75 research outputs found

    Phage diversity, genomics and phylogeny

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    Recent advances in viral metagenomics have enabled the rapid discovery of an unprecedented catalogue of phages in numerous environments, from the human gut to the deep ocean. Although these advances have expanded our understanding of phage genomic diversity, they also revealed that we have only scratched the surface in the discovery of novel viruses. Yet, despite the remarkable diversity of phages at the nucleotide sequence level, the structural proteins that form viral particles show strong similarities and conservation. Phages are uniquely interconnected from an evolutionary perspective and undergo multiple events of genetic exchange in response to the selective pressure of their hosts, which drives their diversity. In this Review, we explore phage diversity at the structural, genomic and community levels as well as the complex evolutionary relationships between phages, moulded by the mosaicity of their genomes

    Stereoselective Synthesis of Neo-c-glycopeptide Building Blocks: Towards a Flexible and Control-oriented Design as probes for Carbonhydrate-protein Interactions

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    Neo-C-glycopeptides (1-4) have been synthesized as building blocks to obtain higher neo-Cglycopeptides as probes for studying carbohydrate-protein interactions. A convergent approach for the synthesis of 4 has been developed, in which two galactose units are attached to a glycine derivative in a stepwise procedure (reductive amination followed by amide coupling) and finally coupling to the protected dipeptide having a free amino group on the side chain.NRC publication: Ye

    Le moment choisi pour faire des sĂ©ances de rappel n’amĂ©liorerait pas la conservation des compĂ©tences acquises en rĂ©animation par les professionnels de la santĂ© : un essai contrĂŽlĂ© randomisĂ©

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    Introduction: Booster sessions can improve cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skill retention among healthcare providers; however, the optimal timing of these sessions is unknown. This study aimed to explore differences in skill retention based on booster session timing. Methods: After ethics approval, healthcare providers who completed an initial CPR training course were randomly assigned to either an early booster, late booster, or no booster group. Participants’ mean resuscitation scores, time to initiate compressions, and time to successfully provide defibrillation were assessed immediately post-course and four months later using linear mixed models. Results: Seventy-three healthcare professionals were included in the analysis. There were no significant differences by randomization in the immediate post-test (9.7, 9.2, 8.9) or retention test (10.2, 9.8, and 9.5) resuscitation scores. No significant effects were observed for time to compression. Post-test time to defibrillation (mean ± SE: 112.8 ± 3.0 sec) was significantly faster compared to retention (mean ± SE: 120.4 ± 2.7 sec) (p = 0.04); however, the effect did not vary by randomization. Conclusion: No difference was observed in resuscitation skill retention between the early, late, and no booster groups. More research is needed to determine the aspects of a booster session beyond timing that contribute to skill retention.Introduction : Les sĂ©ances de rappel peuvent favoriser la conservation des compĂ©tences en rĂ©animation cardio-pulmonaire (RCP) chez les professionnels de la santĂ©; toutefois, le moment optimal pour offrir ces sĂ©ances est inconnu. Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  explorer les diffĂ©rences dans la conservation de compĂ©tences en fonction du moment oĂč intervient la sĂ©ance de rappel. MĂ©thodes : AprĂšs avoir obtenu une approbation Ă©thique, nous avons rĂ©parti, au hasard, des professionnels de la santĂ© ayant suivi une formation initiale en RCP entre un groupe de rappel prĂ©coce, un groupe de rappel tardif et un groupe qui ne reçoit pas de sĂ©ance de rappel. Les scores moyens des participants pour la rĂ©ussite de la rĂ©animation, le temps moyen pris avant de commencer les compressions et le temps moyen pris pour effectuer avec succĂšs la dĂ©fibrillation ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s immĂ©diatement aprĂšs la sĂ©ance et quatre mois plus tard Ă  l’aide de modĂšles mixtes linĂ©aires. RĂ©sultats : Soixante-treize professionnels de la santĂ© ont participĂ© Ă  l’étude. Il n’y a pas eu de diffĂ©rences significatives selon la randomisation dans les scores de rĂ©animation du post-test immĂ©diat (9,7; 9,2; 8,9) et du test sur la conservation des compĂ©tences (10,2; 9,8 et 9,5). Aucun effet significatif n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© pour le dĂ©lai avant d’entamer les compressions. Le dĂ©lai pour la dĂ©fibrillation Ă©tait significativement plus court aprĂšs la sĂ©ance (moyenne ± SE : 112,8 ± 3,0 sec) que lors du test de conservation des compĂ©tences (moyenne ± SE : 120,4 ± 2,7 sec) (p=0,04); cependant, l’effet ne variait pas selon la randomisation. Conclusion : Aucune diffĂ©rence n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e sur le plan de la conservation des compĂ©tences en rĂ©animation entre les groupes de rappel prĂ©coce, de rappel tardif et d’absence de rappel. De plus amples recherches sont nĂ©cessaires pour dĂ©terminer les facteurs d’une sĂ©ance de rappel, autres que le moment oĂč elle intervient, qui contribueraient Ă  la conservation des compĂ©tences

