193 research outputs found

    Aspects of the Life History of the Smoky Madtom, \u3cem\u3eNoturus baileyi\u3c/em\u3e Taylor, in Citico Creek

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    A two-year study of certain aspects of the life history of the smoky madtom, Noturus baileyi Taylor, in Citico Creek was conducted from 1981 to 1983. This species was rheophilic in the summer and fall and a pool dweller during the winter and spring. Smoky madtoms occupied the undersides of palm-sized slabrocks to the exclusion of other species in both habitats. N. baileyi lives at least 2+ years and possibly 3+ years, with females attaining greater lengths than males. Individuals of both sexes generally matured at two years; however some one-year-old individuals showed adult characteristics. Nests were located under large, flat rocks during June and July; clutch size in four nests averaged 36 eggs. As reported for other species of Noturus, the male guarded the nest. The distribution of N. baileyi in Citico Creek was directly related to stream gradient and a soil association. Consideration for Endangered Species status is discussed and suggestions for further study are given

    Research Notes : United States : Heterosis performance and combining ability in soybeans

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    Before hybrid soybeans can become a reality, two requirements should be satisfied: (i) an economical large-scale method of producing hybrid seed must be found, and (ii) heterosis for yield must exist. With the findings of genetic male sterility in soybeans (Brim and Young, 1971) interest has devel-oped in the potential productivity of hybrid soybeans. A method for produc-ing experimental quantities of hybrid soybean seed using genetic male sterility and green seed embryo was suggested by Burton and Carter (1983)

    Do artificial nests simulate nest success of greater sage-grouse?

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    Artificial nests have been used to study factors affecting nest success because researchers can manipulate them more than natural bird nests. Many researchers have questioned the validity of generalizing the results from artificial nests onto naturally occurring nests. Other studies have assessed the validity of artificial nest studies by simultaneously comparing overall depredation or daily survival rates, depredation timing, predator species, or habitat characteristics of artificial and natural nests. To evaluate how well artificial nests simulated nest success of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sagegrouse), we used the unique approach of monitoring artificial nests (n = 69) placed in the natural nest bowls of sage-grouse in southern Wyoming, USA, during 2010 to 2011. Brown chicken eggs were placed in natural sage-grouse nests 7 to 14 days after the hatch or depredation of natural sage-grouse nests to compare artificial nest fate to the fate of natural sage-grouse nests. As secondary objectives, we placed cameras next to a subset of artificial nests to identify which predator species were depredating nests, and we assessed the effects of corvid (black-billed magpie [Pica hudsonia] and common raven [Corvus corax]) density, nest-site characteristics (i.e., anthropogenic development, landscape variables, and microhabitat) date of depredation, and presence of a camera near nest bowls on the depredation rate of all artificial nests. We found that depredation of artificial nests paralleled the fate of natural sagegrouse nests. Depredations were more likely to occur earlier in the summer (June to early July rather than late July to early August). Depredation of artificial nests was negligible as time progressed past the typical sage-grouse nesting season, supporting the hypothesis of predators using a search image to detect eggs. We also found that shorter perennial grass height and greater magpie densities were positively associated with the depredation rates of artificial nests. Camera-recorded depredation events verified that 4 badgers (Taxidea taxus), 2 magpies, and 1 domestic cow depredated artificial nests. Artificial nests may give managers insight into the expected nest success rates of sage-grouse in areas of conservation interest. However, care must be taken regarding placement and timing of artificial nests for reliable conclusions to be drawn from artificial nest studies. Furthermore, identifying predators based on artificial nests likely leads to inaccurate assessment of local species composition of nest depredators

    Research Notes : United States : The effect of the narrow-leaf gene in a segregating population

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    A single recessive gene designated Jn by Bernard and Weiss (1972) controls the inheritance of the lanceolate trifoliolate in soybean. They state that the narrow-leaf condition is associated with a high number of four-seeded pods, which they attributed to a pleiotropic effect of the Jn gene. No yield differences have been found between narrow and normal leaf types using isolines

    Forage-Animal Production Research Unit (FAPRU): Establishment of a New USDA-ARS Research Location

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    Forages are vital to the success of grazing livestock production systems. Forages provide a low cost source of nutrients for animal production (Barnes & Nelson 2003; Ball et al., 1996). Limited fundamental (i.e., genomic, proteomic, metabolomic) research on the effects of environment and management on plant quality and production and the effects of plant metabolites (i.e., nutrients, anti-quality factors, nutraceuticals) on animal performance has hindered our ability to improve the productivity of forage-based enterprises. There is insufficient information for reliable prediction of animal performance in response to plant metabolites. To address these issues, USDA-ARS established FAPRU (Forage-Animal Production Research Unit) in 2003 at U Kentucky, Lexington. Its mission is to improve the productivity, profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of forage-based enterprises through improved understanding of the fundamental biological processes that occur at the animal-plant interface

    Increased Abundance of the Common Raven Within the Ranges of Greater and Gunnison Sage-grouse: Influence of Anthropogenic Subsidies and Fire

