18 research outputs found

    Ефекти рада комбајна zmaj 142 RM и John deere 2264 при жетви пшенице агроеколошким условима Cрема

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    Introduction of high productive combines in harvest technology process, is represented by point of quality loss of harvested grains. In the paper are comparatively showed data of investigations of two wheat combines types. The effects and losses of wheat grains have been underlined, in dependence on adjusted parameters. The achieved results have been analyzed and expertise has been done.Увођење високопродуктивних комбајна у технолошки процес жетве, има може свега са аспекта губитака и квалитета овршеног зрна. У овом раду су компаративно приказани подаци испитивања два типа житних комбајна. Акценат је на ефектима, односно губицима зрна пшенице, у зависности од подешених параметара,при чему се анализирају добијени резултати и даје стручно мишљење

    Primena gravitacionog stola u doradi semenske lucerke

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    Processing alfalfa seed from natural sources with admixture, grains of other species and various impurities are removed and clear grain of the basic culture is obtained. Grain of the basic culture is prepared for sowing machine and quality planting, germination and sprouting. Alfalfa seed loses during the processing depend on quantity and type of weed and other impurities of organic and inorganic origin present in the naturalized seed. In this paper is given the analyses of the efficiency during natural alfalfa seed processing of two different purities (B1, B2), processed on the same equipment that involves gravity table Oliver - 240. As the relevant parameters that define the effects of alfalfa seed were: clear grain (%), weed and other cultures seed (%), inert matter (%), quantity of processed seed (kg), time of seed processing (h), active (kWh) and reactive (kVArh) current consumption, processing output (%), and seed loses (%).Procesom dorade semenske lucerke iz naturalnog semena sa primesama uklanjaju se sva zrna stranih primesa i razne nečistoće i izdvaja čisto zrno osnovne kulture koje se priprema u što povoljnije stanje za sejalicu i kvalitetnu setvu, klijanje i nicanje. Gubici semena lucerke u procesu dorade zavise od vrste i količine korova i ostalih nečistoća, organskog i neorganskog porekla prisutnih u naturalnom semenu. U radu je data analiza efikasnosti pri doradi naturalnog semena lucerke dve različite čistoće (B1, B2) dorađene na istom sistemu mašina za doradu u okviru koga je korišćen gravitacioni sto Oliver - 240. Kao relevantni parametri koji definišu efekte dorade semena lucerke bili su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), vreme dorade semena (h), utrošak aktivne električne energije (kWh) i reaktivne električne energije (kVArh), randman dorade (%) i gubici semena (%)

    Утицај чистоће натуралног семена lуцерке на рандман дораде

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    To improve seed quality, harvested seed must be transported to processing facility. Harvested, naturalized alfalfa seed contains many different particles such as weed seed, seed of other raised plants ant inert matter. In the processing of small grained legumes, output is in direct dependence with percent of weed species and of quality of other particles in naturalized seed. High percent of purity of naturalized alfalfa seed is not always a guarantee for high processing output. It primary depends on species of present weed in naturalized seed. High purity seed with low percent of weed leads to high output. Weed usually makes processing more difficult and costly. In this study, was analyzed the effect of quantity of particles on utilization of alfalfa seed and two different kind of seed purity, that were processed on the same system of machine.У процесу дораде семена ситнозрних легуминоза висина рандмана семена директно зависи од заступљености коровских врста и осталих примеса у натуралном семену. Висок степен чистоће натуралног семена луцерке није увек гаранција и високог рандмана дораде, чак и при малом садржају корова, већ он првенствено зависи од врсте присутних корова у натуралном семену. Већи садржај штетних корова у натуралном семену луцерке са високом чистоћом смањује укупну количину дорађеног семена, отежава и поскупљује дораду. У раду је дата анализа утицаја садржаја примеса у натуралном семену луцерке, на искоришћење семена, односно добијену количину семена, при чему се дорада две различите чистоће семена обављала на истом систему машина за дораду

