50 research outputs found

    The roles of transcription factors in Nucleotide excision repair in yeast

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    Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is a conserved DNA repair mechanism capable of removing a variety of helix-distorting lesions, such as UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). NER can be grouped into two pathways: global genomic NER (GGR), which refers to repair throughout the genome, and transcription coupled NER (TCR), which refers to a repair mechanism that is dedicated to the transcribed strand (TS) of actively transcribed genes. In yeast S. cerevisiae, Rad7, Rad16, and Elc1 are specifically required for GGR. TCR is believed to be initiated by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) stalled at a lesion in the TS of a gene. Rad26, the yeast homolog of the human CSB protein, and RPB9, a nonessential subunit of Pol II, play important roles in TCR. However, the exact mechanisms of NER in eukaryotic cells are still elusive. By using yeast S. cerevisiae as a model organism, this dissertation focused on the functional mechanisms of transcription factor Tfb5, transcription elongation factors Spt4 and Spt5, and the putative yeast transcription repair coupling factor (TRCF) Rad26 in NER, especially in TCR pathway. Tfb5, the tenth subunit of the transcription/repair factor TFIIH, is implicated in one group of the human syndrome trichothiodystrophy (TTD). We found that Tfb5 plays different roles in different NER pathways in yeast. Tfb5 is essential for GGR and Rpb9 mediated TCR. However, Tfb5 is partially dispensable for Rad26 mediated TCR, especially in GGR deficient cells. Spt4 and its interacting partner Spt5 cooperatively suppress TCR only in the absence of Rad26, regardless of the presence of Rpb9. The phosphorylation of C-terminal repeat (CTR) domain of Spt5 by the Bur kinase plays an important role in the suppression. Immunoprecipitation results indicate that Rad26 dynamically associates with Pol II and restrains the binding of Spt4/Spt5 to Pol II. ATPase activity of Rad26 is required for facilitating TCR and for restraining the binding of Spt4/Spt5 to Pol II. Finally, we proposed that Rad26 enhances TCR by restraining the binding of suppressors Spt4/Spt5 to Pol II. These findings provide new insights into the functional mechanisms of Tfb5, Spt4/Spt5 and Rad26 in NER, especially in TCR

    IscA mediates iron delivery for assembly of iron-sulfur clusters in IscU under the limited accessible free iron conditions

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    Increasing evidence suggests that IscS, a cysteine desulfurase, provides sulfur for assembly of transient iron-sulfur clusters in IscU. IscU appears to act as a scaffold and eventually transfers the assembled clusters to target proteins. However, the iron donor for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly largely remains elusive. Here we find that Escherichia coli IscU fails to assemble iron-sulfur clusters when the accessible free iron in solution is limited by an iron chelator sodium citrate. Remarkably, IscA, an iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein with an iron association constant of 3.0 × 1019 M-1, is able to overcome the iron limitation due to sodium citrate and deliver iron for the IscS-mediated iron-sulfur cluster-assembly in IscU. Substitution of the invariant cysteine residues Cys-99 or Cys-101 in IscA with serine completely abolishes the iron binding activity of the protein. The IscA mutants that fail to bind iron are unable to mediate iron delivery for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in IscU under the limited accessible free iron conditions. The results suggest that IscA is capable of recruiting intracellular iron and providing iron for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in IscU in cells in which the accessible free iron content is probably restricted

    Consensus Paper: Cerebellar Development

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    The development of the mammalian cerebellum is orchestrated by both cell-autonomous programs and inductive environmental influences. Here, we describe the main processes of cerebellar ontogenesis, highlighting the neurogenic strategies used by developing progenitors, the genetic programs involved in cell fate specification, the progressive changes of structural organization, and some of the better-known abnormalities associated with developmental disorders of the cerebellum

    Generation of two induced pluripotent stem cell lines with heterozygous and homozygous GAG deletion in TOR1A gene from a healthy hiPSC line

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    A typical DYT1 dystonia is caused by a heterozygous GAG deletion (c.907-909) in the TOR1A gene (ΔE, p.Glu303del) and the pathogenesis is not clear. In this study, human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines carrying the heterozygous or homozygous GAG deletion in TOR1A gene were generated by genetic modification of a healthy hiPSC line (WTC11, UCSFi001-A). These hiPSC lines showed the normal stem cell morphology and karyotype, expressed the same pluripotency markers as their parental line, and had the capacity to differentiate into three germ layers, providing a valuable resource in determining the pathogenesis of human DYT1 dystonia

    Nuclear Export Through Nuclear Envelope Remodeling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae [preprint]

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    In eukaryotes, subsets of exported mRNAs are organized into large ribonucleoprotein (megaRNP) granules. How megaRNPs exit the nucleus is unclear, as their diameters are much larger than the nuclear pore complex (NPC) central channel. We previously identified a non-canonical nuclear export mechanism in Drosophila (Speese et al., Cell 2012) and mammals (Ding et al., in preparation), in which megaRNPs exit the nucleus by budding across nuclear envelope (NE) membranes. Here, we present evidence for a similar pathway in the nucleus of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae, which contain morphologically similar granules bearing mRNAs. Wild-type yeast displayed these granules at very low frequency, but this frequency was dramatically increased when the non-essential NPC protein Nup116 was deleted. These granules were not artifacts of defective NPCs; a mutation in the exportin XPO1 (CRM1), in which NPCs are normal, induced similar megaRNP upregulation. We hypothesize that a non-canonical nuclear export pathway, analogous to those observed in Drosophila and in mammalian cells, exists in yeast, and that this pathway is upregulated for use when NPCs or nuclear export are impaired

