8 research outputs found

    Study of the gingival health in children with crown restorations

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    Introduction: Prosthetic treatment with fixed constructions is an effective method for recovering severely destroyed teeth. The purpose of this study is to track the changes in the gingival tissues around teeth, which are prosthetically treated with different aesthetic crowns.Materials and Methods: Eighty-two teeth were studied with 46 of them being restored with CAD/CAM composite crowns and 36 with ready-made zirconia crowns. The assessment of the condition of the surrounding soft tissues was performed using the modified gingival index (MGI).Results: Slight gingival inflammation of the severely destroyed natural teeth (MGI - 1,25 ÷ 2,13) was reported, whereas after their restoration with crown constructions, healing processes and decreasing of the gingival index during the follow-up period occurred. The MGI, one year after placing the constructions, was 0 ÷ 1.44.Conclusion: CAD/CAM and ready-made zirconia crowns have excellent compatibility with surrounding soft tissues and do not disturb gingival health

    Trends in the application of prosthetic treatment in children

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    Протетичното лечение е от особена важност при деца, чиито съзъбия не са се развили нормално поради различни генетични заболявания, травми, множествен кариес и кариес на ранното детство.Цел: Целта на настоящото изследване е да се проучат нагласите за приложение на протетичното възстановяване при деца.Материал и методи: Чрез разработена за целта анонимна анкетна карта са изследвани 767 лекари по дентална медицина в цялата страна. Получените резултати са разгледани от гледна точка на местоположение на денталната практика, пол, възраст, стаж и наличие на специалност на денталните лекари. Данните са обработени статистически.Резултати: Основната част от анкетираните лекари по дентална медицина са от областни градове (85,90 %), като средната възраст е 45,9 г. Преобладават жените (61,50 %) и денталните лекари със стаж над 10 г. (69,10 %). Въпреки че, по-голямата част от изследваните лица имат дългогодишен стаж, значителната част са без специалност (62,70 %). От ЛДМ със специалност, преобладават тези, които имат специалност по обща стоматология (49,70 %). Значителната част от специалистите по дентална медицина са посочили, че често лекуват деца в своята практика (67,90 %) като само 10,6 % (81 души) от всички анкетирани поставят протезни конструкции.Заключение: Познаването и приложението на методите на протетичната детска дентална медицина осигуряват възможност за възстановяване на трите медико-биологични показателя, като същевременно подобряват физическото, психо-емоционално и социално развитие на детето.Prosthetic treatment is of particular importance in children whose dental structures have not developed normally due to various genetic diseases, traumas, multiple caries and early childhood caries.Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the trends in the use of prosthetic restoration in children.Materials and Methods: Seven hundred sixty-seven dentists from the whole country were included in anonymous questionnaire survey especially designed for the purpose of this study. The obtained results are considered from the point of view of the location of dental practice, sex, age, years of practice and presence of specialty of dental practitioners. The results were processed statistically.Results: The majority of the respondents were from district towns (85.90%) and the average age was 45.9 years. The prevalence was higher for women (61.50%) and dental practitioners with experience over 10 years (69, 10%). Although the majority of the people had long-term experience, the significant part of them is without specialty (62.70%). Of all dentists with specialty, those with specialty in general dentistry (49.70%) predominate. A significant part of the dentists indicated that they often treat children in their practice (67.90%), but only 10.6% (81 people) of all respondents were using prosthetic treatment in children.Conclusion: The knowledge and application of the methods of prosthetic dentistry in children provides an opportunity for restoration of the three medical-biological indicators, while improving the child‘s physical, psycho-emotional and social development


