the decoration of his villa, which allowed him to juxtapose the times. The article describes in detail one of the festivities Loti hosted in his own home, the Louis XI Dinner during which all the guests were dressed in costumes of the era and spoke Old French. Loti's experiment can be compared to the holidays that the descendants of the Marquis de Sade arranged at their Mediterranean villa. In a certain sense, they foreshadowed the aesthetic practice of the Surrealists and what later became known as events. Having dissolved his life in the mirror image of numerous exotic novels, Loti turned the villa into his true work, making it the embodiment of his own mythology, in which the exoticism of distant countries turned into the exoticism of distant centuries.Este artículo aborda la historia de la finca urbana de Pierre Loti en Rochefort, un escritor cuyo nombre está inseparablemente vinculado a la historia del exotismo en la literatura francesa. Su creación es un ejemplo de la fusión de intenciones arquitectónicas y literarias, como Strawberry Hill de Horace Walpole, Abbotsford de Walter Scott y Le Château de Monte-Cristo de Alexandre Dumas. A diferencia de estos autores, para Loti, la finca era una sublimación de lo que sentía que no podía expresar en su trabajo. La exótica decoración de la villa contribuyó a la pasión de Loti por hacer vida, convirtiendo su propia vida en un andamio teatral. Pero también el miedo a la muerte, que había perseguido a Loti desde su juventud, el escritor trató de superar con la decoración de su villa, que le permitió yuxtaponer los tiempos. El artículo describe en detalle una de las festividades que Loti organizó en su propia casa, la cena de Luis XI durante la cual todos los invitados se vistieron con trajes de la época y hablaron francés antiguo. El experimento de Loti se puede comparar con las vacaciones que los descendientes del marqués de Sade organizaron en su villa mediterránea. En cierto sentido, presagiaban la práctica estética de los surrealistas y lo que más tarde se conocería como eventos. Al disolver su vida en la imagen especular de numerosas novelas exóticas, Loti convirtió la villa en su verdadera obra, convirtiéndola en la encarnación de su propia mitología, en la que el exotismo de países lejanos se convirtió en el exotismo de siglos lejanos.Статья посвящена истории городской усадьбы Пьера Лоти в Рошфоре, - писателя, чье имя неразрывно связано с историей экзотизма во французской литературе. Ее создание есть пример слияния воедино замысла архитектурного и литературного, подобно Строберри Хилл Горация  Уолпола, Эбботсфорда Вальтера Скотта и «Замка Монте-Кристо» Александра Дюма. В отличие от данных авторов, для Лоти усадьба  стала  сублимацией того, что ему не удалось, как ему самому казалось, выразить в творчестве. Экзотическое убранство виллы способствовало страсти Лоти к жизнетворчеству, превращению собственной жизни в театральные подмости. Но и страх смерти, преследовавший Лоти уже с юности, писатель  пытался преодолеть, параллельно со словом, – декором, внутренним убранством своей виллы, позволявшим ему сопрягать времена. В статье подробно описывается одно из празднеств, устроенных Лоти в собственном доме, - Ужин Людовика XI, во время которого все приглашенные были одеты в костюмы эпохи и говорили на старофранцузском языке. Эксперимент Лоти можно сравнить с  праздниками, которые потомки маркиза де Сада устраивали на своей средиземноморской вилле Иер. В определенном смысле, предвещали они и эстетическую практику сюрреалистов и то, что позже получило название events Растворив свою жизнь в зеркальном отражении многочисленных экзотических романов, в свое истинное произведение Лоти превратил  виллу, сделав ее воплощением собственной мифологии, в которой экзотика дальних стран превратилась в экзотику дальних веков

    The Myth of Belovodie, Oponskoe [Japan] Kingdom of the Old Believers, and the Mystery of the Second Volume of Gogol’s Dead Souls