    DĂ©fis de la programmation ouverte dans l’insertion sociale et professionnelle de jeunes en difficultĂ©

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    À partir des annĂ©es 2000, l’État quĂ©bĂ©cois adopte des politiques publiques tentant de prĂ©venir, chez les jeunes, le recours Ă  l’aide sociale. Des mesures d’insertion sociale et professionnelle, qui en dĂ©coulent, sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par une programmation ouverte offrant un cadre souple au personnel intervenant auprĂšs de jeunes en difficultĂ© et au croisement de la communautĂ© des diffĂ©rents organismes communautaires et des institutions. Au QuĂ©bec, la mesure IDEO 16-17 en est un exemple rĂ©cent. Cette mesure, mise en Ɠuvre dans les carrefours jeunesse-emploi (CJE), offre un accompagnement accru Ă  des jeunes de 16 et 17 ans qui rencontrent des difficultĂ©s majeures aux niveaux social, professionnel ou scolaire. Elle fait appel Ă  un partenariat local et intĂšgre plusieurs activitĂ©s de coordination nationale. L’article prend assise sur le rapport d’évaluation de la mesure IDEO 16-17 (Yergeau, Bourdon, BĂ©lisle et ThĂ©riault, 2009) et met en lumiĂšre une analyse originale de la programmation ouverte. Les donnĂ©es quantitatives et qualitatives, recueillies lors d’entretiens avec 24 membres du personnel intervenant, 52 jeunes et 20 directions de CJE, constituent le corpus principal analysĂ©. L’article relĂšve quelques dĂ©fis liĂ©s Ă  la programmation ouverte dans le contexte particulier du soutien Ă  l’insertion sociale et professionnelle de jeunes en difficultĂ©.From the years 2000, the Quebec state has adopted public policies aimed at preventing young adults from resorting to social assistance. The resulting social and professional integration support measures are characterised by an open programming offering a flexible framework to the staff working with young people in difficulty, and at the juncture of the community, different community-based organisations and institutions. In Quebec, the IDEO 16-17 measure is a recent example. This measure, implemented in the carrefours jeunesse-emploi (CJE) offers increased coaching to youth aged 16 and 17 who are encountering major difficulties on the social, professional or school levels. It seeks a local partnership and includes many nationally coordinated activities. The article is grounded in the evaluation report of the IDEO 16-17 measure (Yergeau, Bourdon, BĂ©lisle & ThĂ©riault, 2009) and highlights an original analysis of open programming. The quantitative and qualitative data collected during interviews with 24 staff members, 52 young people and 20 directors from the CJE constitute the main corpus analysed. This paper sheds light on some of the challenges related to open programming in the particular context of social and professional integration support aimed at vulnerable youth.A partir de la dĂ©cada de 2000, el Estado de QuĂ©bec ha adoptado polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas que apuntan a evitar que los jĂłvenes recurran a la ayuda social. Las medidas de inserciĂłn social y profesional que derivan de esas polĂ­ticas se caracterizan por una programaciĂłn abierta que ofrece un entorno flexible al personal que interviene ante los jĂłvenes con dificultades y a la convergencia de la comunidad, de los distintos organismos comunitarios y de las instituciones. En QuĂ©bec, la medida IDEO 16-17 es un ejemplo reciente : implementada en los “carrefours jeunesse- emploi” (CJE), ofrece un mayor acompañamiento a jĂłvenes de 16 y 17 años que presentan dificultades importantes a nivel social, profesional o escolar. Esta medida apela a asociarse localmente e integra varias actividades de coordinaciĂłn nacional. El artĂ­culo se basa en el informe de evaluaciĂłn de la medida IDEO 16-17 (Yergeau, Bourdon, BĂ©lisle y ThĂ©riault, 2009) y saca a la luz un anĂĄlisis original de la programaciĂłn abierta. Los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos reunidos tras entrevistar a 24 miembros del personal interviniente, 52 jĂłvenes y 20 direcciones de CJE constituye el corpus principal del anĂĄlisis. El artĂ­culo gira en torno de algunos desafĂ­os vinculados a la programaciĂłn abierta en el contexto particular del apoyo a la inserciĂłn social y profesional de jĂłvenes con dificultades

