384 research outputs found

    Influence of crystallinity and particle size on the electrochemical properties of spray pyrolyzed Nd2NiO4+δ powders

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    This paper is dedicated to the study of the relationship between the Nd2NiO4+ı powder micro-structural properties (especially particle size and crystallinity) and electrochemical properties when the oxide is used as SOFC cathode deposited on 8YSZ electrolyte coated with thin doped ceria. Nano-structured particles of Nd2NiO4+ı with controlled crystallinity, size and morphology have been synthesized using ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP). The series and polarization resistances measured on symmetrical half cells Nd2NiO4+ı/YDC/8YSZ/YDC/Nd2NiO4+ı are both found to be dependent on the cathode microstructure and present a similar evolution with temperature. The best results are obtained for highly crystalline cathode powders combined with a small particle size

    Mise au point d'une cellule de SOFC haute performance alimentée en méthane pur sans dépôt de carbone

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    La mise au point d'une cellule de SOFC haute performance de configuration anode support pour un fonctionnement sous méthane pur nécessite l'élaboration d'un film mince d'électrolyte et le développement d'une architecture innovante permettant le reformage d'hydrocarbures. La première partie du travail a consisté en l'élaboration de films minces d'électrolyte de zircone stabilisée à l'oxyde d'yttrium par atomisation électrostatique sur un substrat composite poreux NiO-8YSZ. Cette technique originale a permis l'obtention de films minces, denses et étanches à partir d'une suspension, présentant des propriétés électriques comparables à celles d'un échantillon massif de même composition. La seconde partie du travail a porté sur la mise au point d'une cellule de SOFC optimisée dont l'architecture innovante intégrant une membrane anodique catalytique est basée sur le concept associant le reformage interne progressif et le découplage électro-catalytique. Une séquence d'élaboration établie spécifiquement conditionne l'assemblage des éléments optimisés de la cellule. L'adaptation de la cellule dans un banc de mesures a permis la réalisation de tests électrochimiques sous hydrogène et méthane à haute température. Le fonctionnement stable du dispositif pendant plus de 1000 h sous méthane pur avec un taux d'utilisation optimisé, sans apport extérieur d'eau et sans dépôt de carbone a validé le concept étudié.The design of a high performance anode supported SOFC operating under pure methane requires the elaboration of a thin film of electrolyte and the development of an original architecture adapted to the reforming of hydrocarbons. The first part of this work was dedicated to the elaboration of yttria stabilized zirconia thin films of electrolyte by ESD onto a NiO-8YSZ porous substrate. This original technique has allowed the fabrication of thin, dense and gas-tight films starting from a suspension, with good electrical properties comparable to that of a bulk sample of the same nature. The second part of this work concerned the design of an optimized SOFC cell with an original architecture integrating an anodic catalytic membrane based on a concept gathering the gradual internal reforming and the electro-catalytic dissociation. The assembly of the optimized components is conditioned by an elaboration sequence specifically established. The adjustment of the cell in a test bench led to the achievement of electrochemical tests in hydrogen and methane at 800C. The stable operating of the cell fueled by pure and dry methane with optimized faradaic efficiency for more than 1000 h without carbon deposition proved the viability of the studied concept.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    Special phase transformation and crystal growth pathways observed in nanoparticles†

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    Phase transformation and crystal growth in nanoparticles may happen via mechanisms distinct from those in bulk materials. We combine experimental studies of as-synthesized and hydrothermally coarsened titania (TiO(2)) and zinc sulfide (ZnS) with thermodynamic analysis, kinetic modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The samples were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, synchrotron X-ray absorption and scattering, and UV-vis spectroscopy. At low temperatures, phase transformation in titania nanoparticles occurs predominantly via interface nucleation at particle–particle contacts. Coarsening and crystal growth of titania nanoparticles can be described using the Smoluchowski equation. Oriented attachment-based crystal growth was common in both hydrothermal solutions and under dry conditions. MD simulations predict large structural perturbations within very fine particles, and are consistent with experimental results showing that ligand binding and change in aggregation state can cause phase transformation without particle coarsening. Such phenomena affect surface reactivity, thus may have important roles in geochemical cycling

    Innovative architectured oxygen electrodes for IT-SOFC using electrostatic spray deposition

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