23 research outputs found

    The most important researchers of forests in Serbia

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    The exhibition by the Natural History Museum entitled Drvo ili život sam (Tree or life itself, 2012) was accompanied by a publication that included a review on forests in Serbia in the present and in history. While the publication was being prepared, the idea to present the prominent researchers of forest vegetation of Serbia and their most important papers on this topic in one place as a series of short texts arose. Therefore this paper appeared as a tribute to several prominent scientists, and as with any story from the history of Serbian botany it must start with Josif Pančić.Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade (2012), 5: 103-12

    The most important researchers of forests in Serbia

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    The exhibition by the Natural History Museum entitled Drvo ili život sam (Tree or life itself, 2012) was accompanied by a publication that included a review on forests in Serbia in the present and in history. While the publication was being prepared, the idea to present the prominent researchers of forest vegetation of Serbia and their most important papers on this topic in one place as a series of short texts arose. Therefore this paper appeared as a tribute to several prominent scientists, and as with any story from the history of Serbian botany it must start with Josif Pančić.Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade (2012), 5: 103-12

    Experimental phytocoenological investigations of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika /Pančić/ Purkynĕ) natural regeneration in the National park Tara

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    In the aim of monitoring the Serbian spruce natural regeneration, a series of experiments was set in the reservation in mixed forests with Serbian spruce over limestone (Ljuti Breg, Bilo, Crvene Stene, Vranjak) and serpentinite (Zmajevački Potok). The series of experiments includes the changes in the herb layer (the litter was removed, the soil was dug up to the depth of 10 cm, without the previous removal of the litter and the soil was raked only). Two-year investigations show that the seedlings did not appear in the experiments, though the habitats were in the openings in the vicinity of fertile Serbian spruce trees. The process of natural Serbian spruce regeneration on experimental plots was very slow and it has to be monitored for many years. Experimental investigations with the Serbian spruce seed sowing in the National Park Tara show that the germinability, as well as the seedlings, are affected by early-spring, as well as late frosts, dense canopy, thick litter and dense herb layer in the openings.U cilju praćenja prirodnog obnavljanja omorike postavljena je serija ogleda u rezervatima u mešovitim šumama sa omorikom na krečnjaku (Ljuti breg, Bilo, Crvene stene, Vranjak) i serpentinitu (Zmajevački potok). Serija ogleda obuhvatila je promene u zeljastom pokrivaču (šumska prostirka uklonjena, zemljište prekopano do dubine 10 cm, bez prethodnog uklanjanja stelje i zemljište samo pograbuljano). Dvogodišnja ispitivanja su pokazala da se u ogledima nije pojavio ponik omorike, iako su staništa bila na progalama u blizini plodonosnih stabala omorike. Proces prirodne obnove omorike na oglednim parcelama traje sporo i mora da se prati više godina. Eksperimentalna ispitivanja sa setvom semena omorike u Nacionalnom parku 'Tara' pokazala su da na klijavost semena i ponik utiču rani proletnji i jesenji mrazevi, gust sklop šume, debeo sloj stelje i gust zeljasti pokrivač na progalama.nul

    Experimental phytocoenological investigations of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika /Pančić/ Purkynĕ) natural regeneration in the National park Tara

