155 research outputs found

    Opportunities, language, and time

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    Opportunity has different meanings in entrepreneurial practice and academic scholarship, entwined with the distinct activities of dealing with practical contingencies and capturing theoretical necessities. The language and time of an academic stance sidestep defining aspects of the entrepreneurial experience: its indeterminate situations, instrumental role of language, and role of knowledge as guide to action. Seeking attunement with these aspects, the paper outlines the evolution of opportunity from language dependence to language independence within a process of transition from individual aspirations to social structure. This opens up promising research directions, in which the scholar-entrepreneur relationship is redefined in terms of solidarity rather than objectivity. Alongside the traditional emphasis on theoretical contribution, research could seek design and phronetic contributions, in an open-ended search for better ideas for coping with a contingent reality

    Opportunities, language, and time

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    Opportunity has different meanings in entrepreneurial practice and academic scholarship, entwined with the distinct activities of dealing with practical contingencies and capturing theoretical necessities. The language and time of an academic stance sidestep defining aspects of the entrepreneurial experience: its indeterminate situations, instrumental role of language, and role of knowledge as guide to action. Seeking attunement with these aspects, the paper outlines the evolution of opportunity from language dependence to language independence within a process of transition from individual aspirations to social structure. This opens up promising research directions, in which the scholar-entrepreneur relationship is redefined in terms of solidarity rather than objectivity. Alongside the traditional emphasis on theoretical contribution, research could seek design and phronetic contributions, in an open-ended search for better ideas for coping with a contingent reality

    From "Opportunity" to Opportunity:The design space for entrepreneurial action

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    This paper leverages the distinction between “opportunity” as the content of entrepreneurial intention and opportunity as external conditions for entrepreneurial success to focus on the action space of entrepreneurship. The “opportunity” triangle of person, venture concept, and theory of change provides a holistic, dynamic interface through which entrepreneurs act upon the world. It invites scholarly inquiry grounded in design science and its edges define three core activities of entrepreneurship as a design activity: framing, modeling, and performing. The dialog between scholar and entrepreneur makes the triangle visible, facilitating reflection and deliberation in entrepreneurial practice

    Facing the future through entrepreneurship theory:A prospective inquiry framework

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    In this paper, we address a thorny challenge: how can entrepreneurship scholarship enhance its impact without compromising the pursuit of conceptual rigor and theoretical novelty? We propose a prospective inquiry framework for entrepreneurship. It aims to align the scholarly pursuit of theoretical novelty with the entrepreneurs’ focus on the future, in a shared aspiration to make a difference in the world. By expanding the focus of theoretical work toward the future, scholarship can focus on the formulation, exploration, and evaluation of alternatives to the present, as theoriesfor desired futures. Prospective inquiry retains the primacy of theorizing while expanding its purpose, value, and use in entrepreneurship research, unleashing its generative power. It opens new spaces for theoretical excellence, dissolves the research-practice gap, and allows researchers and practitioners to theorize and enact their aspirations for the future

    Visions of Futures and Futures of Visions: Entrepreneurs, Artifacts, and Worlds

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    In a recent effort to develop the individual-opportunity nexus, Ramoglou and McMullen (2022) argue that extant conceptualizations of opportunities fail because they reify opportunities by engaging in “thing-talk”. Their proposed alternative ignores concrete things by reinterpreting the nexus in terms of confident entrepreneurs (who imagine world-states) and world-states (that are possible or not). But, regardless of formulation, the dualistic nexus framework fails to account for the creative aspects of entrepreneurship and places impossible demands on the concept of opportunity. A triadic view of entrepreneurs, artifacts, and worlds transcends the distinction between “thing-talk” and “confidence-talk” as central to an unambiguous scholarly use of opportunity language. Acknowledging artifacts as tangible interfaces between entrepreneurial confidence and real-world conditions also prompts a reevaluation of what Ramoglou and McMullen (2022) term “entrepreneurial work”, calling for an approach that duly acknowledges its creative, artifact-centered, and indeed world-making character

    Фактори определящи избора на постеля при свободно-боксово отглеждане на крави за мляко - Обзор

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    The subject of the study are the most commonly used bedding materials in freestall housing system in dairy cattle farming and the factors determining their choice. In recent years, in many countries as well as in Bulgaria there has been a tendency to change from small dairy cattle farms to larger ones by applying intensive farming systems. Many factors must be taken into account when developing appropriate interior design of dairy freestall barns. Among these factors is the providing of comfortable resting places with minimal risk of body injuries and bacterial infections. The bedding must meet many conditions: to be inexpensive, dry, not to support bacterial growth, not to contain pathogens, to be comfortable for cows to rest, and to be compatible with the manure cleaning system. Increased amounts of bedding have been shown to increase cow comfort by increasing the lying time, however controlling bacterial counts and udder health requires frequent removal of bedding material. The most widely used bedding materials in dairy cattle farming worldwide can be grouped into two main groups: organic - straw, hay (dried grass), sawdust, wood shavings, crop residues, composted manure and paper, and inorganic: sand, limestone, gypsum, rubber mats and mattresses, cement. When choosing bedding, first the comfort that it will provide to the animals must be considered, then whether the bedding will properly match the manure cleaning system and last but not least the price it will cost.Предмет на изследването са най-често използваните материали за постеля при системата за свободно боксово отглеждане в млечното говедовъдство и факторите, определящи техния избор.През последните години в редица страни, както и в България се наблюдава тенденция за промяна от малки млечни ферми към по-големи с прилагане на интензивни системи на отглеждане. Много фактори трябва да бъдат взети под внимание при разработването на подходящ вътрешен дизайн на сградите за свободно боксово отглеждане. Сред тези фактори е осигуряването на удобни места за почивка, с минимален риск за телесни увреждания и бактериални инфекции. Постелята трябва да отговаря на много условия: да е евтина, суха, да не подпомага бактериалния растеж, да не съдържа патогенни микроорганизми, да е удобна за почивка на кравите и да е съвместима със системата за почистване на сградите. Доказано е, че увеличените количества постеля увеличават комфорта на кравата чрез времето за лежане, обаче контролирането на броя на бактериите и здравето на вимето изискват чест отстраняване на материала за постеля. Най-широко използваните в света материали за постеля в млечното говедовъдство могат да се групират в две основни групи: органични: слама, сено (изсушена трева), дървени стърготини, талаш, остатъци от растителни култури, компостиран тор, хартия. Неорганични: пясък, варовик, гипс, гумени постелки и матраци, цимент. При избор на постеля, първо трябва да се има предвид комфортът, който тя ще осигури на животните, след това дали ще съответства правилно на системата за почистване на оборския тор и не на последно място цената, която ще струва

    Through a glass darkly: new perspectives on the equity gap

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    Invited paper to the European Commission programme Gate2Growth Academic Network, Barcelona, October 2004. Second prize winner (European best paper award in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Finance).European Commission programme Gate2Growt

    Augmented Reality as a Method for Expanded Presentation of Objects of Digitized Heritage

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    Augmented reality is the latest among information technologies in modern electronics industry. The essence is in the addition of advanced computer graphics in real and/or digitized images. This paper gives a brief analysis of the concept and the approaches to implementing augmented reality for an expanded presentation of a digitized object of national cultural and/or scientific heritage. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.5.1, H.5.3, I.3.7

    “One tiny drop changes everything”: Constructing opportunity with words

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