396 research outputs found

    Exceptions in a Web services environment

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    This paper presents a policy-based approach to compose Web services with emphasis on exceptions. Three types of policies denoted as engagement, mediation, and deployment regulate composition and are specified with WSPL. To support the exception handling strategy, context comes into play. Context oversees and keeps track of the execution outcomes of policies that took place and are now taking place. © 2008 IEEE

    User-centric Privacy Engineering for the Internet of Things

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    User privacy concerns are widely regarded as a key obstacle to the success of modern smart cyber-physical systems. In this paper, we analyse, through an example, some of the requirements that future data collection architectures of these systems should implement to provide effective privacy protection for users. Then, we give an example of how these requirements can be implemented in a smart home scenario. Our example architecture allows the user to balance the privacy risks with the potential benefits and take a practical decision determining the extent of the sharing. Based on this example architecture, we identify a number of challenges that must be addressed by future data processing systems in order to achieve effective privacy management for smart cyber-physical systems.Comment: 12 Page

    CP4WS - A method for designing and developing systems based on web services

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    This paper presents CP4WS (standing for Context and policy for Web services), which is a context-based and policy-driven method for the design and development of Web services-based systems. Although Web services constitute an active area of research, very little has been achieved for the benefit of those who are responsible for modeling and developing such systems. To address this lack of support, we developed CP4WS that consists of several steps ranging from user needs identification to Web services behavior specification. A running scenario that illustrates the use of CP4WS is also discussed in the paper

    How to track composite Web services? A solution based on the concept of view

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    This paper presents an approach for tracking composite Web services based on the concept of view. Web services are subject to personalization when there is a need to accommodate user preferences. Preferences of users are of various types like when the execution of a Web service should be initiated and where the outcome of this execution should be delivered, too. To guarantee that user preferences are handled during the execution of Web services, a view offers the opportunity of zooming into the specification that composes these Web services. For the specification requirements, state chart and service chart diagrams are adopted. A deployed view over a progressing specification features the dynamic nature of tracking composite Web services


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    Using policies to manage composite Web services

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    Mapping guidelines for a Web service\u27s behavior can ensure an individual Web service\u27s smooth engagement on a composite Web service, which are combinations of Web services. Developing a composite Web service requires a specification that shows elements such as the component Web services\u27 execution order, the data dependencies among the component Web services. The developers and deployers can use the policies defined for Web services composition to manage Web services at both high and low levels. Adopting policies also introduces the possibility of changing Web services\u27 behavior without altering a composition specification. The Web service deployers can continuously adjust multiple aspects such as Web services\u27 conflict-resolution mechanisms to accommodate variations in the environment

    Special track on web technologies

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    The Internet and other related technologies have created an interconnected world in which information can be easily exchanged, tasks can be collaboratively processed, communities of users with similar interests can be instantly formed to achieve efficiency and improve performance, while security threats are present more than ever before. This second edition of Web Technologies track is intended to bring together researchers who are actively engaged both in theoretical and practical aspects of database interoperability

    A view-based approach for tracking composite Web services

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    Tracking the execution of composite Web services to identify and adjust their specification according to the current features of the environment is a challenging issue. The concept of views, as a dynamic snapshot over this specification according to a given context, is proposed in this paper. A view is used as a support means for tracking the execution progress of composite Web services and deploying the corrective measures in case of non-compliance with users\u27 requirements. Our contributions are a definition of what a view means in the context of Web services composition, an approach for specifying user context and its respective view, and mechanisms for extracting and visualizing views over specifications of composite services. © 2005 IEEE
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