73 research outputs found

    Decentralization Policy and Equality: A Theil Analysis of Indonesian Income Inequality

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    The decentralization policy has been implemented for almost 8 years in Indonesia. One of the main purposes of decentralization policy was to increase economic growth followed by equality. In this paper, we construct gini coefficient and Theil indices of sector income distribution to evaluate the trend of Indonesian income inequality during the implementation of the policy. We will analyze the equality between sector and within sector (e.q. agriculture, industry and services) both in the country and province level data. The output of this study is expected could answer the question whether there is a growth with equality during the implementation of decentralization both between and within sector.Decentralization, Inequality, Theil indices

    The Economy-wide Impact of Fuel Oil, Gas and Electricity Pricing and Subsidy Policies as well as Their Consumption Improvement Efficiency in Indonesia

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    In Indonesia, the government determines the domestic prices of energy; namely fuel oil, such as gasoline, automotive diesel oil (ADO) and kerosene, gas and electricity. In response to the weakening of rupiah during the 1997/1998 economic crisis and the increasing of the world price of crude oil, the government tends to increase the energy subsidy on domestic prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity, rather than letting these domestic prices follows the world prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity. Currently domestic prices of fuel oil, such as gasoline, automotive diesel oil, kerosene as well as gas and electricity are significantly lower than the world prices of those commodities. Meanwhile government subsidy for fuel oil, gas and electricity has reached approximately 30 per cent of total government expenditure. There have been suggestions that the government should eliminate this subsidy letting the prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity equal to the world prices, since, among others, energy subsidy has foregone government’s opportunities to spend more on development expenditures that would improve the country’s growth rate. On the other hand various groups keep pressing the government to keep the prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity; i.e. do not reduce the energy subsidy, since the poor could not afford higher prices of fuel oil, gas and electricity.fuel subsidy, CGE, Indonesia

    Willingness to Pay for Drinking Water and Sanitation Availability in Indonesia

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    When sustainability of access and quality, is the primary concern, water and saniatioan should be considered as economic goods. Therefore, we need more accurate information on the amount of people’s willingness to pay. This study attemp to (i) identify the effects of drinking water supply and home sanitation on the rent price of a house, (ii) calculating the value of marginal implicit price (marginal willingness to pay) for drinking water and sanitation, and (iii) examine factors that affects the availability of drinking water supply and sanitation. Using the hedonic price model, we conclude that: (i) the availability of water piped facilities or pump water affect rent price of houses in urban areas, while the availability of toilet facilitated with septic tank influences rent price of houses both in urban and rural areas; (ii) garbage handlings through collection by authorized agency influences rent price of houses both in urban and rural areas, (iii) the WTP for piped facilities or pumped water in urban area is Rp. 6,850 per month, while the WTP for toilet facilitated with septic tank is Rp. 15,800, and the WTP for garbage collection is Rp. 11,950 per month. The logistic model approach revealed that households’ economic and social conditions such as age, number of family members, breadwinner’s education, and expenditure per capita influence the availability of drinking water facilities in the form of piped water or pumped water, sanitation facilities in the form of toilet with septic tank, and garbage handling facilities. Human capital or the level of education is very crucial in the possibilities of ownership of drinking water and sanitation facilities.access to drinking water and sanitation, Willingness to pay, hedonic price model, logistic model

    The Economy-wide Impact of Controlling Energy Consumption in Indonesia: An Analysis Using a Social Accounting Matrix Framework

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    Escalating oil prices and the need to control carbon emissions sound the alarm for Indonesia to reduce or be more efficient in its energy use. To create an incentive for society to be more energy efficient, the government needs to reduce the current energy subsidy, which, in any case, has imposed a tremendous fiscal burden on the country. This paper aims to analyse the impact on the economy of energy policies aiming to reduce and to improve the efficiency of energy use, particularly on the income of various household groups. This paper will, first, construct a Social Accounting Matrix for Indonesia with detailed energy sectors and, second, utilise various multiplier analyses to observe and understand the impact of these energy policies.Social Accounting Matrix, Energy, Indonesia

    Infrastructure Improvement and Its Impact on Indonesian Economic Performance

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    Indonesian government shows big commitment on the improvement of infrastructure which is reflected in some regulations and policies. It is supported by many empirical evidences that show the importance of infrastructure improvement on economic performance. In this paper, we develop a CGE model to analyze the impact of infrastructure on Indonesian economy by introducing several types of infrastructure and also discuss the impact of infrastructure on the poverty level. The results suggest that improvement on any types of infrastructure is expected will increase economic growth, raise government revenue, raise factor’s income and reduce the poverty level. Improvement on public work of agriculture, land transportation and telecommunication are still preferable option relative to others. Interestingly, even though public work of agriculture usually is located in rural areas, but the model suggest that public work of agriculture improvement will result higher impact on urban household relative to rural household.CGE