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    In the aim of monitoring the Serbian spruce natural regeneration, a series of experiments was set in the reservation in mixed forests with Serbian spruce over limestone (Ljuti Breg, Bilo, Crvene Stene, Vranjak) and serpentinite (Zmajevački Potok). The series of experiments includes the changes in the herb layer (the litter was removed, the soil was dug up to the depth of 10 cm, without the previous removal of the litter and the soil was raked only). Two-year investigations show that the seedlings did not appear in the experiments, though the habitats were in the openings in the vicinity of fertile Serbian spruce trees. The process of natural Serbian spruce regeneration on experimental plots was very slow and it has to be monitored for many years. Experimental investigations with the Serbian spruce seed sowing in the National Park Tara show that the germinability, as well as the seedlings, are affected by early-spring, as well as late frosts, dense canopy, thick litter and dense herb layer in the openings.U cilju praćenja prirodnog obnavljanja omorike postavljena je serija ogleda u rezervatima u mešovitim šumama sa omorikom na krečnjaku (Ljuti breg, Bilo, Crvene stene, Vranjak) i serpentinitu (Zmajevački potok). Serija ogleda obuhvatila je promene u zeljastom pokrivaču (šumska prostirka uklonjena, zemljište prekopano do dubine 10 cm, bez prethodnog uklanjanja stelje i zemljište samo pograbuljano). Dvogodišnja ispitivanja su pokazala da se u ogledima nije pojavio ponik omorike, iako su staništa bila na progalama u blizini plodonosnih stabala omorike. Proces prirodne obnove omorike na oglednim parcelama traje sporo i mora da se prati više godina. Eksperimentalna ispitivanja sa setvom semena omorike u Nacionalnom parku 'Tara' pokazala su da na klijavost semena i ponik utiču rani proletnji i jesenji mrazevi, gust sklop šume, debeo sloj stelje i gust zeljasti pokrivač na progalama.nul

    Proposal of measures for regulation of beech seed stand on Mt. Fruška Gora with special reference to blackberry weed control

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    The study seed stand was singled out in the most preserved natural population of beech on Mt. Fruška Gora, with a predominantly spontaneous development till the age of 100 years, when it was selected as a seed stand. The proposed silvicultural and silvicultural-reclamation measures in the seed stand are aimed at the improvement of the functional role of seed trees. The proposed silvicultural measures are based on the analysis of biological-qualitative structure of the stems. Silvicultural and silvicultural-reclamation measures, as the components of the same system of measures, taking into account that they are carried out in an already formed stand, should be synchronised with other development tendencies in the stand. Silvicultural measures result in the higher abundance and coverage of blackberry in the herbaceous plant layer, so they should be performed during beech seed years aiming at beech regeneration and formation of understory. By the competition with blackberry and the canopy the woody species in the understory will lead to a favorable structure of the ground layer for the realization of the functional role of the seed stand in the next several-decade period.nul

    Allelopathy of Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) soó 1945, a Pannonian endemic and relict species

