673 research outputs found

    Development and Remodeling of the Vertebrate Blood-Gas Barrier

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    During vertebrate development, the lung inaugurates as an endodermal bud from the primitive foregut. Dichotomous subdivision of the bud results in arborizing airways that form the prospective gas exchanging chambers, where a thin blood-gas barrier (BGB) is established. In the mammalian lung, this proceeds through conversion of type II cells to type I cells, thinning, and elongation of the cells as well as extrusion of the lamellar bodies. Subsequent diminution of interstitial tissue and apposition of capillaries to the alveolar epithelium establish a thin BGB. In the noncompliant avian lung, attenuation proceeds through cell-cutting processes that result in remarkable thinning of the epithelial layer. A host of morphoregulatory molecules, including transcription factors such as Nkx2.1, GATA, HNF-3, and WNT5a; signaling molecules including FGF, BMP-4, Shh, and TFG-βand extracellular proteins and their receptors have been implicated. During normal physiological function, the BGB may be remodeled in response to alterations in transmural pressures in both blood capillaries and airspaces. Such changes are mitigated through rapid expression of the relevant genes for extracellular matrix proteins and growth factors. While an appreciable amount of information regarding molecular control has been documented in the mammalian lung, very little is available on the avian lung

    The Mammary Gland Vasculature Revisited

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    Concomitant with the extensive growth and differentiation of the mammary epithelium during pregnancy and lactation, and epithelial involution after weaning, the vasculature of the mammary gland undergoes repeated cycles of expansion and regression. Vascular expansion is effected by sprouting angiogenesis, intussusception and conceivably also vasculogenesis. The capacity of the epithelial cells to stimulate vascular growth and differentiation is dependent on the constellation of systemic and local hormones and growth factors as well as the changing demands for oxygenation and nutrient supply. This results in the release of angiogenic factors which stimulate endothelial cell growth and regulate vascular architecture. In contrast to the angiogenic phase of the mammary gland cycle, little is known about the control of vascular regression although this would possibly offer new insights into therapeutic possibilities against breast cancer. In this review we summarize knowledge regarding the mechanisms regulating the vasculature of the mammary gland and delineate the importance of the vasculature in the attainment of organ function. In addition, we discuss the angiogenic mechanisms observed during mammary carcinogenesis and their consequences for breast cancer therap

    Role of Notch, SDF-1 and Mononuclear Cells Recruitment in Angiogenesis

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    Intussusceptive angiogenesis (IA) known also as splitting angiogenesis is a recently described mechanism of vascular growth alternative to sprouting. It plays an essential role in the vascular remodeling and adaptation of vessels during normal and pathological angiogenesis. It is an “escape” mechanism during and after irradiation and anti-VEGF therapy, both inducing angiogenic switch from sprouting to IA by formation of multiple transluminal tissue pillars. Our recently published data revealed the significant induction of IA after inhibition of Notch signaling associated with an increased capillary density by more than 50%. The induced IA was accompanied by detachment of pericytes from basement membrane, increased vessel permeability and recruitment of mononuclear cells toward the pillars; the process was dramatically enhanced after injection of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells. The extravasation of mononuclear cells with eventual bone marrow origin was associated with upregulation of chemotaxis factors SDF-1 and CXCR4. In addition, SDF-1 expression was upregulated in the endothelium of liver sinusoids in Notch1 knockout mouse, together with vascular remodeling by intussusception. In this chapter, we discuss this important mechanism of angiogenesis, as well as the role of Notch signaling, SDF-1 signaling and mononuclear cells in the complex process of angiogenesis

    "The Mouse is not a Toy": Young Children's Interactions with E-Games

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    Recent research has drawn attention to the fact that very young children, who may not yet be able to read and write in conventional terms, are engaging with electronic media and digital technologies in the years prior to school (Karchmer, Malette, & Leu, 2003; Marsh, 2005a, 2005b). Gillen and Hall (2003) define literacy as "an all-embracing concept for a range of authorial and responsive practices using a variety of media and modalities"(p. 9). With the new tech nological developments has come an awareness of the prominence of visual images and other non-verbal resources as vehicles for representing and exchanging meanings in electronic texts. Unlike picture books, which have been the focus of research attention for several decades, little is known about the types of electronic texts which young children encounter, how they engage with them, and how this engagement contributes to their emerging literacy development. Early childhood educators are increasingly being called upon to take into account the digital literacy behaviours and understandings as well as the "multiple literacies" which children bring with them when they commence formal schooling (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1996)

