24 research outputs found

    Zajednički patogeni viših biosfernih organizama

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    The paper indicates the most likely mechanisms, causes and epidemiological consequences pathogenic bacteria of community that live in the body of plants, animals and humans. In this respect especially were emphasized Pseudomonas, Erwinia, Yersinia, Listeria, Vibrio, Legionella, Salmonella and Mycoplasma.U radu se ukazuje na najverovatnije mehanizme, uzroke i epidemiološke posledice zajedništva patogenih bakterija koje žive u organizmu biljaka, životinja i čoveka. U tom pogledu su posebno istaknuti pseudomonasi, ervinije, jersinije, listerije, vibrioni, legionele, salmonele i mikoplazme

    Proizvodnja mikrobnih belančevina za potrebe ishrane domaćih životinja

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    In the paper it is presented the importance of alternative systems to solve the protein deficit in the diet of farm animals, using a variety of microorganisms as producers of protein grown on waste organic substrates. Indicates to the biotechnological specificity of the microbial conversion of organic substrates into the feed with a high protein content, as well as the selection of the biological producers and row materials, which are used for the production. An important part of this work refers to proteins enrichment of coarse plant material (with increased content of cellulose, lignocellulose, starch, etc.) by direct cultivation of microorganisms on them, in order to improve their quality and digestibility by the domestic animals.U radu je prikazan značaj alternativnih sistema rešavanja proteinskog deficita u ishrani domaćih životinja, korišćenjem različitih mikroorganizama kao producenata proteina gajenih na otpadnim organskim supstratima. Ukazuje se na biotehnološke specifičnosti mikrobiološke konverzije organskih supstrata u stočnu hranu sa visokim sadržajem belančevina kao i na odabir bioloških producenata i sirovina koje se koriste za tu proizvodnju. Bitan deo ovog rada se odnosi na proteinizaciju grubih biljnih materijala (sa povećenim sadržajem celuloze, lignoceluloze, skroba i sl.) direktnim gajenjem mikroorganizama na njima, a u cilju poboljšanja njihovog kvaliteta i svarljivosti od strane domaćih životinja

    Primena hepa-filtera u prehrambenoj industriji

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    The prevention of microbial contamination of the air of various production and other areas in the food industry, as well as the construction of biologically clean rooms, are very important technological tasks that provide a healthy and safe environment for the life and work of man, but also for the emergence of safe food products and environmental protection. The use of filtration is considered the most effective, most economical and most adaptive system for filtration and sterilization of air. Continuous improvements to the construction of the filters, the selection of new filtration materials, and the methods for controlling their efficiency are the basis for achieving air sterility in process spaces.Prevencijа mikrobne kontaminacije vazduha različitih proizvodnih i drugih prostora u prehrambenoj industriji, kао i izgradnja biološki čistih soba, veoma su važni tehnološki zadaci kојi оbеzbеđuјu zdrаvstvеnо bеzbеdnu srеdinu zа živоt i rаd čоvеkа, аli i zа nаstаnаk bеzbеdnih prеhrаmbеnih prоizvоdа i zаštitu živоtnе srеdinе. Upotreba filtracije se smatra najefikasnijim, najekonomičnijim i najprilagodljivijim sistemom za sterilizaciju vazduha. Stalna poboljšanja konstrukcije filtera, izbor novih filtracionih materijala, kao i metoda kontrole njihove efikasnosti su osnova za postizanje sterilnosti vazduha u procesnim prostorima

    Quality and Chemical Profile Assessment of Different Teas in Serbia

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    Satureja montana, Ocimum basilicum, Camellia sinesis, Saliva officinalis, Althaea officinalis, Thymus camphoratus, Rosmarinus officinalis, Mentha piperita and Mountain tea were investigated for their quality (ash and moisture contents), as well as for chemical profile. HPLC analysis was applied to determine saccharide, vitamin C and caffeine contents in all teas samples. Obtained results demonstrated high quality of all tea samples (moisture of all samples was below 12%), while chemical analysis revealed presence of glucose, fructose, sucrose, vitamin C and caffeine in tested materials. Exception was Ocimum basilicum, where only glucose was detected and quantified

    Chemical Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Helianthus Tuberosus

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    Helianthus tuberosus L., commonly known as the Jerusalem artichoke, belongs to Helianthus genus and Asteraceae botanical family. Due to its wide range of biological activities, aim of this study was to investigate chemical profile of extracts obtained using different approaches: maceration, percolation, infusion and Soxhlet extraction. Extracts were further investigated regarding heavy metal, saccharides, total phenolics and total flavonoids contents, as well as antioxidant activity using DPPH assay. Obtained results showed presence of all investigated species, as well as significant capability of prepared extract to scavenge DPPH radicals

    Mineralni sastav i antimikrobna aktivnost etanolskog ekstrakta žutog zvezdana

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    In order to study and find plant species that possess antimicrobial activity, this work was carried out testing of plant species Lotus corniculatus L. (birdsfoot trefoil). The work was conceived with the aim to determine the mineral composition and antimicrobial activity of ethanol extract birdsfoot trefoil, and in terms of potential use in food production. The minimum inhibitir concentration (MIC) was tested in microdilution method in a function of time of the extract and the growth of microorganisms. From the point of antimicrobial activity, by testing it was found that extract of Lotus corniculatus L. manifest the strongest antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, and the lowest to the bacterium Proteus hauser. Mineral composition of the extract plant species Lotus corniculatus L. was determined by ICP-MS. The study showed that the extract birdsfoot trefoil is rich by mineral composition.Rad je koncipiran sa ciljem da se utvrdi mineralni sastav i antimikrobna aktivnost etanolskog ekstrakta žutog zvezdana, a u smislu potencijalne upotrebe u proizvodnji hrane. Minimalna inhibitorna koncentracija (MIC) ispitivana je mikrodilucionom metodom u funkciji ekstrakta i vremena razvoja mikroorganizama. Sa stanovišta antimikrobnog delovanja, ispitivanjem je ustanovljeno da ekstrakt biljke Lotus corniculatus L. ispoljava najjaču antimikrobnu aktivnost u odnosu na bakteriju Escherichia coli, a najmanju u odnosu na bakteriju Proteus hauseri. Mineralni sastav ekstrakta biljne vrste Lotus corniculatus L. određen je primenom metode ICP-MS. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da je ekstrakt žutog zvezdana bogatog mineralnog sastava

