9 research outputs found

    Parallel High-Order Anisotropic Meshing Using Discrete Metric Tensors

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    This paper presents a metric-aligned meshing algorithm that relies on the Lp-Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation approach. A prototype of this algorithm was first presented at the Scitech conference of 2018 and this work is an extension to that paper. At the end of the previously presented work, a set of problems were mentioned which we are trying to address in this paper. First, we show a significant improvement in code performance since we were limited to present relatively benign (analytical) test cases. Second, we demonstrate here that we are able to rely on discrete metric data that is delivered by a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver. Third, we demonstrate how to generate high-order curved elements that are aligned with the underlying discrete metric field

    Mesh adaptation strategies for compressible flows using a high-order spectral/hp element discretisation

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    An accurate calculation of aerodynamic force coe cients for a given geometry is of fundamental importance for aircraft design. High-order spectral/hp element methods, which use a discontinuous Galerkin discretisation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, are now increasingly being used to improve the accuracy of flow simulations and thus the force coe cients. To reduce error in the calculated force coe cients whilst keeping computational cost minimal, I propose a p-adaptation method where the degree of the approximating polynomial is locally increased in the regions of the flow where low resolution is identified using a goal-based error estimator. We initially calculate a steady-state solution to the governing equations using a low polynomial order and use a goal-based error indicator to identify parts of the computational domain that require improved solution accuracy and increase the approximation order there. We demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of our method across a range of polynomial orders by considering a number of examples in two- and three-dimensions and in subsonic and transonic flow regimes. Reductions in both the number of degrees of freedom required to resolve the force coe cients to a given error, as well as the computational cost, are both observed in using the p-adaptive technique. In addition to the adjoint-based p-adaptation strategy, I propose a mesh deformation strategy that relies on a thermo-elastic formulation. The thermal-elastic formulation is initially used to control mesh validity. Two mesh quality indicators are proposed and used to illustrate that by heating up (expanding) or cooling down (contracting) the appropriate elements, an improved robustness of the classical mesh deformation strategy is obtained. The idea is extended to perform shock wave r-adaptation (adaptation through redistribution) for high Mach number flows. The mesh deformation strategy keeps the mesh topology unchanged, contracts the elements that cover the shock wave, keeps the number of elements constant and the computation as e cient as the unrefined case. The suitability of r-adaptation for shock waves is illustrated using internal and external compressible flow problems.Open Acces

    A New Recycling Method to Generate Turbulent Inflow Profiles

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    The accuracy of the scale-resolving simulations for practical geometries strongly depends on the inflow boundary conditions. Imposing experimentally observed turbulent inflow profiles for the numerical simulations is a major challenge. Existing methods available in the literature assume self-similar behavior, which is not true for most of the experiments. In the present work, we formulate the turbulent inflow profile generation technique as an optimization problem. An adjoint technique is exploited to evaluate the sensitivities of multiple input parameters for the present problem. The present formulation is then tested to generate a laminar boundary layer profile, turbulent boundary layer profile, and turbulent jet profile

    Design of a Modular Monolithic Implicit Solver for Multi-Physics Applications

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    The design of a modular multi-physics high-order space-time finite-element framework is presented together with its extension to allow monolithic coupling of different physics. One of the main objectives of the framework is to perform efficient high- fidelity simulations of capsule/parachute systems. This problem requires simulating multiple physics including, but not limited to, the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, the dynamics of a moving body with mesh deformations and adaptation, the linear shell equations, non-re effective boundary conditions and wall modeling. The solver is based on high-order space-time - finite element methods. Continuous, discontinuous and C1-discontinuous Galerkin methods are implemented, allowing one to discretize various physical models. Tangent and adjoint sensitivity analysis are also targeted in order to conduct gradient-based optimization, error estimation, mesh adaptation, and flow control, adding another layer of complexity to the framework. The decisions made to tackle these challenges are presented. The discussion focuses first on the "single-physics" solver and later on its extension to the monolithic coupling of different physics. The implementation of different physics modules, relevant to the capsule/parachute system, are also presented. Finally, examples of coupled computations are presented, paving the way to the simulation of the full capsule/parachute system

    Investigation of Gortler vortices in hypersonic flow using Quantitative Infrared Thermography (QIRT) and Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (Tomo-PIV)

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    Aerodynamic heating is one of the driving aspects in hypersonic vehicle design. During take-off and re-entry, high heat loads are encountered for which the appropriate measures have to be considered. In particular during the re-entry phase, high maneuverability of the vehicle is preferred such that reusable (manned) spacecraft can land on conventional runways. Control devices are therefore a necessity to improve the maneuverability of the spacecraft. Consequently, the hypersonic flow behaviour around control flaps is thoroughly investigated over the last decades. Boundary layer separation/reattachment and shock wave interaction are general flow phenomena that occur in hypersonic double ramp flow. Furthermore, streamwise periodic counter rotating vortices (Gortler vortices) tend to grow in the boundary layer over the control surface. Gortler vortices are induced by the centrifugal forces associated with the change in direction of motion forced on the fluid by the concave geometry of the surface. Gortler vortices take the form of a striation pattern and considerably modify the heat flux and can cause spanwise heat transfer variations of 100%.Aerospace Engineerin

    Image resection and heat transfer measurements by IR thermography in hypersonic flows

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    This study describes a data reduction technique to estimate heat fluxes in hypersonic flows based on measurements of the temperature distribution on the surface of the model by means of infrared (IR) thermography. IR images are registered using a camera model based on perspective projection approach taking into account lens distortion. Relative displacements between model and IR camera, due to sting mechanical vibrations, can increase the noise. An approach to reduce it, based on single-step discrete Fourier transform and Speed-Up Robust Features methods, is presented. Heat flux is computed with an inverse heat transfer problem applying the trust region reflective algorithm. The proposed data reduction technique is numerically validated and applied to an experimental test carried out in the Hypersonic Test Facility Delft (HTFD) at Mach number equal to 7.5

    Robust Metric-Aligned Quad-Dominant Meshing Using L(sub p) Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation

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    We introduce a meshing algorithm that can be used to both generate and adapt meshes for bounded domains in an anisotropic manner. This is particularly beneficial when anisotropic flow features like shock waves or contact discontinuities are present in the computational domain. The algorithm presented in this paper is based upon meshing under the imposed Riemannian metric tensor, which controls the orientation and size of the mesh elements. In this way there is no need for user intervention to recognize these features. We demonstrate that the method indeed aligns the elements with the underlying metric and produces right-angled simplices that can be recombined into quadrilateral elements. The aim is to eventually incorporate this meshing strategy in the monolithic high-order spectral element solver that is currently being developed at NASA Ames. This paper has two main contributions: First, we demonstrate that we can generate quad-dominant metric-aligned meshes for bounded domains using a generalized form of L(sub p)-Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (L(sub p)-CVT). Unlike previous works, we do not rely on a background mesh and discretize the bounded domain in a hierarchical way by first discretizing the boundaries and then the volume using the underlying metric. Second, we present an alternative for clipping the Voronoi cells on the boundary, which is common practice in CVT-based meshing algorithms, by reconstructing the Voronoi cells using the defined metric field. In this way we avoid the geometrical complexity of the clipping procedure and we show that we evaluate the energy and its gradient correctly. We show that the reconstruction of the computational domain is consistent with the Lloyds algorithm that is used to compute the L(sub p)-CVT