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    The common raven (Corvus corax; raven) is native to North America and has increased in abundance, especially throughout western North America, during the last century. Human subsidies have facilitated raven dispersal into less suitable habitats and enabled these populations to maintain higher annual survival and reproduction. Concomitantly, overabundant raven populations are impacting other native at-risk species such as the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and potentially the Gunnison sage-grouse (C. minimus). Using Breeding Bird Survey data from 1995–2014, we evaluated raven count data to quantitatively describe changes in abundance and expansion into sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) ecosystems, specifically sage-grouse habitat. We focused our analyses on the 7 sage-grouse management zones (MZs) delineated across 11 western U.S. states and 2 Canadian provinces. We assessed the effects of land cover and anthropogenic disturbance on instantaneous growth rate (r) or carrying capacity (K) of ravens. Abundance of ravens in western and southeastern MZs was greater than northeastern MZs within the greater sage-grouse range. While raven abundance was lower in MZ I and II (Alberta, Canada; Dakotas, Montana, and northwestern Colorado, USA; Saskatchewan, Canada; and Wyoming, USA), raven expansion and percent increase were equivalent or greater than all other MZs. High abundance in MZ VII indicated Gunnison sage-grouse have been exposed to increased raven populations for several decades. Areas with greater electric power transmission line density had higher r; higher K was positively related to proportion of urban land cover within 25 km and burned area within 3 km and negatively related to greater distance from landfills and proportion of forest land cover within 15 km. Ravens have capitalized on human subsidies to increase abundance and expand into sagebrush ecosystems that did not historically support high raven populations. As such, managers are now faced with a new dilemma of reducing populations of a native species to benefit other native sagebrush obligate species

    United States\u27 Amendment on Adjudicated Acreage

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    United State\u27s amendment to its finding on adjudicated acreage and responses, and objections to Wyoming\u27s proposed findings of fact and proposed conclusions of la

    United States\u27 Amendment on Adjudicated Acreage

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    United State\u27s amendment to its finding on adjudicated acreage and responses, and objections to Wyoming\u27s proposed findings of fact and proposed conclusions of la

    Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus) Select Nest Sites and Brood Sites Away From Avian Predators

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    Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) have declined in distribution and abundance in western North America over the past century. Depredation of nests and predation of chicks can be two of the most influential factors limiting their productivity. Prey species utilize antipredation behaviors, such as predator avoidance, to reduce the risk of predation. Birds in general balance the dual necessity of selecting cover to hide from visual and olfactory predators to enhance prospects of survival and reproductive success, which may also be achieved by selecting habitat with relatively fewer predators. We compared avian predator densities at Greater Sage-Grouse nests and brood locations with those at random locations within available sage-grouse habitat in Wyoming. This comparison allowed us to assess the species\u27 ability to avoid avian predators during nesting and early brood rearing. During 2008–2010, we conducted 10-min point-count surveys at 218 nests, 249 brood locations from 83 broods, and 496 random locations. We found that random locations had higher densities of avian predators compared with nest and brood locations. Greater Sage-Grouse nested in areas where there were lower densities of Common Ravens (Corvus corax), Black-billed Magpies (Pica hudsonia), Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), and hawks (Buteo spp.) compared with random locations. Additionally, they selected brood-rearing locations with lower densities of those same avian predators and of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), compared with random locations. By selecting nest and brood-rearing locations with lower avian predator densities, Greater Sage-Grouse may reduce the risk of nest depredation and predation on eggs, chicks, and hens

    Microhabitat Selection for Nesting and Brood-Rearing by the Greater Sage-Grouse in Xeric Big Sagebrush

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    Understanding selection of breeding habitat is critical to conserving and restoring habitats for the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus), particularly in xeric landscapes (≤25 cm annual precipitation). We monitored radio-marked female sage-grouse in south-central Wyoming in 2008 and 2009 to assess microhabitat use during nesting and brood rearing. For each model we grouped variables into three hypothesis sets on the basis of the weight of support from previous research (a priori information). We used binary logistic regression to compare habitat used by grouse to that at random locations and used an information-theoretic approach to identify the best-supported models. Selection of microhabitat for nests was more positively correlated with mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata vaseyana) than with Wyoming big sagebrush (A. t. wyomingensis) and negatively correlated with cheatgrass. Nesting hens also selected microhabitats with greater litter cover. Microhabitat for brood-rearing had more perennial grass and sagebrush cover than did random locations. Microhabitat variables most supported in the literature, such as forb cover and perennial grass cover, accounted for only 8% and 16% of the pure variation in our models for early and late brood rearing, respectively. Our findings suggest sage-grouse inhabiting xeric sagebrush habitats rely on sagebrush cover and grass structure for nesting as well as brood-rearing and that at the microhabitat scale these structural characteristics may be more important than forb availability. Therefore, in xeric sagebrush, practices designed to increase forb production by markedly reducing sagebrush cover, as a means to increase sage-grouse productivity, may not be justified
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