22 research outputs found

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    <p>(A) Graphical map of the BLAST results showing nucleotide identity between <i>A</i>. <i>fasciata</i> mitogenome and 15 related species listed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0136297#pone.0136297.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>, as generated by the CGView comparison tool (CCT). CCT arranges BLAST result in an order where sequence that is most similar to the reference (<i>A</i>. <i>fasciata</i>) is placed closer to the outer edge of the map. The rings labelled 1 to17 indicate BLAST results of <i>A</i>. <i>fasciata</i> mitogenome against <i>A</i>. <i>chrysaetos</i>, <i>N</i>. <i>nipalensis</i>, <i>N</i>. <i>alboniger</i>, <i>S</i>. <i>cheela</i>, <i>A</i>. <i>monachus</i>, <i>B</i>. <i>lagopus</i>, <i>B</i>. <i>buteo</i>, <i>B</i>. <i>buteo burmanicus</i>, <i>A</i>. <i>soloensis</i>, <i>A</i>. <i>virgatus</i>, <i>A</i>. <i>gentilis</i>, <i>A</i>. <i>nisus</i>, <i>P</i>. <i>haliaetus</i>, <i>S</i>. <i>serpentarius</i>, <i>C</i>. <i>aura</i>, <i>P</i>. <i>badius</i>, and <i>S</i>. <i>leptogrammica</i>, respectively. (B) Nucleotide-based phylogenetic tree of 16 Accipitriformes species, with two Strigiformes birds as outgroups. This analysis is based on 13PCGs. Both ML and Bayesian analyses produced identical tree topologies. The ML bootstrap and Bayesian posterior probability values for each node are indicated.</p

    Mitogenomic Codon Usage Patterns of Superfamily Certhioidea (Aves, Passeriformes): Insights into Asymmetrical Bias and Phylogenetic Implications

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    The superfamily Certhioidea currently comprises five families. Due to the rapid diversification, the phylogeny of Certhioidea is still controversial. The advent of next generation sequencing provides a unique opportunity for a mitogenome-wide study. Here, we first provided six new complete mitogenomes of Certhioidea (Certhia americana, C. familiaris, Salpornis spilonota, Cantorchilus leucotis, Pheugopedius coraya, and Pheugopedius genibarbis). We further paid attention to the genomic characteristics, codon usages, evolutionary rates, and phylogeny of the Certhioidea mitogenomes. All mitogenomes we analyzed displayed typical ancestral avian gene order with 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, and one control region (CR). Our study indicated the strand-biased compositional asymmetry might shape codon usage preferences in mitochondrial genes. In addition, natural selection might be the main factor in shaping the codon usages of genes. Additionally, evolutionary rate analyses indicated all mitochondrial genes were under purifying selection. Moreover, MT-ATP8 and MT-CO1 were the most rapidly evolving gene and conserved genes, respectively. According to our mitophylogenetic analyses, the monophylies of Troglodytidae and Sittidae were strongly supported. Importantly, we suggest that Salpornis should be separated from Certhiidae and put into Salpornithidae to maintain the monophyly of Certhiidae. Our findings are useful for further evolutionary studies within Certhioidea

    Ten Plastomes of Crassula (Crassulaceae) and Phylogenetic Implications

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    The genus Crassula is the second-largest genus in the family Crassulaceae, with about 200 species. As an acknowledged super-barcode, plastomes have been extensively utilized for plant evolutionary studies. Here, we first report 10 new plastomes of Crassula. We further focused on the structural characterizations, codon usage, aversion patterns, and evolutionary rates of plastomes. The IR junction patterns&mdash;IRb had 110 bp expansion to rps19&mdash;were conservative among Crassula species. Interestingly, we found the codon usage patterns of matK gene in Crassula species are unique among Crassulaceae species with elevated ENC values. Furthermore, subgenus Crassula species have specific GC-biases in the matK gene. In addition, the codon aversion motifs from matK, pafI, and rpl22 contained phylogenetic implications within Crassula. The evolutionary rates analyses indicated all plastid genes of Crassulaceae were under the purifying selection. Among plastid genes, ycf1 and ycf2 were the most rapidly evolving genes, whereas psaC was the most conserved gene. Additionally, our phylogenetic analyses strongly supported that Crassula is sister to all other Crassulaceae species. Our findings will be useful for further evolutionary studies within the Crassula and Crassulaceae