    Improving Food Security through Financial Inclusion

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    Financial inclusion may accelerate food insecurity reduction, an issue in Indonesia’s development. However, studies examining the relationship between financial inclusion and food security remain inconclusive and scarce in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to analyze how strong the relationship between those variables is, both in general and within specific groups. This study mainly used data from the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) 2020. Food security is measured by dietary diversity score (DDS), while financial inclusion is measured by household accessibility to savings and credit. The association between those variables is examined using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The results show that financial inclusion is positively related to household food security at a significant level, in general, and according to poverty status and location category. Therefore, expanding financial inclusion may be suggested as an alternative to improve food security. JEL Classification: C31, G20, O10 How to Cite:Astuti, R.,& Hartono, D. (2023). Improving Food Security through Financial Inclusion. Etikonomi, 22(1), 15–30. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v22i1.26632

    An Analysis of Energy Intensity in Indonesian Manufacturing

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    Many countries utilize their resources at optimal capacity in fostering countries’ economic growth without any concern on environmental impact. Even though the importance of environmental issue as one of the important aspects in sustainable development is fully understood, the economic growth still remained as the priority target. In Indonesia, industry is one of the important sectors both in term of its contribution to national output and national energy consumption. Based on Indonesian Statistic Bureau, industry is always at the top list of contributor of national energy consumption since 2000. This paper employs the decomposition analysis to calculate what factors contribute to the change in energy intensity. We also conduct a panel data analysis to investigate the determinants of energy intensity using firm level data. The result suggests that, even though the industrial sector’s energy intensity is higher than national level, it varied across sub sectors within the industry. Meanwhile, the econometric analysis suggests that wage, age, capital intensity and share of capital owned by private sector have positive impact on energy intensity, whereas size of firms, labor productivity and technology intensity has negative impact on energy intensity.energy intensity, industry, firm, decomposition, panel data

    Efektifitas Model Pembelajaran Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) Dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa MTsN Mojoroto Kota Kediri

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    The different character of student makes the teacher applies exact learning model in order to all of student can follow the learning well. Learning model which is taked im this study is aptitude treatment interaction (ATI) as experiment to increase student learning activity at learning IPS for matery geographic condition of asean countries in VII-C MTsN Mojoroto Kota Kediri. This study is devided to three cycles, the results of it are: (1) there is increase of student activity but the domination of teacher is still much (2) learning activity which involve student activity is increase such as small group discussion, etc (3) domination teacher activities are guidance and monitoring student. Therefore ATI learning model could make student learning activity increase, so that student learning achievment follows it.   Karakteristik siswa yang beragam membuat guru perlu menerapkan model pembelajaran yang tepat agar seluruh siswa dapat mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik. Model pembelajaran yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) sebagai uji coba untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS  materi kondisi geografis negara-negara asean di kelas VIII-C MTsN Mojoroto Kota Kediri. Penelitian ini terbagi menjadi tiga siklus dengan hasil sebagai berikut: (1) terdapat peningkatan keaktifan siswa tetapi masih banyak dominasi guru, (2) kegiatan belajar yang melibatkan keaktifan siswa mengalami peningkatan seperti diskusi kelompok kecil, dan sebagainya, (3) aktifitas guru yang paling dominan adalah membimbing dan mengamati siswa. Dengan demikian model pembelajaran ATI telah mampu membuat aktifitas belajar siswa meningkat sehingga prestasi belajar siswa pun ikut meningkat

    Premium, pertalite or pertamax: an empirical study of Alchian-Allen phenomenon on gasoline consumer behavior

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    In Indonesia, consumers can choose to consume either high or low quality gasoline based on their preferences. Changing preference to a higher quality that is affected by the declining relative price can lead to an Alchian-Allen (A-A) phenomenon. This study aims to determine whether the A-A Phenomenon occurs on the behavior of consumers before and after the existence of Pertalite. The regression model used is the panel data regressions and the regression result proves that there is an A-A phenomenon in market share in Indonesia before and after Pertalite. This indicates that the high difference of relative prices between high and low quality gasolines has a negative impact towards their relative consumption. Prior to Pertalite, consumers continued changing preference into high quality gasoline in the 2nd and 3rd month intervals when relative price difference decreased. After the existing of Pertalite, consumers did not quickly transfer their preferences from Premium to Pertalite when the relative price declined, so that the A-A phenomenon did not occur in this low and middle grade gasoline consumption pattern. However, Pertamax's consumption to Pertalite increases when the relative price between them declines; thus raising the A-A phenomenon. This implies that the government of Indonesia could use their authority to make arrangements on price differences between gasoline qualitie