    Vascular remodeling by intussusceptive angiogenesis

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    Intussusception (growth within itself) is an alternative to the sprouting mode of angiogenesis. The protrusion of opposing microvascular walls into the capillary lumen creates a contact zone between endothelial cells. The endothelial bilayer is perforated, intercellular contacts are reorganized, and a transluminal pillar with an interstitial core is formed, which is soon invaded by myofibroblasts and pericytes leading to its rapid enlargement by the deposition of collagen fibrils. Intussusception has been implicated in three processes of vascular growth and remodeling. (1) Intussusceptive microvascular growth permits rapid expansion of the capillary plexus, furnishing a large endothelial surface for metabolic exchange. (2) Intussusceptive arborization causes changes in the size, position, and form of preferentially perfused capillary segments, creating a hierarchical tree. (3) Intussusceptive branching remodeling (IBR) leads to modification of the branching geometry of supplying vessels, optimizing pre- and postcapillary flow properties. IBR can also lead to the removal of branches by pruning in response to changes in metabolic needs. None of the three modes requires the immediate proliferation of endothelial cells but rather the rearrangement and plastic remodeling of existing ones. Intussusception appears to be triggered immediately after the formation of the primitive capillary plexus by vasculogenesis or sprouting. The advantage of this mechanism of growth over sprouting is that blood vessels are generated more rapidly in an energetically and metabolically more economic manner, as extensive cell proliferation, basement membrane degradation, and invasion of the surrounding tissue are not required; the capillaries thereby formed are less leaky. This process occurs without disrupting organ function. Improvements in our understanding of the process should enable the development of novel pro- and anti-angiogenic therapeutic treatment

    Intussusceptive angiogenesis and its role in vascular morphogenesis, patterning, and remodeling

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    New blood vessels arise initially as blood islands in the process known as vasculogenesis or as new capillary segments produced through angiogenesis. Angiogenesis itself encompasses two broad processes, namely sprouting (SA) and intussusceptive (IA) angiogenesis. Primordial capillary plexuses expand through both SA and IA, but subsequent growth and remodeling are achieved through IA. The latter process proceeds through transluminal tissue pillar formation and subsequent vascular splitting, and the direction taken by the pillars delineates IA into overt phases, namely: intussusceptive microvascular growth, intussusceptive arborization, and intussusceptive branching remodeling. Intussusceptive microvascular growth circumscribes the process of initiation of pillar formation and their subsequent expansion with the result that the capillary surface area is greatly enhanced. In contrast, intussusceptive arborization entails formation of serried pillars that remodel the disorganized vascular meshwork into the typical tree-like arrangement. Optimization of local vascular branching geometry occurs through intussusceptive branching remodeling so that the vasculature is remodeled to meet the local demand. In addition, IA is important in creation of the local organ-specific angioarchitecture. While hemodynamic forces have proven direct effects on IA, with increase in blood flow resulting in initiation of pillars, the preponderant mechanisms are unclear. Molecular control of IA has so far not been unequivocally elucidated but interplay among several factors is probably involved. Future investigations are strongly encouraged to focus on interactions among angiogenic growth factors, angiopoetins, and related receptor

    Mesenchymal stem cell-derived microRNAs: Friends or foes of tumor cells?

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    Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-dependent biological effects in the tumor microenvironment mainly rely on the activity of MSC-sourced microRNAs (MSC-miRNAs) which modulate protein synthesis in target tumor cells, endothelial cells and tumor-infiltrated immune cells, regulating their phenotype and function. Several MSC-sourced miRNAs (miR-221, miR-23b, miR-21-5p, miR-222/223, miR-15a miR-424, miR-30b, miR-30c) possess tumor-promoting properties and are able to enhance viability, invasiveness and metastatic potential of malignant cells, induce proliferation and sprouting of tumor endothelial cells and suppress effector functions of cytotoxic tumor-infiltrated immune cells, crucially contributing to the rapid growth and progression of tumor tissue. On the contrary, MSCs also produce "anti-tumorigenic" miRNAs (miR-100, miR-222-3p, miR-146b miR-302a, miR-338-5p, miR-100-5p and miR-1246) which suppress tumor growth and progression by: Up-regulating expression of chemoresistance-related genes in tumor cells, by suppressing neo-angiogenesis and by inducing generation of tumorotoxic phenotypes in tumor-infiltrated lymphocytes. In this review article, we summarize the current knowledge about molecular mechanisms that are responsible for MSC-miRNA-dependent alterations of intracellular signaling in tumor and immune cells and we discuss different insights regarding the therapeutic potential of MSC-derived miRNAs in cancer treatment