    Structural Diversities and Phylogenetic Signals in Plastomes of the Early-Divergent Angiosperms: A Case Study in Saxifragales

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    As representative of the early-divergent groups of angiosperms, Saxifragales is extremely divergent in morphology, comprising 15 families. Within this order, our previous case studies observed significant structural diversities among the plastomes of several lineages, suggesting a possible role in elucidating their deep phylogenetic relationships. Here, we collected 208 available plastomes from 11 constituent families to explore the evolutionary patterns among Saxifragales. With thorough comparisons, the losses of two genes and three introns were found in several groups. Notably, 432 indel events have been observed from the introns of all 17 plastomic intron-containing genes, which could well play an important role in family barcoding. Moreover, numerous heterogeneities and strong intrafamilial phylogenetic implications were revealed in pttRNA (plastomic tRNA) structures, and the unique structural patterns were also determined for five families. Most importantly, based on the well-supported phylogenetic trees, evident phylogenetic signals were detected in combinations with the identified pttRNAs features and intron indels, demonstrating abundant lineage-specific characteristics for Saxifragales. Collectively, the results reported here could not only provide a deeper understanding into the evolutionary patterns of Saxifragales, but also provide a case study for exploring the plastome evolution at a high taxonomic level of angiosperms

    Next-Generation Genome Sequencing of Sedum plumbizincicola Sheds Light on the Structural Evolution of Plastid rRNA Operon and Phylogenetic Implications within Saxifragales

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    The genus Sedum, with about 470 recognized species, is classified in the family Crassulaceae of the order Saxifragales. Phylogenetic relationships within the Saxifragales are still unresolved and controversial. In this study, the plastome of S. plumbizincicola was firstly presented, with a focus on the structural analysis of rrn operon and phylogenetic implications within the order Saxifragaceae. The assembled complete plastome of S. plumbizincicola is 149,397 bp in size, with a typical circular, double-stranded, and quadripartite structure of angiosperms. It contains 133 genes, including 85 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 36 tRNA genes, 8 rRNA genes, and four pseudogenes (one ycf1, one rps19, and two ycf15). The predicted secondary structure of S. plumbizincicola 16S rRNA includes three main domains organized in 74 helices. Further, our results confirm that 4.5S rRNA of higher plants is associated with fragmentation of 23S rRNA progenitor. Notably, we also found the sequence of putative rrn5 promoter has some evolutionary implications within the order Saxifragales. Moreover, our phylogenetic analyses suggested that S. plumbizincicola had a closer relationship with S. sarmentosum than S. oryzifolium, and supported the taxonomic revision of Phedimus. Our findings of the present study will be useful for further investigation of the evolution of plastid rRNA operon and phylogenetic relationships within Saxifragales

    The Mitogenome of Sedum plumbizincicola (Crassulaceae): Insights into RNA Editing, Lateral Gene Transfer, and Phylogenetic Implications

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    As the largest family within the order Saxifragales, Crassulaceae contains about 34 genera with 1400 species. Mitochondria play a critical role in cellular energy production. Since the first land plant mitogenome was reported in Arabidopsis, more than 400 mitogenomic sequences have been deposited in a public database. However, no entire mitogenome data have been available for species of Crassulaceae to date. To better understand the evolutionary history of the organelles of Crassulaceae, we sequenced and performed comprehensive analyses on the mitogenome of Sedum plumbizincicola. The master mitogenomic circle is 212,159 bp in length, including 31 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 14 tRNA genes, and 3 rRNA genes. We further identified totally 508 RNA editing sites in PCGs, and demonstrated that the second codon positions of mitochondrial genes are most prone to RNA editing events. Notably, by neutrality plot analyses, we observed that the mitochondrial RNA editing events have large effects on the driving forces of plant evolution. Additionally, 4 MTPTs and 686 NUMTs were detected in the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of S. plumbizincicola, respectively. Additionally, we conducted further analyses on gene transfer, secondary structures of mitochondrial RNAs, and phylogenetic implications. Therefore, the findings presented here will be helpful for future investigations on plant mitogenomes

    Phylogram showing the phylogenetic relationship in Anseriformes based on two mitochondrial genes.

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    <p>The values on nodes indicate the split time and Bayesian posterior probabilities which were calculated by BEAST 1.7.4, “-” indicated that the value was less than 70. Blue bars at nodes show 95% HPD of divergence times.</p