5 research outputs found


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    Esta não é uma forma convencional, tradicional de apresentar um número especial de uma revista acadêmica. Deveríamos iniciar tratando da temática do dossiê, neste caso Jogos, Letramentos e Ética. Isto para seguirmos uma tipificação já consagrada para tal gênero. No entanto, precisamos (e queremos) ressaltar que o volume entregue foi produzido em um período nada convencional para autores, organizadoras, entrevistados, equipe editorial, tradutora e vocês, leitores. Estamos vivenciando mudanças que impactaram (e ainda estão impactando) as nossas convicções e diretrizes não apenas teóricas ou metodológicas. O nosso dia a dia acadêmico e familiar se modifica com uma velocidade e rumos não planejados, mas acima de tudo: incontroláveis. Sim, é à COVID-19 que estamos nos referindo.Não poderíamos deixar sem registro as dores físicas e as dores da alma que acompanharam (e ainda acompanham) os envolvidos na construção deste volume. Não temos conhecimento de todas elas, mas foram muitos os depoimentos em relação aos momentos de escrita dos capítulos, dos depoimentos, das leituras, das discussões da equipe editorial, das mensagens entre as organizadoras, embasados por tensões, por lágrimas. Neste jogo com o vírus, ganhar ainda não é, infelizmente, demonstração de superioridade humana, em nosso contexto, ou seja, não estamos ainda numa fase promissora em que “o êxito obtido passa prontamente do indivíduo para o grupo” (HUIZINGA, 2019, posição 1208). Não nos foram apresentadas as regras antes de começar o jogo... E principalmente não somos livres para não jogar!Aqui registramos o nosso agradecimento aos que participam deste volume e nossa solidariedade a todos, autores, entrevistados, equipe editorial, e, em especial a você leitor, parceiro, a partir de agora, no jogo de ideias, de diálogo

    Literacy in Portugal: country report: children and adolescents

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    This report on the state of literacy in Portugal is one of a series produced in 2015 and 2016 by ELINET, the European Literacy Policy Network. ELINET was founded in February 2014 and has 78 partner organisations in 28 European countries1. ELINET aims to improve literacy policies in its member countries in order to reduce the number of children, young people and adults with low literacy skills. One major tool to achieve this aim is to produce a set of reliable, up-to-date and comprehensive reports on the state of literacy in each country where ELINET has one or more partners, and to provide guidance towards improving literacy policies in those countries. The reports are based (wherever possible) on available, internationally comparable performance data, as well as reliable national data provided (and translated) by our partners.ELINET - EAC/S05/201

    Literacy in Italy: country report: children and adolescents

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    This report on the state of literacy in Italy is one of a series produced in 2015 and 2016 by ELINET, the European Literacy Policy Network. ELINET was founded in February 2014 and has 78 partner organisations in 28 European countries. ELINET aims to improve literacy policies in its member countries in order to reduce the number of children, young people and adults with low literacy skills. One major tool to achieve this aim is to produce a set of reliable, up-to-date and comprehensive reports on the state of literacy in each country where ELINET has one or more partners, and to provide guidance towards improving literacy policies in those countries. The reports are based (wherever possible) on available, internationally comparable performance data, as well as reliable national data provided (and translated) by our partners.ELINET - EAC/S05/201

    Characterization and optimization of levan production by Bacillus subtilis NATTO

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    Exopolysaccharides are in evidence due to their applications, especially in the food industry. The levan is an exopolysaccharide composed by fructose residues, which has been used as stabilizer, carrier of flavours and thickener for foods. Optimized conditions for the levan production are necessary to increase its industrial application. This study aimed to optimize the production of levan synthesized by B. subtilis isolated from Japanese food called Natto by factorial design and response surface methodology, as well as the molecular weight, rheological behaviour and toxicity characterization. In view of the independent variables studied, the experiment showed the best results at: sucrose (400 g/L) and culture time (16 h); 111.6 g/L of levan. In these optimized condition the sample presented two molecular weights of levan, 568.000 Da and <50.000 Da, corresponding to 13.39% and 86.61% respectively. The viscosity assay by varying the shear rate demonstrated that the levan presents a Newtonian behaviour and no toxic or genotoxic effects were observed by increasing the frequency of micronuclei in CHO-K1 cells and MTT.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES