15 research outputs found

    HIV Serostatus and Tumor Differentiation Among Patients with Cervical Cancer at Bugando Medical Centre.

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    Evidence for the association between Human immunodeficiency virus infection and cervical cancer has been contrasting, with some studies reporting increased risk of cervical cancer among HIV positive women while others report no association. Similar evidence from Tanzania is scarce as HIV seroprevalence among cervical cancer patients has not been rigorously evaluated. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between HIV and tumor differentiation among patients with cervical cancer at Bugando Medical Centre and Teaching Hospital in Mwanza, North-Western Tanzania. This was a descriptive analytical study involving suspected cervical cancer patients seen at the gynaecology outpatient clinic and in the gynaecological ward from November 2010 to March 2011. A total of 91 suspected cervical cancer patients were seen during the study period and 74 patients were histologically confirmed with cervical cancer. The mean age of those confirmed of cervical cancer was 50.5 ± 12.5 years. Most patients (39 of the total 74-52.7%) were in early disease stages (stages IA-IIA). HIV infection was diagnosed in 22 (29.7%) patients. On average, HIV positive women with early cervical cancer disease had significantly more CD4+ cells than those with advanced disease (385.8 ± 170.4 95% CI 354.8-516.7 and 266.2 ± 87.5, 95% CI 213.3-319.0 respectively p = 0.042). In a binary logistic regression model, factors associated with HIV seropositivity were ever use of hormonal contraception (OR 5.79 95% CI 1.99-16.83 p = 0.001), aged over 50 years (OR 0.09 95% CI 0.02-0.36 p = 0.001), previous history of STI (OR 3.43 95% CI 1.10-10.80 p = 0.035) and multiple sexual partners OR 5.56 95% CI 1.18-26.25 p = 0.030). Of these factors, only ever use of hormonal contraception was associated with tumor cell differentiation (OR 0.16 95% CI 0.06-0.49 p = 0.001). HIV seropositivity was weakly associated with tumor cell differentiation in an unadjusted analysis (OR 0.21 95% CI 0.04-1.02 p = 0.053), but strong evidence for the association was found after adjusting for ever use of hormonal contraception with approximately six times more likelihood of HIV infection among women with poorly differentiated tumor cells compared to those with moderately and well differentiated cells (OR 5.62 95% CI 1.76-17.94 p = 0.004).\ud Results from this study setting suggest that HIV is common among cervical cancer patients and that HIV seropositivity may be associated with poor tumour differentiation. Larger studies in this and similar settings with high HIV prevalence and high burden of cervical cancer are required to document this relationship

    Barriers to chimpanzee gene flow at the south-east edge of their distribution

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    Populations on the edge of a species' distribution may represent an important source of adaptive diversity, yet these populations tend to be more fragmented and are more likely to be geographically isolated. Lack of genetic exchanges between such populations, due to barriers to animal movement, can not only compromise adaptive potential but also lead to the fixation of deleterious alleles. The south-eastern edge of chimpanzee distribution is particularly fragmented, and conflicting hypotheses have been proposed about population connectivity and viability. To address this uncertainty, we generated both mitochondrial and MiSeq-based microsatellite genotypes for 290 individuals ranging across western Tanzania. While shared mitochondrial haplotypes confirmed historical gene flow, our microsatellite analyses revealed two distinct clusters, suggesting two populations currently isolated from one another. However, we found evidence of high levels of gene flow maintained within each of these clusters, one of which covers an 18,000 km2 ecosystem. Landscape genetic analyses confirmed the presence of barriers to gene flow with rivers and bare habitats highly restricting chimpanzee movement. Our study demonstrates how advances in sequencing technologies, combined with the development of landscape genetics approaches, can resolve ambiguities in the genetic history of critical populations and better inform conservation efforts of endangered species

    Spatial targeted vector control in the highlands of Burundi and its impact on malaria transmission

