265 research outputs found

    Factors that influence student pursuit of science careers; the role of gender, ethnicity, family and friends

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    This study adds to a body of research reporting on pupilsā€™ choices and outcomes in relation to science. The article reports on 536 Scottish pupilsā€™ perceptions regarding reported intention to choose careers in science, with further analysis in terms of family, friends, gender and ethnicity. The pupils, aged 14-15, from 5 schools in one Scottish education authority, thought that science is important and scientific careers are good. Pupils had evenly balanced views and attitudes towards science, but just over one third (38.7%) of all respondents indicated that they were considering a career in science. The major factor influencing pupilsā€™ career choices in Scotland seemed to be their perception of whether their parents want them to pursue a career in science

    Re-conceptualising multiple and multi-dimensional transitions of international students and significant others

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    This chapter challenges assumptions about the transitions of international students as uni-dimensional and the primarily negative discourse in the literature about them. Using the lens of Multiple and Multi-dimensional Transitions Theory (Jindal-Snape, 2016), it will provide a more holistic conceptualisation of transitions by highlighting the multiple transitions that international students and significant others experience and how their transitions interact with one another. It will also highlight the reciprocal adaptation of not only international students but also their families, communities and host institutions over time

    Lost, and found, in transitions

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    Protocol for a realist evaluation of interventions to increase nature connection in children

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    Alexia Barrable - ORCID: 0000-0002-5352-8330 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5352-8330Item is not available in this repository.pubpu

    Leading by Listening:A Playful Approach

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    The "Leading by Listening: A Playful Approach" framework actively supports early years and primary school educators in prioritising children's voices for change. The PLAYFUL acronym guides educators through stages like Problematise, Action Plan, and Findings & Feedback, emphasising understanding, avoiding assumptions, and influencing future change based on children's input. Positive initial feedback highlights its inclusivity and practical application in shaping educational approaches. The ongoing project involves the formation of a national network in Scotland to further advance this impactful approach

    A Systematic Review of Theoretical Foundations for Pedagogical Strategies to Promote Positive Behavior

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    This study analysed the theoretical foundations utilised by past empirical research in order to understand the pedagogical strategies used in schools for promoting positive behaviour. The analyses also include how pedagogical theories underpinned past research on positive behaviour enhancement. Samples for this study were academic papers obtained from four main databases: the Australian Education Index, British Education Index, ERIC (Educational Research Information Centre) and Scopus. By using a systematic review technique, a total number of 143 papers were found to be relevant for further analysis. Results revealed that four theoretical models dominate the studies examined, namely Applied Behavioural Analysis, Social Capital theory, Culturally Responsive Classroom Management, and Ecological Systems theory. This study recommends understanding of those theories is important in designing modules for positive behaviour enhancement in schools

    Leading by Listening:A Playful Approach

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    The "Leading by Listening: A Playful Approach" framework actively supports early years and primary school educators in prioritising children's voices for change. The PLAYFUL acronym guides educators through stages like Problematise, Action Plan, and Findings & Feedback, emphasising understanding, avoiding assumptions, and influencing future change based on children's input. Positive initial feedback highlights its inclusivity and practical application in shaping educational approaches. The ongoing project involves the formation of a national network in Scotland to further advance this impactful approach
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