10 research outputs found

    Mean and percentage of total household monthly income and expenditures per category.

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    <p>Mean household income 11,274 (standard deviation 9,417) and median household income is KES 8,800 (or about USD 104.5 per month).</p><p>Mean household expenditures: KES 13,957 (standard deviation 10,009).</p><p>Number of observations  = 3431 for food and 3435 for all other items.</p

    Descriptive statistics of variables included in the analysis.

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    <p>• The total may not add to 1 because of rounding errors.</p><p>do not have formal employment nor own a business. Household engaged in casual work, petty trade or is unemployed.</p><p>Idiosyncratic shock included : fire, mugging, burglary, eviction, property destruction, or rape.</p><p>Covariate shocks is floods.</p

    Odds-ratios and (standard deviation) for the determinants of use of coping Strategies.

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    <p>Note: The second column shows the determinants of use of any coping strategies, the next seven analyze the use of specific coping strategies.</p><p>*is significant at 10%, ** significant at 5%, and *** significant at 1%.</p><p>Idiosyncratic shocks includes fire, mugging, burglary, eviction, property destruction or rape.</p><p>community shocks includes floods.</p

    Percentage of households that used listed coping strategies in the last four weeks.

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    <p>Percentage of households that used listed coping strategies in the last four weeks.</p

    Economic cost of routine Sickle Cell Disease Clinic, with the main method and sensitivity analyses in USD<sup>1</sup>.

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    1<p>On average in 2010, all costs in US Dollars (1 USD = KES 79.261 Kenya Shillings).</p>2<p>KEMRI (Kenya Medical Research Institute)/Wellcome Trust Research Programme.</p>3<p>Overhead include support personnel, security, general administration and accounting services.</p

    Descriptive statistics of main variables.

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    <p>*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 difference in the subgroups of mothers who bought the voucher for the index- OBA child and those who did not buy vouchers at all (Group 1: index-OBA versus Group 2:non-OBA) </p

    Number of children with SCD seen in outpatient clinic in Kilifi District Hospital by sex 2003 to 2010.

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    <p>Number of children with SCD seen in outpatient clinic in Kilifi District Hospital by sex 2003 to 2010.</p