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    BACKGROUND: Prevention of malaria epidemics is a priority for African countries. The 2000 malaria epidemic in Burundi prompted the government to implement measures for preventing future outbreaks. Case management with artemisinin-based combination therapy and malaria surveillance were nationally improved. A vector control programme was initiated in one of the most affected highland provinces. The focal distribution of malaria vectors in the highlands was the starting point for designing a targeted vector control strategy. The objective of this study was to present the results of this strategy on malaria transmission in an African highland region. METHODS: In Karuzi, in 2002-2005, vector control activities combining indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticidal nets were implemented. The interventions were done before the expected malaria transmission period and targeted the valleys between hills, with the expectation that this would also protect the populations living at higher altitudes. The impact on the Anopheles population and on malaria transmission was determined by nine cross-sectional surveys carried out at regular intervals throughout the study period. RESULTS: Anopheles gambiae s.l. and Anopheles funestus represented 95% of the collected anopheline species. In the valleys, where the vector control activities were implemented, Anopheles density was reduced by 82% (95% CI: 69-90). Similarly, transmission was decreased by 90% (95% CI: 63%-97%, p = 0.001). In the sprayed valleys, Anopheles density was further reduced by 79.5% (95% CI: 51.7-91.3, p < 0.001) in the houses with nets as compared to houses without them. No significant impact on vector density and malaria transmission was observed in the hill tops. However, the intervention focused on the high risk areas near the valley floor, where 93% of the vectors are found and 90% of the transmission occurs. CONCLUSION: Spatial targeted vector control effectively reduced Anopheles density and transmission in this highland district. Bed nets have an additional effect on Anopheles density though this did not translate in an additional impact on transmission. Though no impact was observed in the hilltops, the programme successfully covered the areas most at risk. Such a targeted strategy could prevent the emergence and spread of an epidemic from these high risk foci

    Як уникнути підйому рівня води?

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    East Africa’s Lake Victoria provides resources and services to millions of people on the lake’s shores and abroad. In particular, the lake’s fisheries are an important source of protein, employment, and international economic connections for the whole region. Nonetheless, stock dynamics are poorly understood and currently unpredictable. Furthermore, fishery dynamics are intricately connected to other supporting services of the lake as well as to lakeshore societies and economies. Much research has been carried out piecemeal on different aspects of Lake Victoria’s system; e.g., societies, biodiversity, fisheries, and eutrophication. However, to disentangle drivers and dynamics of change in this complex system, we need to put these pieces together and analyze the system as a whole. We did so by first building a qualitative model of the lake’s social-ecological system. We then investigated the model system through a qualitative loop analysis, and finally examined effects of changes on the system state and structure. The model and its contextual analysis allowed us to investigate system-wide chain reactions resulting from disturbances. Importantly, we built a tool that can be used to analyze the cascading effects of management options and establish the requirements for their success. We found that high connectedness of the system at the exploitation level, through fisheries having multiple target stocks, can increase the stocks’ vulnerability to exploitation but reduce society’s vulnerability to variability in individual stocks. We describe how there are multiple pathways to any change in the system, which makes it difficult to identify the root cause of changes but also broadens the management toolkit. Also, we illustrate how nutrient enrichment is not a self-regulating process, and that explicit management is necessary to halt or reverse eutrophication. This model is simple and usable to assess system-wide effects of management policies, and can serve as a paving stone for future quantitative analyses of system dynamics at local scales

    Barriers to chimpanzee gene flow at the south‐east edge of their distribution

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    Populations on the edge of a species' distribution may represent an important source of adaptive diversity, yet these populations tend to be more fragmented and are more likely to be geographically isolated. Lack of genetic exchanges between such populations, due to barriers to animal movement, can not only compromise adaptive potential but also lead to the fixation of deleterious alleles. The south‐eastern edge of chimpanzee distribution is particularly fragmented, and conflicting hypotheses have been proposed about population connectivity and viability. To address this uncertainty, we generated both mitochondrial and MiSeq‐based microsatellite genotypes for 290 individuals ranging across western Tanzania. While shared mitochondrial haplotypes confirmed historical gene flow, our microsatellite analyses revealed two distinct clusters, suggesting two populations currently isolated from one another. However, we found evidence of high levels of gene flow maintained within each of these clusters, one of which covers an 18,000 km2 ecosystem. Landscape genetic analyses confirmed the presence of barriers to gene flow with rivers and bare habitats highly restricting chimpanzee movement. Our study demonstrates how advances in sequencing technologies, combined with the development of landscape genetics approaches, can resolve ambiguities in the genetic history of critical populations and better inform conservation efforts of endangered species

    Quantitative estimates of glacial refugia for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) since the Last Interglacial (120,000 BP).

