50 research outputs found

    Fenotipska varijabilnost spoljašnjih osobina kvaliteta priplodnih jaja jarebičaste italijanke gajene u poluekstenzivnom sistemu

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    In this paper results of research of external quality traits of the fertile eggs of Partridge Italian bread in semi extensive system are shown. Research was conducted on sample of 64 eggs, divided in to two groups according to the weight. First group was eggs weighing up to the 60 g (≤ 60 g) and second group eggs weighing above 60 g (> 60 g). Aim of the research was to determine influence of the weight of the eggs to the external quality traits of fertile eggs, such as weight, length, width and shape index of the eggs in quoted breeding system. Obtained result points to the fact that Partridge Italian in semi extensive system achieves satisfying results in regard of the basic external characteristics of egg quality. Results of the conducted research show that it is needed to give higher attention to the quality of eggs used for planting, to the breeding direction, improvement of the productive and reproductive traits, and therefore to preservation of the genetic potential of different breeds and strains of chicken.U radu su izloženi rezultati ispitivanja spoljašnjih osobina kvaliteta priplodnih jaja jarebičaste italijanke gajene u poluekstenzivnom sistemu držanja. Ispitivanja su izvršena na uzorku od 64 jajeta, podeljenih u dve težinske grupe i to: I grupa - jaja težine do 60 g (≤ 60 g) i II grupa - jaja težine preko 60 g (> 60 g). Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj težinske grupe jaja na spoljašnje osobine kvaliteta priplodnih jaja, kao što su težina, dužina, širina i indeks oblika jaja u navedenom sistemu držanja. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na činjenicu da jarebičasta italijanka u poluekstenzivnom sistemu gajenja ostvaruje zadovoljavajuće rezultate u pogledu osnovnih karakteristika spoljašnjeg kvaliteta jaja. Rezultati sprovedenih istraživanja ukazuju na to da je potrebno posvetiti veću pažnju ispitivanju kvaliteta jaja za nasad, pravcu odgajivanja, poboljšanju proizvodnih i reproduktivnih sposobnosti, a samim tim i očuvanju genetskog potencijala različitih rasa i sojeva kokoši

    EGG quality influence on incubation results and their phenotype correlation

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    This study presents research results of quality and incubation values for Isa Brown hybrid eggs. Eggs were produced in the 33rd week of age at the production peak. Research was conducted on the sample of 252 incubation eggs (240 fertilized eggs). Chick hatchability compared to the number of inserted eggs was 86.51%, and compared to the number of fertilized eggs 90.83%. Average values for quality parameters of brooding eggs and incubation results were as follows: egg weight before insertion 58.41 g, egg length 5.49 cm, egg width 4.29 cm, egg shape index 78.16% and egg volume 53.14 cm3, one day old chick weight was 39.15 g, absolute egg weight loss was 6.60 g, relative egg weight loss was 11.31% and relative chick share in the egg weight was 67,03%. Statistically justified (P<0.001; P<0.01; P<0.05) correlation (complete one) was determined between egg weight and egg width (0.908), egg weight and egg volume (0.923) and egg weight and chick weight (0.918), very strong correlation was determined between egg weight and egg length (0.870), strong correlation was determined between egg weight and absolute egg weight loss (0.690), weak correlation was determined between egg shape index and egg width (0.395), and very weak correlation was determined between egg weight and egg shape index (0.188), egg weight and relative egg weight loss (-0.166), egg shape index and egg length (-0.147) and egg shape index and chick weight (0.189). Between egg weight and relative chick share in the egg weight, egg shape index and absolute egg weight loss, egg shape index and relative chick share in the egg weight no statistically justified (P>0.05) correlation was determined

