26 research outputs found

    Scalable optical packet switches for multiple data formats and data rates packets

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    Abstract-We demonstrate an optical packet switch (OPS) subsystem employing in-band labeling to allow for transparent routing of packets with multiple data formats and data bit rates. Packets employing in-band labels can be processed without the need to reconfigure the label processor and the switch when changing data format and bit-rate. The label processor is based on asynchronous optical signal processing in combination with a simple electronic combinatory network. This makes the label processor capable to process a large number of labels with low latency time ( 3 ns) without complicated and power-hungry high-speed packet clock recovery and serializer/deserializer circuits. Experimental results show error-free operation of 1 64 OPS subsystem for 160-Gb/s return-to-zero ON-OFF keying and 120-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero differential phase-shift keying multiwavelength packets. Index Terms-Fiber Bragg grating (FBG), label processor, optical packet switching, optical signal processing, optical switch

    Whither the Diaconate?:

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    Deacon William Ditewig, Professor of Theology at St. Leo University and past executive director of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Secretariat for the Diaconate, speaks on the history of the diaconate, its current state, and the future the diaconate around the world

    Data format agnostic optical label processing techniques for intelligent forwarding of packets in all-optical packet switched networks

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    The exponential growth of the Internet data traffic will demand high capacity optical networks. High capacity optical links will carry optical packets at data rates above 100 Gb/s using a variety of data-formats such as OTDM data packets, multi-wavelength optical packets that might have highly spectral efficient modulation formats, such as D(Q)PSK, OFDM, M-QAM. On the other hand, routing of packets by today electronic circuit switching may have fundamental limits due to the speed and the scalability of multi-rack electronic switching fabrics, and the associated power consumption by opto-electronic conversions. Switching of the optical packets transparently in the optical domain eliminates power hungry opto-electronic conversions. One of the main sub-systems needed for switching transparently the optical packets is the implementation of a label processor that determines the packet destination and controls the switching fabric. In this talk, we discuss different asynchronous and low latency label processing techniques that can extract information on the packet forwarding of optical packets with multiple data formats and data bit-rates, to allow the implementation of intelligent systems for optimal routing of the packets in the optical domain

    Optical packet switched ring node for optical packets at 160 Gb/s data rate

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    We investigate the feasibility of an optical packet-switched ring network node operating at 160 Gb/s, by employing in-band labeling and SOA based wavelength conversion. We find error-free operation with low power penalty over the complete system

    Flexible radio-over-fibre signal distribution in in-building networks based on modulated ASE noise

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    To flexibly distribute RoF signals at remote site, a new colourless distribution system based on the modulated ASE noise of an SOA is proposed. Wi-Fi (802.11a/g) LAN signals are successfully transmitted including the wireless link with 3% EVM penalty