Scalable optical packet switches for multiple data formats and data rates packets


Abstract-We demonstrate an optical packet switch (OPS) subsystem employing in-band labeling to allow for transparent routing of packets with multiple data formats and data bit rates. Packets employing in-band labels can be processed without the need to reconfigure the label processor and the switch when changing data format and bit-rate. The label processor is based on asynchronous optical signal processing in combination with a simple electronic combinatory network. This makes the label processor capable to process a large number of labels with low latency time ( 3 ns) without complicated and power-hungry high-speed packet clock recovery and serializer/deserializer circuits. Experimental results show error-free operation of 1 64 OPS subsystem for 160-Gb/s return-to-zero ON-OFF keying and 120-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero differential phase-shift keying multiwavelength packets. Index Terms-Fiber Bragg grating (FBG), label processor, optical packet switching, optical signal processing, optical switch

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