4 research outputs found

    Developing a 50 MeV LPA-based Injector at ATHENA for a Compact Storage Ring

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    The laser-driven generation of relativistic electron beams in plasma and their acceleration to high energies with GV/m-gradients has been successfully demonstrated. Now, it is time to focus on the application of laser-plasma accelerated (LPA) beams. The "Accelerator Technology HElmholtz iNfrAstructure" (ATHENA) of the Helmholtz Association fosters innovative particle accelerators and high-power laser technology. As part of the ATHENAe pillar several different applications driven by LPAs are to be developed, such as a compact FEL, medical imaging and the first realization of LPA-beam injection into a storage ring. The latter endeavour is conducted in close collaboration between Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Helmholtz Institute Jena (HIJ). In the cSTART project at KIT, a compact storage ring optimized for short bunches and suitable to accept LPA-based electron bunches is in preparation. In this conference contribution we will introduce the 50 MeV LPA-based injector and give an overview about the project goals. The key parameters of the plasma injector will be presented. Finally, the current status of the project will be summarized

    Status Report of the 50 MeV LPA-Based Injector at ATHENA for a Compact Storage Ring

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    Laser-based plasma accelerators (LPA) have successfully demonstrated their capability to generate high-energy electron beams with intrinsically short bunch lengths and high peak currents at a setup with a small footprint. These properties make them attractive drivers for a broad range of different applications including injectors for rf-driven, ring-based light sources. In close collaboration the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Helmholtz Institute Jena aim to develop a 50 MeV plasma injector and demonstrate the injection into a compact storage ring. This storage ring will be built within the project cSTART at KIT. As part of the ATHENA (Accelerator Technology HElmholtz iNfrAstructure) project, DESY will design, setup and operate a 50 MeV plasma injector prototype for this endeavor. This contribution gives a status update of the 50 MeV LPA-based injector and presents a first layout of the prototype design at DESY in Hamburg

    Use of linezolid in neonatal and pediatric inpatient facilities-results of a retrospective multicenter survey

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    The purpose of this investigation was to describe the use of linezolid in pediatric inpatient facilities. A retrospective multicenter survey including data from nine participating tertiary care pediatric inpatient facilities in Germany and Austria was undertaken. Data on 126 off-label linezolid treatment courses administered to 108 patients were documented. The survey comprises linezolid treatment in a broad spectrum of clinical indications to children of all age groups; the median age was 6.8 years (interquartile range 0.6-15.5 years; range 0.1-21.2 years; ten patients were older than 18 years of age but were treated in pediatric inpatient units). Of the 126 treatment courses, 27 (21%) were administered to preterm infants, 64 (51%) to pediatric oncology patients, and 5% to patients soon after liver transplantation. In 25%, the infection was related to a medical device. Linezolid iv treatment was started after intensive pre-treatment (up to 11 other antibiotics for a median duration of 14 days) and changed to enteral administration in only 4% of all iv courses. In 39 (53%) of 74 courses administered to children older than 1 week and younger than 12 years of age, the dose was not adjusted to age-related pharmacokinetic parameters. In only 17 courses (13%) was a pediatric infectious disease consultant involved in the clinical decision algorithm. Linezolid seemed to have contributed to a favorable outcome in 70% of all treatment courses in this survey. Although retrospective, this survey generates interesting data on the off-label use of linezolid and highlights several important clinical aspects in which the use of this rescue antibiotic in children might be improved