7 research outputs found

    Secukinumab induced Behcet's syndrome: a report of two cases

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    Secukinumab is a human monoclonal antibody against IL-17A that has been shown to be effective in psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). On the other hand, in randomized controlled trials among patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and uveitis due to Behcet's syndrome (BS) treated with secukinumab, primary end points were not met and the drug caused more exacerbations compared to placebo. The drug fact sheet states that secukinumab should be used with caution in patients with CD; however, there are no warnings for those with BS. Here, we present two patients with AS treated with secukinumab; we observed exacerbation of BS in one and emergence of de novo BS in another. Although IL-17A is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of BS, our observations suggest that it might have a protective role. Finally, we suggest caution is required with the inhibition of IL-17 in BS

    Miliary Tuberculosis Induced Acute Liver Failure

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    Hepatobiliary tuberculosis is uncommon even in endemic countries. It is associated with a high mortality and is even diagnosed early in the disease course. Acute liver failure (ALF) caused by tuberculosis bacilli has been reported in only a few reports. All previous cases have been diagnosed by postmortem examination. Time to antituberculosis treatment is very critical. In case of suggestive findings on clinical and radiologic examination, antituberculosis treatment should be initiated immediately. Drug use can be a challenge in patients with ALF. However, as long as the other possible causes of ALF can be excluded and hepatotoxic drugs were avoided during the early course of treatment, such a highly fatal presentation of tuberculosis can be treated safely. Here, we report a case of acute liver failure as a presentation of miliary tuberculosis. He was treated successfully with antituberculosis treatment