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    Adequate and balanced import of essential nutrients is of particular importance for the developing child's organism. The purpose of the present study was to examine the intake of main macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) from the daily diets of children aged 3 - 15 years. Material and methods: Subjects of the study were 45 children at the average age of 7 ± 2.73 years. Based on children and parents’ data, 24-hour dietary registers were obtained for all studied children. The data on received food and fluids from the registers were analyzed, and the daily energy intake values (E%) of proteins, carbohydrates and fats were derived. Results: For all studied children, mean values of protein intake of 15.8 ± 3.5 E%, fat intake of 38.1 ± 7.5 E% and carbohydrate intake of 49.5 ± 7.31 E% were found. Conclusion: The study results show that protein and carbohydrate intake values are consistent with the physiological norms for the age, while the fat intake values are above the recommended in our young patients

    Satisfaction Of The Children With Fixed Prosthetic Treatment

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    Оценката на удовлетвореността на децата след възстановяване с коронкови конструкции може да бъде отличенизточник на допълнителна информация, която да бъде използвана с цел повишаване качеството на протетичното лечение на малките пациенти.Цел на изследването е да се проучи удовлетвореността на децата след неснемаемо коронково протезиране.Материали методи: Обект на изследване са 34 деца(19 момчета и 15 момичета) на средна възраст6.8±1.9, протезирани с 36 фабрични циркониеви и 46 композитни CAD/CAM корони. Всички конструкции са поставени върху млечни зъби в период на временно и смесено съзъбие. По време на контролния преглед - 2 седмици след лечението децата попълват специално разработена анонимна анкетна карта, съдържаща 7 въпроса, разглеждащи основните аспекти на протетичното лечение - функционален, естетичен, профилактичен, психо-профилактичен. Оценката на отговорите се извършва по 3-точкова скала на Likert (положителен, неутрален и отрицателен отговор). Резултатите са обработени статистически като са използвани вариационен и сравнителен анализ.Резултати: Резултатите от изследването на субективната оценка на децата за проведеното протетично възстановяване показаха, че няма съществена разлика в мнението между децата. Всички изследвани обекти показват висока удовлетвореност от проведеното протетичнолечение (индекс на удовлетвореност = 2,77, при максимален 3,00).Заключение: Протетичното възстановяване с композитни CAD/CAM корони и циркониеви коронив детска възраст осигурява не само висока функционалност, но и възстановява адекватно естетичните параметри на съзъбието, което оказва влияние върху правилното физическо, психо-емоционално и социално развитие на детето.The assessment of child satisfaction after treatment with crowns can be an excellent source of additional information which can be used to improve the quality of prosthetic treatment of young patients. Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate the satisfaction of children after fixed prosthetic treatment. Materials and Methods: The subject of study were 34 children (19 boys and 15 girls) at an average age 6.8±1.9, who had gone through prosthetic treatment with 36 fabric zirconia and 46 composite CAD/CAM crowns. All of the prosthetic constructions were placed during the primary and mixed dentition stage. During the subsequent examination, 2 weeks after treatment, the children completed a specially developed anonymous questionnaire containing 7 questions examining the main aspects of prosthetic treatment - functional, aesthetic, prophylactic, psychoprophylactic. The evaluation of the answers is done on a 3-point scale of Likert (positive, neutral and negative response). The results were statistically processed using variation and comparative analysis. The results of the subjective assessment of children for the prosthetic restoration showed that there was no significant difference in the opinions among the children. All subjects showed high satisfaction with the prosthetic treatment (Satisfaction Index = 2.77, maximum 3.00). Conclusion: The prosthetic treatment with composite CAD/CAM crowns and zirconium crowns in children provides not only high functionality but also restores adequately the aesthetic parameters of the dentition, which affects the proper physical, psycho-emotional and social development of the child