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    Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945 represents a Pannonian endemic and relict plant species. As an endangered, disappearing species, it is protected according to IUCN and included into the Red Book of the Flora of Serbia. In the Deliblato Sands, in a community of English oak (Quercus robur), only a single population of this peony consisting of 74 individuals with a reduced reproduction capacity occurs. Since this could be the consequence of negative allelopathic influence of dominant species of tree, shrub and herbaceous plant layer, we performed allelopathic studies that included qualitative and quantitative analyzes of phenolic acids and total phenolics both in the litter and soil of this community. Surface soil layer under Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica was found to connain 34.36 μg g1 and 564.42 μg g1 of free and total bound phenols, respectively. A deeper soil layer (10-20 cm) contained much lower amount of free (only 4.44 μg g1) and 571.73 μg g1 of total bound phenol compounds. In the surface soil layer only three free phenolic acids (ρ-coumaric, ρ-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acid) in minute amounts (0.57-1.69 μg g1) were detected. In the deeper soil layer p-coumaric acid was absent. Soil covered with Paeonia officinalis ssp. banatica contains five phenolic acids in bound form, p-coumaric and vanillic acid being the most abundant (10.22-30.70 μg g1). These forms are evenly distributed in the surface and deeper soil layer.Banatski božur (Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945) je panonski endem i relikt. Kao ugrožena vrsta koja iščezava, prema pravilima IUCN zaštićen je i uvršćen u Crvenu knjigu flore Srbije. U Deliblatskoj Peščari postoji samo jedna populacija sa 74 jedinke u lužnjakovoj zajednici (lokalitet Flamunda) smanjene reproduktivne sposobnosti, što je verovatno posledica negativnog alelopatskog uticaja dominantnih vrsta iz sprata drveća, žbunova i zeljastih biljaka na banatski božur. Stoga smo pristupili alelopatskim istraživanjima koja su obuhvatila analizu i merenje količine fenolnih kiselina i ukupnih fenola u stelji i zemljištu ove zajednice. Rezultati pokazuju da površinski sloj zemljišta pod banatskim božurom, sadrži 34,36/μg g1 slobodnih i 564,42 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Dublji sloj zemljišta (10-20 sm) sadrži znatno manju količinu slobodnih (samo 4,44 μg g1) i 571,73 μg g1 ukupnih vezanih fenola. U površinskom sloju zemljišta su detektovane samo tri slobodne fenolne kiseline (p-kumarinska, p-hidroksibenzoeva i vanilinska) u malim količinama (0,57-1,69 μg g1). Dublji sloj zeljišta nije sadržao p-kumarinsku kiselinu. Zeljište pod banatskim božurom sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina u vezanom stanju, pri čemu najviše ima p-kumarinske i vanilinske kiseline (10,22-30,70 μg g1). Ne postoji razlika u količini vezanih fenolnih kiselina u površinskom i dubljem zeljišnom sloju, pošto su ravnomerno raspoređene. U stelji koja se sastoji od delimično razloženog lišća i grančica trepetljike, gloga, bele topole, hrasta lužnjaka i dr. izmereno je 10,13 μg g1 slobodnih i 14.09 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Ona sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezani oblici. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske kiseline (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Ona sadrži 5 fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezane forme. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Diskutovana je moguća uloga fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta biljaka u fitocenozi u smanjenju brojnosti božura. U lužnjakovoj zajednici sa banatskim božurom, dobro je razvijen sprat žbunova i zeljastih biljaka (ima više od 60 biljnih vrsta), koje mogu negativno uticati na povećanje populacije božura. Kao meru za poboljšanje uslova za opstanak ove reliktne i endemične vrste naše Flore, potrebno je iz neposredne blizine populacije banatskog božura (na rastojanju od 3-4 m) uklanjati sve biljne vrste koje na bilo koji način mogu negativno uticati (biohemijski uticaj fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta, zasena, konkurencija za vodu, mineralne materije i prostor).Projekat ministarstv

    Allelopathy of Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) soó 1945, a Pannonian endemic and relict species