    Mikrobiološki i fizičko-hemijski parametri kao pokazatelji ekološkog statusa i kvaliteta površinske vode Lađevačke reke

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    Assessing the quality and ecological status of water Lađevačka River was carried out on the basis of microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. Analyzed samples was collected in April and June 2016. Microbiological and physical-chemical water analysis was conducted according to generally accepted methods, according to Regulations. During such a short period of time there has been a deterioration in the microbiological and physicochemical parameters of the water quality of the river, which is the river of class III with moderate ecological status in the river crossed IV class with poor ecological status.Procena kvaliteta i ekološkog statusa vode Lađevačke reke vršena je na osnovu mikrobioloških i fizičko-hemijskih parametara analiziranih uzoraka, prikupljenih u aprilu i junu 2016. godine. Mikrobiološka i fizičko-hemijska analiza vode vršena je prema opšteprihvaćenim metodama, koje su date pravilnicima. Tokom ovako kratkog vremenskog perioda došlo je do pogoršanja mikrobioloških i fizičkohemijskih parametara kvaliteta vode ove reke koja je od reke III klase sa umerenim ekološkim statusom prešla u reku IV klase sa slabim ekološkim statusom

    Novo u funkcionisanju mikrobnih zajednica zemljišta

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    This paper presents a contribution to the new way of examining in the internal laws of soil functioning and also the global functions of soil cover that is present in various forms in any biotope of soil in which phytocenosis is maintained. In addition, this paper presents a contribution to the observation of the functioning of microbial communities in soil, especially in terms of the correlation between basic factors such as living microbial biomass, accessible substrate and respiration of soil, as well as the issues of microbial succession, that is, the alternation of microbial populations in soil. The paper also points out that the physiological activity, the total number of microorganisms and the composition of their species are subject to self-regulation, rather than mechanical response to environmental.Ovaj rad predstavlja doprinos novom načinu sagledavanja kako unutrašnjih zakonitosti funkcionisanja zemljišta, tako i globalnih funkcija zemljišnog pokrivača koji je prisutan u različitim oblicima u bilo kojem biotopu kopna u kojem se održava fitocenoza. Osim toga, rad predstavlja doprinos sagledavanja funkcionisanja mikrobnih zajednica u zemljištu, posebno u pogledu korelacije između osnovnih faktora kao što su živa mikrobna biomasa, pristupačni supstrat i disanje zemljišta, kao i pitanja mikrobne sukcesije, odnosno, naizmenične smene mikrobnih populacija u zemljištu. U radu se ukazuje i na to da su fiziološka aktivnost, ukupna brojnost mikroorganizama i sastav njihovih vrsta predmet samoregulacije, a ne mehanički odgovor na uslove sredine

    Uticaj hormona na mikrobni sistem zemljišta

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    Since that the effect of phytohormones on plant organisms has been well studied, while the effect of exogenous phytohormons on microorganisms is poorly studied, we consider that this issue should be paid much more attention, and it could be seen some very important aspects of biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, as well as interactions of higher plants and epiphytic and rhizospheric microorganisms.S obzirom da je dejstvo fitohormona na biljne organizme prilično dobro proučeno, dok je učinak egzogenih fitohormona na mikroorganizme slabo proučen, smatramo da ovom pitanju treba posvetiti mnogo više pažnje, jer bi se mogli sagledati neki veoma značajni aspekti biohemije, molekularne biologije i genetike, kao i interakcije viših biljaka i epifitnih i rizosfernih mikroorganizama

    Primena prirodnih antimikrobnih jedinjenja u biološkoj zaštiti hrane

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    The use of certain micro-organisms, their metabolic products, as well as plant extracts, is based on the development of new technologies of biological conservation and protection, which application can contribute, on the one hand, to the standardization process of making food products with uniform and / or improved quality parameters, and on the other hand, the emergence of secure products with longer shelf-life. The quest for a natural alternative to food safety, in relation to the use of chemical substances, is one of the most important activities of the food industry which is determined by the request of modern consumer to consume a minimum of processed foods.Upоtrеbа оdrеđеnih mikrооrgаnizаmа, njihоvih mеtаbоličkih prоdukаtа, kао i bilјnih еkstrаkаtа prеdstаvlја оsnоvu rаzvоја nоvih tеhnоlоgiја biоlоškоg kоnzеrvisаnjа i zаštitе, čiја primеnа mоžе dоprinеti, s јеdnе strаnе, stаndаrdizаciјi prоcеsа izrаdе prеhrаmbеnih prоizvоdа sа uјеdnаčеnim i/ili unаprеđеnim pаrаmеtrimа kvаlitеtа, а sа drugе strаnе, nаstаnku bеzbеdnih prоizvоdа sа prоdužеnim rоkоm upоtrеbе. Potraga za prirodnom alternativom zаštitе hrаnе, u odnosu na upotrebu hemijskih supstanci, predstavlјa jednu od najvažnijih aktivnosti prehrambene industrije, koja je uslovljena zahtevom savremenih potrošača za konzumiranjem minimalno prerađene hrane