30 research outputs found
Inscriptions that were discovered in West Java and Banten were not as many as the in- scriptions discovered in Central and East Java. From 39 inscriptions discovered in West Java, nine of which were found in Ciamis Regency. Although there are many publica- tions about the inscriptions, there were no publications that specifically study its pale- ography and the shape of the text characters. When studying inscriptions, paleography is crucial in finding out which type of characters were used. Characters and its shapes in the inscriptions could help to determine from which period it was originated, espe- cially if there was no date mark in the inscription. Therefore the objective of this paper is to read all the inscriptions found in the area, and study the inscriptions paleography, so we can find out more about the date they were made or from which period they were originated. The methodology that will be used in this study is a single text edition, as well as external and internal textual criticism. We will also used comparative method, to compare inscriptions found in Ciamis regency with inscriptions found in other areas. The result of this study would show the diversity of characters and languages found in Ciamis. In addition, based on palaeography, we know that the inscriptions were originated from the-12-16th Century CE.
Prasasti Huludayeuh
The relics of the inscriptions in West Java were found scattered in several places, but until now the number is still small when compared to findings in the areas of Central Java or East Java. The inscription which is the object of this research is a stone inscription which is now located in the middle of a rice field in Huludayeuh block, Cikalahang Village, Kec. Source, Kab. Cirebon, West Java. Based on the name of the place where it was found, we call this inscription the Huludayeuh inscription. This inscription was issued as a sign of warning for the good efforts made by Sri Baduga Maharaja. Considering that the Huludayeuh inscription is related to the effort to commemorate the merits of Sri Baduga Maharaja, it is possible that this inscription was not issued by Sri Baduga Maharaja himself, but by his successor king, King Surawisesa (1521-1535).Peninggalan prasasti di Jawa Barat ditemukan tersebar di beberapa tempat, namun sampai kini jumlahnya masih sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan temuan di daerah Jawa Tengah atau Jawa Timur. Prasasti yang menjadi obyek penelitian ini adalah sebuah prasasti batu yang kini terdapat di tengah sawah di blok Huludayeuh, Desa Cikalahang, Kec. Sumber, Kab. Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan nama tempat penemuannya prasasti ini kami namai prasasti Huludayeuh. Prasasti ini dikeluarkan sebagai tanda peringatan atas usaha-usaha kebajikan yang telah dilakukan oleh Sri Baduga Maharaja. Mengingat prasasti Huludayeuh ini isinya berkenaan dengan usaha memperingati jasa-jasa kebaikan Sri Baduga Maharaja, mungkin sekali prasasti ini tidak dikeluarkan oleh Sri Baduga Maharaja sendiri, melainkan oleh raja penggantinya, yaitu Raja Surawisesa (1521-1535)
Pelaksanaan Kewenangan Direktur Jenderal Pajak Untuk Mengurangi Atau Membatalkan Sengketa Pajak
Taxation Laws Rules and regulations are still under supervision by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights with the operational implementation by the Director General of Taxation in terms of both formal and material law. For the oversee this acceptance, it is necessary to peratuan tax legislation is clear, unequivocal and there is no overlapping, so wajip taxes or taxpayers can more obedient, and a sense of justice has high accountability. It may indirectly increase state revenue and the authority to enforce the law. The research method used by the authors in the discussion of this research, is the normative research methods, which outlines what the applicable tax law is in conformity with the norms of other formal legal. According to the Tax Act No. 28 of 2007, Article 36 of the Director General of Taxes may also decide to reduce, correct, cancel or eliminate penalties and interest and administration of tax assessment issued. As for the decision process of determining the tax to be paid, so the moot court in the Director General of Taxes. Courts are decided in accordance with the Tax Court Act No. 14 of 2002, is the principal authority under the power of the judiciary, can run with the principles of the judicial process, which is low cost, fast and fair. With the recent reform Tax Courts embrace principles Cheap, Fast, Simple and Fair
The Reconstruction of General Election with “Noken” System on the President and Vice President Election in Indonesia
The diversity of values that live in the community has entered into the electoral system in Indonesia. Direct election systems, in Papua - Indonesia, precisely in some customary areas, the community uses the “noken” system in elections. This research is a normative and empirical research to determine and examine the legal substance aspect and legal structure to the organizer of General Election in Indonesia. The results shows that the implementation of Noken system in the general elections in Papua Province use two systems in the general election, namely Big Man system and hanging or noken system. The Big Man system is done by means of all voting submitted to the chieftain while noken system the community comes alone to the polling staton, see and put ballot to the party pocket that had previously been agreed. Both systems are just according to their will in accordance with the beliefs and customs of people in the mountainous region of Papua. Noken system in the Big Man system and hanging system or binding system by the customary law represents accommodation in consensus and agreement, based on indigenous values and local wisdom in indigenous cultures in the mountainous regions of Papua. This consensus process is interpreted as a democracy of indigenous peoples. Keywords: General Election, Election System, Indigenous Peoples, Noke
KALPATARU Majalah Arkeologi vol 23 nomor 2
Sriwijaya for Our Nation
Oleh: Truman Simanjuntak, Pusat Arkeologi Nasional
Srivijaya Kingdom that centered in South Sumatera is one of the highest peak of culture in the Indonesian Archipelago. The kingdom evolved from 71n to 131n Century AD. Several achievements that made Srivijaya Kingdom become a great maritime country and very influential in South East region are as follows, commanded the trade route in Malaka Strait and Sunda Strait; had a trade relations with China, India, Arab, Persia, and Madagascar; built a strategic area as a maritime base for commercial interest and sovereignty protection; built a Buddhist and Sanskrit center; and also built tolerance to religions in society. Srivijaya is not just a knowledge from the past, it should bring benefits to Indonesia as a nation. The spirit of actualization, the greatness, and the culture and historical values should inspire and motivate Indonesian people to build a great archipelagic nation. The knowledge of Srivijaya could be inherited through formal and informal education, and social activities such as sports activities, arts activities, and cultural activities. Another strategic way is to build "Rumah Peradaban Sriwijaya" (House of Srivijaya Civilization). Rumah Peradaban Srivijaya is a building complex that embodies a research and information center, museum as an educational and social facility, and also public space.