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    Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945 represents a Pannonian endemic and relict plant species. As an endangered, disappearing species, it is protected according to IUCN and included into the Red Book of the Flora of Serbia. In the Deliblato Sands, in a community of English oak (Quercus robur), only a single population of this peony consisting of 74 individuals with a reduced reproduction capacity occurs. Since this could be the consequence of negative allelopathic influence of dominant species of tree, shrub and herbaceous plant layer, we performed allelopathic studies that included qualitative and quantitative analyzes of phenolic acids and total phenolics both in the litter and soil of this community. Surface soil layer under Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica was found to connain 34.36 μg g1 and 564.42 μg g1 of free and total bound phenols, respectively. A deeper soil layer (10-20 cm) contained much lower amount of free (only 4.44 μg g1) and 571.73 μg g1 of total bound phenol compounds. In the surface soil layer only three free phenolic acids (ρ-coumaric, ρ-hydroxybenzoic and vanillic acid) in minute amounts (0.57-1.69 μg g1) were detected. In the deeper soil layer p-coumaric acid was absent. Soil covered with Paeonia officinalis ssp. banatica contains five phenolic acids in bound form, p-coumaric and vanillic acid being the most abundant (10.22-30.70 μg g1). These forms are evenly distributed in the surface and deeper soil layer.Banatski božur (Paeonia officinalis L. 1753 ssp. banatica (Rochel) Soó 1945) je panonski endem i relikt. Kao ugrožena vrsta koja iščezava, prema pravilima IUCN zaštićen je i uvršćen u Crvenu knjigu flore Srbije. U Deliblatskoj Peščari postoji samo jedna populacija sa 74 jedinke u lužnjakovoj zajednici (lokalitet Flamunda) smanjene reproduktivne sposobnosti, što je verovatno posledica negativnog alelopatskog uticaja dominantnih vrsta iz sprata drveća, žbunova i zeljastih biljaka na banatski božur. Stoga smo pristupili alelopatskim istraživanjima koja su obuhvatila analizu i merenje količine fenolnih kiselina i ukupnih fenola u stelji i zemljištu ove zajednice. Rezultati pokazuju da površinski sloj zemljišta pod banatskim božurom, sadrži 34,36/μg g1 slobodnih i 564,42 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Dublji sloj zemljišta (10-20 sm) sadrži znatno manju količinu slobodnih (samo 4,44 μg g1) i 571,73 μg g1 ukupnih vezanih fenola. U površinskom sloju zemljišta su detektovane samo tri slobodne fenolne kiseline (p-kumarinska, p-hidroksibenzoeva i vanilinska) u malim količinama (0,57-1,69 μg g1). Dublji sloj zeljišta nije sadržao p-kumarinsku kiselinu. Zeljište pod banatskim božurom sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina u vezanom stanju, pri čemu najviše ima p-kumarinske i vanilinske kiseline (10,22-30,70 μg g1). Ne postoji razlika u količini vezanih fenolnih kiselina u površinskom i dubljem zeljišnom sloju, pošto su ravnomerno raspoređene. U stelji koja se sastoji od delimično razloženog lišća i grančica trepetljike, gloga, bele topole, hrasta lužnjaka i dr. izmereno je 10,13 μg g1 slobodnih i 14.09 μg g1 vezanih ukupnih fenola. Ona sadrži pet fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezani oblici. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske kiseline (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Ona sadrži 5 fenolnih kiselina, pri čemu preovlađuju vezane forme. Najviše ima p-kumarinske, vanilinske i siringinske (61,78-194,49 μg g1). Diskutovana je moguća uloga fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta biljaka u fitocenozi u smanjenju brojnosti božura. U lužnjakovoj zajednici sa banatskim božurom, dobro je razvijen sprat žbunova i zeljastih biljaka (ima više od 60 biljnih vrsta), koje mogu negativno uticati na povećanje populacije božura. Kao meru za poboljšanje uslova za opstanak ove reliktne i endemične vrste naše Flore, potrebno je iz neposredne blizine populacije banatskog božura (na rastojanju od 3-4 m) uklanjati sve biljne vrste koje na bilo koji način mogu negativno uticati (biohemijski uticaj fenolnih jedinjenja dominantnih vrsta, zasena, konkurencija za vodu, mineralne materije i prostor).Projekat ministarstv

    The possibility for the conservation of beech forest (Fagetum submontanum/Rudski 1940/jov. 1967) on the microlocalities in the area of lower course of the Timok river: Eastern Serbia

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    Beech forest is mosaic-like ones, distributed on the microlocalities near Tamnič, Brusnik, Rečka, Braćevac, Crnomasnica, Rajac, Smedovac, Rogljevo and Mokranje villages. It is to be found at the altitude lower than 200 meters. Due to the uncontrolled deforestation there is danger of its complete disappearance. This community represents an interesting natural phenomenon and it should be put under certain degree of conservation. We think that its conservation is the most effective if it is carried out in the frame of the conservation and revitalization of the unique architectural complexes' The Timok wine cellars' (Rajac, Rogljevo, Smedovac). We believe that in this way this unique architecture 'Timočke pivnice' will be an important touristic destination enriched by interesting natural resources. .Bukova šuma je mozaično rasprostranjena na mikrolokalitetima u atarima sela Tamnič, Brusnik, Rečka, Braćevac, Crnomasnica, Rajac, Smedovac, Rogljevo i Mokranje. Nalazi se na nadmorskim visinama manjim od 200 m. Zbog nekontrolisane seče preti opasnost njenog potpunog uništenja. Ova zajednica predstavlja interesantan prirodni fenomen koji treba staviti pod određeni stepen zaštite. Smatramo da bi bilo najbolje da se njena zaštita sprovede u okviru zaštite i revitalizacije jedinstvenih arhitektonskih celina 'Timočkih pivnica' (Rajac, Rogljevo, Smedovac). Mi verujemo da bi graditeljsko nasleđe 'Timočkih pivnica' kao jedinstvena turistička destinacija bila obogaćena interesantnim prirodnim vrednostima.nul

