13 research outputs found

    Seleksi Bakteri Antagonis Untuk Mengendalikan Layu Fusarium Pada Tanaman Phalaenopsis

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    . Djatnika, I 2012. Selection of Antagonistic Bacteria for Controlling of Fusarium Wilt on Phalaenopsis Plants. Fusarium wilt is an important disease as constraint on production of orchid plants. The control of Fusarium wilt of orchids with fungicides often use by farmers. Orchid plants are often displayed as a decoration which is close to the human environment, so the application of pesticides have to get attention. It is therefore necessary to find another method that is safe for environments, such as using of biological control. The purpose of the study was to get isolates of bacterial antagonists for controlling of Fusarium wilt of Phalaenopsis plants. The experiment was conducted at Laboratory and Screenhouse of Indonesian Ornamental Plant Research Institute, Segunung (1100 m asl.) and the microbes were isolated from horticultural area in West Java and DKI Jakarta since January until December 2010. The research comprised of isolation of Fusarium spp. from orchid plants in some location, isolation of bacterial antagonists, the effectiveness of the bacteria to suppress Fusarium spp. growth in laboratory, and the effectiveness of the bacteria to control Fusarium wilt on Phalaenopsis plants in the screenhouse. The results showed that the causal Fusarium wilt of Phalaenopsis plants was identified as Fusarium oxysporum. Three of 154 isolates of bacteria, i.e. isolates number of B23, B26, and B37, could suppress of F. oxysporum growth on PDA media. Observation up to 10 weeks after inoculation, the three bacteria could reduce the number of plants attacked by Fusarium wilt , which were 46.9; 48.9; and 65.3% respectively, and each of them suppress wilt disease intensity 50.5, 43.9, and 55.1% respectively

    Pengendalian Hayati Layu Fusarium Pada Tanaman Pisang Dengan Pseudomonas Fluorescens Dan Gliocladium SP.

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    . Fusarium wilt caused by F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense is a main constrain in bananas plantation throughout the world, including in Indonesia. The objectives of this research were to study the effect of P. fluorescens and Gliocladium sp. in the development of wilt disease intensity on banana plants, and to know the application methods of the biological agents to control the disease. The experiment was conducted in the farmer's area where the disease was reported in endemics level in Selayo district Solok country from April 2000 until March 2001. Randomized block design with seven treatments and three replications were used. The result showed that application by pour P. fluorescens or Gliocladium sp. suspension to soil around banana seedling rhizosfeer reduced the diseased plants in the field. It seems that the antagonistic microbes should be applicated several times to reduce the diseased plants perfectly

    Peranan Pseudomonas Fluorescens MR 96 Pada Penyakit Layu Fusarium Tanaman Pisang

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    . Pseudomonas fluorescens MR 96 was reported of its ability to suppress fusarium wilt on banana plants, but the mechanism of the disease suppresion was not known. The aim of this research was to know the mechanism of P. fluorescens in controlling the disease on banana plants. The research was held in greenhouse of Indo- nesian Fruit Research Institute in Solok, from January until December 2001. The results of the research showed that P. fluorescens controlled the disease with resistance induction in banana plant and antibiosis mechanism, and the an- tagonistic bacteria affected the plant development. Beside that, effectiveness of the bacteria to control F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense was not affected by soil type in rizosphere, but wilt disease and banana plants growth were affected by soil type