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    There is a hypothesis that Gogol was planning to move the setting of the second volume of Dead Souls to Siberia. The paper offers one more explanation of this design. Gogol seems to have left a clue in the last of the surviving chapters of the second volume where he outlines the theme of the Schismatics (Old Believers). This theme is not casual: it was in the 1840s, when the state-afflicted repressions of the Old Believers began, and the activities of the latter became the object of investigation by various commissions. A member of one of these commissions was Ivan Aksakov who became particularly interested in one of the schismatics sects, namely the sect of wanderers or runners. The ideology of this extremely left branch of the Old Believers linked to the legend of Land of White Waters enables us to reconsider the purchase of the dead souls plot. The runners believed that not only the Niconian church incarnated Antichrist; they considered the audit of rustic population as demonic practice. Here we come to the point where the idea of Gogol’s poem and the doctrine of the runners overlap. Let us recall that already in the first volume of the poem, Chichikov, the buyer of the dead souls, is called Antichrist. At the same time, the theme of the runners who fled to Siberia in search of their Belovodie, a kind of peasant paradise on earth, “supports” Gogol’s plan for spiritual enlightenment and transformation of his characters in the second volume of Dead Souls


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    L’Altaï et plus largement la Sibérie constituent un lieu privilégié de recherche sur les transferts culturels. Entre le monde russe auquel il appartient et le monde chinois ou mongol qui le bordent, cet espace immense est un trait d’union entre l’Europe et l’Asie, mais aussi un véritable conservatoire de langues, de religions, de peuples, d’ethnies dont les relations, qui concernent l’histoire locale, mais aussi celle de l’Eurasie dans la longue durée, sont encore insuffisamment explorées. Le..

    Energy efficiency, low-carbon energy production, and economic growth in CIS countries

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    The paper studies the peculiarities of energy efficiency increase in national economy and decrease of carbon dioxide emission for CIS countries. The conditions that allow achieving parameters of sustainable development are determined according to indexes of GDP energy intensity and carbon intensity. Focusing on the indexes of GDP energy intensity and carbon intensity dynamics as well as on carbon intensity of energy production, a real movement towards implementation of program conditions presented by international organizations is analyzed, namely, economic conversion to the model of sustainable development. The examples demonstrate both the presence of significant differences between 12 countries and the lack of fatality in these differences. At determining dependencies linear models are preferred to non-linear ones, with the explanation of reasons in each particular case. Attention to success of these countries may help to understand the advantages of conversion to the model of sustainable development and also it helps to decrease demands in terms of costs for this conversion

    Suffering in world religions within paradigm of modern information

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    Any type of discourse, along with its characteristic concepts, operates with its own values. The basis of religious discourse form universal values providing moral guidelines that represent a standard for people of different cultures and eras, which are associated with the ideals of justice and are timeless. Among the universal are cultural, social and moral values. The bulk of religious values form cultural ones in any modern society. Religious beliefs form inner culture of a person. Some religious values can be referred as social and include: meaningful (meaning of life, happiness), universal (life, health), values of interpersonal communication (benevolence), values of public recognition (hard work), democratic values (freedom of speech). In modern society among religious, social and moral (mercy, compassion) values can be distinguished. Religious values can be found within each subgroup of universal human values. The article interprets phenomenon of suffering in modern society, which is an integral component of any world religion and forms the category of value in Christianity. The analysis of suffering in the article was carried out along with the analysis of religious discourse - a special type of institutional communication that combines features of institutional-oriented and personal-oriented phenomenon. The article shows reasons for the occurrence and existence of suffering in any modern society, as well as approaches that exist in various religious systems (Christianity, Islam and Buddhism) to interpreting suffering, attitude to it, need and possibility to overcome it as well as linguistic means to express phenomenon of suffering in world religions


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    Objective: This study was undertaken with the aim of the validate the simple isocratic metods high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) for the estimation of PEG-2000-DSPE and sucrose in liposomal medicinal formulations of the phthalocyanine photosensitizer Lipophthalocyan. Methods: HPLC quantification was carried out by using of YMC-Pack Polyamine II column. The mobile phase (for sucrose: acetonitrile: water: ethyl acetate in the ratio of 450: 200: 20; for PEG-2000-DSPE: water in the ratio 10: 90) was pumped at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Following the guidelines of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), the methods was validated for various analytical parameters like specificity, linearity, detection limit, quantitative limit, correctness, and accuracy. Results: The obtained results of the analysis were validated statistically. The correlation coefficient for the linearity was 0.999292, for sucrose, and 0.997650 for PEG-2000-DSPE. The methods can be assessed as correct, as the results obtained are close to the true value and the confidence interval for both methods include 100%. The coefficients of variation in both methods in determining the accuracy were less than 3%. Conclusion: The proposed HPLC methods were validated according to the ICH guidelines and results and statistical parameters demonstrated that the developed methods are sensitive, precise, reliable and simple for the estimation of PEG-2000-DSPE and sucrose in Lipophthalocyan