Hunian "Pra-Sriwijaya" di Daerah Rawa Pantai Timur Sumatera
Oleh: Nurhadi Rangkuti, Balai Arkeologi Nasional
Keberadaan Sriwijaya di Sumatera ditandai oleh adanya prasasti-prasasti dari abad ke-7 M. di Palembang, Jambi dan Larnpung. Sebagian besar prasasti dan situssitus arkeologi dari masa Sriwijaya (abad ke-7-13 M.) terdapat di daerah lahan basah sebagai bagian dari wilayah pantai timur Sumatera. Penelitian arkeologi selama dua puluh tahun terakhir di daerah tersebut berhasil menemukan situs-situs arkeologi pada masa pra-Sriwijaya antara lain berupa situs kubur tempayan dan situs hunian. Penemuan situs-situs masa pra-Sriwijaya itu menunjukkan bahwa sebelum Sriwijaya berkembang di Palembang dan Jambi, daerah rawa telah dimukimi oleh komuniti-komuniti kuno. Penelitian mengkaji lebih jauh pola hidup masyarakat kuna tersebut dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan rawa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan "landscape archaeology", survei dan ekskavasi untuk pengumpulan data, serta analisis carbon dating (C-14) dan tipologi artefak untuk mengetahui pertanggalan situs. Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran mengenai pola persebaran situs antara situs kubur tempayan dan situs bunian di daerab rawa.
Makara Pada Masa Sriwijaya
0/eh: Sukawati Susetyo, Pusal Arkeologi Nasional
Sriwijaya merupakan salah satu kerajaan besar di Indonesia pada abad ke-7-12 M. Tinggalan bangunan suci dari masa Sriwijaya tersebar di beberapa kawasan, yaitu Muara Jambi di Jambi, Muara Takus di Riau, Bumiayu di Sumatera Selatan, hingga beberapa kelompok bangunan suci Padang Lawas di Sumatera Utara. Makara merupakan salah satu unsur bangunan candi yang biasanya berpasangan dengan kala. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah ingin mengetahui ciri-ciri makara dari masa Sriwijaya dengan cara membandingkannya dengan makara-makara dari candi masa Mataram Kuno. Dari basil penelitian selama ini diketahui bahwa makara Sriwijaya mempunyai ciri tersendiri, meskipun tidak mena:fikan adanya beberapa kesamaan dengan makara dari masa Mataram Kuno tersebut.
The Structure of Stiipas at Muara Jambi
0/eh: Hariani Santiko, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia
In the vicinity of Muara Jambi are found a lot of archaeological remains, among others a group of brick monuments believed to date from the 9m to 13m Century AD, among others are Candi Tinggi, Candi Gumpung, Candi Gedong I and II, Candi Kedaton, Candi Astano. These monuments are Buddhist, because the majority of the finds in this area are Buddhist statues, many bricks with "bija mantra" inscriptions and drawing such as padma motives on them. The structures of the main temple, except Candi Gumpung, are generally square in plan with projecting portico on the east or north, and terrace platform that may well served for the enthronement of the big stiipa like the one at Candi Tinggi. The type of this stiipa structure is called the terrace-stiipa, known for the first time in the Gandharan regions from preKushana period. In Indonesia terrace-stiipas are found at Muara Takus (Candi Tua) and also candi Borobudur in Central Jawa. Candi Gumpung has different structure, a square ground plan measuring 18 x 18 metres without any trace of an inner-room (garbhagrha). Boechari in 1985 read the inscriptions found in the deposit boxes found inside the temple floor. He recognized the plan of Vajradhatu-ma1;H;iala found in the base of candi Gumpung. It means that candi Gumpung is a Vajrayana temple and it embodies the mru;i9ala of the five Tathagath as with Wairocana in the centre. So I assume that the first can di Gumpung in the 9-1 om Century was a square platform with five stiipas on it to form the Vajradhatu-mru;i9ala. By studying the archaeological data from Muara Jambi and comparing them with the monuments from Muara Takus and Biaro Bahal, I consider the remains of brick monuments at Muara Jambi belonged to stilpas, especially the terrace-stiipas.