    Koleksi dan Karakterisasi Mikoparasit Asal Karat Putih pada Krisan

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    Penyakit karat yang disebabkan oleh Puccinia horiana merupakan penyakit yang paling penting pada tanaman krisan. Pengendalian penyakit menggunakan fungisida terbentur masalah timbulnya pencemaran lingkungan dan resistensi terhadap fungisida. Penggunaan varietas resisten terkendala dengan timbulnya ras fisiologi baru yang dapat mematahkan sifat resistensi tanaman. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengendalian terpadu. Salah satu komponen pengendalian terpadu ialah pemanfaatan mikoparasit. Penelitian bertujuan mengumpulkan dan mengidentifikasi mikoparasit serta menyaring isolat yang efektif dalam menekan penyakit karat pada tanaman krisan. Percobaan dilakukan dari Bulan Januari sampai Desember 2011. Kegiatan penelitian meliputi : (a) survei dan (b) percobaan. Survei dilakukan di Kabupaten Cianjur dan Kabupaten Bandung Barat, sedangkan percobaan dilakukan di Laboratorium dan Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) ditemukan empat genus cendawan sebagai mikoparasit penyakit karat (P. horiana) pada tanaman krisan di Kabupaten Cianjur dan Kabupaten Bandung, (2) dari 55 isolat mikoparasit, 92,7% merupakan genus Cladosporium. Selebihnya terdiri atas genus Fusarium, Trichoderma, dan Penicillium, dan (3) dari 20 isolat yang diuji efektivitasnya sebagai mikoparasit, hanya 11 isolat Cladosporium sp. yang mempunyai efektivitas > 50% dan sebagai pengendali hayati karat potensial. Hasil penelitian dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk mendapatkan biofungisida potensial untuk mengendalikan penyakit karat putih pada krisan

    Penggunaan Gliocompost Untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Layu Fusarium Dan Meningkatkan Produktivitas Bunga Krisan Potong

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    . Nuryani, W, Silvia Yusuf, E, Rahardjo, IB, and Djatnika, I 2012. The Use of Gliocompost for Control Fusarium wilt Disease and Increasing Productivity of Chrysanthemum Cut Flower. Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum. f. sp. tacheiphillum is one of the important disease on chrysanthemum plant. The disease is difficult to control because the pathogen is a soil borne disease. This study was aimed to identify the role of the use of Gliocompost in an effort to reduce using of synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers were excessive but cheap, effective, environmentally friendly, and improve quality and yield of chrysanthemum cut flower. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Indonesian Ornamental Plant Research Institute and Sekar Farmers Group Plastichouse Poncokusumo, Malang - East Java (850 m asl.), from January to December 2010. The study was used a randomized block design which three replications. The treatment consisted of eight packages, that is: (A) cow manure (organic) equivalent of 50 t/ha (Poncokusumo ways), (B) synthetic chemical fertilizers according to SOP (200 kg/ha Urea, 300 kg/ha SP-36, and 350 kg/ha ZK), (C) cow manure (organic) in accordance with SOP (30 t/ha) + synthetic chemical fertilizers according to SOP (200 kg/ha Urea, 300 kg/ha SP-36, and 350 kg/ha ZK), (D) Gliocompost (4 t/ha), (E) Gliocompost (4 t/ha) + synthetic chemical fertilizers according to SOP (200 kg/ha Urea, 300 kg/ha SP-36, and 350 kg/ha ZK), (F) Gliocompost (4 t/ha) + Poncokusumo ways (100%), a synthetic chemical fertilizer (200 kg/ha Urea, 300 kg/ha SP-36, and 350 kg/ha ZK) + fungicide (pyraclostrobin 250 g/l and azocsistrobin 200 g/l + difenokonazol 125 g/l), (G) Gliocompost (4 t/ha) + Poncokusumo ways (50%), a synthetic chemical fertilizer (100 kg/ha Urea, 150 kg/ha SP-36, and 175 kg/ha ZK) + fungicide (pyraclostrobin 125 g/l and azocsistrobin 100 g/l + difenokonazol 62.5 g/l), and (H) negative control (without fertilizer and fungicides). The results showed that combination package between Gliocompost (4 t/ha) + Poncokusumo ways (50%), synthetic chemical fertilizers (100 kg/ha Urea, 150 kg/ha SP-36, and 175 kg/ha ZK) + fungicide (pyraclostrobin 125 g/l and azocsistrobin 100 g/l + difenokonazol 62.5 g/l), was the most effective control techniques and could reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides 50% respectively. Gliocompost application could reduce the use of synthetic pesticides and inorganic fertilizers by 50%. However, application of Gliocompost also could increase plant growth, production, and long freshness of cut flowers at room temperature

