11 research outputs found

    New Method for Estimation Mean Hydrological Changes and Question of Reliability in Forecasting Future Hydrological Regimes

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    AbstractImportant hydrological changes are observed in Serbia, as well as in many parts of the world. Many national and international projects and studies address climate change and its impact on water resources. Some focus solely on the impact of climate change, while others also assess the impact of land use changes and/or changes in human use of water. Due to differences in climate change and human activities, the different climate and hydrological trends are obtained for the different regions in Serbia.This paper presents the past longterm temperature, precipitation and river discharge trends across Serbia. Second, more important aim of the research, is to assess and forecast average relationships between an increase in air temperature and changes in river discharges and precipitation. This relation could help us to find appropriate regional climate and hydrological models.Even within a single catchment, depending on the regional models used, the initial and other assumptions made, and the impacts assessed, the differences between the results can be small but often significant, too. The reliability of the projections receives little or no consideration. This paper also discusses this topic and attempts to provide some guidelines

    Phyllosphere Fungal Communities of Plum and Antifungal Activity of Indigenous Phenazine-Producing Pseudomonas synxantha Against Monilinia laxa

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    European plum (Prunus domestica L.) is a significant commercial crop in Serbia in terms of total fruit production, and is traditionally processed into slivovitz brandy. The brown rot disease caused by Monilinia laxa drastically reduces plum yield almost every year. Fungal communities associated with leaves and fruits of four local Serbian plum cultivars (Požegača, Ranka, Čačanska Lepotica and Čačanska Rodna) were investigated in two phenological stages during early (May) and late (July) fruit maturation. Alpha diversity indices showed that fungal communities were heterogeneous and Beta diversity indicated that autochthonous fungal communities depended upon seasonal changes and the cultivars themselves. The phylum Ascomycota was the most abundant in all samples, with relative abundance (RA) between 46% in the Požegača cultivar (May) and 89% in the Lepotica cultivar (July). The most abundant genus for all plum cultivars in May was Aureobasidium, with RA from 19.27 to 33.69%, followed by Cryptococcus, with 4.8 to 48.80%. In July, besides Cryptococcus, different genera (Metschnikowia, Fusarium, and Hanseniaspora) were dominant on particular cultivars. Among all cultivable fungi, molecular identification of eleven M. laxa isolates from four plum cultivars was performed simultaneously. Bacterial isolates from the plum phyllosphere were tested for their potential antifungal activity against indigenous M. laxa isolates. The most potent antagonist P4/16_1, which significantly reduced mycelial growth of M. laxa, was identified as Pseudomonas synxantha. Further characterization of P4/16_1 revealed the production of volatile organic compounds and phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA). Crude benzene extract of PCA exhibited 57–63% mycelial growth inhibition of M. laxa. LC/MS analysis of the crude extract confirmed the presence of phenazine derivatives amongst other compounds. Scanning electron microscopy revealed morpho-physiological changes in the hyphae of M. laxa isolates caused by the cell culture and the P. synxantha P4/16_1 crude benzene extract. This is the first report of antagonistic activity of P. synxantha against M. laxa induced by diffusible and volatile antifungal compounds, and it appears to be a promising candidate for further investigation for potential use as a biocontrol agent against brown rot-causing fungi.Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3730

    Hemijski sastav i inhibitorna aktivnost odabranih etarskih ulja na gljive izolovane sa lekovitog bilja

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    In recent years great attention was paid to biological control, the application of natural products in order to protect crops and medicinal plants against contamination with phytopathogenic and saprophytic fungi. Essential oils have been evaluated as a potentially safe replacement for chemicals used for that purpose. In this regard, antifungal potential of six essential oils was examined coupled with determination of the complete qualitative and quantitative chemical composition by GC-FID and GC-MS analysis. While essential oils of rosemary, sage, Spanish sage and black pepper were exclusively composed of monoterpenes, vetiver essential oil was entirely composed of sesquiterpenes. In essential oil of cinnamon dominates (E)-cinnamaldehyde. Applying the in vitro microdilution method, it was found that all essential oils were active in inhibiting the growth of all tested 21 pre- and post-harvest phytopathogenic and saprophytic fungi. MIC and MFC ranged from 1.2 mg ml-1 up to 22.6 mg ml-1 according to the test oil. Rosemary oil showed the best antifungal potential, followed by black pepper and cinnamon oil. Sage and Spanish sage oils also exhibited significant antifungal potential. Vetiver oil demonstrated the lowest antifungal activity. Essential oils that showed considerable antifungal potential are good candidates for further examination of their use in preventing and/or protection of medicinal plants, their seeds and dried drugs against fungal infections, both in the field and in warehouses.Poslednjih godina velika pažnja poklanja se biološkoj kontroli to jest primeni prirodnih produkata u zaštiti, kako poljoprivrednih kultura, tako i lekovitog bilja od kontaminacije fitopatogenim i saprofitnim gljivama. U tom smislu, ispitivan je antifungalni potencijal šest etarskih ulja uz određivanje kompletnog kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog hemijskog sastava primenom GC-FID i GC-MS analiza. Dok se korišćeni uzorci etarskih ulja ruzmarina, žalfije, španske žalfije i crnog bibera isključivo sastoje od monoterpena, u ulju vetivera potpuno dominiraju seskviterpeni. U etarskom ulju cimeta najzastupljenija komponneta je bila (E)- cinemaldehid. Primenom in vitro mikrodilucione metode, utvrđeno je da su sva ulja bila aktivna u inhibiciji rasta 21 testirane, pre- i post-žetvene, fitopatogene i saprofitne gljive, sa razlikama u efikasnosti. MIC i MFC vrednosti su varirale u opsegu od 1,2 mg ml-1 do 22,6 mg ml-1, u zavisnosti od ispitivanog ulja. Najbolja antifungalna aktivnost utvrđena je za ulje ruzmarina, nešto slabija za ulja crnog bibera i cimeta, dok je ulje vetivera ispoljilo najslabiju aktivnost. Etarska ulja obe vrste žalfija ispoljila su značajan antifungalni potencijal. Etarska ulja koja poseduju značajan antifungalni potencijal su dobri kandidati za nastavak istraživanja u pravcu njihove primene u prevenciji i zaštiti useva lekovitog bilja, kao i njihovih semena i osušenih biljnih droga od gljivičnih infekcija, i u polju i u skladištima

    Chemical composition and inhibitory activity of selected essential oils against fungi isolated from medicinal plants

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    In recent years great attention was paid to biological control, the application of natural products in order to protect crops and medicinal plants against contamination with phytopathogenic and saprophytic fungi. Essential oils have been evaluated as a potentially safe replacement for chemicals used for that purpose. In this regard, antifungal potential of six essential oils was examined coupled with determination of the complete qualitative and quantitative chemical composition by GC-FID and GC-MS analysis. While essential oils of rosemary, sage, Spanish sage and black pepper were exclusively composed of monoterpenes, vetiver essential oil was entirely composed of sesquiterpenes. In essential oil of cinnamon dominates (E)-cinnamaldehyde. Applying the in vitro microdilution method, it was found that all essential oils were active in inhibiting the growth of all tested 21 pre- and post-harvest phytopathogenic and saprophytic fungi. MIC and MFC ranged from 1.2 mg ml-1 up to 22.6 mg ml-1 according to the test oil. Rosemary oil showed the best antifungal potential, followed by black pepper and cinnamon oil. Sage and Spanish sage oils also exhibited significant antifungal potential. Vetiver oil demonstrated the lowest antifungal activity. Essential oils that showed considerable antifungal potential are good candidates for further examination of their use in preventing and/or protection of medicinal plants, their seeds and dried drugs against fungal infections, both in the field and in warehouses.Poslednjih godina velika pažnja poklanja se biološkoj kontroli to jest primeni prirodnih produkata u zaštiti, kako poljoprivrednih kultura, tako i lekovitog bilja od kontaminacije fitopatogenim i saprofitnim gljivama. U tom smislu, ispitivan je antifungalni potencijal šest etarskih ulja uz određivanje kompletnog kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog hemijskog sastava primenom GC-FID i GC-MS analiza. Dok se korišćeni uzorci etarskih ulja ruzmarina, žalfije, španske žalfije i crnog bibera isključivo sastoje od monoterpena, u ulju vetivera potpuno dominiraju seskviterpeni. U etarskom ulju cimeta najzastupljenija komponneta je bila (E)- cinemaldehid. Primenom in vitro mikrodilucione metode, utvrđeno je da su sva ulja bila aktivna u inhibiciji rasta 21 testirane, pre- i post-žetvene, fitopatogene i saprofitne gljive, sa razlikama u efikasnosti. MIC i MFC vrednosti su varirale u opsegu od 1,2 mg ml-1 do 22,6 mg ml-1, u zavisnosti od ispitivanog ulja. Najbolja antifungalna aktivnost utvrđena je za ulje ruzmarina, nešto slabija za ulja crnog bibera i cimeta, dok je ulje vetivera ispoljilo najslabiju aktivnost. Etarska ulja obe vrste žalfija ispoljila su značajan antifungalni potencijal. Etarska ulja koja poseduju značajan antifungalni potencijal su dobri kandidati za nastavak istraživanja u pravcu njihove primene u prevenciji i zaštiti useva lekovitog bilja, kao i njihovih semena i osušenih biljnih droga od gljivičnih infekcija, i u polju i u skladištima.Projekat ministarstva br. III 46013 i br. OI 1730

    The pygidial gland secretion of Laemostenus punctatus (Coleoptera, Carabidae): a source of natural agents with antimicrobial, anti-adhesive, and anti-invasive activities

