10 research outputs found

    Using the Community College to Control College Costs: How Much Cheaper Is It?

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    Data from NCES indicate that it is two to three times more expensive to educate a student at a public four-year college than at a community college. These figures exaggerate the difference between the two when you calculate the costs of the first two years of education for students working on a bachelor’s degree. Using modified IPEDS data from the recently released Delta Project, this study shows that the cost per FTE and the public subsidy per FTE are lower at public master’s level colleges than at the community college. Trend data from 1987-2005 are examined along with appropriate cautions for interpreting the results

    Accelerated Learning dalam Proses Pembelajaran dan E-learning sebagai Alat Bantu Pembelajaran

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    The rapid development of learning methods in education has generated many alternative learning methods that are different from the traditional learning methods. Accelerated learning methods has been known as one of the new approaches that uses almost the opposite methods as compared to the traditional ones. Learning IT subjects is usually one of the boring and difficult-to-understand subjects to learn. Therefore,implementing the accelerated learning methods for learning IT subjects would help to solve the problems. E-learning could also be used to enhance the accelerated learning process, especially that there are many e-learning alternatives available, such as games and simulations that are available for general public

    Kebutuhan Kompetensi Tenaga Kerja Teknologi Informasi Di Indonesia, 2007 Vs. 2012

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    Understanding job competencies' needs in the job market will be substantial to the success of any educational institutions in preparing their graduates. This paper will discuss and compare the results of two studies, the 2007 and 2012 studies, which examined the IT competencies needs for eight groups of IT workers: Database Administration, Network Administration, Consultant, IT Manager, Software Engineer, System Analyst, Technical Support, and Web Developer. The competencies discussed include hard skills, soft skills, and attitude, personality, and behaviors. The results show that there are changes in the needs of IT competencies from 2007 to 2012.Keywords—IT job competencies; IT workers;hard skills; soft skills; attitude, personality, and behavio

    Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Wiki Untuk Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran

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    Aplikasi wiki adalah salah satu jenis dari aplikasi Web 2.0 yang merupakan halaman web di mana parapenggunanya dapat mengorganisir, meng-edit, me-review, merevisi, atau me-retrieve isi dari halaman webdengan mudah dan secara kolaboratif bersama pengguna lainnya. Aplikasi wiki memiliki potensi untukdigunakan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang lebih kolaboratif. Walaupun diciptakan di tahun1995, pendayagunaan wiki untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi masih terbatas khususnya diIndonesia.Aplikasi wiki hanyalah aplikasi komputer, dan sukses dari penggunaan wiki untuk pembelajaran yangkolaboratif ada di tangan pengajar mata kuliah yang bersangkutan untuk dapat membuat persiapan,implementasi, monitoring, dan penutupan proyek wiki yang baik. Oleh karena itu, dalam artikel ini penulismemberikan langkah-langkah untuk memilih layanan wiki, langkah-langkah untuk persiapan dan implementasiwiki dengan menggunakan Bloom's Taxonomy, serta langkah-langkah untuk memonitor dan menutup proyekwiki. Diharapkan agar pengajar di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dapat memanfaatkan informasi tersebut untukmensukseskan proyek wiki di kelas mereka


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    This research aimed at building a web-based application to automate the student selection in the “New Students Admission Process” with a case study at SMKN X, a vocational high school. This application was developed with the following features: settings of academic year and registration phases, settings of admission quotas, new students registration, automation of student selection based on passing grades, and creation of various new students admission reports. The research collected data from direct observations, interviews with the school authorities, and literature studies. The student selection process was automated and implemented by sorting the applicants’ ranks based on by passing grades and selecting the top ranks based on the quota available. Based on the black box testing performed on the prototype, this application had provided the planned features and could be expected to assist the new student admission process at SMKN X