    Uticaj telesne težine nosilja i proizvodnih osobina brojlerskih roditelja

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    Certain investigations have been conducted in two broiler breeder flocks of Ross 308 and Cobb 500 hybrids. At the beginning of the production cycle (24 weeks of age), an average laying hens' body weight of 2680.40 g was found in the case of Ross 308 hybrid, and 2697.80 g in the case of Cobb 500 hybrid. During 42nd week of age (the middle of the production cycle), the body weight of laying hens was 3565.10 g (Ross 308) and 3599.05 g (Cobb 500), while at the end of the production cycle (61 weeks of age) the body weight of laying hens of Ross 308 hybrid was 3841.50 g, and 3850.00 g of Cobb 500. Identified differences in body weight of laying hens (17.40 g, 33.95 g, 8.50 g) in certain periods of the production cycle, as well as the difference in body weight of laying hens for the entire production cycle (23.26 g) were not statistically significant (P>0.05). More specific observation of the effect of body weight of laying hens on productive capacity of broiler breeders was determined by calculating the coefficients of phenotype correlation between the indicators studied. Thus, statistically significant (P lt 0.001, P lt 0.01, P lt 0.05) coefficients of phenotype correlation between the body weight of laying hens and the majority of production indicators have been determined, while statistically significant (P lt 0.001, P lt 0.01, P lt 0.05) correlation coefficients between the body weight of laying hens and the intensity of laying capacity for hatching and fertilized eggs have been determined, but for a shorter period of the production cycle.Ispitivanja su sprovedena na dva jata brojlerskih roditelja hibrida Ross 308 i Cobb 500. Na početku proizvodnog ciklusa (24. nedelja starosti) kod hibrida Ross 308 utvrđena je prosečna telesna težina nosilja 2680.40 g, a hibrida Cobb 500 2697.80 g. U 42. nedelji starosti (sredina proizvodnog ciklusa) telesna težina nosilja iznosila je 3565.10 g (Ross 308) i 3599.05 g (Cobb 500), dok je na kraju proizvodnog ciklusa (61. nedelja starosti) telesna težina nosilja hibrida Ross 308 iznosila 3841.50 g, a Cobb 500 3850.00 g. Utvrđene razlike telesne težine nosillja (17.40 g, 33.95 g i 8.50 g) u određenim periodima proizvodnog ciklusa, kao i razlika u telesnoj težini nosilja za ceo proizvodni ciklus (23.26 g) nisu bile statistički signifikantne (P>0.05). Konkretnije sagledavanje uticaja telesne težine nosilja na proizvodne sposobnosti brojlerskih roditelja utvrđeno je izračunavanjem koeficijenata fenotipske korelacije između ispitivanih pokazatelja. Tako su između telesne težine nosilja i većine proizvodnih pokazatelja utvrđeni statistički signifikantni (P lt 0,001; P lt 0,01; P lt 0,05) koeficijenti fenotipske korelacione povezanosti, dok su između telesne težine nosilja i intenziteta nosivosti priplodnih i oplođenih jaja utvrđeni statistički signifikantni (P lt 0,001; P lt 0,01; P lt 0,05) koeficijenti korelacije, ali za nešto kraći period proizvodnog ciklusa

    The influence of age on the exploitation period in broiler reproduction of parents in Ross hybrid 308

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    These investigations were intended to identify the influence of parental flock age at heavy hybrid Ross 308 (usage period) on more important reproductive capabilities (carrying eggs intensity of brood eggs, egg mass, one day old chick mass, relative chick mass share in complete egg mass) and consumption of food per processed - hatched chicken (final product of production cycle). Flock usage period lasted for 40 weeks (all eggs), respectively, 38 (brood eggs) weeks and there was possibility, based on achieved results, with evaluation of phenotype correlation, to get some concrete conclusions about the age influence on analyzed parameters during mentioned flock rising period. Phenotype correlation among investigated characteristics has been identified since second half of parental flock using period, since 41(st) week age (20(th) carrying eggs week) up to the end of production process when parental flock was 61 week old (41(st) egg production week). Flock age has statistically important positive (P lt 0.05) influence on carrying eggs intensity of brood eggs until 49(st) week (r(p) = 0.391) and on percentage of chicken feasibility regard the complete number of inputted eggs until 50(th) week (r(p) = 0.434). There was statistically significantly increasing of egg mass and one-day old incubated chicken mass (P lt 0.001) as parental flock was older. Complete correlation connectivity has been identified between egg mass and absolute chick mass (P lt 0.001), while very strong (P lt 0.001) or strong (P lt 0.01) correlative connectivity between egg mass and relative chick share [(chicken mass/egg mass) x 100]. Further more, we determined negative correlation between eggs age and food consumption per hatched chicken for all time of breeding broiler parents, except 61(st) week when we determined positive coefficient of phenotype correlation (r(p) = 0.062), but statistically inconsequent

