7 research outputs found

    Uticaj uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji na reproduktivne, proizvodne i funkcionalne osobine krava simentalske rase

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    The effect of cow age at first insemination on productive and reproductive traits, as well as on longevity and lifetime production ones was examined in the Simmental cows housed at the 'Zlatiborski Suvati' (Mt. Zlatibor Pastures) Farm. The general linear model was used to calculate linear regression coefficients for the effect of age at first insemination on productive, reproductive traits, longevity traits and lifetime production traits The calculated linear regression coefficients suggested that the age at first insemination had a statistically significant effect (P lt 0.05) on milk, milk fat and 4% fat milk production in whole lactations (bxy=1.508, bxy=0.056 and bxy=1.464), a very high significant effect (P lt 0.001) on the age at culling and cow utilisation index ((bxy=1.386 and bxy=-0.020), and no significant effect (P>0.05) on other longevity traits. The age of cows at first insemination did not significantly affect (P>0.05) fertility and lifetime milk and milk-fat production traits. The presented results suggest that cow age at first insemination should be included in the models used in estimating breeding values of dairy cows.Uticaj uzrasta krava pri prvoj oplodnji na proizvodne i reproduktivne osobine i osobine dugovečnosti i životne proizvodnje ispitivan je kod krava simentalske rase smeÅ”tenih na farmi 'Zlatiborski suvati'. OpÅ”tim linearnim modelom izračunati su koeficijenti linearne regresije uticaja uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji na proizvodne i reproduktivne osobine, kao i osobine dugovečnosti i životne proizvodnje Na osnovu izračunatih koeficijenata linearne regresije uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji statistički je značajno uticao (P lt 0.05) na proizvodnju mleka, mlečne mast i 4% masnog mleka u celim laktacijama (bxy=1.508, bxy=0.056 i bxy=1.464), vrlo visoko značajno (P lt 0.001) na uzrast pri izlučenju i indeks iskoriŔćavanja krava (bxy=1.386 i bxy=-0.020), dok na ostale osobine dugovečnosti nije imao signifikantan uticaj (P>0.05). Uzrast krava pri prvoj oplodnji nije imao značajnog uticaja (P>0.05) na osobine plodnosti i životne proizvodnje mleka i mlečne masti. Na osnovu prikazanih rezultata uzrast krava pri prvoj oplodnji trebalo bi uvrstiti u modele za procenu odgajivačke vrednosti mlečnih krava

    Uticaj sistematskih faktora na dužinu bremenitosti kod krava Simentalske rase

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    The effect of systematic environmental factors on gestation length in Simmental cows was evaluated by calculating the least squares mean (LSM) and its error (SELSM), by analysis of variance and by calculating the coefficient of determination (R2). The study involved Simmental cows reared at three locations, including the Zlatiborski Suvati farm (n=578), the Dobričevo farm (n=964) and individual private farms at the Voćar Farming Cooperative in Kotraža (n=1263). The analysis included gestation length in Simmental cows as affected by continuous systematic factors (age at first conception) and discontinuous factors such as farm, calving season, birth season, parity group, calf sex, type of birth and the interaction of these factors. The effect of age at first conception was statistically significant (P lt 0.05). The discontinuous factors had a very high significant (P lt 0.001) effect on gestation length. The coefficient of determination was as low as 0.086 (8.6%), undoubtedly suggesting the small effect of the non-genetic factors on gestation length, given the fact that the trait is biologically determined and that it shows low variability.Uticaj sistematskih faktora okoline na dužinu bremenitosti analiziran je izračunavanjem sredine najmanjih kvadrata (LSM) i njegove greÅ”ke (SELSM), analizom varijanse po primenjenom modelu i izračunavanjem koeficijenta determinacije (R2). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene krave simentalske rase raspoređene na tri lokaliteta i to farmi Zlatiborski suvati (n=578), farmi Dobričevo (n=964) i individualna gazdinstva na području Zemljoradničke zadruge 'Voćar' iz Kotraže (n=1263). Na dužinu bremenitosti ispitivan je uticaj kontinuelnih sistematskih faktora (uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji) i dikontinuelnih faktora kao Å”to su farma, sezona telenja i rođenja, grupe partusa, pola teladi, tipa rođenja i interakcija pomenutih faktora. Uticaj uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji bio je statistički značajan (P lt 0.05), dok uticaj svih diskontinuelnih uticaja na trajanje bremenitosti bio je vrlo visoko značajan (P lt 0.001). Koeficijent determinacije iznosio je svega 0.086 (8.6%), Å”to nedvosmisleno ukazuje na mali uticaj paragenetskih faktora na ispoljenost dužine bremenitosti obzirom da je ona bioloÅ”ki data i da se odlikuje niskom varijabilnoŔću