    Temporal regulation of nuclear factor one occupancy by calcineurin/NFAT governs a voltage-sensitive developmental switch in late maturing neurons

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    Dendrite and synapse development are critical for establishing appropriate neuronal circuits, and disrupted timing of these events can alter neural connectivity. Using microarrays, we have identified a nuclear factor I (NFI)-regulated temporal switch program linked to dendrite formation in developing mouse cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs). NFI function was required for upregulation of many synapse-related genes as well as downregulation of genes expressed in immature CGNs. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that a central feature of this program was temporally regulated NFI occupancy of late-expressed gene promoters. Developing CGNs undergo a hyperpolarizing shift in membrane potential, and depolarization inhibits their dendritic and synaptic maturation via activation of calcineurin (CaN) (Okazawa et al., 2009). Maintaining immature CGNs in a depolarized state blocked NFI temporal occupancy of late-expressed genes and the NFI switch program via activation of the CaN/nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic (NFATc) pathway and promotion of late-gene occupancy by NFATc4, and these mechanisms inhibited dendritogenesis. Conversely, inhibition of the CaN/NFATc pathway in CGNs maturing under physiological nondepolarizing conditions upregulated the NFI switch program, NFI temporal occupancy, and dendrite formation. NFATc4 occupied the promoters of late-expressed NFI program genes in immature mouse cerebellum, and its binding was temporally downregulated with development. Further, NFI temporal binding and switch gene expression were upregulated in the developing cerebellum of Nfatc4 (-/-) mice. These findings define a novel NFI switch and temporal occupancy program that forms a critical link between membrane potential/CaN and dendritic maturation in CGNs. CaN inhibits the program and NFI occupancy in immature CGNs by promoting NFATc4 binding to late-expressed genes. As maturing CGNs become more hyperpolarized, NFATc4 binding declines leading to onset of NFI temporal binding and the NFI switch program

    Rpb1 Sumoylation in Response to UV Radiation or Transcriptional Impairment in Yeast

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    Covalent modifications of proteins by ubiquitin and the Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier (SUMO) have been revealed to be involved in a plethora of cellular processes, including transcription, DNA repair and DNA damage responses. It has been well known that in response to DNA damage that blocks transcription elongation, Rpb1, the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (Pol II), is ubiquitylated and subsequently degraded in mammalian and yeast cells. However, it is still an enigma regarding how Pol II responds to damaged DNA and conveys signal(s) for DNA damage-related cellular processes. We found that Rpb1 is also sumoylated in yeast cells upon UV radiation or impairment of transcription elongation, and this modification is independent of DNA damage checkpoint activation. Ubc9, an E2 SUMO conjugase, and Siz1, an E3 SUMO ligase, play important roles in Rpb1 sumoylation. K1487, which is located in the acidic linker region between the C-terminal domain and the globular domain of Rpb1, is the major sumoylation site. Rpb1 sumoylation is not affected by its ubiquitylation, and vice versa, indicating that the two processes do not crosstalk. Abolishment of Rpb1 sumoylation at K1487 does not affect transcription elongation or transcription coupled repair (TCR) of UV-induced DNA damage. However, deficiency in TCR enhances UV-induced Rpb1 sumoylation, presumably due to the persistence of transcription-blocking DNA lesions in the transcribed strand of a gene. Remarkably, abolishment of Rpb1 sumoylation at K1487 causes enhanced and prolonged UV-induced phosphorylation of Rad53, especially in TCR-deficient cells, suggesting that the sumoylation plays a role in restraining the DNA damage checkpoint response caused by transcription-blocking lesions. Our results demonstrate a novel covalent modification of Rpb1 in response to UV induced DNA damage or transcriptional impairment, and unravel an important link between the modification and the DNA damage checkpoint response

    Modeling Movement Disorders via Generation of hiPSC-Derived Motor Neurons

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    Generation of motor neurons (MNs) from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) overcomes the limited access to human brain tissues and provides an unprecedent approach for modeling MN-related diseases. In this review, we discuss the recent progression in understanding the regulatory mechanisms of MN differentiation and their applications in the generation of MNs from hiPSCs, with a particular focus on two approaches: induction by small molecules and induction by lentiviral delivery of transcription factors. At each induction stage, different culture media and supplements, typical growth conditions and cellular morphology, and specific markers for validation of cell identity and quality control are specifically discussed. Both approaches can generate functional MNs. Currently, the major challenges in modeling neurological diseases using iPSC-derived neurons are: obtaining neurons with high purity and yield; long-term neuron culture to reach full maturation; and how to culture neurons more physiologically to maximize relevance to in vivo conditions