    Application of aesthetic crowns in children patients

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    Неснемаемото коронково протезиране се приема за сигурен и успешен метод за възстановяване увредените млечни и постоянни зъби. Цел на изследването е да се проучи приложението на естетичните корони в ежедневната практика на лекарите по дентална медицина в България. Източник на информация беше специално разработена за целта анкетна карта. Обект на изследване са 767 лекари по дентална медицина от цялата страна. Резултатите са обработени статистически, като са използвани методите на вариационен, сравнителен и корелационен анализ. От изследваните дентални лекари само 10.70% (82 души) са посочили, че използват естетични корони при деца. Значима разлика в при-ложението на естетичното протезиране с корони има по отношение на наличието на специалност, вида на съзъбието и използвания материал. Предимство при възстановяването с естетични корони е подобряването не само на функционалната ефективност, но и на естетическите показатели и психоемоционалното състояние на децата.Fixed prosthetic treatment is considered a safe and successful method for restoration of damaged primary and permanent teeth.Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate the application of aesthetic crowns in the daily practice of dentists in Bulgaria.Materials and Methods: The source of information was a questionnaire specifically designed for the purpose of the survey. Seven hundred sixty-seven dentists from all over the country were the subject of the research. The results were statistically processed using the methods of variation, comparison and correlation analysis.Results: Of the all respondents, only 10.70% (82 people) reported that they were using aesthetic crowns as a method of restoration of the teeth of children. A significant difference in the application of aesthetic crowns was the presence of the specialty, the type of dentition and the used material. Conclusion: The advantage of using aesthetic crowns as a method of restoration is the improvement not only of functional efficiency, but also of the aesthetic appearance and the psycho-emotional state of the children


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    Introduction: There are many factors that have an influence on the nutritional status of older people, but the significance of nutrition for the quality of life is indisputable. Complete tooth loss affects and changes nutritional habits, which poses important questions about the intake of energy and macronutrients in subjects with complete dentures. The aim of this study was to make a comparative analysis of the energy and macronutrient intake in subjects with complete dentures, based on the Bulgarian recommendations for the physiological needs. Materials and methods: An individual questionnaire was used to collect the primary information, covering the following areas: demographic, co-morbid and 3-day dietary intake registered data, as well as a dental examination to confirm the total tooth loss. The investigation was conducted between March and April 2017 in Sofia and Varna. The study included 28 subjects, aged 47 to 89 years. Statistical data processing was performed with the SPSS software for Windows 15.0. Results: The average daily energy intake levels were by about 200 kcal higher than the reference needs for the male subjects with low physical activity, aged over 60 years and close to the recommended for the female subjects. For both sexes, protein intake levels corresponding to the reference, but at the expense of animal proteins (>60%); low carbohydrate intake levels (<40%), but increased intake of added sugars (10-12%); low intake of dietary fibers (<25 grams); high intake of fats, mostly at the expense of saturated fatty acids, were found. Conclusion: Unfavorable tendencies were identified in the nutrition of subjects with total tooth loss, which may further contribute to a worsening of their co-morbid conditions

    A clinical case of perforation of the maxillary sinus membrane during sinus lift surgery and a proposed methodology for the management of subsequent complications

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    INTRODUCTION: Bony projections on the inner surface of the maxillary sinus are divided into two main groups: exostoses, which are rounded bone structures, and septa, defined as having a pointed end. Bony septa are common anatomical structures and can lead to complications during sinus augmentation procedures.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study reports a clinical case of a vertical partial basal bony septum, where upon elevation of the sinus membrane, its perforation was observed (size >5 mm).RESULTS: The present study proposes a method of treatment of perforated sinus membranes.The post-surgical period was uneventful. The bone grafting material remained compact in the sinus augmentation site.CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method for the management of perforated sinus membranes can be applied in surgical procedures for perforations > 5 mm in size


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    Aim: The aim of the research is to make an analysis of the most often FDM-Sofia students’ errors in the partial dentures fabrication process. Materials and methods: A number of 155 partial dentures were analysed after the practical exam of the 2nd year FDM-Sofia students. Some of the basic fabrication errors were analysed such as; proper resin polymerization, finishing and polishing process, denture borders shaping, interdental spaces, teeth setup, clasps and major connector profile. Results: The results from the research revealed significant theoretic and practical errors, due to inadequate training process of the students. We found a necessity to introduce a problem-based education in the PPDM training process. Conclusion: The contemporary education in prosthetic dental medicine, should lead the students into understanding the frames of problem-based education