    Uticaj sistematskih faktora na osobine dugovečnosti kod krava simentalske rase

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    The effects of fixed non-genetic factors (farm, season of birth, year of birth, total number of lactations) and a continuous non-genetic factor (age at first conception) on the expression and variability of longevity traits such as age at culling, length of productive life, days in milk and cow efficiency index were investigated in 2548 Simmental cows in three farming areas. Based on the model used for the analysis of the effects of non-genetic factors, including the environment and cow age at first conception, on the expression and variability of longevity traits, the overall means for age at culling, length of productive life, days in milk and cow efficiency index were 2445.21Ā±17.49 days, 1562.55Ā±17.71 days, 1094.17Ā±12.28 days and 58.68Ā±0.32%, respectively. The effect of farming area, year of birth and lactation group on longevity traits was very significant (P lt 0.01), whereas the effect of season of birth was significant (P lt 0.05). Age at first conception had a highly significant (P lt 0.01) effect on age at culling, length of productive life and cow efficiency index, and no significant effect on days in milk (P>0.05). Based on the model used, the coefficients of determination (R2 ) were very significant (P lt 0.01) for all longevity traits, and ranged from 0.898 for age at culling to 0.959 for days in milk.Uticaj fiksnih (farma, sezona i godina rođenja, ukupan broj laktacija) i kontinuelnih (uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji) sistematskih faktora na ispoljenost i varijabilnost osobina dugovečnosti kao Å”to su uzrast pri izlučenju, dužina produktivnog života, ukupan broj muznih dana i indeks iskoriŔćavanja krava proučavan je na uzorku od 2548 simentalskih krava raspoređenih na tri odgajivačka područja. Na osnovu primenjenog modela za analizu uticaja sistematskih faktora okoline i uzrasta krava pri prvoj oplodnji na ispoljenost i varijabilnost osobina dugovečnosti opÅ”ti prosek za uzrast pri izlučenju, dužinu produktivnog života, ukupan broj muznih dana i indeks iskoriŔćavanja krava iznosio je 2445,21Ā±17,49 dana, 1562,55Ā±17,71 dana, 1094,17Ā±12,28 dana i 58,68Ā±0,32%. Uticaj odgajivačkog područja, godine rođenja i grupe laktacija na osobine dugovečnosti bio je vrlo značajan (P lt 0.01), dok je uticaj sezone rođenja krava bio značajan (P lt 0.05). Uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji visoko značajno (P lt 0.01) je uticao na uzrast pri izlučenju, dužinu produktivnog života i indeks iskoriŔćavanja krava, dok na ukupan broj muznih dana nije imao značajan uticaj (P>0.05). Dobijeni koeficijenti determinacije (R2 ), na osnovu primenjenog modela, za sve osobine dugovečnosti bili su vrlo značajni (P lt 0.01) i kretali su se od 0,898 kod uzrasta pri izlučenju do 0,959 kod ukupnog broja muznih dana

    Uticaj sistematskih faktora na proizvodnju 4% mast korigovanog mleka kod krava simentalske rase

