35 research outputs found

    Prevalensi Pnemonia dan Demam pada Bayi dan Anak Balita, Sdki 1991, 1994, 1997

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    The Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) has identified mothers who had baby and child under five who suffered cough, rapid breathing and fever as well as treatment pattern while was suffering in the two weeks preceding the survey. According to the definition of World Health Organization, pneumonia is characterized by cough with difficult or rapid breathing who easily to know by layman. This article will analyze the tendency of the pneumonia and fever prevalence, as well as treatment pattern which was done. The prevalence of pneumonia in the seventh years period only decreased 8 percent, that is 10 percent in IDHS 1991 to 9 percent in IDHS 1997, whereas the target of Five Years Development Plan VI (Repelita VI) is expected to decrease the morbidity 20 percent. The prevalence of pneumonia shifted in the direction to younger aged group, from 12-23 months to 6-11 months, who had more risk than the older aged group. The prevalence of pneumonia in the rural area and Outer Java Bali was higher than in the urban area and Java Bali. The prevalence offever decreased slightly from 7 percent to 6 percent. The advantage of health facilities through children who was suffering pneumonia shown to increase from 63 percent to 69 percent and that of suffering from fever shown to increase from 50 percent to 58 percent. Though the role of traditional healer has decreased, however there were 1 to 2 percent children who suffered from pneumonia and fever were still taken to a traditional healer. The percentage of baby and child under five who had not been treated was less than one third and the percentage of self treatment was still remain the same. To increase the efforts in eliminating pneumonia in all remote areas, it is warranted that the community should actively participate distributing the information. In addition, the provider should improve their capability on detecting, identifying the clinical signs, and increased their alertness against the risk to pneumonia. Health facilities should be supplied with adequate drugs, especially antibiotics for this purpose

    Analisis Penyebab Kematian dan Tantangan yang Dihadapi Penduduk Lanjut Usia di Indonesia Menurut Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2007

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    Latar Belakang: Penduduk lansia di Indonesia terus bertambah kira-kira 3 jutaan setiap 10 tahun, pada tahun 2010 tercatat18 juta, merupakan 7,59 persen dari total penduduk. Analisis penyebab kematian pada lansia dari Riset Kesehatan Dasar2007 diharapkan memberi gambaran penyebab kematian usia 55 tahun ke atas dan tantangan yang dihadapi di Indonesia.Metode: Riskesdas 2007 menggunakan metode potong lintang untuk peristiwa kematian dalam kurun waktu satu tahun dirumah tangga terpilih. Sampel berasal dari sampel Kor dan Modul yang mencakup 258.366 RT, diperoleh secara ProbabilityProportional to Size (PPS). Data penyebab kematian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan teknik autopsi verbal dan diklasifi kasi berdasarkan ICD-10. Hasil: Penyebab kematian tertinggi adalah penyakit sistem sirkulasi, diikuti dengan infeksi, sistem pernapasan, pencernaan, otot rangka, endokrin, neoplasma, kecelakaan/cedera. Kematian akibat penyakit sistem sirkulasi dan endokrin di perkotaan lebih besar dibandingkan di pedesaan, sedangkan kematian akibat penyakit infeksi, sistem pernapasan, pencernaan lebih besar di pedesaan dibandingkan di perkotaan. Jenis penyakit infeksi adalah TB, diare, hepatitis virus, malaria. Jenis penyakit sistem sirkulasi adalah stroke, hipertensive heart disease dan ischaemic heart diseases. Neoplasma yang tercatat adalah kanker payudara, pencernaan, lymphoid, pharynx, paru-paru, otak, tiroid, sistem saraf. Proporsi terbesar penyakit sistem pernapasan adalah bronkhitis, asma, emfi sema. Saran: Kementerian Kesehatan harus melaksanakan segala upaya untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan semua umur, pemeliharaan kesehatan serta kesejahteraan lansia denganmewujudkan jaminan sosial bagi lansia

    The Experience of ICD Utilization on Verbal Autopsy Data to Obtain Trend of Cause of Death in Indonesian Population (1992–2007)

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    Background: Cause of death data is necessary for arranging health programs. The needs of these data is not fulfill yet through reporting and recording system from health facilities only,therefore national health survei should be conducted regularly. Objective: To obtain cause of death trends in the populations from VA data. Methods: Material taken from Nasional Health Survey 1992, 1995, 2001, 2007 covering 65,664 households (HH), 206,240 HH, 211,168 HH, 258,366 HH respectively, selected by stratified random sampling technique using core and module sample of Socio Economic National Survey (Susenas) and taken with a Probability Proportional to Size method. Cause of death data was collected by structured questionnaire using verbal autopsy (VA) technique and was classified based on ICD 9 and ICD 10. Results: The disease patterns of cause of death from 1992 to 2007 showed the non-communicable disease is increasing continuously while communicable disease (infectious, maternal and perinatal, nutritional deficiencies) is decreasing; however the burden of disease is still present on both groups of diseases. Conclusions: The little bit less accurate VA data (1992–2007) collected is able to produce national statistic data of cause of death and could be used to suggest health planning program managers in Indonesi