    Karantinski korovi u semenu lucerke i njihov uticaj na efikasnost dorade

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    In the process of alfalfa seed processing, all relevant parameters are directly dependant on presence of weed species and other impurities in natural seed, as well as on the equipment used. The higher amount of weed in natural alfalfa seed lowers the total amount of processed seed, making the processing harder and more expensive. In alfalfa crop, quarantine weeds are especially harmful, such as dodder (Cuscuta spp.) and curly dock (Rumex spp.). One of the greatest problems in alfalfa planting is the presence of harmful parasitic flowering plant dodder (Cuscuta spp.) which is typical weed – alfalfa parasite that lowers hay and seed production. The paper shows the results of the analysis of influence different weed content from two lots of natural alfalfa seed (I, II) of different purity, on the relevant processing parameters. Processing of the both lots of seed was done on the same equipment. The relevant parameters that define alfalfa seed processing effects were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seeds of other cultures (%), inert matters (%), seed processing time (h), consumption of active (kWh) and reactive power (kVArh), processed seed quantity (kg), metal powder (kg) and water (l) consumption, processing output (%) and seed losses (%).U procesu dorade semena lucerke svi relevantni parametri dorade direktno zavise od zastupljenosti korovskih vrsta i ostalih primesa u naturalnom semenu, kao i od sistema mašina koji se koristi za doradu. Veći sadržaj štetnih korova u naturalnom semenu lucerke smanjuje ukupnu količinu dorađenog semena, otežava i poskupljuje doradu. U usevu lucerke posebno su štetni karantinski korovi, vilina kosica (Cuscuta spp.) i štavelj (Rumex spp.). Jedan od najvećih problema u gajenju lucerke je prisustvo štetne parazitske cvetnice viline kosice (Cuscuta spp.) koja je tipičan korov - parazit lucerke koji smanjuje proizvodnju sena i semena. U radu su prikazani rezultati analize uticaja različitog sadržaja semena korova u dve partije naturalnog semena lucerke (I, II) različitih čistoća, na relevantne parametre dorade. Dorada obe partije semena obavljala se na istom sistemu mašina. Relevantni parametri koji definišu efekte dorade semena lucerke bili su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), vreme dorade semena (h), utrošak aktivne (кWh) i reaktivne električne energije (kVArh), količina dorađenog semena (kg), utrošak metalnog praha (kg) i vode (l), randman dorade (%) i gubici semena (%)

    Primena različitih tehnoloških procesa u doradi semena crvene deteline

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    This paper presents the results of the processing of natural red clover seed on the processing equipment using different technological methods. Red clover seed, for the establishment and crop utilization, must be of high purity, germination, and high genetic values. These requirements are achieved by processing, or removing impurities and poor quality seeds. Red clover seed processing involves a number of operations, of which the most important are: cleaning, packaging, labeling and storage. In the processing of seeds of this forage plant, the amounts of processed seed directly depends on the content of impurities that may be organic or inorganic, as well as the amount and type of present weed seed. The task is to clean the natural seeds of red clover and thus remove all traces of impurities and extract the basic seed of pure culture. The importance of processed seed is reflected in the fact that the seed must be timely prepared for the favorable condition for quality sowing, germination and emergence. The aim of the study was to determine relevant parameters of the processing equipment in the red clover seed processing. Parameters were: pure seed (%), weed seeds and seed of other crops (%), inert matter (%), the amount of processed seed (kg), seed processing time (h), losses of seeds (%), processing output (%) and the amount of materials consumed in the seed processing. Based on these results and their comparison, choice of appropriate technological processes for red clover seed can be made.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja pri doradi naturalnog semena crvene deteline na mašinama za doradu različitim tehnološkim postupcima. Seme za zasnivanje i korišćenje useva crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) mora biti visoke čistoće, klijavosti, kao i visoke genetske vrednosti. Ovi zahtevi se ostvaruje doradom, odnosno odstranjivanjem nečistoća i semena lošijeg kvaliteta. Dorada semena crvene deteline obuhvata veći broj operacija od kojih su najznačajnije: čišćenje, pakovanje u ambalažu, deklarisanje i skladištenje. U procesu dorade semena ove krmne biljke količina dorađenog semena direktno zavisi od sadržaja primesa koje mogu biti organskog i neorganskog porekla, a takođe i od količine i vrste korova u semenu koje se dorađuje. Zadatak čišćenja je da se iz naturalnog semena crvene deteline sa primesama uklone sva zrna stranih primesa i razne nečistoće i izdvoji čisto zrno osnovne kulture. Značaj dorađenog semena se ogleda u tome da se seme blagovremeno pripremi u što povoljnije stanje za sejalicu i kvalitetnu setvu, klijanje i nicanje. Cilj ispitivanja bio je da se pri doradi semena crvene deteline odrede relevantni parametri na mašinama za doradu, a to su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), vreme dorade semena (h), gubici semena (%), randman dorade (%), kao i količina potrošenog materijala u tehnološkom procesu dorade semena. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata i njihovim poređenjem moguće je izvršiti izbor odgovarajućeg tehnološkog procesa za doradu semena crvene deteline

