56 research outputs found

    Landscapes and regional development: What are the links?

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    Despite increasing interest for rural landscapes, information technology advances, and transportation improvements, rural areas generally continue to lag behind urban ones with respect to many socioeconomic indicators. Those rural areas that experience significant growth, however, are either located close to metropolitan areas or offer outstanding amenities that attract population and firms. Landscapes, as amenities, are defined as location-specific features that enhance the attractiveness of a given location. The empirical connection between amenities and regional growth has been established, but supply and demand issues of amenities and how their presence might lead to increased development still need clarification. This survey paper deals with several issues. First, amenities and landscapes and their characteristics are defined and described, particularly as economic goods. Second, supply and demand factors for amenities are presented. Third, the links between amenities, landscapes and regional development are explained, via both impact mechanisms and institutional arrangements. Last, key public policy and further research issues are outlined.landscape, amenities, rural area, regional development, economic development.

    Protection des espaces agricoles et naturels : une analyse des outils américains et français

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    Les agglomérations françaises ont intérêt à ce que les espaces agricoles et naturels soient pour des raisons productives et paysagères. Parce que le développement urbain consomme davantage ces espaces qu’en France, aux États-Unis ont été développés des outils pour en réguler les usages. Une analyse des outils établis par les deux pays permet de formuler des recommandations pour compléter le dispositif français.French metropolises have an interest in preserving their farmland and open space for landscape and production purposes. The United States, whose development consumes more space than France, has also developed a number of tools in order to protect this space. An analysis of the tools developed by the two countries enables policy recommendations to complement the French toolbox

    Évaluation des politiques publiques avec la méthode d’appariement : le cas des parcs naturels régionaux en Auvergne et Rhône-Alpes

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    National audienceAmenities and their management are central to rural sustainable development issues. As a territorial policy tool, Regional Nature Parks (RNPs) have been created to protect the natural and cultural heritage as well as to build up on these resources for local and regional development purposes. However, there is currently no answer –except on a case by case basis- to the question regarding the contribution of PNRs to socio-economic development of related territories. This is basically a public policy evaluation question. In this context, we present matching as an evaluation method of the RNP policy. The units of analysis are the municipalities of seven RNPs in the Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes regions. The main hypothesis is that there are twin municipalities of RNP communes but located outside park boundaries. The analysis follows 3 steps: i) selection of matching and outcome variables, ii) matching of RNP with twin municipalities based on matching variables and iii) comparison of RNP and control group with respect to outcome variables in order to estimate average park effects. We identify the matching method that gives the best result, and conclude that RNPs seem to have effects on the local economy, particularly in relation to tourism and local employment.Outils de politique territoriale, les parcs naturels régionaux ont été créés pour protéger le patrimoine naturel et culturel et pour valoriser ces ressources endogènes dans un objectif de développement local et régional. Mais comment évaluer leur contribution au développement socio-économique des territoires concernés ? Les auteurs de cet article ont utilisé la méthode d’appariement comme outil d’évaluation des politiques de sept parcs en Auvergne et Rhône-Alpes, pour étudier leurs effets sur l’économie locale, en particulier par rapport au tourisme et à l’emploi loca

    Assessing social value in housing design: contributions of the capability approach

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    A conceptualisation of social value in the built environment is provided from the perspective of the capability approach (CA). The CA is a theoretical framework that has been used to assess inequality and poverty, particularly in less-developed countries; its multidimensionality and flexibility make it a useful approach in advanced economies as well. The CA can be a theoretical underpinning to assess the social value created in the built environment, particularly in its spatial dimension. Its use is explored to assess the design features of housing schemes and the wider environment as a fundamental conversion factor in creating capabilities and achieving valued functionings. In addition to theoretical considerations, a capability-based assessment of social value is presented for housing design. Practice relevance The CA offers a promising approach to architects, designers and policymakers. The core idea of expanding the freedoms and opportunities of inhabitants in terms of capabilities can serve as a guiding principle for creating social value through housing design. Key themes from the Quality of Life Foundation’s Quality of Life Framework can be harnessed to define social value in housing: control, health, nature, wonder, movement and community. This illustrates the links between social value and capabilities, focusing on spatial relationships and scales. A CA-based assessment of social value is presented that can assist practitioners

    Incurred vs. Chosen territories in France : Amenities migration and spatial planning issues

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    The economics of erosion and sustainable practices : the case of the Saint-Esprit watershed

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    The Saint-Esprit watershed project was initiated to address the issue of nonpoint source agricultural pollution and relies on the adoption of sustainable practices tested on-farm by willing farmers. To study the economic impact of an increasing erosion constraint at the farm and the watershed scales, four Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models, corresponding to three selected farms and the watershed, were built. The models maximize the sum of field net margins subject to singleness of field use, animal nutrient requirements, and erosion.Scenario results show that increasing the erosion constraint: (1) reduces soil loss from agricultural production; (2) forces cropping patterns and farming practices to change; (3) reduces profits; and (4) induces marginal and average costs to increase at an increasing rate. Also, with comparable average soil losses per hectare, farms with lower net margins would be worse off if the erosion target was set at the watershed level

    Landscapes and regional development: What are the links?

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    Co-construction des capacités et des ressources territoriales dans les territoires touristiques de montagne

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    Mass tourism in mountain resorts faces a changing context: climate change, economic crises, increased competition and changing demand. In this situation, multiple tourism projects arise, using stakeholders and resources, with a unifying reference to mountains. However, this process is not straightforward, and consequently it becomes critical to analyze the conditions that prevail in renewing tourism services in mountain areas. In other words, the critical question pertains to the shift from mass tourism to a more specific form of tourism. We make the hypothesis that by using regional generic resources, tourism creates “territorial capabilities” that are then used to build and add value to territorial resources. Tourism, in turn, builds on the latter to adapt. This “virtuous circle” of tourism is analyzed in the Oisans territory (in the Alps). First, we show how tourism has shaped this region by creating conditions for the emergence of territorial capabilities. Second, we explain how these capabilities enable a renewal of tourism services. Results show that capabilities act as human and social resources for the territory, especially with respect to the development of mountain tourism projects
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