    DĂ©fis de la programmation ouverte dans l’insertion sociale et professionnelle de jeunes en difficultĂ©

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    À partir des annĂ©es 2000, l’État quĂ©bĂ©cois adopte des politiques publiques tentant de prĂ©venir, chez les jeunes, le recours Ă  l’aide sociale. Des mesures d’insertion sociale et professionnelle, qui en dĂ©coulent, sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par une programmation ouverte offrant un cadre souple au personnel intervenant auprĂšs de jeunes en difficultĂ© et au croisement de la communautĂ© des diffĂ©rents organismes communautaires et des institutions. Au QuĂ©bec, la mesure IDEO 16-17 en est un exemple rĂ©cent. Cette mesure, mise en Ɠuvre dans les carrefours jeunesse-emploi (CJE), offre un accompagnement accru Ă  des jeunes de 16 et 17 ans qui rencontrent des difficultĂ©s majeures aux niveaux social, professionnel ou scolaire. Elle fait appel Ă  un partenariat local et intĂšgre plusieurs activitĂ©s de coordination nationale. L’article prend assise sur le rapport d’évaluation de la mesure IDEO 16-17 (Yergeau, Bourdon, BĂ©lisle et ThĂ©riault, 2009) et met en lumiĂšre une analyse originale de la programmation ouverte. Les donnĂ©es quantitatives et qualitatives, recueillies lors d’entretiens avec 24 membres du personnel intervenant, 52 jeunes et 20 directions de CJE, constituent le corpus principal analysĂ©. L’article relĂšve quelques dĂ©fis liĂ©s Ă  la programmation ouverte dans le contexte particulier du soutien Ă  l’insertion sociale et professionnelle de jeunes en difficultĂ©.From the years 2000, the Quebec state has adopted public policies aimed at preventing young adults from resorting to social assistance. The resulting social and professional integration support measures are characterised by an open programming offering a flexible framework to the staff working with young people in difficulty, and at the juncture of the community, different community-based organisations and institutions. In Quebec, the IDEO 16-17 measure is a recent example. This measure, implemented in the carrefours jeunesse-emploi (CJE) offers increased coaching to youth aged 16 and 17 who are encountering major difficulties on the social, professional or school levels. It seeks a local partnership and includes many nationally coordinated activities. The article is grounded in the evaluation report of the IDEO 16-17 measure (Yergeau, Bourdon, BĂ©lisle & ThĂ©riault, 2009) and highlights an original analysis of open programming. The quantitative and qualitative data collected during interviews with 24 staff members, 52 young people and 20 directors from the CJE constitute the main corpus analysed. This paper sheds light on some of the challenges related to open programming in the particular context of social and professional integration support aimed at vulnerable youth.A partir de la dĂ©cada de 2000, el Estado de QuĂ©bec ha adoptado polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas que apuntan a evitar que los jĂłvenes recurran a la ayuda social. Las medidas de inserciĂłn social y profesional que derivan de esas polĂ­ticas se caracterizan por una programaciĂłn abierta que ofrece un entorno flexible al personal que interviene ante los jĂłvenes con dificultades y a la convergencia de la comunidad, de los distintos organismos comunitarios y de las instituciones. En QuĂ©bec, la medida IDEO 16-17 es un ejemplo reciente : implementada en los “carrefours jeunesse- emploi” (CJE), ofrece un mayor acompañamiento a jĂłvenes de 16 y 17 años que presentan dificultades importantes a nivel social, profesional o escolar. Esta medida apela a asociarse localmente e integra varias actividades de coordinaciĂłn nacional. El artĂ­culo se basa en el informe de evaluaciĂłn de la medida IDEO 16-17 (Yergeau, Bourdon, BĂ©lisle y ThĂ©riault, 2009) y saca a la luz un anĂĄlisis original de la programaciĂłn abierta. Los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos reunidos tras entrevistar a 24 miembros del personal interviniente, 52 jĂłvenes y 20 direcciones de CJE constituye el corpus principal del anĂĄlisis. El artĂ­culo gira en torno de algunos desafĂ­os vinculados a la programaciĂłn abierta en el contexto particular del apoyo a la inserciĂłn social y profesional de jĂłvenes con dificultades