    Loss of β1-integrin-deficient cells during the development of endoderm-derived epithelia

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    β1-Integrins (β1) represent cell surface receptors which mediate cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions. Fässler and Meyer described chimeric mice containing transgenic cells that express the LacZ gene instead of the β1 gene. They observed β1-negative cells in all germ layers at embryonic day E8.5. Later in development, using a glucose phosphate isomerase assay of homogenized tissue samples, high levels of transgenic cells were found in skeletal muscle and gut, low levels in lung, heart, and kidney and none in the liver and spleen (Fässler and Meyer 1995). In order to study which cell types require β1 during development of the primitive gut including its derivatives, chimeric fetuses containing 15 to 25% transgenic cells were obtained at days E14.5 and E15.5. They were LacZ (β-galactosidase) stained "en bloc” and cross-sectioned head to tail. In esophagus, trachea, lung, stomach, hindgut, and the future urinary bladder, we observed various mesoderm-derived β1-negative cells (e.g. fibroblasts, chondrocytes, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells) but no β1-negative epithelial cells. Since the epithelia of lung, esophagus, trachea, stomach, hindgut, and urinary bladder are derived from the endodermal gut tube, we hypothesize that β1 is essential for the development and/or survival of the epithelia of the fore- and hindgut and its derivative

    Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Ocular Graft-Versus-Host Disease.

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    Ocular GVHD (oGVHD), manifested by severe injury of corneal epithelial cells, meibomian and lacrimal glands' dysfunction, is a serious complication of systemic GVHD which develops as a consequence of donor T and natural killer cell-driven inflammation in the eyes of patients who received allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are, due to their enormous differentiation potential and immunosuppressive characteristics, considered as a potentially new remedy in ophthalmology. MSC differentiate in corneal epithelial cells, suppress eye inflammation, and restore meibomian and lacrimal glands' function in oGVHD patients. MSC-sourced exosomes (MSC-Exos) are extracellular vesicles that contain MSC-derived growth factors and immunoregulatory proteins. Due to the lipid membrane and nano-sized dimension, MSC-Exos easily by-pass all biological barriers in the eyes and deliver their cargo directly in injured corneal epithelial cells and eye-infiltrated leukocytes, modulating their viability and function. As cell-free agents, MSC-Exos address all safety issues related to the transplantation of their parental cells, including the risk of unwanted differentiation and aggravation of intraocular inflammation. In this review article, we summarized current knowledge about molecular mechanisms which are responsible for beneficial effects of MSC and MSC-Exos in the therapy of inflammatory eye diseases, emphasizing their therapeutic potential in the treatment of oGVHD

    Therapeutic Potential of Exosomes Derived from Adipose Tissue-Sourced Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Neural and Retinal Diseases.

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    Therapeutic agents that are able to prevent or attenuate inflammation and ischemia-induced injury of neural and retinal cells could be used for the treatment of neural and retinal diseases. Exosomes derived from adipose tissue-sourced mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSC-Exos) are extracellular vesicles that contain neurotrophins, immunoregulatory and angio-modulatory factors secreted by their parental cells. AT-MSC-Exos are enriched with bioactive molecules (microRNAs (miRNAs), enzymes, cytokines, chemokines, immunoregulatory, trophic, and growth factors), that alleviate inflammation and promote the survival of injured cells in neural and retinal tissues. Due to the nano-sized dimension and bilayer lipid envelope, AT-MSC-Exos easily bypass blood-brain and blood-retinal barriers and deliver their cargo directly into the target cells. Accordingly, a large number of experimental studies demonstrated the beneficial effects of AT-MSC-Exos in the treatment of neural and retinal diseases. By delivering neurotrophins, AT-MSC-Exos prevent apoptosis of injured neurons and retinal cells and promote neuritogenesis. AT-MSC-Exos alleviate inflammation in the injured brain, spinal cord, and retinas by delivering immunoregulatory factors in immune cells, suppressing their inflammatory properties. AT-MSC-Exos may act as biological mediators that deliver pro-angiogenic miRNAs in endothelial cells, enabling re-vascularization of ischemic neural and retinal tissues. Herewith, we summarized current knowledge about molecular mechanisms which were responsible for the beneficial effects of AT-MSC-Exos in the treatment of neural and retinal diseases, emphasizing their therapeutic potential in neurology and ophthalmology
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