Invasi Sriwijaya ke Bhiimijawa: Pengaruh Agama Buddha Mahayana
dan Gaya Seni Nalanda di Kompleks Percandian Batujaya
Oleh: Hasan Djafar, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta
Paper ini membahas pengaruh invasi Sriwijaya ke Bhumijawa (Tarumanagara) pada akhir abad ke-7 M. Fokus pembahasan adalah pengaruh Agama Buddha Mahayana dan gaya seni Nalanda di kompleks percandian Batujaya, Karawang, Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian di Batujaya selama periode 1985-2006 telah menghasilkan beberapa buk:ti baru penyebaran Agama Buddha Mahayana dan gaya seni Nalanda di Kompleks percandian Batujaya.
Arkeologi Natuna: Koridor Maritim di Perairan Laut Cina Selatao
Oleh: Sonny C. Wtbisono, Pusat Arkeologi Nasional, Jakarta
Salah satu episode sejarah yang menarik untuk dicermati selama masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Sriwijaya adalah berlangsungnya kegiatan niaga jarak jauh. Dalam kronik Cina cukup jelas dicatat, kerajaan yang pusatnya di Sumatera ini, telah mengirimkan lebih dari dua puluh misi perniagaan ke Cina antara abad ke-10-13 M., demikian pula sebalik:nya. Kawasan perairan Laut Cina Selatan, merupakan jalur yang semakin intensif dilalui pada masa itu. Permasalahan yang menjadi fokus perhatian dalam tulisan ini tentang studi arkeologi di wilayah kepulauan khususnya di Laut Cina Selatan yang dipandang patut diteliti untuk menelusur jejak jalur perniagaan jarak jauh antara Cina dan Nusantara, terutama hubungannya deogan masa Sriwijaya. Di samping penelitian terhadap bandar-bandar di sepanjang pantai Benua Asia Tenggara Daratan, pada kenyataan banyak kepulauan kecil yang sangat mungkin menjadi ''batu loncatan" dalam perjalanan niaga yang selama ini luput dari perhatian seperti Kepuluan Paracel, Spratley, Anambas, dan Natuna. Pulau ini merupakan salah satu gugusan pulau-pulau kecil yang berhadapan dengan Laut Cina Selatan, menempati posisi persilangan jalur untuk memasuki perairan Malaka, Sumatera, dan Kalirnantan. Dalam tulisan ini akan disajikan bukti-bukti arkeologis, dari basil survei dan ekskavasi Natuna tahun 2012-2014, termasuk data situs dan artefaktual. Keramik sebagai indikator perniagaan dianalisis khusus (kualitatif dan kuantitatif) untuk perbandingan
Candi Indonesia seri Jawa
Buku Candi Indonesia Seri Jawa yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Permuseuman. Buku ini merupakan upaya mendekatkan pesona candi-candi tersebut ke hati sanubari masyarakat. Terdapat kehebatan 96 candi di Jawa di buku ini, yang dapat dibawa oleh hanya satu tangan. Dia berkisah tidak hanya candi-candi besar yang megah, akan tetapi juga bercerita tentang candi-candi yang lebih kecil dan kurang terkenal, yang justru memiliki arti yang sangat mendalam, yang digemakan kembali kisahnya dalam buku ini. Buku ini adalah nafas candi-candi Indonesia secara menyeluruh. Buku ini adalah cerminan kemegahan candicandi itu. Karena, menyimak candi bukanlah sekedar menikmati kemegahan bangunan itu.
akan tetapi juga mencermati yang dimiliki : arsitekturnya, ikonografinya, maupun cerita filosofi reliefnya
Amerta: jurnal penelitian dan pengembangan arkeologi, vol. 29, no. 1
Makalah ini mengemukakan hasil pembacaan dan transliterasi prasasti Batutulis, yang merupakan salah satu peninggalan yang amat penting dari masa Kerajaan Sunda ketika beribukota di Pakuan-Pajajaran. Hasil pembacaan dan transliterasi yang ada masih belum memuaskan, beberapa bagian prasasti ini masih belum terbaca dengan jelas sehingga dapat menimbulkan berbagai penafsiran yang berbeda dan dapat menyebabkan ketidakpastian dalam uraian kesejarahannya. Keadaan yang demikian ini terutama disebabkan karena beberapa permasalahan paleografi.
Dalam makalah ini dikemukakan transliterasi hasil pembacaan baru terhadap prasasti Batutulis dengan memperhatikan berbagai permasalahannya, terutama bentuk paleografinya. Hasil pembacaan barn ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran yang sebenamya seperti yang tertulis dan tersirat pada prasasti Batutulis