5 research outputs found


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    Perlindungan sosial di Indonesia menjadi salah satu prioritas pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Rencana kerja pemerintah dicetuskan tiga reformasi, salah satunya adalah reformasi sistem perlindungan sosial menyeluruh bagi seluruh penduduk yang prasyarat utamanya transformasi data menuju registrasi sosial ekonomi (Regsosek). Pendataan awal registrasi sosial ekonomi (Regsosek) dilakukan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan melibatkan seluruh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tranparansi kinerja surveyor terhadap pendataan awal registrasi sosial ekonomi (Regsosek) dalam mewujudkan data yang akurat sesuai dengan kondisi lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan cara observasi lapangan, wawancara dengan petugas suveryor registrasi sosial ekonomi (Regsosek). Hasil penelitian menerangkan bahwa penerapan Good Corporate Governance transparansi dalam pendataan awal registrasi sosial ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh petugas surveyor belum sepenuhnya akurat. Beberapa data tidak sesuai dengan lapangan yang penyebab utamanya adalah masyarakat sebagai responden tidak ingin kondisi sosialnya dicatat dalam kategori menurut petugas, sehingga data kuisioner tersebut tidak sesuai dengan fakta di lapangan

    Penerapan GCG dalam Implementasi Al-fatiha pada Perilaku Etis Pelaku Usaha: Penerapan GCG dalam Implementasi Al-fatiha pada Perilaku Etis Pelaku Usaha

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    The problem studied is that many companies do not understand the implementation of GCG in the implementation of al-Fatiha for business actors to improve the quality of human resources in the future and its impact on company performance. Researchers want to know how the implementation of GCG in a company and how to implement al-Fatiha on the ethical behavior of business actors. This makes the researcher raise the title of GCG Implementation in the implementation of Al-Fatiha on the ethical behavior of business actors. In answering these problems, the researcher used purposive sampling and interview methods. The researcher concludes that the implementation of GCG in the implementation of al-Fatiha on the ethical behavior of business actors affects the company's performance in the future to improve the quality of better human resources

    Good Governance dalam Sudut Pandang Islam (Penjelasan Al-Qur'an)

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    Indonesia as a country with a majority Muslim population must know and understand the principles of Islamic GCG in running a business. The Qur'an explains how a government must be managed in order to realize good governance. In the Qur'an does not explicitly regulate the implementation of good governance in government. the concept of good governance in the Qur'an can not only be applied to government, but must be applied to any organization and in our daily lives. The Qur'an explains the concepts of responsibility, transparency, justice and equality. Creating good governance based on the principles that have been formulated, namely transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence and fairness. The purpose of the article is to find out Good Corporate Governance from an Islamic point of view in the Qur'an. Data collection techniques use literature studies through written sources such as online data searches/internet searching and literature studies