    Parametri efikasnosti mašina za dorado semena crvene deteline i lucerke

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    The paper presents the testing results during seed processing of natural seed of red clover and alfalfa, with different initial purity. Because of their exceptional importance in the production of animal feed in the Republic of Serbia, a large number of perennial leguminous plants are grown. The most important leguminous fodders in Serbia are alfalfa and red clover. This is because of the areas they occupy, as well as the nutritional quality for domestic animals. The seed used for the crop establishment of these plants must be clean, with high germination and genetic value. Many of these requirements could be accomplished by seed processing and removing all impurities and seeds of poorer quality. The aim of this study was to show the parameters of efficiency of processing machines of these two perennial legumes seed. The basic indicators of the parameters of efficiency of seed processing are the quality and quantity of the obtained seed. All relevant parameters which define the characteristics of seed processing machines are presented: pure seed (%), weed and other seed crops (%), inert matter (%), amount of processed seed (kg), seed losses (%) and processing output (%). The obtained results enable the selection of suitable equipment and their proper adjustment for seed processing, depending on the quantity and type of weeds and other ingredients presented in the natural seed.Rad prikazuje rezultate ispitivanja dorade naturalnog semena crvene deteline i lucerke različitih početnih čistoća, na mašinama za doradu. U Republici Srbiji gaji se veći broj višegodišnjih leguminoza zbog njihovog izuzetnog značaja u proizvodnji stočne hrane. Najznačajnije višegodišnje krmne leguminoze u Srbiji po površinama na kojima se gaje, kao i po kvalitetu hraniva u ishrani domaćih životinja su lucerka i crvena detelina. Seme koje se koristi za setvu za njihovu proizvodnju mora da bude čisto, visoke klijavosti i genetske vrednosti. Svi ovi zahtevi ostvaruje se doradom, odnosno odstranjivanjem svih nečistoća i semena lošijeg kvaliteta. Cilj ispitivanja bio je da se pri doradi semena ove dve višegodišnje leguminoze prikažu koji su parametri efikasnosti mašina za doradu. Prikazani su svi relevantni parametri koji definišu karakteristike mašina za doradu semena, a to su: čisto seme (%), seme korova i seme drugih kultura (%), inertne materije (%), količina dorađenog semena (kg), gubici semena (%) i randman dorade (%). Dobijeni rezultati omogućavaju izbor odgovarajućih mašina i njihovo pravilno podešavanje pri doradi semena, u zavisnosti od količine i vrste korova i ostalih primesa koje se nalaze u naturalnom semenu

    Uticaj godine i primene molibdena na klijavost i krupnoću semena lucerke

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    The aim of these researhes was to examine the impact of year and foliar application of molybdenum on germination capacity and absolute mass of alfalfa seed. In the investigation year, meteorological factors showed large variations and great impact on germination capacity and size of seed. Observed by years, absolute mass ranged from 1.82 g to 2.02 g. Germination ranged from 72.85% to 86.5%. Germination and 1000 seed weight were the worst in the year when high total precipitation and precipitation in the period of flowering, pollination and seed filling were observed (June, July, August). Foliar application of molybdenum showed no effect on size of alfalfa seed and germination.Ispitivan je uticaj godine i folijarne primene molibdena na klijavost i apsolutnu masu semena lucerke. U ispitivanim godinama meteorološki faktori su pokazali veliko variranje i veliki uticaj na klijavost krupnoću semena. Posmatrano po godinama, apsolutna masa se kretala u intervalu od 1,82 g do 2,02 g. Klijavost se kretala u intervalu od 72.85% do 86.5%. Klijavost i masa 1.000 semena su najlošiji u godini kada su zabeležene velike ukupne količine padavina i količine padavina u periodu cvetanja, oprašivanja i nalivanja semena (jun, jul, avgust). Folijarna primena molibdena nije pokazala značajan uticaj na krupnoću i klijavost semena lucerk

    Energetska i proteinska vrednost kukuruza i sirka kao združenih useva sa sojom u postrnoj setvi

