4,523 research outputs found

    Nachdenken über Biologie – Theorieperspektiven für eine Reflexion von Naturbedeutung und -beziehung

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    Nachdenken über Biologie – Theorieperspektiven für eine Reflexion von Naturbedeutung und -beziehun

    Self-reported quantity, compulsiveness and motives of exercise in patients with eating disorders and healthy controls: differences and similarities

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    Background: Compulsive exercise (CE) is a frequent symptom in patients with eating disorders (EDs). It includes, in addition to quantitatively excessive exercise behaviour, a driven aspect and specific motives of exercise. CE is generally associated with worse therapy outcomes. The aims of the study were to compare self-reported quantity of exercise, compulsiveness of exercise as well as motives for exercise between patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN) and healthy controls (HC). Additionally, we wanted to explore predictors of compulsive exercise (CE) in each group. Methods: We investigated 335 female participants (n = 226 inpatients, n = 109 HC) and assessed self-reported quantity of exercise, compulsiveness of exercise (Compulsive Exercise Test), motives for exercise (Exercise Motivations Inventory-2), ED symptoms (Eating Disorder Inventory-2), obsessive-compulsiveness (Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised), general psychopathology (Brief Symptom Inventory-18) and depression (Beck Depression Inventory-2). Results: Both patients with AN and BN exercised significantly more hours per week and showed significantly higher CE than HC;no differences were found between patients with AN and BN. Patients with EDs and HC also partly varied in motives for exercise. Specific motives were enjoyment, challenge, recognition and weight management in patients with EDs in contrast to ill-health avoidance and affiliation in HC. Patients with AN and BN only differed in regard to exercise for appearance reasons in which patients with BN scored higher. The most relevant predictor of CE across groups was exercise for weight and shape reasons. Conclusions: Exercise behaviours and motives differ between patients with EDs and HC. CE was pronounced in both patients with AN and BN. Therefore, future research should focus not only on CE in patients with AN, but also on CE in patients with BN. Similarities in CE in patients with AN and BN support a transdiagnostic approach during the development of interventions specifically targeting CE in patients with EDs

    Sustainable Stormwater Management: A Holistic Planning Approach for Water Sensitive Cities

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    The planning of sustainable stormwater infrastructures for future water-sensitive cities requires new holistic methods. In the Indo-German research project SMART&WISE, a structured approach was de-veloped to improve the planning processes for water infrastructure systems. The developed approach attempts to map the entire decision-making process when planning suitable infrastructures. A basic distinction is made between retrofit and greenfield planning. Four analyses form the basis of the planning approach: (1) Flood Protection, (2) Water Balance, (3) Water Scarcity and (4) Heat Islands. An indexation of different analyses results enables to overlay and visualize the overall result. The approach was tested successfully in two pilot projects: An Indian pilot case in a semi-arid climate zone and a German pilot case in an arid climate zone. It could be shown that the approach is suitable to cope with heterogeneous population and settlement development, climate change and increasing resource scarcity. The approach can help to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations (especially urban planners and engineers for urban drainage). Increase in evaporation and a decrease in heat is the decisive advantage of low impact development measures (LIDs) for a sustainable stormwater management. However, an increase in evapotranspiration is not recommended in semi-arid or arid regions, since it would further increase water stress. For regions at risk of water scarcity, a balance between water sources, storage, reuse, and demand must be achieved

    A decade of monitoring micropollutants in urban wet-weather flows: What did we learn?