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    In the present study, we investigated in vitro the antimicrobial activity of the pygidial gland secretion of the guanophilic ground beetle Laemostenus (Pristonychus) punctatus (Dejean, 1828) and some of its chemicals against resistant and non-resistant bacteria and Candida species, the synergistic and additive potential of combinations of selected chemicals and antimicrobial drugs against resistant bacterial and fungal strains, anti-adhesive and anti-invasive potential of the secretion and formic acid alone and in selected combinations with antimicrobial drugs against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) toward spontaneously immortalized human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT cells). In addition, we examined the antiproliferative activity of the secretion and formic acid in vitro. The tested secretion and the standards of formic and oleic acids possessed a significant level of antimicrobial potential against all tested strains (P < 0.05). The isolate from guano Pseudomonas monteilii showed the highest resistance to the secretion and formic acid, while MRSA achieved a significantly high level of susceptibility to all agents tested, particularly to the combinations of formic acid and antibiotics, but at the same time showed a certain level of resistance to the antibiotics tested individually. Candida albicans and C. tropicalis were found to be the most sensitive fungal strains to the secretion. Formic acid (MIC 0.0005 mg/mL) and gentamicin (MIC 0.0010 mg/mL) in the mixture achieved synergistic antibacterial activity against MRSA (FICI = 0.5, P < 0.05). The combination of formic acid, gentamicin and ampicillin accomplished an additive effect against this resistant bacterial strain (FICI = 1.5, P < 0.05). The secretion achieved a better inhibitory effect on the adhesion ability of MRSA toward HaCaT cells compared to formic acid alone, while formic acid showed better results regarding the invasion (P < 0.001). The combinations of gentamicin and ampicillin, as well as of formic acid and gentamicin and ampicillin achieved similar anti-adhesive and anti-invasive effects, with a slight advantage of formic acid and antibiotics in combination (P < 0.001). The secretion and formic acid were found to be non-toxic to HaCaT cells in vitro (IC50 ≥ 401 μg/mL)


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    In recent years great attention was paid to biological control, the application of natural products in order to protect crops and medicinal plants against contamination with phytopathogenic and saprophytic fungi. Essential oils have been evaluated as a potentially safe replacement for chemicals used for that purpose. In this regard, antifungal potential of six essential oils was examined coupled with determination of the complete qualitative and quantitative chemical composition by GC-FID and GC-MS analysis. While essential oils of rosemary, sage, Spanish sage and black pepper were exclusively composed of monoterpenes, vetiver essential oil was entirely composed of sesquiterpenes. In essential oil of cinnamon dominates (E)-cinnamaldehyde. Applying the in vitro microdilution method, it was found that all essential oils were active in inhibiting the growth of all tested 21 pre- and post-harvest phytopathogenic and saprophytic fungi. MIC and MFC ranged from 1.2 mg ml-1 up to 22.6 mg ml-1 according to the test oil. Rosemary oil showed the best antifungal potential, followed by black pepper and cinnamon oil. Sage and Spanish sage oils also exhibited significant antifungal potential. Vetiver oil demonstrated the lowest antifungal activity. Essential oils that showed considerable antifungal potential are good candidates for further examination of their use in preventing and/or protection of medicinal plants, their seeds and dried drugs against fungal infections, both in the field and in warehouses

    Observed Climate and Hydrologic Changes in Serbia—What Has Changed in the Last Ten Years

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    Detection of changes in observed meteorological and hydrological changes are of the great interest for water sector. This paper presents the most recent findings relevant for trend examination in observed datasets for precipitation (P), temperature (T) and river discharge (Q) for selected stations across the Republic of Serbia. In addition, correlations of the observed variations in average Q with detected changes in observed average T are comprehensively evaluated. Similar study were done for period 1949–2006, which was the most convenient period due to data availability during the first research step (2008–2010), and these finding were presented at the EWAS2. The new research phase that includes last 10 years (2007–2016), for annual data sets for T, P and Q is ongoing based on methodology developed in the First step of research. This paper presents the most recent results and discuss does earlier registered T, P and Q trends have the same pattern or some new phenomenon has been observed across Serbia in the last 10 years

    Observed Climate and Hydrologic Changes in Serbia—What Has Changed in the Last Ten Years

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    Detection of changes in observed meteorological and hydrological changes are of the great interest for water sector. This paper presents the most recent findings relevant for trend examination in observed datasets for precipitation (P), temperature (T) and river discharge (Q) for selected stations across the Republic of Serbia. In addition, correlations of the observed variations in average Q with detected changes in observed average T are comprehensively evaluated. Similar study were done for period 1949–2006, which was the most convenient period due to data availability during the first research step (2008–2010), and these finding were presented at the EWAS2. The new research phase that includes last 10 years (2007–2016), for annual data sets for T, P and Q is ongoing based on methodology developed in the First step of research. This paper presents the most recent results and discuss does earlier registered T, P and Q trends have the same pattern or some new phenomenon has been observed across Serbia in the last 10 years

    Alluvial Water Source Capacity under the Climate Change and Other Impacts—Case Study of the Pek River in Serbia

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    River discharge changes, in addition to natural variability, depend on several factors. Three factors are the most important: climate change (CC), changes in human use of water (HU), and land use changes (LU). River discharge has hydraulic connection with its alluvial sources and both are sensitive to climate and other changes. Alluvial water sources (ALWSs) are often used for water supplying purposes. The question is what could we expect in the future? Are they more or less sensible on climate change and other two factors, compare to river discharge changes, or it differ from case to case