371 research outputs found


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    The Concept of smṛti in the Yogasūtra: Memory or Mindfulness?

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    One of the key concepts in Buddhist meditation is mindfulness which has recently been introduced into new environments, including contemporary yoga. This paper identifies some of the parameters involved in the rather seamless integration of Buddhist mindfulness and yoga and explores whether this synthesis is an ancient one, already found in the oldest recorded text on yoga, the Yogasūtra, by investigating if the word smṛti, usually translated as “memory”, can refer to mindfulness. This would imply that mindfulness may have been a component of ancient Yogic practices, although perhaps lost at some stage in the transmission only to be reintroduced recently by the syncretistic new trends in the globalised spiritual movements.  IzvlečekEden od osnovnih konceptov budistične meditacije je pozornost ali čuječnost. V zadnjih desetletjih se je praksa meditacijske pozornosti razširila na številna nova področja, med drugim tudi v sodobne jogijske prakse. Prispevek poskuša identificirati nekaj glavnih parametrov, ki pogojujejo integracijo budistične meditacije in joge in raziskuje, ali je koncept pozornosti morda bil prisoten že v najstarejšem poznanem besedilu o jogi, v Yogasūtri. V tem besedilu se večkrat pojavi koncept smṛti, ki je ponavadi preveden kot “spomin”. Prispevek predlaga novo intepretacijo tega koncepta in ga prevaja kot “meditacijska pozornost”. Nova interpretacija odpira vprašanje, ali je praksa pozornosti bila prisotna že v starodavnih jogijskih praksah, a se je pri prenosu jogijskih tradicij izgubila in se šele danes ponovno pojavila v jogi kot odsev sinkretističnih duhovnih gibanj 21. stoletja.Ključne besede: Yogasūtra, Patañjali, sodobna yoga, pozornost, sodobni budizemEden od osnovnih konceptov budistične meditacije je pozornost ali čuječnost. V zadnjih desetletjih se je praksa meditacijske pozornosti razširila na številna nova področja, med drugim tudi v sodobne jogijske prakse. Prispevek poskuša identificirati nekaj glavnih parametrov, ki pogojujejo integracijo budistične meditacije in joge in raziskuje, ali je koncept pozornosti morda bil prisoten že v najstarejšem poznanem besedilu o jogi, vYogasūtri. V tem besedilu se večkrat pojavi koncept smṛti, ki je ponavadi preveden kot “spomin”. Prispevek predlaga novo intepretacijo tega koncepta in ga prevaja kot “meditacijska pozornost”. Nova interpretacija odpira vprašanje, ali je praksa pozornosti bila prisotna že v starodavnih jogijskih praksah, a se je pri prenosu jogijskih tradicij izgubila in se šele danes ponovno pojavila v jogi kot odsev sinkretističnih duhovnih gibanj 21. stoletja.

    Situating the Concept of Mindfulness in the Theravāda Tradition

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    Mindfulness plays a prominent role in traditional and modern Buddhist meditation practice. This paper examines the theoretical background of the concept of mindfulness (sati) as presented in the early Buddhist sources, recorded in Theravāda Buddhism. It outlines the definitions and presentations of mindfulness (sati) in the Pāli Canon and examines how it is embedded within the fundamental models of Buddhist discourse. Then it investigates mindfulness within the philosophical framework of the Abhidhamma, where it is presented as one of the mental factors (cetasika) involved in cognitive processes; it outlines its characteristics, functions, conditions, and compatibility with other mental factors, which occur as components within the interdependent processes of consciousness (citta). The article shows how mindfulness has a special role as a component on the Buddhist path to liberation from suffering (dukkha) and how it is integrated within the soteriological and ethical goals of Buddhist practice.

    Female Renouncers in India: A Neglected Chapter in the History of Indian Religions

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    Prispevek najprej predstavi večtisočletno tradicijo indijskega asketizma in monasticizma ter oriše njihove glavne verske predpostavke in prakse. Pri tem se osredotoči na položaj žensk v starih asketskih tradicijah Indije, predvsem v budizmu, hinduizmu in džainizmu, kar predstavlja področje, ki je bilo doslej deležno malo pozornosti sodobnih raziskovalcev. Ker je prispevek del večjega raziskovalnega projekta o delovanju katoliških misijonark v kolonialni Indiji, na koncu identificira pomembna stičišča med indijskimi asketinjami in katoliškimi nunami in razmišlja o srečanju katoliškega in indijskega verskega diskurza.This paper is a panoramic survey of a millennia-long tradition of asceticism and monasticism in the Indian subcontinent. The main ascetic traditions of India are overviewed, with a particular focus given to female renouncers. Their doctrinal premises and religious practices are discussed within a historical framework, and major emerging themes are identified. Since this paper forms part of a research project investigating the lives of Catholic female missionaries in India in the twentieth century, it concludes with the identification of significant overlaps between female renunciation in the Indic and Christian traditions, and engages in some reflections on the encounter between the two discourses