    Prikaz pojedinih osobina arbor acres hibrida u tovu brojlerskih pilića

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    In this paper are presented and analyzed reused productivity results, of Arbor Acres broilers during the last business year (2002) at the poultry farm „Kokofarm" - Valjevo. Unfortunately during that year, only 44345 birds of both sexes were growned. Period of growing lasted for 49 days. During the growing period 4621 birds has died (10.46 %). Average body weight at the end of the growing period was 3.883 kg and a feed conversion ratio was 2.10 kg. Productivity index value was 163.85. Ratio of nutritional use-full body parts („grill ready") was 75.16 %.U radu su prikazani i analizirani ostvareni proizvodni rezultati brojlerskih pilića Arbor Acres u poslednjoj godini poslovanja (2002. godini) živinarske farme „Kokofarm"- Valjevo. U pomenutoj godini tovljeno je svega 44.345 grla oba pola. Tov je trajao 49 dana. U toku tova uginulo je ukupno 4.621 grlo (10,46%). Prosečna telesna masa na kraju tova iznosila je l,883kg, a konverzija hrane 2,10kg. Vrednost proizvodnog indeksa iznosila je 163,85. Klanični randman („spremno za roštilj") iznosio je 75,16%

    Važnija eksterijerna i reproduktivna svojstva populacije engleskog punokrvnog konja gajenog na ergeli 'Ljubičevo', Srbija

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    The investigation included 5 stallions (average age of 10.40 years) and 33 mares (average age of 10.33 years) with pedigree of the English Thoroughbred horse breed that are used for breeding on the Stud Farm Ljubicevo - Serbia. The investigation of some significant properties relating to the exterior (at stallions) and reproductive ones (at mares) were carried out in the year 2009. The following average exterior (body) measures of the stallions: the body mass (474.80 kg), withers height (160.46 cm), trunk or body length (161.88 cm), breast circumference (187.96 cm) and tibia circumference (19.22 cm) were within the standards of this horse breed of the age. The gestation period at mares, regardless the sex of a colt, averagely lasted 337.70 days. With the mares having had a male colt, the gestation lasted a little bit longer (338.92 days) than with the mares having had female colts (336.90 days). The difference in the gestation duration (2.02 days) was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Between the age of the mares and the gestation duration (regardless the sex of a colt) it was found a positive slight correlation (rp=0.320). Furthermore, between the age of the mares and the gestation duration it was found medium (rp=0.453) correlation at male colts, and quite poor correlation (rp=0.202) at female colts. Found coefficients of the phenotype correlation were not statistically confirmed (P>0.05).Istraživanjima je obuhvaćeno 5 pastuva (prosečne starosti 10,40 godina) i 33 kobile (prosečne starosti 10,33 godina) sa poznatim poreklom (pedigreom) engleske punokrvne rase konja koja se na ergeli Ljubičevo - Srbija aktivno koriste u priplodu. Utvrđivanja važnijih eksterijernih (pastuvi), odnosno reproduktivnih svojstava (kobile) sprovedena su u 2009. godini. Utvrđene prosečne eksterijerne (telesne) mere pastuva: telesna masa (474,80 kg), visina grebena (160,46 cm), dužina trupa - tela (161,88 cm), obim grudi (187,96 cm) i obim cevanice (19,22 cm) su bile u okviru standarda ove rase konja u odgovarajućoj starosnoj dobi. Bremenitost (gestacija) kobila, bez obzira na pol ždrebeta, u proseku je trajala 337,70 dana. Kod kobila koje su oždrebile mušku ždrebad bremenitost je trajala nešto duže (338,92 dana), nego kod kobila koje su oždrebile žensku ždrebad (336,90 dana). Razlika u trajanju bremenitosti (2,02 dana) nije bila statistički signifikantna (P>0,05). Između starosti kobila i trajanja bremenitosti (bez obzira na pol ždrebeta) utvrđena je pozitivna slaba korelaciona povezanost (rp=0,320). Zatim, između starosti kobila i trajanja bremenitosti utvrđena je srednja (rp=0,453) korelaciona povezanost kod muške ždrebadi, odnosno jako slaba (rp=0,202) kod ženske ždrebadi. Utvrđeni koeficijenti fenotipske korelacije nisu bili statistički potvrđeni (P>0,05)

    Fenotipska povezanost telesne težine nosilja i reproduktivnih osobina brojlerskih roditelja