    Pengaruh Mutagen Etil Metan Sulfonat terhadap Kapasitas Regenerasi Tunas Hibrida Phalaenopsis In Vitro

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    Perakitan kultivar yang tahan terhadap penyakit busuk lunak yang disebabkan Erwinia carotovora dapat dilakukan dengan teknik induksi mutasi. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui pengaruh mutagen etil metan sulfonat (EMS) terhadap Perubahan genetik di antaranya kapasitas regenerasi tanaman anggrek Phalaenopsis pada kultur in vitro dan mengetahui lethal concentration (LC) mutagen EMS pada anggrek hibrida Phalaenopsis. Percobaan ditata dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan sembilan perlakuan konsentrasi EMS dan diulang tiga kali. Mutagen kimia yang digunakan yaitu EMS dengan konsentrasi 0 ; 0,025 ; 0,050 ; 0,075 ; 0,1; 0,125 ; 0,15 ; 0,175; dan 0,2%. Eksplan berupa meristem aksilar anggrek hibrida Phalaenopsis ditanam pada medium dasar MS+ 2 ml/l BA + 1 ml/l NAA dan diinkubasi pada ruang kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etil metan sulfonat memberi pengaruh pada pertumbuhan meristem hibrida Phalaenopsis dalam membentuk tunas. EMS dengan konsentrasi 0,025 dan 0,05% memberi pengaruh yang lebih baik terhadap jumlah tunas dan tinggi tunas. LC50 untuk karakter persentase pembentukan tunas ialah 0,112%. Terdapat dua konsentrasi EMS, yaitu 0,025 dan 0,05% yang memberi pengaruh terbaik pada pembentukan tunas hibrida Phalaenopsis. Diperoleh beberapa regeneran mutan potensial dari berbagai perlakukan < 0,15% EMS yang perlu diuji dengan isolat Erwinia carotovora. To improve cultivars resistance to soft rot disease caused by Erwinia carotovora can be done by using mutation induction. The research objective was to determine the effect of EMS mutagent Phalaenopsis hybrid to change the genetic i.e. capacity of plant regeneration in vitro culture and the lethal concentration (LC) of EMS mutagent in Phalaenopsis hybrid. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with nine concentrations of EMS treatment and repeated three times. The mutagent of EMS concentrations used were 0, 0.025; 0.050; 0.075; 0.1; 0.125; 0.15; 0.175; and 0.2%. The meristem axilar as explant was be grown on basic medium MS suplemented with 2 ml/l BA + 1 ml/l NAA and incubated in culture room. The results showed that the influence on growth of EMS meristem Phalaenopsis hybrids. The EMS mutagent with concentration of 0.025 and 0.05% gave better effect to the high number of shoots and buds. LC50 of the percentage of bud formation character was 0.112%. Two EMS concentrations were 0.025 and 0.05% provided the best influence on the formation of shoot Phalaenopsis hybrid. There were many regenerants potential mutant from several EMS treatments < 0.15 % that should be tested by isolate of E. carotovora

    Pengendalian Penyakit Layu Fusarium Pada Subang Gladiol Dengan Pengasapan Dan Biopestisida