    A Comparison of the Renal Structures of the Anaconda and the Ball Python

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    The renal vascular system of the Ball python (Python regius) and the anaconda (Eunectes noteus; Serpentes - Squamata) has been investigated using light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of vascular corrosion casts and critical-point dried non-corroded specimens. The average glomerular diameters of these two species differ significantly (anaconda: 59.1 μm, python: 124.3 μm). Also, the relative proportions of the renal tubules are different. These findings can be related to the different habitats of the two species (aquatic versus terrestrial environment)

    Functional Aspects of Renal Glomeruli Based on Scanning Electron Microscopy of Corrosion Casts, with Special Emphasis on Reptiles and Birds

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    The glomerular complexity of several species of birds and reptiles is investigated in this study by scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. Comparing these results with those of a freshwater teleost and a mammalian species, a trend towards small, simple glomeruli of the avian type, beginning with large, well vascularized glomeruli resembling the type found in fish, can be observed in reptiles. A close correlation between glomerular size and habitat can be established comparing related species having a similar physiological mode of renal function. Entirely different from this sauropsidian evolutionary line of development is the highly complex, large differentiation of the mammalian glomerulus

    Kidney Structure Investigations Using Scanning Electron Microscopy of Corrosion Casts - A State of the Art Review

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    The corrosion casting technique using acrylic resins in the scanning electron microscope (SEM), was originally developed to investigate renal microvascular structure and is now also successfully used in studies on various other organs. However, in the last two decades nearly 100 papers have been published on the renal vascular anatomy of various taxa of vertebrates or on pathomorphological structures of kidneys, using this technique. Analyzing these works, trends and developments in this field can be summed up as follows: The majority of studies are anatomical works on the vascular system of kidneys from all vertebrate classes. In addition, experimental pathological investigations, mostly done using rodents, and documentation of pathologically altered renal structure form another large part of the publications covered in this review. Perspectives for future research on renal systems using this versatile method may be derived from this survey

    The Vascularization of the Kidney of the Eel (Anguilla anguilla - Osteichthyes) in the Freshwater Habitat

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    The renal vascular system of eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) in freshwater has been investigated using light-, transmission electron-, and scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts and critical-point dried specimens. The morphology of the kidney exhibits a highly evolved, unpaired, spindle-shaped form. The renal tissue extends partially into a recessus dorso-caudal to the anus. Renal glomeruli are comparatively large (100.8 μm +/-17 standard deviation) and well vascularized. They are arranged in grape-like clusters around the intrarenal arteries. Closely neighbouring glomeruli can be surrounded by incompletely separated Bowman\u27s capsules sharing the same renal tubule. The peritubular capillary plexus is mainly supplied from the right posterior cardinal vein (renal portal vein) and is relatively dense (about 30 vol.% - measured from corrosion casts). Conspicuous vascular patterns consisting of a central vein and, at a distance of about 25 μm, a peripheral meshwork of arterioles are frequently found. The nature and function of these structures, however, remains to be studied

    Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vascular Corrosion Casts in Comparative Studies on Renal Vascular Structure

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    In comparative microcorrosion casting studies on renal vascular systems the following demands should be met: The preparation procedure (anaesthesia, operation, flushing of the blood vascular system, ...) should be in accord with the specific physiological properties of the animal under investigation and the casting procedure (injection, curing, maceration, ...) should be kept constant as far as possible. If these points are considered, comparative data, even of quantitative nature, can be obtained from corrosion casts. Examples of results at the organ, single vessel and intercellular level as well as correlation of the results with physiological data are given

    The Opisthonephric Blood Vascular System of the Chicken Embryo as Studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy of Microvascular Corrosion Casts and Critical Point Dried Preparations

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    Microvascular corrosion casts of chicken embryos between four and 19 days after fertilization have been prepared. The developing kidney was investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The injection technique and resin composition were modified in order to facilitate the complete replication of native blood vascular systems of specimens as small as 15 mm body length. The development of the opisthonephros was followed from near the beginning of its function until a vascular development comparable to the adult situation was reached. Critical point dried glomeruli show the differentiation of the glomerular visceral epithelium (podocytes) from initially epithelioid to highly branched forms. The embryonic kidney (cranial part of the opisthonephros - mesonephros) shows a construction principle resembling amphibians that is entirely different from the definitive excretory organ (caudal part of the opisthonephros - metanephros)