49 research outputs found
Innovation In Learning Through Digital Literacy at Vocational School of Health
This study aims to facilitate learning, therefore
all existing technologies and educational technology products
must be selected and built on the needs analysis of a particular
learning environment. E-health learning media is an Androidbased Application. As we know that Android is one of the most
widely used mobile platforms in the world with operating
system based on open source. E-Health or Electronic Health is
the use of information and communication technologies
including electronics, telecommunications, computers and
informatics to process various types of medical information, to
perform clinical services (diagnosis or therapy), administration
and education. As an education provider in the field of health,
Vocational School of Health (SMK Kesehatan) feels obliged to
participate in equipping their graduates with life skills in
integrity, which combine generic and specific potency, to solve
and overcome life problem. Life skills possessed by each
graduate will include: Personal Knowledge, Rational Thinking
Skills (Vocational Skills) and Vocational Skills.
Implementation of digital literacy in SMK is expected to
encourage students. One of the learning media that can be used
through digital literacy is through the utilization of Androidbased applications. Results of Media Assessment of E-health
application obtained average score 4.47 (Very Good).
Keywords— learning, digital literacy, health vocational
Target luaran yang akan dicapai adalah Meningkatkan kepedulian dan empati mahasiswa kepada
permasalahan masyarakat yang berada di Desa Salemba, Kecamatan Ujung Loe, Kabupaten
Bulukumba khususnya siswa SMKN 3 Bulukumba, sehingga terjadi perubahan perilaku mahasiswa
dan siswa SMKN 3 Bulukumba dalam menyikapi pentingnya pelatihan sikap, keterampilan, dan
strategi adaptasi dalam menghadapi bencana, yang nantinya dapat memberdayakan masyarakat
secara pengetahuan, sehingga masyarakat justru akan menjadi lebih paham dan 2. terampil sigap
dalam menghadapi bencana; 3. Mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat di sekitar
desa di Kecamatan Ujung Loe, Kabupaten Bulukumba melalui pelatihan sikap, keterampilan, dan
strategi adaptasi dalam menghadapi bencana; 4. Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan menyusun
program dan mengimplementasikan program KKN-PPM dengan perencanaan yang terinci selama
satu bulan; 5. Mahasiswa dapat berkolaborasi dengan Siswa SMKN 3 Bulukumba melalui
program pelatihan. Berdasarkan capaian hasil pelaksanaan pelatihan dan sosialisasi mitigasi
bencana di SMKN 3 Bulukumba, maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:1) Meningkatnya
keterampilan dan pengetahuan siswa SMKN 3 Bulukumba terhadap pembuatan dan aplikasi
teknologi informasi Deteksi banjir berbasis IoT; 2) meningkatnya kesadaran siswa SMKN 3
Bulukumba akan menjaga lingkungan dari bahaya bencana banjir; 3) meningkatnya pengetahuan
siswa SMKN 3 Bulukumba tentang sikap tanggap bencana.
Kata Kunci: Mitigasi Bencana, Teknologi Informasi, SM
Discrimination and cell counting of profile of superoxide dismutase (SOD) under hypercholesterolemia using K-means clustering
Clove leaf extract contains high natural antioxidant.
In this study, an experiment was conducted to analyse the
effect methanol extract of clove leaf on the profile of superoxide
dismutase (SOD) in the rabbits liver under hypercholesterolemic
condition. Rabbits were divided into three groups i.e (1) negative
control group, (2) positive control (hypercholesterolemic) group,
which fed diet containing 1% cholesterol for 50 days, and (3)
group which was given clove leaf extract and 1% cholesterol
simultaneously for 50 days. Contents profile of antioxidant
superoxide dismutase in rabbit liver tissue was obtained using
immunihistochemical techniques. The images were taken from
each group using a microscope to analyse the reaction of clove
leaf extract to the cells. The images were processed using Kmean clustering to discriminate the cells after treatment. The cell
segmentation was performed to count number of the cells based
on their treatment. The cell counting technique then compared
with the manual counting. The results demonstrate that the
developed technique was a reliable image processing technique
which could be used in the cell counting purposes
Discrimination of Nitrogen Concentration of Fertilized Corn with Extracted Algae and Polymer Based on Its Leaf Color Images
Determination of nitrogen levels in plants is essential for variable rate fertilizer application
in precision agriculture. In the past, several techniques have been developed for nitrogen
concentration estimation in plants and crops employing vision system, however, they are
computationally expensive and hence requires a considerable amount of time to produce
accurate results. The technique developed in this work the determination of nitrogen levels
in plants could be achieved effectively in real-time time by advance image processing
techniques, machine visions and support vector machine (SVM) with MATLAB. The
developed technique processes leaf’s colored image via examining it Red, Green and Blue
(RGB) values and compares them with standard intensity levels. The experimental results
show effectiveness of the developed technique and accurately detect low or high
concentration levels in corn. In addition, this method depends on two techniques for a final
result, i.e. color intensity and SVM. If the answer is not similar between the two techniques
the process will be repeated until the detection is similar. This study could be applied to a
variety of crops, since this technique does not require large collection of data for training
and special expertise for its on-field application
Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah: (1) meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai teknik/metode menenun dengan
menggunakan alat tenun terotomatisasi, (2) meningkatkan keterampilan dalam menggunakan alat tenun
terotomatisasi, (3) meningkatkan keterampilan merangkai alat tenun terotomatisasi, (4) meningkatkan
keterampilan dalam melakukan perbaikan terhadap bagian komponen alat tenun terotomatisasi jika
terjadi kendala, (5) meningkatkan keterampilan mengoperasikan alat tenun terotomatisasi, (6) mampu
mendesain corak baru sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman tanpa menghilangkan nilai budaya (makna
corak sarung dari segi filosofis); (7) mengurangi waktu proses pembuatan sarung, (8) meningkatkan
pengetahuan manajerial pemasaran produk tenun lipa sabbe berbasis IT (Toko Online); Objek sasaran
adalah kelompok usaha tenun Desa Pambusuang, Kabupaten Polman. Metode yang digunakan dalam
penyampaian materi menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab, sedangkan penerapan
menggunakan metode demonstrasi. Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahap yaitu: (1) Kegiatan
diawali dengan penjajagan lokasi yang dilakukan pada saat pembuatan proposal, (2) persiapan awal
penyiapan kelompok pengrajin sarung sutera, (2) identifikasi peralatan yang akan digunakan,(3)
menetapkan motif sutera yang akan diterapkan, (4) pengadaan bahan dan alat penunjang pelatihan (5)
pelaksanaan kegiatan (6) pendampingan kegiatan. Penilaian dan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan
kegiatan PKM terhadap Pelaksanaan pelatihan dan kualifikasi Narasumber diperoleh penilaian dengan
rerata skor 4,8 dengan kriteria sangat Baik. Guru dan sekolah berharap pengusaha tekstil, terutama
batik, mempunyai kesadaran bekerja sama membina siswa SMK. Agar tak bergantung pada industri dan
untuk menaikkan nilai jual batik dan tenun, siswa kriya tekstil mempelajari mata pelajaran busana
sebagai muatan lokal. Harapannya, siswa memiliki keterampilan mengolah tenun dan batik dan
berwirausaha mulai dari hulu ke hilir.
Kata Kunci: alat tenun terotomatisasi, Peluang Usaha, SM