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    Gladiol (Gladiolus hybridus L.) merupakan komoditas tanaman hias yang mempunyai prospek pengembangan yang cukup cerah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri maupun ekspor. Salah satu penyakit utama yang menyerang tanaman tersebut ialah layu yang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli. Di Indonesia, kehilangan hasil akibat serangan patogen tersebut hampir mencapai 100%. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengendalikan F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli serta mendorong pertumbuhan tunas subang gladiol melalui pengasapan dan aplikasi biopestisida. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias Segunung (1.100 m dpl.) dari bulan Januari sampai Desember 2009. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan sembilan perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengasapan dari hasil pembakaran tempurung kelapa yang ditambah dengan Prima BAPF dapat merangsang pertumbuhan tunas pada subang gladiol, tetapi tidak mampu menekan jumlah subang terinfeksi dan intensitas penyakit busuk Fusarium di gudang penyimpanan. Untuk percobaan yang dilakukan di lapangan, perlakuan gabungan antara pengasapan dari hasil pembakaran tempurung kelapa yang ditambah dengan belerang dan Prima BAPF merupakan perlakuan terbaik untuk mengendalikan penyakit layu Fusarium. Aplikasi perlakuan tersebut menurunkan jumlah tanaman layu, menurunkan nilai AUDPC perlakuan, dan dapat meningkatkan produksi bunga gladiol. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diadopsi oleh petani guna mengendalikan F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli secara luas.Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus L) is one of the most economically important cut flowers in Indonesia. The crops is commonly cultivated in the highland. Cultivations of the crops in the production centers have faced various problems especially wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli as the most important one. Based on the field observations, it was known that the disease can reduce plant production and its yield quality up to 100%. The experiment was aimed to determine the effect of fumigation by using smoke produced by burned up coconut shell and biopesticide on gladioulus bud growth and fusarial wilt incidence. The expereiment was carried out at the Laboratory, Glasshouse and the field of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute (1,100 m asl.) since January to December 2009. A randomized block design with nine treatments and three replications was used. The results indicated that fumigation by using smoke of burned up coconut shell combined with biopesticide Prima BAPF stimulated gladiolus bud growth, but did not suppress infection of the bulb and fusarial disease intensity at the storage. Base on the field trial, fumigation by smoke of burned up coconut shell combined with sulphur and Prima BAPF was proven to be the best treatment. Application of the treatment significantly reduced disease intensity, AUDPC value, and increased flower production. This research result is expected to be adopted by farmers in order to widely control the F. oxysporum f. sp. gladioli

    Formulasi Biopestisida Berbahan Aktif Bacillus Subtilis, Pseudomonas Fluorescens, dan Corynebacterium SP. Nonpatogenik untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Karat pada Krisan

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    . Karat putih yang disebabkan oleh Puccinia horiana merupakan salah satu penyakit pada krisan yangdapat menimbulkan kehilangan hasil sampai 100% . Selama ini untuk mengendalikan patogen tersebut, petani seringmenggunakan pestisida kimiawi. Hal tersebut sangat mengkhawatirkan mengingat penggunaan fungisida sintetiksecara berlebihan dapat mencemari lingkungan yang membahayakan bagi kehidupan makhluk hidup. Oleh karenaitu, cara pengendalian alternatif yang efektif dan aman bagi lingkungan diperlukan untuk mengendalikan penyakitkarat putih pada krisan. Salah satu alternatif cara pengendalian penyakit karat yaitu dengan mengaplikasikanbiopestisida yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium, rumah kaca, dan rumah plastik KebunPercobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias (1.100 m dpl), pada bulan April 2009 sampai Februari 2010. Tiga spesiesbakteri antagonis sebagai bahan aktif biopestisida (Bacillus subtilis Cs 1a, Corynebacterium sp.1, dan Pseudomonasflurescens 3 Sm) dan bahan pembawa (campuran antara ekstrak kascing, molase, gula pasir, dan atau kentang),masing-masing diformulasi dalam 12 jenis formula biopestisida cair. Formulasi biopestisida difermentasikan selama3 minggu dalam keadaan aerobik menggunakan biofermentor. Viabilitas bahan aktif dalam bahan pembawa diujisetiap bulan, yaitu pada periode sebelum dan sesudah fermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi bahanaktif setelah difermentasi selama 3 minggu selalu meningkat, populasi bahan aktif sebelum fermentasi sejumlah 105cfu/ml meningkat menjadi 106-7 cfu/ml. Dua bulan setelah fermentasi, populasi bahan aktif biopestisida masih tetaptinggi yaitu berkisar antara 106-11 cfu/ml. Perlakuan ekstrak kascing + gula pasir + B. subtilis + P. fluorescens +Corynebacterium pada tingkat konsentrasi 0,3% merupakan perlakuan terbaik. Disamping dapat menekan intensitasserangan P. horiana (38,49%), formulasi biopestisida tersebut juga dapat menaikkan hasil panen bunga krisan layakjual sebanyak 14,58%