    Dynamics and distribution of plant species in succession of sand vegetation on burnt area at the Deliblato Sands

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    At the Deliblato Sands, in the August 1996, on an area of 3.815 ha occurred disastrous fire. Burned up plantations of black locust, Austrian and Scotch pine, shrub, sand and steppe communities. In the aim of monitoring of vegetation succession the transect, size 20×30 m, was set at the habitat of burnt sand vegetation and juniper. The monitoring of dynamics and distribution of plant species in transect lasted from 1997. to 2001. years. In the first year after the fire there was formed pioneer sand community Corispermeto-Polygonetum arenariae Stjep.-Ves. 1953, and in the second year begins the formation of the sand community Festucetum vaginatae deliblaticum Stjep.-Ves. 1953. There were concluded the differences in the distribution of plant species at the microhabitats beneath the burnt juniper and on small dunes. .Na Deliblatskoj peščari, avgusta 1996. godine, na površini od 3.815 ha izbio je katastrofalni požar. Izgorele su kulture bagrema, crnog i belog bora, žbunaste, peščarske i stepske zajednice. U cilju praćenja sukcesije vegetacije postavljen je transekt veličine 20×30m na staništu opožarene peščarske vegetacije i kleke. Praćenje dinamike i distribucije biljnih vrsta u transektu je trajalo od 1997. do 2001. godine. Prve godine posle požara formirana je pionirska peščarska zajednica Corispermeto-Polygonetum arenariae Stjep.-Ves.1953, a u drugoj godini počinje da se formira peščarska zajednica Festucetum vaginatae deliblaticum Stjep.-Ves.1953. Konstatovane su razlike u distribuciji biljnih vrsta na mikrostaništima ispod izgorele kleke i na malim dinama. .nul

    Spruce nature reserves in Serbia: General characteristics and protection

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    This paper reviews the main characteristics of all spruce habitats on the territory of Serbia. The largest number of reserves is located on mountain Tara, whereas a single isolated site is in the gorge of Mileševka river. This paper also analyzes the number of spruce trees on the basis of the number of trees determined by regular taxational measurements in the reserves of the National Park Tara and in strict nature reserve 'Ravnište' in the gorge of Mileševka river. The smallest number of spruce trees was recorded in the reserve 'Crveni potok' (6 trees) and in 'Pod Gorušicom' (1 tree). Based on the determined number of spruce trees and its distribution, as one of the important indicators of the degree of its endangerment in the observed habitat, adequate protective measures were established. One of them was the planting of spruce aged 5-10 years in the reserve 'Crveni potok' on peat bog, in Mitrovac, where there was no natural regeneration of spruce.U radu su prikazane osnovne karakteristike svih staništa omorike na teritoriji Srbije. Najveći broj rezervata se nalazi na planini Tari, a jedno izolovano nalazište je u klisuri Mileševke. Takođe, u radu je analizirana brojnost omorike na bazi broja stabala dobijenih redovnim taksacionim premerima u rezervatima Nacionalnog parka Tara i strogom prirodnom rezervatu 'Ravnište' u klisuri Mileševke. Najmanji broj stabala omorike zabeležen je u rezervatu Crveni potok (6 stabala) i Pod Gorušicom (1 stablo). Na osnovu utvrđene brojnosti i zastupljenosti omorike kao jednog od bitnih pokazatelja stepena ugroženosti na posmatranom staništu, predviđene su i odgovarajuće mere zaštite. Jedna od njih je sadnja omorike starosti 5-10 godina u rezervatu Crveni potok na tresetu, na Mitrovcu, u kome nema njenog prirodnog obnavljanja.nul