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    The effect of systematic and continuous environmental factors on 4% fat corrected milk (FCM) yield in 2805 Simmental cows over whole and standard lactations was evaluated using the general linear model. The test systematic or fixed factors included the effect of farm or breeding area, calving season, year of birth, season of birth, lactation group and interactions between year of birth and season of birth, breeding area and calving season, and breeding area and lactation group. The continuous factor analysed was the effect of age at first conception. The effect of breeding area, lactation group and calving season on 4%FCM yield over whole and standard lactations was found to be very highly significant (P lt 0.001). The interactions of fixed i.e. systematic factors involved in the model, including those between year and season of birth, breeding area and calving season, and farm and lactation group had a very highly significant effect (P lt 0.001) on 4% FCM yield over both whole and standard lactations. The age at first conception, as a continuous factor, showed a very highly significant effect (P lt 0.001) on 4% FCM yield over both whole and standard lactations. The model used to correct the 4%FCM yield over whole and standard lactations for the effect of systematic factors was very highly significant (P lt 0.001). The variance of the model accounted for 15.93% and 21.55% of the total variance in 4% FCM yield over whole and standard lactations, respectively. The resulting coefficient of determination (R2) in 4% FCM yield was 0.159 over whole lactations and 0.216 over standard lactations.Analiza uticaja sistematskih i kontinuelnih faktora okoline na proizvodnju 4% mast-korigovanog mleka u celim i standardnim laktacijama kod 2805 krava simentalske rase izvrÅ”ena je primenom opÅ”teg linearnog modela. Od sistematskih odnosno fiksnih faktora analiziran je uticaj farme ili odgajivačkog područja, sezone telenja, godine i sezone rođenja, grupe laktacija i interakcije između godine i sezone rođenja, odgajivačkog područja i sezone telenja i odgajivačkog područja i grupe laktacija. Od kontinuelnih faktora posmatran je uticaj uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji. Uticaj odgajivačkog područja, grupe laktacija i sezone telenja na proizvodnju 4%MKM u celim i standardnim laktacijama bila je vrlo visoko značajna (P lt 0.001). Interakcije fiksnih, odnosno sistematskih faktora, uključenih u model, kao Å”to su interakcija između godine i sezone rođenja, zatim odgajivačkog područja i sezone telenja i farme i grupe laktacija, na proizvodnju 4%MKM kako u celim tako i u standardnim laktacijama imale su vrlo visoko značajan uticaj (P lt 0.001). Uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji, kao kontinuelni faktor, statistički vrlo visoko značajno (P lt 0.001) je uticao na proizvodnju 4% mast-korigovanog mleka i u celim i u standardnim laktacijama. Primenjeni model za korekciju proizvodnje 4%MKM u celim i standardnim laktacijama na dejstvo sistematskih faktora bio je vrlo visoko značajan (P lt 0.001). Udeo varijanse modela u ukupnoj varijansi kretao se od 15.93% kod proizvodnje 4%MKM u celim laktacijama do 21.55% kod proizvodnje 4%MKM u standardnim laktacijama. Dobijeni koeficijenti determinacije (R2) kod proizvodnje 4%MKM u celim i standardnim laktacijama iznosili su 0.159 i 0.216

    Modern Approach to the Enigma of Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex: A Review

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    Research on bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) has strongly contributed to a better understanding of disease at both global and local levels. New agents have been identified and their nature has been better known since then, as well as all the factors that predispone the development of BRDC. Serious work in a number of researches has led to results that have proven significant synergistic interactions between viruses and bacteria that lead to the BRDC and complicate the prevention and treatment of the diseased cattle. Nowadays, it is necessary to apply the latest molecular and other techniques in order to examine in detail all of the specific causes, describe them accurately and provide effective prevention. This can primarily be accomplished by producing different types of vaccines, which are to be improved constantly. Serious progress has been made in researches on immunogenic properties and antimicrobial activity of various natural and synthetic substances in order to improve the production of more effective vaccines for control, as well as the development of a new generation of antibiotics to treat the disease. BRDC prevention programs have been successful, in which great importance was given to proper vaccinations and herd management practices. BRDC is still the most important disease of cattle from an economic point of view, since it causes great losses and expenses. (C) 2013 PVJ. All rights reserve

    Revidirani kvantitativni indeks osjetljivosti na inzulin: povezanost sa metaboličkim statusom krava tijekom rane laktacije

