8 research outputs found

    Sensitive elements of basic direction Β«East - WestΒ» with oscillating mass for a gravitational-inertial compass

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    Manufacturing of devices for tool orientation based on action of Koriolis force on mass which oscillates along the vertical of a place is considered. Possibility of technical realization of sensitive elements of a gravitational-inertial compass on the basis of the orientation mechanism of alive organisms is shown

    The principle of gravity-inertial orientation

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    The important problem of gyrocompass without drift creation is considered in this article. The designing device allows to define the accurate information about mobile and stationary objects orientation in the case of long-term (months, years) absence of the determining the cardinal direction possibility. This article focuses on the idea of gyrocompass without drift creation, which works on the principle of gravity-inertial orientation at the theoretical level

    Integrated approach of the dynamic characteristics optimization for spacecraft’s technical systems on the exploratory tests

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    Integrated approach is the process connecting various project, theoretical and testing procedures. It is provided by the specific series-parallel combination of the mentioned operations. This paper shows that using results of the previous procedures on the further algorithm stages of exploratory tests and product verification is expedient. At that, the necessary correcting of engineering solutions in corresponding procedures is conducted simultaneously. Then, results of each procedure are used in the fixed sequence. It provides maximum attainable optimality of the designed system

    Organization design of complex technical products in integrated information systems

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    The article substantiates the necessity of using modern tools for the design of advanced space technology. The problems and consequences are presented in the application of CAD of various profiles within the framework of a single technical project. The decision of problems is resulted. The description of the through design process and the integrated information system is given. The possibilities of integrated information systems and the expected business effect are shown in their implementation and organization of an end-to-end design process

    Integrated Method - the Optimum Way to Improve the Quality of Frequency Response Characteristics of the Space Vehicle Attitude Control System

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    The integrated method applied to the design of technical systems is a process in which various project, calculation and verification procedures are interconnected and interrelated. The results of procedures are used in a certain sequence, thus ensuring maximum reachable optimality of the system being designed

    Mobile lidars. Influence of external mechanical actions on accuracy of lidar aiming

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    The questions of designing mechanical system load-bearing elements Β«lidar radiator-lidar basis-automobileΒ» in order to reduce external mechanical effects on lidar aiming accuracy have been considere

    Comparative physical-tribological properties of anti-friction ion-plasma Ti-C-Mo-S coating on VT6 alloy or 20X13 and 40X steels

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    Results of comparative tests mechanical and tribological properties of solid antifriction Ti-C-Mo-S coating, deposited by magnetron-plasma combined sputtering method on substrates of VT6 titanium alloy, 40X and 20X13 hardened steels are provided. Coating is sputtered using the same conditions and technological regimes on substrates of different materials. However, the friction tests results showed significant difference in tribological characteristics of coating depending on type of material used for substrate, first of all by wear-resistance ability. Authors suppose that this is due to difference between physical properties such as composition and structure of substrate materials that determines hardness and coating adhesion to surface