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    Urban wet-weather discharges from combined sewer overflows (CSO) and stormwater outlets (SWO) are a potential pathway for micropollutants (trace contaminants) to surface waters, posing a threat to the environment and possible water reuse applications. Despite large efforts to monitor micropollutants in the last decade, the gained information is still limited and scattered. In a metastudy we performed a data-driven analysis of measurements collected at 77 sites (683 events, 297 detected micropollutants) over the last decade to investigate which micropollutants are most relevant in terms of 1) occurrence and 2) potential risk for the aquatic environment, 3) estimate the minimum number of data to be collected in monitoring studies to reliably obtain concentration estimates, and 4) provide recommendations for future monitoring campaigns. We highlight micropollutants to be prioritized due to their high occurrence and critical concentration levels compared to environmental quality standards. These top-listed micropollutants include contaminants from all chemical classes (pesticides, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and industrial and household chemicals). Analysis of over 30,000 event mean concentrations shows a large fraction of measurements (> 50%) were below the limit of quantification, stressing the need for reliable, standard monitoring procedures. High variability was observed among events and sites, with differences between micropollutant classes. The number of events required for a reliable estimate of site mean concentrations (error bandwidth of 1 around the “true" value) depends on the individual micropollutant. The median minimum number of events is 7 for CSO (2 to 31, 80%-interquantile) and 6 for SWO (1 to 25 events, 80%-interquantile). Our analysis indicates the minimum number of sites needed to assess global pollution levels and our data collection and analysis can be used to estimate the required number of sites for an urban catchment. Our data-driven analysis demonstrates how future wet-weather monitoring programs will be more effective if the consequences of high variability inherent in urban wet-weather discharges are considered

    Specialized group intervention for compulsive exercise in inpatients with eating disorders: feasibility and preliminary outcomes

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    Background: Patients with eating disorders (ED) often suffer from compulsive exercise behavior, which is associated with lower short-term response to treatment and poorer long-term outcome. Evidence-based interventions specifically targeting compulsive exercise behavior have been scarce so far. We developed a manualized group therapeutic approach integrating cognitive-behavioral therapy, exercise therapy and exposure with response management to promote healthy exercise behavior. Our objective was to examine the feasibility and acceptance of this new approach as add-on to regular inpatient treatment in a pilot study. Additionally, we wanted to estimate preliminary effect sizes. Methods: Thirty-two female, adolescent and adult eating disordered inpatients were recruited. According to the 4th ed. of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), twenty-six patients met criteria for Anorexia nervosa (AN), two for Bulimia nervosa and four for eating disorder not otherwise specified. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for qualitative evaluation of feasibility and acceptance of the new intervention. Patients completed the Commitment to Exercise Scale (CES) and the Compulsive Exercise Test (CET) for assessment of compulsive exercise, the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 for assessment of eating disorder pathology, the Beck Depression Inventory-II and Brief Symptom Inventory for assessment of depressive and general psychopathology and the Emotion Regulation Skills Questionnaire for assessment of emotion regulation before the beginning and at the end of the group intervention. Additionally, weight gain was monitored. Results: Feasibility of our approach was confirmed. All patients reported a high satisfaction with both structure and content of the group. Between pre- and post-intervention, patients showed significant reductions in compulsive exercise (effect size CES: 1.44;effect size CET total: 0.93), drive for thinness (effect size: 0.48), depressive symptoms (effect size: 0.36), general psychopathology (effect size: 0.29) and acceptance of emotions (effect size: -0.62). Patients with AN also showed significant mean weight gain during the intervention (effect size: -0.44). Conclusions: Results of our pilot study indicate that our integrative approach to compulsive exercise in ED patients might represent a promising new therapeutic option. Feasibility and acceptance of the intervention were confirmed. Preliminary effect sizes on most outcomes were promising. As improvements in Body-mass-index, eating disorder and general psychopathology are also to be expected by routine inpatient treatment, a large randomized trial is currently underway to evaluate the efficacy of this new intervention

    Constraints on the χ_(c1) versus χ_(c2) polarizations in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV

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    The polarizations of promptly produced χ_(c1) and χ_(c2) mesons are studied using data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, in proton-proton collisions at √s=8  TeV. The χ_c states are reconstructed via their radiative decays χ_c → J/ψγ, with the photons being measured through conversions to e⁺e⁻, which allows the two states to be well resolved. The polarizations are measured in the helicity frame, through the analysis of the χ_(c2) to χ_(c1) yield ratio as a function of the polar or azimuthal angle of the positive muon emitted in the J/ψ → μ⁺μ⁻ decay, in three bins of J/ψ transverse momentum. While no differences are seen between the two states in terms of azimuthal decay angle distributions, they are observed to have significantly different polar anisotropies. The measurement favors a scenario where at least one of the two states is strongly polarized along the helicity quantization axis, in agreement with nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics predictions. This is the first measurement of significantly polarized quarkonia produced at high transverse momentum