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    The revised quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (RQUICKI) is the most commonly used indicator of insulin resistance in dairy cows. The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of metabolic status in cows with different RQUICKI index values during early lactation. The experiment included 40 Holstein-Friesian cows in the first week of lactation. The cows were classified into four groups according to quartile (Q 1 to 4) values of RQUICKI indexes: Q1 = 0.35-0.41 (most insulin resistant), Q2 = 0.42-0.52, Q3 = 0.53-0.67, Q4 = 0.68-0.77 (most insulin sensitive). Metabolic parameters were significantly different in early lactation cows, classified according to the values of the RQUICKI index. The cows that were the most resistant to insulin (Q1) had higher levels of non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA), cortisol, somatotropic hormone (STH), beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), malondialdehyde (MDA) and body condition score (BCS) in comparison to the cows that were the least resistant to insulin (Q4). The cows also had lower levels of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), albumin, cholesterol, triglycerides, Ca and P as well as a tendency towards lower insulin and glucose concentrations. Metabolic parameters were strongly regressed by RQUICKI in the most insulin resistant cows (Q1) in relation to the cows in the other groups, Q2-4. The cows with a higher number of metabolic abnormalities in their metabolic profiles had lower RQUICKI values: 0.56 Ā± 0.045 (no abnormalities); 0.52 Ā± 0.041 (1 abnormality); 0.47 Ā± 0.042 (2 abnormalities) and 0.4 Ā± 0.043 (ā‰„3 abnormalities). We concluded that the RQUICKI index could be applied in order to accurately identify metabolic status in cows during early lactation. However, the kinetics of insulin sensitivity should be further studied using more animals per group, as well as in other breeds of cowsRevidirani kvantitativni indeks provjeravanja osjetljivosti na inzulin (RQUICKI) najčeŔće se koristi kao pokazatelj otpornosti na inzulin u krava. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ustvrditi karakteristike metaboličkog statusa u krava s različitom vrijednosti RQUICKI indeksa u ranoj laktaciji. Pokus je uključivao 40 krava Holstein-Friesian pasmine. Krave su razvrstane u četiri skupine prema kvartilima (Q 1 do 4) vrijednosti RQUICKI indeksa: Q1 = 0,35-0,41 (najrezistentnije na inzulin), Q2 = 0,42-0,52, Q3 = 0,53-0,67, Q4 = 0,68-0,77 (najosjetljivije na inzulin). Metabolički parametri bili su znakovito različiti u krava u ranoj laktaciji razvrstanima prema vrijednostima RQUICKI indeksa. Krave koje su bile najrezistentnije na inzulin (Q1) imale su i veće razine NEFA, kortizola, STH, BHB, ukupnog bilirubina, AST, MDA i bolju tjelesnu kondiciju u usporedbi s kravama koje su bile najmanje osjetljive na inzulin (Q4). Također, te su krave imale niže koncentracije IGF-I, T3, T4, albumina, kolesterola, triglicerida, Ca i P te sklonost smanjenju koncentracije inzulina i glukoze. U skupini krava koje su najrezistentnije na inzulin (Q1) regresijska analiza je pokazala jaču povezanost između metaboličkih parametara i RQUICKI nego Å”to je to bio slučaj u ostalim skupinama krava (Q2, Q3 i Q4). Krave s većim brojem metaboličkih abnormalnosti profila imale su nižu vrijednost RQUICKI: 0,56 Ā± 0,045 (bez abnormalnosti); 0,52 Ā± 0,041 (jedna abnormalnost); 0.47 Ā± 0.042 (dvije abnormalnosti) i 0.4 Ā± 0.043 (ā‰„3 abnormalnosti). Zaključujemo da bi se RQUICKI indeks mogao primijeniti za točnije identificiranje metaboličkog statusa krava tijekom rane laktacije. Međutim, kinetika osjetljivosti na inzulin trebala bi se dodatno istražiti na većem broju životinja kao i u krava različitih pasmina

    Determination of blood serum calcium, inorganic phosphorus and magnesium in different productive stages of Holstein dairy cows

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine and compare levels of blood serum calcium, inorganic phosphorus and magnesium in the peripartal period and during mid lactation in Holstein dairy cattle.Materials and Methods. Blood samples were collected from 12 cows in late pregnancy, 12 early lactation cows, and 12 mid lactation cows.Results and Conclusions. Serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus in blood of dairy cows in early and mid lactation were significantly lower compared to the values in the blood serum of dairy cows in late pregnancy, probably indicating the increased use of these macro elements by the mammary gland at the early stages of lactation. When the cows were in the lactation period, blood serum magnesium levels were significantly lower compared to the values of dairy cows during late pregnancy, probably indicating the increased use of magnesium by the dairy cows during lactation. The results show that the homeostasis of the macro elements examined in the blood of transition and mid lactation dairy cows was maintained, suggesting their adequate supply from alimentary sources