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    Examinations were conducted in two flocks of broiler parents' hybrids Ross 308 and Cobb 500. At the beginning of the production cycle (24th weeks of age) was determined that the average hens body weight of hybrid Ross 308 was 2680.40 g, and to hybrid Cobb 500 was 2697.80 g. At 42nd weeks of age (middle of the production cycle) hens body weight was 3565.10 g (Ross 308) and 3599.05 g (Cobb 500), while at the end of the production cycle (61st weeks of age) hens body weight of hybrid Ross 308 was 3841.50 g, and to the Cobb 500 was 3850.00 g. Determined differences of hens body weight (17.40 g, 33.95 g and 8.50 g) in specific periods of the production cycle, and the difference in hens body weight for the entire cycle (23.26 g) weren't statistically significant (P>0.05). Specific consideration of the impact of hens' body weight on reproductive performances of broiler parents was determined by calculating the coefficients of phenotypic correlation among the tested indicators. Thus, between hens body weight and most reproductive indicators of broiler parents were determined statistically very significant (P lt 0.001) coefficients of phenotypic correlation, while between hens body weight and the percentages of chickens feasibility from fertilized eggs were determined significant (P lt 0.001; P lt 0.01; P lt 0.05) correlation coefficients for a slightly shorter period than anticipated production cycle.Ispitivanja su sprovedena na dva jata brojlerskih roditelja hibrida Ross 308 i Cobb 500. Na početku proizvodnog ciklusa (24. nedelja starosti) kod hibrida Ross 308 utvrđena je prosečna telesna težina nosilja 2680,40 g, a hibrida Cobb 500 2697,80 g. U 42. nedelji starosti (sredina proizvodnog ciklusa) telesna težina nosilja iznosila je 3565,10 g (Ross 308) i 3599,05 g (Cobb 500), dok je na kraju proizvodnog ciklusa (61. nedelja starosti) telesna težina nosilja hibrida Ross 308 iznosila 3841,50 g, a Cobb 500 3850,00 g. Utvrđene razlike telesne težine nosilja (17,40 g, 33,95 g i 8,50 g) u određenim periodima proizvodnog ciklusa, kao i razlika u telesnoj težini nosilja za ceo proizvodni ciklus (23,26 g) nisu bile statistički signifikantne (P>0,05). Konkretnije sagledavanje uticaja telesne težine nosilja na reproduktivne performanse brojlerskih roditelja utvrđeno je izračunavanjem koeficijenata fenotipske korelacije između ispitivanih pokazatelja. Tako su između telesne težine nosilja i većine reproduktivnih pokazatelja brojlerskih roditelja utvrđeni statistički vrlo signifikantni (P lt 0,001) koeficijenti fenotipske korelacione povezanosti, dok su između telesne težine nosilja i procenta izvodljivosti pilića od oplođenih jaja utvrđeni statistički signifikantni (P lt 0,001; P lt 0,01; P lt 0,05) koeficijenti korelacije za nešto kraći period (55. nedelja starosti) od predviđenog proizvodnog ciklusa

    Analiza rezultata u daljinskom jahanju (endurance) u našoj zemlji

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    Endurance riding is a relatively young discipline in our country. Only by following our racing results, the results of the neighboring countries and the results achieved at the world races, as well as comparing these results and analyzing them it is possible to ensure advancement in this sport. Above all, this refers to the breathing frequency, pulse rate and the average speed of a horse, measured over a certain distance or the whole path. Only then is it possible to give the right breeding and upbringing evaluation of a horse and start with the proper selection and upbringing. In endurance riding, horses should be ridden with reserve in order to save their strength. A few minutes after a race, a horse’s pulse should be 64 per minute, and after half an hour the horse should be capable of continuing the race at the same tempo. Proper approximate speed of a horse is between 12-22 km per hour depending on the terrain, the riding conditions and the shape the horse is in. Only if these parameters are fulfilled, the progress of horses, this sport and ourselves is possible. .Nedovoljan broj radova iz ove oblasti, odnosno gotovo potpuni nedostatak, ozbiljan je problem vezan za napredovanje ove divne discipline. Analiza rezultata koji bi pomogli, pre svega, su pravilna merenja pulsa i ograničavanje prosečne brzine konja u trkama. Osim toga, od velikog značaja je i određeni rasni sastav grla koja učestvuju, ali i povećavanje distanci ka prepoznatljivim svetskim normama. Sistemi za ocenu takmičarske i priplodne vrednosti grla koja se takmiče u ovoj disciplini već postoje. Ipak, da bi se uradila prava uporedna analiza domaćih i rezultata iz inostranstva, morali bi održavati trke sa istim distancama u Evropi i drugim delovima sveta. To su već prepoznatljive dužine staze (120 - 160 km). Merenje pulsa, frekvencije disanja i prosečne brzine kretanja i poređenje tih rezultata može jasno da nam pokaže gde trenutno stojimo u pogledu kvaliteta grla i u kom pravcu treba dalje ići sa odgajivačko selekcijskim radom.