    Pencapaian Dan Tantangan Status Kesehatan Maternal Di Indonesia

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    Maternal health is a key for the next generation. Maternal death is an indicator for maternal health status. Some maternal health services indicator such as Antenatal Care (ANC) and delivery assistant, while pregnancy/delivery complications and Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMRatio) are the key indicators that reflect maternal health condition. The objections of this article are discussing the achievement of maternal health status such as ANC, birth attendant, place delivery, pregnancy/delivery complications and cause of maternal death. Analyze of trend of coverage maternal health service programme and maternalmorbidity used the Indonesia Demography Health Survey (IDHS) 1991-2007 data. The analyzed of MMRatio used 2002-03 and 2007 IDHS data which are calculated with Proportion of Maternal of Death Female (PMDF) approach. The analysis of maternal cause of death used mortality data from Household Health Survey in 2001 and Baseline Health Survey data in 2007. The result in 16 years, showed that the antenatal care of pregnant women in first trimester has been increased twice. Delivery in home decreased from 79% to 53%. The most pregnancy complication is haemorrage and the most delivery complication is long labor. The MMRatio with PMDF calculation in 2003 is 413 per 100.000 live birth and in 2007 is 270 per 100.000 live birth. To come up the MMRatio that targeted 125 per 100.000 in 2010, the Basic Emergency Obstetric Neonatal Care (BEONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Neonatal Care (CEONC) implementation must be done in good quality and there is no tie up to reach the closest health facility

    Pola Penyebab Kematian Kelompok Bayi Dan Anak Balita, Hasil Sistem Registrasi Kematian Di Indonesia Tahun 2012

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    The activities of recording and reporting causes of death through Mortality Registration System, whichcarried out regularly, complete, and pfocedurally will be able to provide reliable information to assessintervention activity against prevention of disease. This paper aim to find out the pattern of leading of causeof death in infant and underfive children. Study location selected in 12 districts/cities spread all overIndonesia. Sample taken from secondary data selected by stratified random sampling through 3 phases:phase 1, Indonesia is divided into 5 regions. Phase 2, each region is divided according to the City andCounty. Phase 3, each/city district good and poor performance stratified based on IPKM and 30 percent ofthe total sample for the City and 70 percent for the county are randomly selected. The sample size wascalculated using the life table (strata of death) with a high level of child and adult mortality, with a range of95% and a relative standard error of 15%. The sample size is approximately 2 million per region. Thenumber of deaths of infants (0-I years) is 1517 deaths and children under 5 years are 332 deaths. Theproportion of neonatal deaths are 56 percent of total deaths 0-5 years, post- neonatal mortality 10.6 percentof the total deaths 0-5 years. The proportion of children deaths are 1.3 percent of the total deaths. The causeof death of newborus up to 6 days old are low birth weight (21.3 percent), asphyxia (17.3 percent), Respiratory Distress of Newborn(RDS) (11 percent) and 5.9\u27 percent of neonatal sepsis. The highest causeof death of infants aged 7-28 days is pneumonia (34.5 percent), followed by neonatal sepsis (10.2 percent), congenital abnormalities (8.6 percent). The cause of death in infants aged 29 days to 11 months wasdominated by infectious diseases such as pneumonia (29.5 percent) and diarrhea (11 percent). The cause ofdeath of children agedIto 4 years dominated by pneumonia (12.3 percent) and diarrhea (8.7 percent). Ingeneral the highest proportion of cause of death on infant and children under five years are pneumonia anddiarrhea

    Status Mortalitas Dan Pola Penyebab Kematian Di Kabupaten Sukabumi Tahun 2007

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    Indicators of mother and child survivalship generally has been accepted as an indicator of MMRatio, U5MR including IMR. Those indicators are reflecting the health status as stated in the Healthy Indonesia 2010 and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The benefit of this survey is to support evidence based data as a basic policy to reduce MMRatio and U5MR. The objective of this survey was to identify mortality status and also the cause of death in Sukabumi people. The survey design was cross sectional, the sample was all mothers who have been delivered and lived in Puskesmas study area in Sukabumi District area. The number of sample was 3008 household member interviewed. The result of IMR in Sukabumi 2006 was 45.7 per 1000 LB while the U5MR ways 59 per 1000 LB. The highest proportion of causes of death was cardiovascular system that is 18 percent, then, that of digestive system 9 percent. The recommendation is strengthening of midwives role in village and in Puskesmas, so that everydelivery can be assisted by health providers. Intensive education to reduce mortality cause by cardiovascular system is also necessary