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    In this study, the energy and protein value of corn and sorghum were examined, as intercrops with soybeans in second croping. Both mixtures formed higher net energy value in milk and meat productionin the year when earlier sowing of crops was conducted. The greatest production of meat and milk on the basis of net energy in milk production and DCP provided the mixture of corn and soybeans. In the mixtures, increased production of meat and milk is possible based on the DCP, compared to the basis of net energy, which indicates a possibility of increasing of the corn or sorghum in the mixture. The mixtures showed that in double cropping, in conditions of irrigation, it ispossible to produce a significant amount of high-quality fodder.U ovim istraživanjima ispitivana je energetska i proteinska vrednost kukuruza i sirka kao združenih useva sa sojom u postrnoj setvi. Obe smeše su formirale veću neto energetsku vrednost u proizvodnji mesa i mleka u godini kada je obavljena ranija setva useva. Najveću produkciju mleka i mesa na bazi neto energije u proizvodnji mleka i mesa pruža smeša kukuruza i soje. U smešama veća proizvodnja mleka i mesa je moguća na bazi SSP nego na bazi neto energije, što ukazuje na mogućnost povećanja udela kukuruza ili sirka u smeši. Smeše su pokazale da je u postrnoj setvi u uslovima navodnjavanja moguće proizvesti značajnu količinu kvalitetne kabaste hrane

    Analiza kvaliteta i količine semena višegodišnjih trava pri procesu dorade

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    This paper presents an analysis of the impact of the initial purity of natural seeds of perennial grasses in the amount of processed seed in the processing process. It also determined the quality of processed seed. It is important that the difference between assessed amounts of pure seeds in laboratory is lower than the actual amount of obtained seeds in processing. In the natural seed, different amount of the variety of inert matter and seeds of weeds could be found. It is very difficult to separate it in the finishing process. The content of the pure seed, inert matter, weeds and other species in the revised seed are defined by the “Rules of the seed quality”. The six lots of perennial grasses seeds of different purity were processed. There were three lots of meadow fescue, two lots of tall fescue and one lot of cocksfoot. Quantity of processed seed, losses of seeds and processing output was determined at the end of the seed processing.U radu je prikazana analiza uticaja početne čistoće naturalnog semena višegodišnjih trava na količinu dorađenog semena pri procesu dorade. Takođe je određen kvalitet dorađenog semena. Pri procesu dorade semena višegodišnjih trava važno je da razlika između količine čistog semena koja se laboratorijski proceni pri prijemu semena i stvarne količine dobijenog semena u pogonu za doradu bude što manja. U naturalnom semenu se nalaze korovi i inertne materije koji se veoma teško odvajaju pri doradi. Pravilnikom o kvalitetu semena definisan je sadržaj čistog semena, inertnih materija, korova i drugih vrsta u dorađenom semenu. Dorađivano je šest partija naturalnog semena višegodišnjih trava različitih čistoća. Tri partije livadskog vijuka, dve partije visokog vijuka i jedna partija ježevice. Na kraju procesa dorade određena je količina dorađenog semena, gubici semena i randman dorade

    Kvantitativni i kvalitativni pokazatelji efikasnosti dorade semena lucerke

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    This paper represents analysis of the impact of initial purity of naturalized alfalfa seed on the resulting amount of processed seed in the process of processing. In the processing of was determined amount of processed seed and waste. When processing alfalfa seed is very important that the difference between the amount of pure seed that laboratory assessment and the actual amount obtained seed at the facility for processing is lower. One of the big problems in the processing alfalfa seed is that it is being worked out seeds with a certain percentage of weeds which are difficult to separate during processing, especially quarantine weed dodder and curly dock. By law the processed alfalfa seed is not allowed to attend any grain dodder. Were processed three parties of natural alfalfa seed variety purity. Also, after each stage of treatment, were determined losses seed.U radu je obavljena analiza uticaja početne čistoće naturalnog semena lucerke na dobijenu količinu dorađenog semena pri procesu dorade. U procesu dorade semena određivana je količina dorađenog semena i otpada. Pri doradi semena lucerke veoma je važno da razlika između količine čistog semena koja se laboratorijski proceni i stvarne količine dobijenog semena u pogonu za doradu bude što manja. Jedan od velikih problema pri doradi semena lucerke je taj da se dorađuje seme sa određenim procentom korova koji se veoma teško odvajaju pri doradi, naročito karantinski korovi kao što su vilina kosica i štavelj. Po zakonu u dorađenom semenu lucerke nije dozvoljeno prisustvo ni jednog zrna viline kosice. Dorađivane su tri partija naturalnog semena lucerke različite čistoće. Posle svake etape procesa dorade određivani su gubici semena