6 research outputs found
Innovation In Learning Through Digital Literacy at Vocational School of Health
This study aims to facilitate learning, therefore
all existing technologies and educational technology products
must be selected and built on the needs analysis of a particular
learning environment. E-health learning media is an Androidbased Application. As we know that Android is one of the most
widely used mobile platforms in the world with operating
system based on open source. E-Health or Electronic Health is
the use of information and communication technologies
including electronics, telecommunications, computers and
informatics to process various types of medical information, to
perform clinical services (diagnosis or therapy), administration
and education. As an education provider in the field of health,
Vocational School of Health (SMK Kesehatan) feels obliged to
participate in equipping their graduates with life skills in
integrity, which combine generic and specific potency, to solve
and overcome life problem. Life skills possessed by each
graduate will include: Personal Knowledge, Rational Thinking
Skills (Vocational Skills) and Vocational Skills.
Implementation of digital literacy in SMK is expected to
encourage students. One of the learning media that can be used
through digital literacy is through the utilization of Androidbased applications. Results of Media Assessment of E-health
application obtained average score 4.47 (Very Good).
Keywordsâ learning, digital literacy, health vocational
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada Mahasiswa, Staf, Ketua prodi, dan Dosen yang terdapat pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar dengan menerapkan pengembangan modul tracking data penulisan tesis pada sistem informasi management tesis yang layak digunakan yang mencakup indikator valid, praktis dan efektif.
Penelitian pengembangan modul tracking data penulisan tesis pada sistem informasi management tesis menggunakan metode SDLC (Simple life Development Cycle) dan mengikuti langkah-langkah pengembangan menggunakan model prototyping yang memiliki 7 tahap perancangan yang digunakan yaitu : (1) Analisis kebutuhan, (2) melakukan perancangan, (3) membangun prototype, (4) evaluasi, (5) Perubahan rancangan dan prototype, (6) Jika terdapat perubahan pada prototype yang dibangun maka akan diulangi langkah kelima, dan (7) Pengembangan produk skala besar.
Sistem yang dikembangkan telah di validasi oleh dua orang tenaga ahli dengan menilai tiga aspek yaitu Aspek (1) konten dengan nilai rata-rata 3,45 dan persentase 86,25%, (2) pengguna dengan nilai rata-rata 3,63 dan persentase 90,76%, dan (3) program dengan rata-rata 3,58 dan persentase 89,06%. Masing masing kategori dinilai sangat baik dengan keterangan sistem layak digunakan dalam skala besar sehingga pengembangan dinyatakan valid untuk digunakan. Pengembangan dinyatakan efektif berdasarkan uji coba kelompok kecil sesuai indikator kefektifan menghasilkan rata-rata 3,57 dengan persentase 89,92% kategori sangat baik dan jumlah 7 subjek uji coba. Uji coba lapangan sesuai indikator keefektifan menghasilkan rata 3,47 dengan persentase 86,63% kategori sangat baik dan jumlah 81 subjek uji coba. Sesuai denga hasil masing-masing kategori adalah sangat baik maka sistem dinyatakan efektif. Pengembangan dinyatakan praktis berdasarkan uji coba kelompok kecil sesuai indikator kepraktisan menghasilkan rata-rata 3,50 dengan persentase 87,50% kategori sangat baik dan jumlah 7 subjek uji coba. Uji coba lapangan sesuai indikator kepraktisan menghasilkan rata 3,52 dengan persentase 88% kategori sangat baik dan jumlah 81 subjek uji coba. Sesuai dengan hasil masing-masing kategori adalah sangat baik maka sistem dinyatakan praktis. Respon dari Mahasiswa, Staf, Ketua prodi dan Dosen pada Program Pascarsarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar memberikan tanggapan sangat baik dan penilaian yang positif terhadap pengembangan modul tracking data penulisan tesis pada sistem informasi management tesis yang dikembangkan.
Kata Kunci: Media pembelajaran, e-learning, pengembangan teknologi pendidikan islam, moodle
Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri Palopo
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan teknik supervisi yang digunakan dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru di SMK Negeri Kota Palopo serta menganalisis implikasi dari kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah di SMK Negeri Palopo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif analitis dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model kepemimpinan demokratis, manajerial, dan kolaboratif yang diterapkan oleh kepala sekolah sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru. Kegiatan supervisi/observasi juga memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan kinerja guru. Implikasi dari kepemimpinan kepala sekolah di SMK Negeri Kota Palopo menunjukkan perubahan signifikan dalam kinerja dan produktivitas guru, yang didukung oleh komunikasi yang terbuka, pembinaan, dan disiplin. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan pengembangan model kepemimpinan yang efektif, penguatan kegiatan supervisi, dan pengembangan profesionalisme guru sebagai langkah penting untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru di sekolah
Vocational Studentâs Skills Enhancement Through Empowering Local Excellence In Dealing Asean Economic Community (AEC)
Abstract: Education of local excellence is meant the process of education that exploit local advantages in the
aspects of economy, arts and culture, human resources, languages, information and communication technology, ecology, and others that are beneficial to the development of competence of learners. Educational units of local excellence is a new paradigm of education to accelerate development in the region based on the potential of the local community. Thus, the district or school has enough authority to design and determine the things that will be taught. With the diversity of the potential of this area, the development potential and advantages of the region need to get special attention from the local government. In addition, the success of local excellence based school would be able to overcome the problem of urbanization, backwardness in science and technology. SMK present as: (1) an institution that
is able to increase awareness and empathy of students to the problems of the people residing in the village Parambambe district Takalar, resulting in behavioral change in the behavior of students of vocational schools and communities in addressing the importance of skills in designing technology and business management to increase the valueâadded resource, which in turn can empower communities economically, so that the community is going to spearhead the production of bricks; (2) to overcome the problems faced by the people in the surrounding rural districts Parambambe Takalar through the application of TTG brick makers can improve their knowledge in making printing machine, fast and quality, as well as knowledge of entrepreneurship; (3) to overcome the problems faced by the community and around the village Parambambe Takalar district, through the knowledge in managing postâexcavation soil bricks
Melalui buku ini, kami berharap akan menambah referensi
yang berarti bagi Dosen pengampuh mata kuliah ini, khususnya di lingkungan Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar. Bagi mahasiswa, buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi landasan pemikiran dan pengetahuan dalam bidang
kecerdasan buatan (AI). Harapannya, setelah memahami buku
pegangan ini dengan baik, mahasiswa dapat memahami pentingnya mempelajari kecerdasan buatan (AI) seiring berkembangnya waktu dan semakin pesatnya kemajuan teknologi
Exploring the Impact of Tutorial Learning Media on Vocational High School Students: An Evaluation of Content, Display and Application
This study aimed to develop tutorial learning media in Graphic Design subjects for students who take part in tutorial learning, knowing the practicality and effectiveness of the tutorial learning media that has been produced. This type of research was research and development. The development model used in this study was the ADDE model, which consists of four stages: analysis, design, development, and evaluation. This model is the result of ADDIE and Borg & Gall modification. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by describing the
data collected from the development results, validator assessments, and observation results through instruments. Instrument data was obtained from the results of product trials that were divided into three categories; one to one Trial with three subjects is the first stage. The results showed that based on the results of expert validation with an average percentage of 100%, showing the results of the development of tutorial learning media at vocational high school are in the very valid category, the results of the analysis of teacher responses mean a percentage of 94.44% and students with an average percentage of 84.18% show the development of tutorial learning media in Graphic Design subjects is in the practical category of use. Meanwhile, tutorial learning media shows that it is effectively used at vocational high schools based on studentsâ increased learning test results