    LINGO1 Variants in the French-Canadian Population

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    Essential tremor (ET) is a complex genetic disorder for which no causative gene has been found. Recently, a genome-wide association study reported that two variants in the LINGO1 locus were associated to this disease. The aim of the present study was to test if this specific association could be replicated using a French-Canadian cohort of 259 ET patients and 479 ethnically matched controls. Our genotyping results lead us to conclude that no association exists between the key variant rs9652490 and ET (Pcorr = 1.00)

    Mapping multicenter randomized controlled trials in anesthesiology: a scoping review

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    Background: Evidence suggests that there are substantial inconsistencies in the practice of anesthesia. There has not yet been a comprehensive summary of the anesthesia literature that can guide future knowledge translation interventions to move evidence into practice. As the first step toward identifying the most promising interventions for systematic implementation in anesthesia practice, this scoping review of multicentre RCTs aimed to explore and map the existing literature investigating perioperative anesthesia-related interventions and clinical patient outcomes. Methods: Multicenter randomized controlled trials were eligible for inclusion if they involved a tested anesthesia-related intervention administered to adult surgical patients (≄ 16 years old), with a control group receiving either another anesthesia intervention or no intervention at all. The electronic databases Embase (via OVID), MEDLINE, and MEDLINE in Process (via OVID), and Cochrane Central Register of Control Trials (CENTRAL) were searched from inception to February 26, 2021. Studies were screened and data were extracted by pairs of independent reviewers in duplicate with disagreements resolved through consensus or a third reviewer. Data were summarized narratively. Results: We included 638 multicentre randomized controlled trials (n patients = 615,907) that met the eligibility criteria. The most commonly identified anesthesia-related intervention theme across all studies was pharmacotherapy (n studies = 361 [56.6%]; n patients = 244,610 [39.7%]), followed by anesthetic technique (n studies = 80 [12.5%], n patients = 48,455 [7.9%]). Interventions were most often implemented intraoperatively (n studies = 233 [36.5%]; n patients = 175,974 [28.6%]). Studies typically involved multiple types of surgeries (n studies = 187 [29.2%]; n patients = 206 667 [33.5%]), followed by general surgery only (n studies = 115 [18.1%]; n patients = 201,028 [32.6%]) and orthopedic surgery only (n studies = 94 [14.7%]; n patients = 34,575 [5.6%]). Functional status was the most commonly investigated outcome (n studies = 272), followed by patient experience (n studies = 168), and mortality (n studies = 153). Conclusions: This scoping review provides a map of multicenter RCTs in anesthesia which can be used to optimize future research endeavors in the field. Specifically, we have identified key knowledge gaps in anesthesia that require further systematic assessment, as well as areas where additional research would likely not add value. These findings provide the foundation for streamlining knowledge translation in anesthesia in order to reduce practice variation and enhance patient outcomes

    J Ultrasound Med

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    Chest CT is the reference test for assessing pulmonary injury in suspected or diagnosed COVID-19 with signs of clinical severity. This study aimed to evaluate the association of a lung ultrasonography score and unfavorable clinical evolution at 28 days. The eChoVid is a multicentric study based on routinely collected data that was conducted in 8 emergency units in France; patients were included between March 19, 2020 and April 28, 2020 and underwent lung ultrasonography, a short clinical assessment by 2 emergency physicians blinded to each other's assessment, and chest CT. Lung ultrasonography consisted of scoring lesions from 0 to 3 in 8 chest zones, thus defining a global score (GS) of severity from 0 to 24. The primary outcome was the association of lung damage severity as assessed by the GS at day 0 and patient status at 28 days. Secondary outcomes were comparing the performance between GS and CT scan and the performance between a new trainee physician and an ultrasonography expert in scores. For the 328 patients analyzed, the GS showed good performance in predicting clinical worsening at 28 days (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC] 0.83, sensitivity 84.2%, specificity 76.4%). The GS showed good performance in predicting the CT severity assessment (AUC 0.84, sensitivity 77.2%, specificity 83.7%). A lung ultrasonography GS is a simple tool that can be used in the emergency department to predict unfavorable assessment at 28 days in patients with COVID-19