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    Paleoclimate reconstructions have enhanced our understanding of how past climates have shaped present-day biodiversity. We hypothesize that the geographic extent of Pleistocene forest refugia and suitable habitat fluctuated significantly in time during the late Quaternary for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Using bioclimatic variables representing monthly temperature and precipitation estimates, past human population density data, and an extensive database of georeferenced presence points, we built a model of changing habitat suitability for chimpanzees at fine spatio-temporal scales dating back to the Last Interglacial (120,000 BP). Our models cover a spatial resolution of 0.0467° (approximately 5.19 km2 grid cells) and a temporal resolution of between 1000 and 4000 years. Using our model, we mapped habitat stability over time using three approaches, comparing our modeled stability estimates to existing knowledge of Afrotropical refugia, as well as contemporary patterns of major keystone tropical food resources used by chimpanzees, figs (Moraceae), and palms (Arecacae). Results show habitat stability congruent with known glacial refugia across Africa, suggesting their extents may have been underestimated for chimpanzees, with potentially up to approximately 60,000 km2 of previously unrecognized glacial refugia. The refugia we highlight coincide with higher species richness for figs and palms. Our results provide spatio-temporally explicit insights into the role of refugia across the chimpanzee range, forming the empirical foundation for developing and testing hypotheses about behavioral, ecological, and genetic diversity with additional data. This methodology can be applied to other species and geographic areas when sufficient data are available

    PedologicalCharacterization and Fertility Assessment of Mbimba Substation Soils Under Coffee Production in Mbozi District, Tanzania

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    Pedological characterization was carried out on the soils of Mbimba Mbozi, Tanzania. A representative soil profile (TaCRI-P1) was identified, excavated and described using FAO (2006) Guidelines. Four disturbed soil samples and three undisturbed core samples were taken from the profile horizons for Physico-chemical laboratory analysis. The pedon developed under udic moisture and thermic temperature regimes were very deep (&gt; 150 cm), well-drained and had dark brown to black topsoil colour over dark brown to dark reddish subsoil colour. Soil texture ranged from clay loam to clay. Soil pH was rated as very strong acid to medium (4.73 - 5.98) for all horizons. Organic carbon was low to medium; N was very low to low; CEC was medium to high and exchangeable bases ranged from low to high. Bulk densities were high (2.24 - 2.44 g/cc) for topsoil and low (0.33 - 0.91) for subsoil. Soil moisture retention properties indicated that surface horizon (0 - 5 cm) retained more water followed by intermediate (45 - 50 cm) horizon and the subsoil (95 - 100 cm) respectively. According to USDA Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources, the pedon at Mbimba was classified as&nbsp;Typic Palehumults and as Haplic Alisols, respectively. These taxa reflected properties that may guide on the use and management of soils.&nbsp; Before lime application, the upper two horizons of the pedon had total nitrogen level ranging between 0.04 - 0.17%, Phosphorus 2.91 - 4.59 mgkg-1,&nbsp;Potassium 2.36 - 1%, Calcium 2.36 - 2.35 cmol(+)kg-1&nbsp;and Magnesium 0.71 - 1.93 cmol(+)kg-1&nbsp;which were low to medium. Thus, application of inorganic (N, P, K - rich), Ca+Mg and organic fertilizers is recommended to increase nutrient availability. Use of CaMg(CO3)2&nbsp;as soil amendment should be taken into consideration to raise soil pH and enhance balanced nutrient availability for coffee growth

    The quality of PMTCT services and uptake of ARV prophylaxis amongst HIV positive pregnant women in Kakamega district, Kenya

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    Background: The success of a PMTCT programme depends on the quality of services offered at health facilities.  Indicators of quality include the competence and attitude of the counsellor and uptake of ARV prophylaxis. Objective: This study looked at the relationship between quality of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services and the maternal ARV prophylaxis uptake in Kakamega district, Kenya. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study. Thirty health facilities and health care workers were sampled using multistage sampling. From these health facilities, 119 HIV positive pregnant women were sampled by convenience sampling. The PMTCT counsellors and HIV positive pregnant were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis: Descriptive data analysis was carried out on all variables. Categorical variables across groups were compared using the Fisher Exact test. Logistic regression was used to identify determinants of uptake of ARV prophylaxis at facility level Results: About 86.7% of the health facilities sampled had satisfactory quality of PMTCT services and 89% of HIV positive pregnant women reported that they received satisfactory PMTCT counselling services. About 90% of the counsellors have received PMTCT training and the mean score in a knowledge test was 77.2%. However, providers generally had a negative attitude towards their clients.  On regression analysis, there was no significant association between various aspects of quality and infant ARV prophylaxis uptake.  Uptake at facility level was determined by the district and type of health facility. Conclusion: The quality of service in the sampled facilities was generally good but this did not influence the level of uptake of maternal or infant ARV prophylaxis. Key words: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT), ARV prophylaxis, HIV-positive pregnant women