    Sastav i antioksidativna aktivnost Picris echoides

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    Some flavonoids with antioxidant properties from the aerial parts of the plant species Picris echoides (family Asteraceae) were identified. Upon chromatography, the ethyl acetate extract afforded flavonoids, such as flavone apigenin (1) and its glucoside, cosmosiin (2), as well as common plant constituents from this family, flavonol galetin (3 3,4’,5,6,7-pentahydroxyflavone) and 4,4’,6,7-tetrahydroxyaurone (4). The structure of the aurone 4 has not been described so far in the literature and presented a very rare type of aurone skeleton. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined by interpretation of their physical and spectral data. The antioxidant activities of different extracts from Picris echoides were measured by the Schaal oven test at 60 ºC and by the Rancimat method at 100 ºC.Water/ethanol extracts (2:8, v/v), in concentrations of 0.02 and 0.05 %, showed lower activity than commercial tocopherol (Tch). On the contrary, the purified ethyl acetate extracts showed a strong concentration-dependent antioxidant effect. The investigation demonstrated that galetin was the main flavonol from this origin. According to the results of the two methods, galetin (3) showed a two-fold better activity than didTch and a lower activity than did butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). The aurone 4 exhibited significantly lower antioxidant activity than did galetin at the same concentration level. Thus, the plant species P. echoides is a new and favorable source of natural lipid antioxidants.Ispitan je hemijski sastav vodeno/etanolnog ekstrakta domaće biqke Picris echoides (familija Asteraceae). Izolovana su i identifikovana četiri flavonoida: apigenin (1), njegov 7-O-glukozid (2), galetin (3 3,4’,5,6,7-pentahidroksi-flavon) i 4,4’,6,7-tetrahidroksi-auron (4). Skelet tipa aurona 4 vrlo retko je prisutan u biqkama i njegova struktura do sada nije opisana u literaturi. Određena je antioksidativna aktivnost različitih ekstrakata biqke, kao i čistih flavonoidnih supstanci u uslovima Schaal oven testa na 60 ºC i Rancimat metoda na 100 ºC. Vodeno/etanolni ekstrakti (2:8) u koncentracijama 0,02 i 0,05 % pokazali su slabu aktivnost u pore- đenju sa tokoferolom, dok su etilacetatni ekstrakti, u istim koncentracijama delovali kao efikasni antioksidanti. Dokazano je da galetin (3) pokazuje duplo veću aktivnost od tokoferola

    Seskviterpenski laktoni i monoterpenski glukozidi biljne vrste Picris echoides L.

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    Investigation of the constituents of the aerial parts of domestic plant species Picris echoides afforded the sesquiterpene lactones, i.e., guaianolides jacquilenin (1), 11-epi-jacquilenin (2), achillin (3) and eudesmanolide telekin (4). The chemical indenti-fication of the two monoterpene glucosides (-)-cis-chrysanthenol-β-D-glucopyranoside (5) and its 6'-acetate 6 is also reported. The guaianolide achillin (3) and the two monoterpene glucosides 5 and 6 were isolated for the first time from this plant species. Isolation was achieved by column chromatography and the structures were established mainly by the interpretation of their physical and spectral data, which were in agreement with those in the literature.Iz nadzemnog dela domaće biljne vrste Picris echoides (familija Asteraceae), korova poznatog pod imenom Grguša, izolovana su i identifikovana četiri seskviterpenska laktona, kao i dva monoterpenska glukozida. Identifikovani laktoni su gvajanolidi jakvilenin (1), ll-epi-jakvilenin (2) i ahilin (3) kao i eudesmanolid telekin (4). Monoterpenski glukozidi (-)-cis-krizantenol-β-D-glukopiranozid (5) i njegov 6'-acetat, 6 su takođe izolovani iz istog ekstrakta. Gvajanolid ahilin (3) i monoterpenski glukozidi (5,6) su po prvi put izolovani iz ove biljne vrste, dok su preostala tri laktona izolovana više puta iz evropske biljne vrste